Jonah M., Age 10
Tribe of Levi

Have you ever wanted to learn the amazing ancient language of Hebrew? Great! At Camp Gilgal Hebrew class, you cut out pages to make Hebrew class books and fill it out to get enough stamps to earn prizes. “It’s fun because you get to learn new words” says Urijah. Sometimes we get to make shrinky dinks. Shrinky dinks are like necklaces where you take a thin piece of plastic and sand it so that it becomes rough. That way you can write on it with colored pencils. Then we put them in the oven and they shrink!

So, let’s dig a little deeper into Hebrew. “What do you mean by prizes?” you might ask. Well you have to earn prizes by learning Hebrew words like ahk-bar mean which means mouse and ah-yeet which means eagle. These are only small parts of all the fun things we do at Camp Gilgal.