Petting zoo3Shoshana S., Age 12
Tribe of Asher

The sun was shining down on the bright green leaves surrounding the stairs of doom. Emily, Selah, Olive, and I were headed to the beach, but on the way we decided to stop at the petting zoo. At the petting zoo, two Cran-Hill Ranch staff were using baby bottles filled with milk to feed six adorable, fluffy lambs. They invited us inside the pen and handed each of us a baby bottle. They told us to tip the bottle straight up so that there weren’t any air bubbles. They also warned us to be careful because the lambs can sometimes get forceful when trying to get the milk. My favorite lamb was a mini brown and white one named Freckles. He was so tiny and adorable. He was the smallest and it was really fun feeding him. All of the lambs felt so soft. The fluffiest one was named Jazz, and when I fed him he kept circling around me. I must have circled about twenty times before I gave up and let the staff finish feeding him. I can’t wait to go back to the petting zoo!