by Joshua B. age 10

Tribe of Naphtali

The names of the members of my tribe are Isaac, Lyrit, Ryan and Lev! My tribe leader’s names are Oofnick, Ewok, and Yamaha. We have a lot of fun together, eat together and play together. My favorite activity that we do together is swimming! My friend Isaac says his favorite part of being in the tribe was decorating the cabin. Wells Fargo was Lyrit’s favorite activity. In our tribe we help each other clean up and help each other do things together. My tribe leader Yamaha loves to sing with the campers. Every single day when we lineup we come up with a lot of things, something funny.  During FOB is when we have the most fun, we sit really quiet and do other things that are fun. Ewok and Oofnick are normally sleeping but Yamaha only sleeps sometimes. Ryan says his favorite part about the tribe is FOB! Because he gets to eat his candy. It is fun as we try to do the memory verse for points for the Tribe of the Year. It is fun to talk to my new friends after camp is done. We are family and we work together no matter what! And leave no man behind!