Josh L., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

After Streetlight announces it is Utensil Night everyone gathers in the dining hall. Onyx brings out a big pot full of random utensils, and everyone reaches in and grabs a utensil without lookUtensil-night2sming. I see some people getting spatulas, big spoons, slotted spoons, whisks, etc. The lucky people get plastic forks. Isaiah says he got a big spatula with a wooden handle and had a really hard time eating with it. He says he scooped the food up and ate off the spatula. Sam says he got a spatula. Also he says he had an easy time eating. He scooped up the food and sucked it off. I got a small spoon and had a hard time eating. For dessert there is chocolate cake that is really good. The only bad thing is if you have a hard-to-eat utensil. Utensil Night can be hard, messy and sticky, but there is no more fun than having to eat with a whisk. The End.