Once a part of the Camp Gilgal family, always a part of the Camp Gilgal family.

Category: Teen Camp West

Camp Gilgal West Teen Camp (July 14-20, 2013)

God’s Grace is Sufficient2013-cg-logo-on-white-rgb-300x104

(2 Corinthians 12:9)

“The Lord said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!

Campers: Abbey M., Amanda R., Benjamin R., Conner G., Eliana S., Elias B., Elliot K., Emmanuel R., Emeth P., Evan S., Isaac J., Jeremiah H., Jacob B., Josh L., Joshua R., Julia K., Kezia M., Leia B., Lindsay M., Logan G., Louisa G., Matt L., Mia C., Nathan P., Olivia P., Reuven R., Sarah K., Skye R., Vika S.

Staff: Acorn, Java, Pregunta, Sauté, Snapple, Snorkel, Sonic, Super Duck

Out-of-cabin: Moose, Streetlight, Waffles

Hike to Sentinel Dome

Joshua R., Age 15

The hike to Sentinel Dome was nothing short of amazing. As I hiked up the trail I observed many sights. Strong wind blowing in the pine trees, creating the sound like rushing water, large boulders that dwarfed the tallest of campers, and beautiful flowers that brightened the lanHike to Sentinal Dome2dscape. When I halted halfway on the trail, I breathed in the fresh scent of the pines. This gave me the will to keep pushing forward. At Sentinel Dome’s base I paused. The monstrous base seemed to stretch on forever. Although I didn’t want to continue I heard the victorious cries of other campers. This drove me to move on. As I walked up Sentinel Dome’s elevation the wind gained power and speed. I began walking faster up the dome, the wind now whipping at incredible speeds. My breathing grew faster as I continued to move faster. I reached the top and gasped, forgetting my fatigue as I stared at the view in awe. In front of me was a shocking view of mountain ranges that looked to go on for infinity. The main mountain that caught my eye was El Capitan. El Capitan had many curves and was steep. Right beside it was a waterfall with water constantly gushing down. I turned around to see Half Dome. Standing there I had no doubt in my mind of a Creator who created and molded the mountains in His unique design. I asked Snapple what her favorite part of the hike was. Snapple’s response to my question was the simulation of flight on the top of Sentinel Dome. I then asked Super Duck what his favorite part of the hike to Sentinel Dome was. He responded his favorite part was seeing God’s glory in it all. I then asked Sonic the same question. Sonic responded that it was the beautiful view that captivated him.

Bass Lake

Leia B., Age 14

Bass Lake this year at teen camp was a one-of-a-kind experience. At Bass Lake we go jet skiing, riding a banana, swimming, and there is even a store to buy stuff in. After the really fun ride in Streetlight’s van we finally arrived. Once we settled in, Sonic started signing people up to go on the banana pulled by a ski boat and jet skiing. I got signed up for a banana and jet ski right away. While on the banana boat we were going pretty fast, but we didn’t even hit a wave and I still flew right off. Eliana says it looked like I did a cartwheel. After that Eliana and I went on a jet ski with Acorn. Acorn’s jet ski went super-fast and being on it was definitely the highlight of my day. Overall I had an amazing time at Bass Lake and I know all the other campers did too.


Sarah K., Age 15

I have been a part of Camp Gilgal for eight years and I can honestly say my favorite part of camp is worship. I love the songs that we sing and the messages have so much meaning to them. It really makes you wonder just how much God loves us.

Every day during Tabernacle/worship we always start off by singing at least three songs. There are many wonderful songs at camp but a few of the campers favorite songs artabernacle2e by far “Cannons,“ “To Our God” and “Psalm 23.” These three songs are just so beautiful and when we are singing these songs you can really hear the emotion everybody puts into their voices when they sing them. When they sing you can really tell it comes from the heart.

Next we usually say the Sh’ma, then lastly the teaching. Now the teaching is the most important part of Tabernacle. This week the messages have talked about 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, which is actually our memory verse for this year, and we also talked about Jacob and how he stole his brother’s blessing and when he wrestled with God. In 2 Corinthians it talks about how God’s power is made perfect in weakness. Streetlight explained to us that we don’t have to be ashamed of our weaknesses and that if it weren’t for those weaknesses there would have been no way for God’s light to shine through us.

Tabernacle is so special. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. And never forget that God loves you and cares for you. Whenever you are weak then you are strong.

Capture the Degel

Elias B., Age 13

Capture the Degal2When we started Capture the Degel, we decided to place our degel and jail on top of a hill. Our strategy was to have one wave of offense and a strong widespread defense. We defended from the road, not allowing anyone through but no one came. We decided it would be a good idea to travel down the line and see their degel’s position. The position it was in was near the cabins, behind the ladies’ “luxury” cabin. Me and Matt had decided to go deep in the woods to make an attempt to flank the defenders from the degel. Then we realized that there was barbed wire blocking us off from the dirt road behind the cabins, which was where the degel was. Matt decided to break off and go for jailbreak, but instead was jailed. I went up from behind, called a jailbreak, and Matt was free and went to the degel circle, grabbed the flag, ran for his life and won. Reuven says that it was a lot of fun but he didn’t get in much of the action.

Giving Thanks to God through Benching

Conner G., Age 14Giving thanks to God through Benching2

Benching is a Jewish tradition that gives thanks to God after a meal. We sing to thank Him for providing nourishment for all creatures on earth. I enjoy benching because it is a fun way to show our thanks to God. As part of my benching report, I decided to ask some of our Camp Gilgal staff about their thoughts on benching.

Moose: “I love benching! It’s a tradition started by Streetlight at teen camp last year, and I hope it continues.”

Super Duck: “I think benching is a great way to get together after a meal. It’s awesome to participate in such a fun Jewish tradition. I’ve only done it for the few times here at camp, but it’s a really good way, I think, to give thanks to God after a meal.”

Simba: “I think that benching is good because it’s a fun thing to do after a meal and it is a tradition from our ancestors, so that’s cool… and I like how everyone gets to bang on the tables.”

Pregunta: “I think benching is a really cool tradition because it can unite Jewish believers and non-believers alike. It’s also a great way to bring the camp together and practice some Hebrew.”

It would seem everyone’s thoughts on this subject are similar. Benching is a fun way to thank God for providing food for His earthly creations. We all gather together and participate in this Jewish tradition. Benching really brings joy to the entire camp, and it really is something to look forward to each day.

Day at the Lake

Ben R., Age 14

Each year at teen camp, all the campers and the staff go to a large lake about twenty minutes from camp. Once on the lake, there are many various activities you can do. Scattered arouDay at the lake2nd the lake are large wooden platforms that are tied down under rocks. People are allowed to take these platforms deeper into the lake, which often leads to an extremely large and fun game of king-of-the-hill. People can also ride jet skis, a banana pulled by a ski boat, wakeboards, water skis, and more. There was also a store where you could get a variety of delicious drinks, including freezes, which are any flavor of soda or fruit mixed with vanilla ice cream. They’re probably the most delicious thing on the menu. The jet skis are fun, just as long as you don’t lose the key in the middle of the lake, which happened to me personally. “Definitely not the best idea,” says Simba, the staff member who was driving the jet ski. We were stuck out there for ten minutes longer until a boat came along with a zip tie and got the engine started for us. The banana was fun, and on the first spill, I accidentally hit a friend in the face. Overall, Bass Lake was an extremely fun experience that any camper can enjoy.

Why God is Great

Emeth P., Age 14

I was awed when I stood on Sentinel Dome. I’d been to Yosemite before, but this time I began to notice how amazing God is. How could anybody or anything put as much planning into creating the pWhy God is great2ark let alone the world? I couldn’t comprehend how God would be patient enough to make the world. I was thrilled to spend my first year of teen camp somewhere so amazing. I don’t think I’ll ever understand God’s amazing creations. I asked Super Duck his opinion on some questions:

Q: How do you think God could plan and design something so beautiful and amazing, as well as have the patience to do so?
A: Because God is all powerful and takes pride in His creation, and He likes to make things beautiful.

Q: Are you glad God made this for you?
A: I am really glad He made it because it’s a good reminder of how great and glorious He is, and that He is our God.

Q: Do you want to go back to it?
A: Yes, it was great and I really enjoyed it.

Crazy Pond

Elliot K., Age 13

There is this freezing cold place that may or may not be pleasant. Crazy Pond2This place is called Polar Bear Pond. This is a tiny pond that is super cold. There is a zip line going across it. Some people won’t make it across. If they don’t make it they will be pulled back, and if they do make it they just walk. Sometimes they let go because they want to. The people who jumped in and sometimes stayed in were called the brotherhood or sisterhood. When I was chilling in the pond with a few other guys, Moose charged in with normal clothes and not a bathing suit. Sadly, Moose lost his belt buckle. We tried finding it, but we did not succeed. After a few times, someone splashed the person on the zip line. Another time I went on with Josh L. and stayed in until someone fell off. Josh also let me pull him into the pond while he was on the zip line. Now I will ask Josh some things about how he “enjoyed” it: 

Q: What was the best part about Polar Bear Pond?
A: The zip line, so that you can fall into the pond.

Q: What was the least favorite part?
A: The long line to wait for the zip line.

The Polar Bear Pond is a very strange pond.

Initiatives: The Fun-Ness

Jacob B., Age 15

Initiatives were a fun but challenging course and event that campers used to face their fears and learn to Initiatives the Fun-ness2work as a team. These events took place over two days. The first day was all about facing your fears. There were three things to do. The first thing was a giant swing that you had to climb up forty feet before you get to the top, and then you free fall down on a swing.

The second and third initiatives had balance and heights involved. The second activity was a trapeze. You would climb up twenty feet and jump for a rope or pull up bar. The third was a ropes course that consisted of multiple ropes, each one getting harder than the last. Then at the end is the best part – a really, really, really, super duper, awesome, amazing, steep, long, cool, exciting zip line.

Those are the cool activities of the initiatives. Each one was a little different than the other. Each one a little bit harder than the last for different people. Evan S. had this to say: “I thought it was really fun and I thought that it showed who the leaders were.” This is just an example of how fun initiatives really are.

Funtasticly Fun Flume

Funtastically fun flume2Nathan P., Age 13

We went on something called the flume in camp. I interviewed Emmanuel about this particular topic. Emmanuel said it filled his eyes with tears from his excitement. I also interviewed myself about the flume. I said I was sooooo terrified in the beginning and almost passed out, but in the end it filled me with the most joy I ever experienced. I bet you all are wondering what a flume is? Well, the flume is just a humongous water slide that drops you into a pond. Before entering the flume you must get hosed off by a hose, then you jump on the flume and enjoy the ride. Once at the end of the flume, there’s a drop that’s about seven feet and throws you out about twelve feet. After being flung into the pond, you must swim through the algae-infested water. After you have ridden the flume you have to go back on again because you just loved it soooo much and it filled you with so much joy and excitement.

Air Diving

Isaac J., Age 13

On Monday, the men went on the giant swing and trapeze, and the ladies went on the zip line and ropes course.

The giant swing is about forty feet off the ground, and is reached by climbing up the side of a tree with metal rings attached to the side.

You use the commands and responses, “belay” and “on belay” to tell if the harness is attached to the wire, “climbing” and “climb on” to tell if it is safe to climb, and “off belay” and “the belay is off” to tell if the Air diving2harness is detached from the wire.

Once you have finished climbing the tree, you climb onto the wooden platform attached to the side of the tree and detach your harness from the wire.

After you disconnect, the staff member working the swing connects you to three swing wires.

Although you do not go very fast, you are pretty high up, and it was really hot, so the wind felt amazing.

Also, I really connected with Allie, the one who helped you climb the tree, and her friend Bekah, who helped with the rock climbing wall. Everyone was cheering and encouraging the people that went up on the swing, so I felt like it was an experience that really brought everyone together. Sonic said, “It was fun watching people who were scared of heights conquer their fears by climbing up and swinging.” The giant swing was awesome, and so is teen camp!

Wall Scaling

Emmanuel R., Age 13Wall scaling2

The rock wall is one of the many things there is to do at teen camp for this summer. It starts off by getting harnessed into a sling that goes around your waist and thighs and you also have to wear a helmet. You get belayed and say the commands, “belay on” and “climbing.” The wall can be hard or easy depending on what sector of the wall you decide to climb. The right side is easiest and the left is difficult. It takes a lot of upper body strength to climb the hard levels of the wall. Most times you get stuck and have nowhere to put your legs to push up and over. The wall is really fun and promotes courage, will power and determination to get the job done. Once you get to the top of the wall there is Scripture to read aloud to encourage your friends. Also there is a bell which you tap to signify that you have reached the top and hearing the bell ring makes you confident in yourself and you can cheer on others as they climb. The rock wall is something I look forward to next year at camp.

I asked Isaac about how he felt about climbing the wall. “I thought it was easy because I went on the easy side and harder on the harder side.”

Fun in the Sun

Julia K., Age 14

The most epic, most terrifying event of all teen camp, so dangerous that only the brave few will ever try it… steering on the paddle boats. But doing the actual paddling is pretty scary, too. Even the canoes have a small thrill to them. However, it is the paddle boats paddling on the small lake that claim all the most gnarly and epic stories. Mia C. shares her story:  “When I came on the dFun in the Sun2ock to board the boat, I expected a leisurely boat ride. However, the reality turned out to be a highly controlled situation after Julia hijacked the wheel. No amount of reason or force could make her budge.”

Clearly boating, especially paddle boating, is a highly intense pastime. However, for those less daring ones, relaxing on the lake is also available. There is always entertainment in watching riders slide down the newly built flume and shade also provides a way to relax. However, be wary of anybody in a canoe!  They often like to splash.

Any time of the day, boating is enjoyable, relaxing, and intense, though not exactly in that order. Every year the lake is always crowded with excited campers. Louisa G. testifies to this:  “It was a lot of fun. We raced another paddleboat and won! It was a good workout for the legs and I suggest it for everyone in the years to come.”

No matter what your mood, boating is a perfect way to pass the time. Whether canoeing or paddle boating or even the flume, the lake is a fun place to be.


Skye R., Age 14

Today we did initiativesTeamwork2. Initiatives are group obstacles you have to get through working together. We have one big group girls cabin, so we split into two groups. My group went first for the first initiative. The first initiative was the “Spider Web.” It was a bunch of different thin ropes tied into different shapes. The lowest part was about two feet off the ground. The goal is to get everyone in the group to the other side but the catch is that everyone has to go through a different hole. A few people on each team have “disabilities.” For instance, you can only use one leg or you can’t talk. I was lifted through one of the top holes in the “spider web” and it was really fun but hard. The next initiative we did included getting across three platforms only using two wooden boards. We couldn’t touch the ground and the boards or we would have to start over. At first it was difficult to find a strategy but then we had a plan all the way through. I asked Amanda what she liked best and she said it was really fun to figure out how to go through the “spider web.” I am so excited to do initiatives next year.

Facing Fears

Facing fears2Olivia P., Age 13

When I first walked on to the rock climbing course I thought to myself, “There is no way I can do this. I am way too afraid of heights.” I was talking to other campers and they were encouraging me to face my fears and get on the rock wall. I thought about it and before I could think any longer I was strapping into a harness and put on a helmet.

After I was in the harness and had my helmet on I sat and watched my friend Lindsay, who is also afraid of heights, reach the top and ring the bell. I asked Lindsay how it was afterwards and she said, “Afterwards I felt accomplished that I faced my fear of heights, and that I tried new things to get me out of my comfort zone.” Hearing that from Lindsay really gave me confidence.

I walked up to the rock wall and stood there patiently as the instructor clipped me onto the rope. After I was clipped in I began climbing. I made it past the first set of rocks and everybody was cheering me on. Their encouragement really helped me to go further and further, and eventually I made it to the top and rang the bell. I felt so accomplished and I would’ve never been able to make it to the top without the encouragement of the other campers.

Field Games

Vika S., Age 14

On our first day of camp we spent our evening hours playing many intense field games. The first thing we did to introduce ourselves was the “Name Game.” In the “Name Game” everyone must say their name, favorite food, and fun fact while spelling their name with their rear ends. Following this game we played “Boom Chicka Boom Boom.” Sauté was the start and all along a big circle everyone looked to the left to see what dance move was being passed along. After these slower games the real intense ones began.

Field games2The first of two crazy games we played was an epic game of “Steal the Turkey Bacon.” But instead of using bacon we used various items such as shoes, Frisbees, and soccer balls. Streetlight and Moose tried to keep score but were so wrapped up in the game and there were so many rounds that we lost count and there was no winner. There were many times where the campers had to wrestle it out for the “bacon.” I asked Amanda what she thought and she said, “It was a really fun night and I especially liked ‘Steal the Turkey Bacon’ since it was so intense.”

The last game of the night was a game of Hadov Rotz, which is like “Sharks and Minnows,” but instead of sharks they were bears. Our very first bear was Skye and the goal of the bear is to get as many campers running across the field as possible. After a camper is tagged they also become a bear and try to tag remaining campers. Slowly the number of campers dwindled down and all that was left was Sonic. He was caught and we played one more round. Hadov Rotz was the last game of the night and everyone enjoyed playing the fun field games. Almost everyone participated and it was just a great first night at camp that ended with listening to Java’s testimony and spending time outside all together.

High Ropes/Rope Course

Louisa G., Age 14

Monday morning after Tabernacle, Streetlight tells us to put on longer shorts/pants, closed-toed shoes, and sunscreen. We ended up getting taken to where there are a few different courses. The men of camp went to a giant swing and a trapeze. The girls got to go to a high rope course.

It started by us putting on harnesses and helmets. We got partnereHigh Ropes.Ropes course2d and one partner at a time would attach white ropes (tails to their harnesses). There was a triangle of cable around a few trees and we had to practice taking our tails on and off. One had to be on the cable at all times just in case we fall on the course. Also, the tails had to be hooked on oppositely. We also had to say commands to our partners. While we are changing the tails to somewhere else, we say “switching,” and the partner would say “watching.” We then have to move the tail around for making sure it’s safe and say “slide test.” Partner says “thank you.” After this, someone demonstrated the course. There are four parts to it. One is just walking along a rope and holding on to the side ones. The second is walking along a rope again but leaning onto one rope for balance. The third is walking along a long rope with no balance. Fourth is climbing across a rope “X.” Between each of these are transitions. You have to take the tails off and on for switching to the different part of the course. After all of these, there’s a zip line you go on to get off. One partner at a time would go on the course while the other is watching. To get on a platform to start the course, there’s a rope you have to climb on. Every camper at least tried the course and faced their fears.

I interviewed Julia K. to see what she thought about the course and she said, “It was fun, it was high, it was easy and it was fun.”

The Tribe of “Snaggletooth”

The Tribe of Snaggletooth2Matt L., Age 15

This year I had the pleasure of staying in the cabin of Azalea! I have never been in a cabin quite like this one. First off, the men in the cabin all like to argue and debate, so getting a bunch of men together for devotions can be kinda crazy! Other than the arguing the cabin is really swell! In an interview with Emeth P., he said that he would describe our cabin as “confusing” if using only one word. Our cabin leaders were Sonic and Super Duck. Both were awesome. I feel that God really used our cabin this year. I really felt that each and every other guy in the cabin was my brother. We were all very supportive of each other and loving! The tribe leaders were also very supportive and willing to talk about anything! One of our most memorable moments is when we were doing devotions. We spent about two hours debating on some theological things. I’m sad to be leaving camp this year, but I’m very excited to be returning next year at adventure camp! I love camp and I always will!

New Campers

Lindsay M., Age 14

New Campers2This is my second year of teen camp, and there are many new campers. Some came from junior camp and moved to teen camp because of age. Others came for different reasons. I’m going to interview Olivia, Mia, Nathan and Elliot about their experiences so far at teen camp. Elliot said that at junior camp there is kind of a similar schedule each day. At teen camp, he said, “You never know what to expect. It gets so confusing!” Next I asked Olivia what she thought of teen camp compared to junior camp. “She said, “We pack a lot more fun into one week than the two weeks at junior camp.” Nathan had said that at junior camp, there is a lot more control, and at teen camp, you have a lot more freedom. Mia said she likes teen camp a lot more but she wishes it was longer. She likes it better than junior camp because everyone is around the same age and that everyone can relate to one another. The new campers that I interviewed all enjoy both junior and teen camp. But in the end, I think that the new campers all feel more connected at teen camp.

Snorkel’s Interview

Jeremiah H., Age 14

This is Snorkel’s first year being a tribe leader ever! Snorkel has been involved with Camp Gilgal for Snorkel's interview2four years. When Snorkel was 30 years old, Snorkel learned that Jesus was his Messiah. Snorkel’s favorite colors is blue, and his favorite food is a (homemade) carne asada burrito with Tapatio sauce. Snorkels’ favorite music genres are Camp Gilgal worship music and classical, specifically classic guitar. Snorkel’s profession is nursing. He has been involved in health care for more than 30 years. He went to college at San Diego State. Snorkel’s favorite movie is the Lord of the Rings trilogy. His free time is taking care of his family. He also tends to his cows, lambs and chickens. He enjoys fishing and boating. His favorite sports to watch are soccer and surfing. Snorkel’s favorite book of the Bible is Proverbs, “Solomon’s wisdom is so amazing,” as well as Ecclesiastes. Snorkels’ favorite Bible verse is, “When words are many, sin is not absent” (Proverbs 10:19). Snorkel recently prayed with an elderly woman to receive the Lord at his job so that she left this world believing in the Messiah.

My Big Fat Jewish Cabin

Eliana S., Age 14

This year at teen camp the ladies had the MacDaddy Crib: four beautiful showers, four toilets and four huge mirrors. It was amazing!My Big fat Jewish Cabin2

On the first day of camp when we thought we would be put into our cabins, we got put into groups by Streetlight. One had seven girls, one had two, and one had four, so we were kind of confused. That’s when we were all lined up and told the “news.” “I was surprised and overwhelmed and confused, but also happy because I could be in a cabin with everyone,“ says Leia B. Staff member Snapple says, “I was ecstatic to have all of you in one cabin!”

Our epic cabin has consisted of hilarious real laughs, screaming, eating goldfish, greatly enjoying FOB (thank you, Streetlight!), many FOR YOUUUs and so many other things.

The ladies tribe this year was amazing in every way. All of the girls are so close and camp is just a very loving and supportive place.

Nuts for Acorn

Nuts for Acorn2Abbey M., Age 14

Acorn is loved by all staff members and campers. She is a perfect role model for all lady campers. She loves to take pictures, especially of squirrels. Acorn truly loves the Lord with all her heart, which is shown when she worships and prays. She puts 100% into serving the campers and the Lord. Here are some of Acorn’s favorite things to do:

Acorn loves taking candid photos of camp activities. She also likes to take pictures of God’s creations and campers. In her free time, Acorn likes to play sports, especially volleyball, bake, and spend time with friends and family. She enjoys going to camp, Bass Lake, Yosemite, and is looking forward to spending some time during the summer in Alaska. Her first tribe leaders were Capo and Skittles, and she was seven when she first started to attend Camp Gilgal summer camp. Sparkler and Hershey were in her very first cabin. She has been serving as a staff member at junior camp for four years and for two years at teen camp. Acorn’s two favorite books in the Bible are Proverbs and Romans, and her two favorite verses are 1 John chapter 4 and 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. Her favorite worship songs are “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us,” “Divine Romance,” and “Psalm 23.”

Acorn is and always will be a beautiful person inside and out. I will always treasure her words and advice. She is always there for me when I most need her, and she is always willing to pray for me. Thank you, Acorn!

Java, Even Stronger than the Baddest Coffee

Logan G., Age 13

Java is one of the staff in my cabin. So for my first question I asked him was what his favorite coffee was. He said his favorite coffee was his first name, Java Chip Frappuccino. Then I asked him where he was from and he is from Chico, California. His favorite food is a filet mignon from Fifth Street Steak House in Chico. I asked Java what he thought of teen camp since it was his first teen camp, and he said that he likes seeing the campers grow closer to God and to seeJava, even stronger than the baddest coffee2 God work in their lives. Java grew up in a believing family that took him to a church that taught him about Y’shua. His favorite verse is Romans 8:28 because it talks about how everyone has a purpose and how God will always follow through. I asked Java what his favorite hobby is and he does karate and has gone to Japan to study and still keeps up to this day. Java plays guitar, bass and drums, and used to be in a band. He still plays worship for his college group, but has chosen engineering over a career in music. I enjoyed having him as a tribe leader and hope to have him next year.

Streetlight: Don’t Stop Believin’!

Mia C., Age 13

Camp Gilgal. Imagine everything you know and love about it. Got it? Now picture it without Streetlight. Exactly. Streetlight is an irreplaceable and vital part of the Camp Gilgal family. A Giants fan until the end, Streetlight is an “amazing, funStreetlight Don't stop believin'2ny, and energetic person,” as said by a few campers. She was blessed with a beautiful voice, an impressive talent especially since she never took voice lessons. She is a beacon of spiritual and personal guidance. Her seven years’ worth of experience at Camp Gilgal allows her to be a great influence on the campers. Luckily for us, Streetlight plans on continuing her role at Camp Gilgal “until God pulls [her] out.” We can only pray that God chooses for her to stay.

Now, if you want to know stuff about Streetlight, here are some cool facts about her. She can sing and play guitar, she loves the Giants, camp songs, and worship songs. Pools are a go-to also. Her favorite biblical character (besides Jesus) is Jacob. Streetlight’s favorite food is a Vietnamese noodle dish called pho. But if you really want to know her life details, then you should just go to camp. The best part about Streetlight is her faithfulness to God and her love for the campers and everyone else. Camp would not be the same without Streetlight and her compassion, energy, and intensity. She is a wonderful and amazing part of the Camp Gilgal family.


Reuven R., Age 13 

Today I interviewed Pregunta. I asked him a variety of questions. He is also one of my tribe leaders. I learned that his favorite color is turquoise because it reminds him of the ocean and new beginnings. It’s also Pregunta2Pregunta’s first year. His favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip, because it’s refreshing and reminds him of family. His favorite Bible verses are Luke 15:11-32 because (and these are his words) “the parable of the prodigal son, because we all have strayed from our heavenly Father, and I believe this is the most encouraging parable in the Bible for redemption and family love.”

His hobbies are rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, traveling, community service, hanging with friends and family, and practicing his New Zealand accent. His favorite music is jazz and funk. His favorite food is Mexican food.

Pregunta is happy to be at Camp Gilgal and a person that you could just sit down and talk to. That is all I know about Pregunta and I hope to learn more about him in the near future. I’m sure that any camper that gets Pregunta will be a happy one. (Also, don’t make the same mistake I did by calling him Pretunga. It’s very embarrassing.)

Dancing with Saute’

Kezia M., Age 15

This year of teen camp I had the privilege to interview the amazing Sauté. I had Sauté as my tribe leader in the Dancing with Saute'2huge ladies cabin. This is her second year on staff and her third year going to Camp Gilgal. She is also the camp intern this summer. Her favorite part of camp is worship and hanging around with campers. Her favorite worship songs are “To Our God” and “God, I Look to You.” Her favorite night game is Mission Impossible and Capture the Degel. Her favorite Bible passage is James 1:2-3. She likes being goofy, having fun and making people laugh with her funny faces. Sauté danced for eight years and was a really good jumper which is why she chose her name. Sauté means jump or jumping in French. She loves doing different ballet moves off the diving board and water flume. She likes to be active and being outside. Sauté also is the most amazing jet ski driver. She made us all fall off. I loved having Sauté as my tribe leader because she was so much fun and was always encouraging. I loved getting to know her better this summer.

The Sweetest Waffles

Amanda R., Age 14

Waffles is a huge part of Camp Gilgal. She was a camper for ten years and has been on staff for five. I have neThe sweetest Waffles2ver had Waffles as my leader but I have gotten to know her better over the years. She is really sweet and caring. Waffles’ favorite memory verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. She says she loves this verse because it talks about things she values. After talking with Waffles about camp memories she says her favorite has to be singing worship songs with her tribe while horseback riding in 2011. Waffles enjoys teen camp and her favorite activity is Bass Lake. Some of Waffles’ favorite things are Thai food, the color Sea Foam Green, the stores she enjoys are Michaels, Trader Joes and Old Navy and she loves taking pictures. Many campers appreciate Waffles’ servanthood and no one can imagine camp without her.

Crazy Fernboys

Crazy Fernboys2Josh L., Age 12

My cabin consists of ten members – Java, Pregunta, Emmanuel R., Elias B., Elliot K., Isaac J., Reuven R., Nathan P., Logan G., and myself. We all stay in a cabin called Fern. Everyone in the cabin is very energetic and loud. Sometimes Elliot is very hyper and will run around the room yelling and screaming, “Stay up all night!” and “Never go to sleep!” One of the members, Emmanuel, is 13 years old and has been with Camp Gilgal for five years. His hobbies are sleeping, eating, going to Walmart, playing baseball, listening to music, and his favorite place to eat is Chick-fil-A. We also have cabin devotionals every night, and usually Pregunta will tell us to go to sleep but we’ll stay up later than we should. Java will wake up early and walk around the cabin playing annoying music on his iPhone really loud. But even though we’re loud and energetic we all still have lots of fun and love camp.

“Real Facts” with Snapple

Evan S., Age 15

Snapple has been a part of camp for 14 years. Her favorite partReal Facts with Snapple2 of camp is the beautiful trip to Bass Lake, and her favorite part of that is driving/riding the jet skis. Her favorite memory as a camper is her first year white water rafting in ’08 because the level four Dragontooth “was soooo fun.” Snapple’s favorite tribe leader was Rickshaw because she was invested in her life outside and camp and took time to know her. Snapple’s favorite camp is all of the ones with campers. She loves them! Her all-time favorite camp shirt was ’05 because the design and color was breathtaking. The verse that helped Snapple survive life is Hebrews 6:19: “We have this hope as an anchor for our souls firm and secure.” She said it reminds her of our hope we have in Y’shua. Her best year ever at camp was 2002. Her tribe at junior camp won tribe of the year and they went to Chinese food. Snapple wanted to be on the staff at Camp Gilgal in ’07 because she wanted to show the love and support to campers just like her staff showed her. Snapple is one of the greatest tribe leaders of all time because she is caring and has sacrificed so many summers to serve us. We all love Snapple.


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