Category: Gilgal Gazette 2019

Theme: God is Israel’s True King
Psalm 95:3 “For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods”
Theme: God is Israel’s True King
Psalm 95:3 “For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods”
Theme: Be Transformed
2 Corinthians 5:17 “ If anyone is in Messiah, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
Theme: Be Transformed
2 Corinthians 5:17 “ If anyone is in Messiah, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
By: Liel B. | Age: 14
On July 14, we embarked on our journey to Camp Gilgal 2019. We started our adventure in Los Angeles and drove all the to Oakhurst. I drove in a van with Sarah, Lily, Bailey, Sivan, Jonathan, Carrie, and Steven. We were all cramped in the van for five whole hours. Chef, Sarah’s mom and Sloth, Taxi’s mom, and Sohcahtoa, Gadget, Kit-Kat, and Hershey’s mom, drove us to camp. We stopped at Panda Express for lunch even though I had it for dinner the previous night, I still enjoyed it. Jonathan and Steven were playing a game together and Sivan though she overheard them talking about magical ponies, but it turns out she was just hearing things. We passed through small towns and Sivan pointed out all the cute buildings. Although we were exhausted, we could not fall asleep. When we finally arrived at Calvin Crest, the campers and staff came out to welcome us by bang on our van. We all got out of the van and sorted our luggage. The staff introduced themselves and their names. We then headed to our cabins to get settled in. And that was my experience getting to camp.
By: Daniela M. | Age: 11
Tribe: Gad
On the first day of Camp Gilgal I had a lot of fun. There are so many things to do, and so many places to be. I remember that at first you would play so many hand games. Then you could pick the top or bottom bunk. You would always have amazing friends and be very happy there. After a long day, you would eat dinner and make a lot of announcements. Lastly, you go up a mountain to sing many songs, watch the sunset, and go to bed.
By: Sarah O. | Age: 13
Tribe: Judah
Hey! My name is Sarah, but my camp friends call me Stacy, Pancake, Sarah and much more. We have so many inside jokes and we are extremely close. We have so much time apart during the year, when we don’t have camp, so we instantly click. We always pick up where we left off and rarely have awkward moments. Activities are so much fun with your friends. Archery was exciting because I got to be with my two closest camp friends. The week at camp goes by super quick because we have so much fun and relate to each other. We relate to each other because we have the same beliefs.
By: Zoe A.| Age: 10
Tribe of Benjamin
Here at Camp Gilgal after dinner the staff often says, “Go get close-toed shoes and bug spray on.” That gets everyone super excited because it means we know something fun is about to happen! Sometimes it means it will be a night game and sometimes it will be a campfire. I love campfires! At Camp Gilgal our campfire is full of singing. We sing songs like, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, and Hineh Ma Tov. We also sing worship songs like Joshua 1:9 and Great Are You Lord. Next, Moose talks. After that one of the staff will share their testimony. They are so awesome! The first night Waldo and Lonestar shared. I asked them about it and here is what they said. First, I talked to Waldo. He told me that sharing his testimony reminded him of how much Camp Gilgal has shaped his walk with Jesus. He shared with me that he was a little nervous giving his testimony, but also said, “Do it. Even if you’re nervous.” Waldo’s favorite part was Lonestar’s testimony. Speaking of Lonestar I asked him the same questions. He said sharing his testimony he was nervous, but he was happy to see God move.
By: Rebecca S. | Age: 12
Tribe of Dan
Why is Camp Gilgal worship and Bible study time called Tabernacle? It is because the Tabernacle was where people from the past sacrificed and worshipped the Lord. Usually, Tabernacle is in the morning and starts with a few worship songs. Next, we recite the Shema and work on memorizing the memory verse bit-by-bit (Psalm 145-3-13a). Then Moose or Speedy would come up and share from the Bible and experience. The theme of Tabernacle is that God is Israel’s True King. Moose and Speedy explain this when they speak. I love Tabernacle because I really feel the Lord’s presence.
Bailey H. | Age: 14
Hi, I’m Bailey H. and I am in the cabin of Pippin and Mango. The people in my tribe are Talia, Carrie, Sarah, Elie, Lily, Claire, me and Shalom. (Well plus S’mores because she is always here which makes her an honorary member). I am 14 and I have been coming to camp since 2014. One of my favorite parts of camp are campfires! Now you may be thinking, “How can you even write about a campfire?” But this is a world-famous fiesta! Just kidding about the fiesta, but we as campers have such a good time roasting s’mores (not the person) and talking around a fire. We also have a time of worship. This year, Mango and Taxi led us in a few songs. Overall, campfire was fun. Don’t be jealous!
By: Hannah R. | Age:10
Tribe: Naphtali
The food at Camp Gilgal is healthy delicious and has amazing taste. In my opinion it’s just amazing so you should come and take a taste of Camp Gilgal. And I really like their ice cream and the pasta is so good with the sauce and if you try their taco you will crave it all the time and their waffles are sooooo good. And the chicken tenders, delish. And whatever you do eat the baked potatoes, they’re too good to miss. And if that’s not enough to make you drool, I don’t know what is! Well, have you heard of the amazing macaroni? It is soooooooooo delicious, it is beyond amazing! Now is that enough for you and if you go we hope you have a good time. See you there!
By: Mika B.| Age: 13
Tribe: Judah
This was my first year at teen camp and I guess I’d just describe it as chill. In Junior camp all the campers are more hype and have so much energy, you literally don’t know what to do with yourself. However, in teen camp people are more laid back and don’t care about little things as much. For example, people at junior camp are always trying to know the tribe leaders’ names but in teen camp people know most of their really names but don’t care too much. Junior camp is mad fun and always has great vibes and excitement, but teen camp is more relaxed and less uptight. You have more independence and trusted to do things more. Another example of how they’re different is the schedule. We have Tabernacle at night before dinner and instead of having a campfire lesson, we have a discussion and talk about our real-life problems and how to solve them according to the Bible. Teen camp doesn’t have tribe flags, Mission Impossible and decide what you want to do more. Both are super fun and you get to bond with all your friends in the process.
By: Hesed F. | Age: 13
“That’s an infraction!” If you were wondering what that meant, you’re in the right place. Cabin inspection is a huge part of camp. Every morning after breakfast we come back to our cabins and prepared for cabin inspection. Preparation for cabin inspection includes: sweeping the floor, tucking in beds, taking out the trash and many other things. After we finish cleaning our cabins we go onto other activities. Then we go to lunch and after lunch the cabin inspector comes and tells us the score we got for cleanup. If the average score at the end of camp is an 85, we get a party! If there are too many infractions, we get a bad grade and we don’t get the party. The cabin inspector is very picky even if the soap dispenser is a little crooked, it’s an infraction. Overall, cabin inspection is a huge part of camp and camp wouldn’t be the same without it!
By: Chloe S. | Age: 12
Tribe: Reuben
Do you like working with your hands? Well, I do. This year at Camp Gilgal we made challah plates for Shabbat. We used a wood burner but first let me fill you in on the steps. First, we drew a design on a piece of paper. Second, we had to enlarge the design with a little bit of help from the craft teacher named Shark-bait. We had to enlarge the design so it could fit on the plate. Third, we had to do the painful job of sandpapering the challah plate, which was to me like death to my ears, but after that was pretty fun. Fourth, we had to draw the enlarged design on the sanded plate which was hard because you can’t press hard with the pencil, but after that we started the real challenge of burning the wood. Fifth, we had to burn the wood and that was fun but the two downsides where we had to wear gloves that that where heat protected, and the wood burner was hot and I mean hot like if you burn yourself you should see the camp nurse. Finally, sixth after all of that hard work, we got to put the last thing on your plate, and that was oil we had to put oil because it would be the sealer and after the oil dries you can take it home to put challah bread on your plate I hope you like craft as much as me!
By: Ryan H. | Age: 11
Tribe of Reuben
Sing and Dance for Your Mail Night is a very fun night because you can call up your friends to do the dance you want to do for your mail. When you get your name called your super excited because you get to go up and sing or dance for your mail. This year when my brother and I were called we called our tribes up to dance with us and we did a train around the dining room! After that my friend got mail and called all the tribes up and we got to dance. That is what Sing and Dance for Your Mail Night is like at Camp Gilgal 2019!
By: Lena K. | Age: 12
Tribe: Judah
Teen camp is a uniquely fun and bonding week where you can grow closer to your tribe and God. Every day you do different activities, each more fun and interesting than the last. These activities can create life-long friends and acquaintances that you will always remember. One thing that we do at camp is tribe time. Tribe time is a special part of the day where you have the opportunity to bond with the people in your tribe, in a deep and special way. The people in Camp Gilgal are like a faith-family, we are all connected through our belief in Messiah Yeshua. Like I said before teen camp can create lifelong bonds and is going to be the best summer ever!
By: Isaac P. |Age: 13
Tribe of Reuben
Carpet ball is a game where you throw a ball along a carpet to knock down another ball. The setup of carpet ball is whatever you want it to be, but you have five balls to work with. There are a few common and a few rare set ups you can use. You can be as original as you want! You as a player may want to use your opponent’s weakness against them when you determine your set up.
#1: Throw recklessly, you have a small chance to hit a ball
#2: Aim, you will most likely hit the ball
#3: Ricochet, bouncing off walls to hit a ball
#4: Throw slow and steady, either you will stop or hit the ball
#5: Hard with a bounce, you are most likely to bounce out and lose
I hope you have a fun time playing carpet ball!
By: Sasha S. | Age: 15
For a night game this year, we played Capture the Degel, which means, “flag” in Hebrew. This year we played in the Sierra National Forest, just outside of camp. The rules are simple: if you cross a line to the other side, you can get tagged and thrown into jail. You have to wait until someone on your team gets you out by running and shouting, “Jail break!!!” The main goal is to get the other team’s degel before they get yours. My teammates and I had a plan: we would get a small group and scout out where the degel is. We also had another way to get it. One person would run down screaming and get tagged so we can find the other teams degel. And off he went… that is the only thing that went according to plan. As the game kept going, we got scouting and figured out a plan. Eventually I made it down without getting caught. I got the degel and won the game!
By: Emanuela K. | Age: 9
Tribe: Naphtali
If you want to learn about pool time, then read my article, it is about the pool. So, the pool is awesome. You can play games in the pool for example, you can play Marco Polo, Sharks and Minnows, Catch, Monkey in the Middle, Race and all of the fun games. Pool time is about one hour long after lunch. But at the very first day you need to take a swimming test. The swimming test is really quick. These are three levels. The first level is the shallow water. The shallow water is 1-5 ft. Next is the middle section. The middle section is 4-6 ft. Lastly there is the deep end. The deep end is 7-9 ft. The pool is awesome, please come to Camp Gilgal and have fun at the pool!
By: Malka M. | Age: 13
Tribe: Judah
Hi! My name is Malka and this is my first year in Camp Gilgal and I’ll tell you something alright, it amazing here, everyone is so nice and I know a lot of people might say that, but it’s true, I promise you will not regret coming here. Okay, so today I’m going to be talking about Bible Topics in Camp Gilgal. Bible Topics are something we do so we can find more peace in the world and not only think bad about it. I chose to talk about this because it really helped me learn more about the Bible and what God thinks of us humans. I really enjoy Bible topics a lot because we get to know God more and that is really touching. I loved talking about Bible topics a lot today. I’m so happy I got to share my opinion on Bible topics.
By: Eitan R. | Age: 11
Tribe of Reuben
On counselor Hunt Night, I had a ton of fun! Here are the things we did during Counselor Hunt. First, you go to a counselor (Camp Gilgal staff) and try to find out what personal, animal, or character they are being. After that you talk to them and try to get them down the hill by luring them. One of the characters that had to be fought was Superman. They stabbed him with kryptonite and took him the cure (lemonade). Another one of the characters was a Dad and you had to tell him good Dad jokes to bring him down the hill, but if you told him a bad joke, he would go up the hill. Gadget said, “I like how Counselor Hunt has evolved from a random animal to anything you want.” From the Avengers to football players to complicated animals. My favorite was the Football player. You had to get the ball, offer a contract, and give him a play to run. Eventually we got him by catching a really hard pass. I had a ton of fun playing Counselor Hunt.
By: Lily H. |Age: 13
On July 16, 2019, the entire camp went on a hike in Yosemite National Park. After an hour and a half drive, we arrived in Yosemite, where we had Tabernacle and a worship session in a clearing. Moose introduced us to the edible needles on pine trees that tasted good to some and bad to others. We also ate lunch in the clearing, experiencing God’s creation. After we ate, we followed the main path to a viewing area at Glacier Point that showcased the main Yosemite attractions such as, Half Dome and Vernal Fall. The view was amazing. I also saw several squirrels racing on the steep cliffs. We had our camp photo taken by Dallas, a new camp friend whom Lonestar randomly met on the path, before realizing they had gone to college together. Then, we drove to the Sentinel Dome trailhead. This hiking path wasn’t paved and had a greater incline. The hike was tiring and hot, but the view of Half Dome and the surrounding environment at the end of the hike was breathtaking. The trail led to a Sentinel Dome that overlooked most of Yosemite Valley. It was fairly empty of people. Some campers played silent football and others sat on rocks taking in the view. I asked Joy what she thought about the view, “It was interesting to see how rock formations differed, one side was jagged and the other was smooth.” Every angle of the hill was different, from waterfalls to mountains to small buildings with toy-esque cars moving on distant highways. God’s work in Yosemite was a true blessing and an unforgettable memory.
By: Meaghan S. | Age: 12
Tribe: Gad
FOB is a time to relax after a long swim in the pool, it is close to an hour (should honestly be two hours though). You can do anything you want during FOB as long as its silent and you stay on your bunk. During FOB you can sleep, read, daydream or be yourself. FOB is a good time to regain energy because of the fun activities they offer at camp. In my opinion I love FOB and think it’s a great way to relax when you’re tired.
By: Matthew S. | Age: 13
Tribe: Simeon
In teen camp we do something called Mench Day. Mench Day is a day where we help people out by doing community service. This year for Mench Day we helped Camp Herrlich clear out and weed a garden that was going to be growing vegetables and fruits for a fund-raising dinner. Additionally, we painted colorful signs to label the garden plants and we started to build a rock path out of flat rocks that we found in the nearby woods. This year we had three days of Mench Day. The first day we weeded the garden and pulled lots of run-away mint from in front of the garden. We also painted colorful back rounds for the signs. On the second day we finished painting the signs and started to build the stone path. I went into the woods with Hiccup to find suitable stones for the path over the course of multiple trips. We also started to plant seeds. We didn’t finish the path, so we decided to work on the path for a third day. We worked on the garden for a total of six hours (two on the first, two on the second, two on the third). After each day we were tired and sweaty, but we were happy that we were able to help other people. One of the people from Camp Herrlich, said that we made it look great and it looked better that previous three years. It was a great experience.
By: Rina T. | Age: 9
Tribe of Benjamin
Hi I’m Rina and I’m writing about horseback riding. It’s so fun. I love horseback riding at Camp Gilgal. I love horseback riding; it’s so fun. In 2019, I got a horse named Bob. He was a very calm, kind and nice horse. We go horseback riding in Aspen Meadows. There is snow there sometimes. And there is a huge meadow and stream. It’s so fun. I love it and if you go there, I know will to!
By: Steven M. | Age: 15
The giant swing is a thrill and fast like a roller coaster. As soon as you walk to it you can see the height and get a little bit nervous, especially when you find out you have to pull the rope yourself to swing down! You put on a body harness and a helmet and then once you’re up the ladder you get strapped in a carabiner. Then a bunch of people pull you to the top and once you’re all the way up they say, “let it rip.” Then this gutting feeling comes over you. You go flying back and forth, swaying and being thrown all over the air. It’s nerve-racking, but once you pull the level you go air borne and its awesome.
Another thing we did the same day as the giant swing, was paddle boating and the flume. Right at the pond there is a flume that you can go down into the pond. There are also paddle boats on the other side that you can take out into the water. You paddle the boats like a bike, except you’re on water. As you are peddling around, you can see the beautiful green pond exploding its beauty. The paddle boats are a great activity.
By: Ariel K. | Age: 11
Tribe: Issachar
My favorite part of camp was Camp Out Night. At camp out night we get to cook our own dinner on a fire and enjoy helping our tribe leaders set up a wonderful tent. Since sunset, which was the boys camping ground, was on a mountain, all the other wonderful sights and things below sunset are visible. After we eat dinner, we go out into the woods to look for a nice long fresh stick for roasting crunchy and soft marshmallows for extremely tasty s’mores with chocolate and graham crackers. After this the daylight goes away so both boy tribes enjoy telling stories, laughing and even playing with sticks under the starlight. Finally, we set up our sleeping bags in the tent and have a beautiful cozy rest overnight.
By: Elie W. | Age: 15
Tribe: Judah
Fun Swim Fun, Party Swim, or Fun Swim (there was always confusion on the appropriate title for this activity) is an activity that sounds just like its name, swimming in a lake and fun. Every day we get to swim in the lake here at Camp Herrlich. However, we do not get “swim Fun” every day, which includes a trampoline and blob in the middle of the lake that we use for our own advantage. The first time I was granted the opportunity to use this fun water device. As I climbed up the ladder, I imagined how I would execute my graceful jump from the trampoline. I stood up on the trampoline and started to jump. I jumped once, twice, three times and prepared myself for my lake landing. Suddenly I was in the fourth dimension. I was flying in slow motion. My legs flew behind me and arched over my head. My face then made contact with the surface of the water and SPLASH I was in the proper dimension once again. As I resurfaced, I heard roars of laughter, including my own. The lifeguard could barely breathe with laughter and he said my plummet had made his day. It was definitely the most amusing thing that had happened all day. Thus, concluding my Swim Fun adventure.
By: Jonah M. | Age: 11
Tribe of Judah
Looking for the perfect thing to annoy your tribe leaders during fob? Get it at the Gilgal Store! Looking for your favorite pool toy? Get it at the Gilgal Store! Looking for the best candy? Get it at the Gilgal Store! As you can see, the Gilgal Store has quite a variety of items. “I like to get the little old fast food toys,” says Isaac H. Wait, little old fast food toys? Well, apparently Poppins bought tons of happy meal toys and put them all in the bins for Camp Gilgal. To get them you take a paper lunch bag that is labeled bottom to top that tell you the amount of money to pay for that number of toys. So, as you can see, everybody wants to be that nice kosher Gilgal Grocer.
By: Claire C. | Age: 14
July 17th, 4:30 pm. The day that changed all days. Speedy, Elrond, Mango, Lonestar and S’mores gathered with intense anticipation to answer the questions of the campers. We wrote them anonymously and waited for the staff to answer them. Some were: “How do you know God is real?” which was answered with historical evidence, and the Bible. Our beloved Taxi wisely says, “It comes to a point where it takes more faith to not believe in Him.” The staff agreed that what you do as you walk with Jesus can and will be forgiven and redeemed. The next question, “How do you navigate a high school relationship?” triggered a half-hour discussion on the proper boundaries for relationships. The aftermath of the panel made campers think. Lily said, “It was really interesting to hear all the different perspectives.” Overall it helped the campers grow.
By: Cole K. | Age: 9
Tribe: Issachar
Nukem is my favorite outdoor game at camp. I like it because it is fun. We play it in the field with the volleyball net. Nukem is like volleyball but you catch the ball instead of hitting it. I played Nukemin field sports and as an all camp activity. My favorite number of people in Nukem is six on each team because it’s not that fast as a game (the game takes longer). My favorite thing to do when playing Nukem is catching it with one hand because it’s just so fun. Nukem seems like a game camps like because I play at my other camp too, but nowhere else. That’s all about Nukem.
By: Emma R. | Age: 13
Tribe: Judah
I have been to junior camp Midwest and East, but this is my first year at teen camp. All of the Camp Gilgal campsites have many things in common. One of these things are memory verses. Every year at camp, there are some verses we try to memorize. If everyone in your tribe memorizes the verses, does a Gilgal Gazette article, and get as average of 85% on cabin clean up your tribe gets to go to the end of camp party. This year’s memory verses are 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. The theme of this memory verse is reconciliation. Being reconciled basically means being forgiven. The verses teach that God reconciled us to himself through Messiah. I feel that since God forgave us that we should forgive other people. This memory verse is helping me understand what God and Jesus did for us. I love knowing that I have God’s Word in my heart.
By: Ryan H. | Age: 11
Tribe of Reuben
This is what Men’s Day was like at Camp Gilgal 2019. First, we began by choosing our shield for use in the spartan wars! Next, we went to the pool. The staff organized a game using a watermelon covered in Crisco. We call it the greased watermelon in the pool. The first team to score wins! The first game my team won. The next game, the other team won. Finally, they made the staff defend the goal while the campers try to score it. It took a long time and then they called a draw and started another game that was turned out be a draw again. After that game, they made the staff coaches and my team won. And then next game my team won again! Then we went to our next activity, Gladiating!!!!! They made the swords out of pool noodle and broomsticks. I beat everyone I faced. Sam says, “I loved Gladiating so much that I almost died.” After Gladiating we got attacked by the Spartans and had to use our shields to block the water balls of death. We were done with our wars, but we started getting timed to see how fast we could run to Gadget. The fastest time Gadget was 35 seconds. After racing, we stuffed cones with a lot of sugary things and roasted them over the fire and drank men’s brew. We left our cones at the fire while we made bombs out of dry ice and exploded a watermelon and water bottles.
By Talia W. | Age: 13
When you have Tabernacle in the wilderness it’s like praising God with all his creation. This time we were praising God in a place called Nedler Grove. There in front of a giant sequoia tree called, “Bull Buck Tree” we worshipped and praised him with songs and sharing. Moose shared some verses with us and talked about them. As we listened, another group came through and stopped for a little bit. I prayed that anything that was said or sung would impact their lives. Afterwards, we sat around Nedler Grove and climbed stumps, laughed and talked with each other. Nedler Grove was peaceful and beautiful, full of God’s love and presence. I hope that others who go through there will feel His Spirit. The peaceful sensation is only a glimpse into His presence. We cannot even comprehend His love. He is totally uncomprehendable, but we can always be in His presence because it is all around us. If we are searching for Him then we will never we without Him. In Nedler Grove, there was a sense of His presence that just filled me with joy. I hope that it will fill others with joy too.
By: Emma R. | Age: 13
Tribe: Gad
My name is Emma and I am a first-year camper at Camp Gilgal East. I have been to Camp Gilgal Midwest before and both have many things in common. One thing in common is that the Camp Gilgal staff have “camp names.” So, I decided to ask some of the staff why their names are what they are. One of the staff that I interviewed is named Freckle. Freckle chose her name for three main reasons. First, she has freckles, which makes sense to me. Second, she likes the sound of Freckle. And, last but not least, the sun gives you freckles, and she likes the sun. The next staff I interviewed is named Shark-bait. Some main reasons that she chose her name to be Shark-bait is that she really likes the ocean and water. She also likes swimming. One of her favorite movies is “Finding Nemo.” In the movie “Finding Nemo,” Nemo is called Shark-bait. And the last reason is that she connects water with her faith. For example, she connects floating with worship. You let the water hold you when you float, and you let God hold you when you worship. The last staff member I interviewed is named Skidoo. A skidoo is a brand of snow mobile. Skidoo is from Canada and Canada has a lot of snow. Skidoo has been on a skidoo and thought it was really fun. The last reason is that she likes the sound of Skidoo. Those are the main reasons why Freckle, Shark-bait, and Skidoo chose their names to be what they are.
By: Halie F. | Age: 12
Tribe: Judah
Our cabin is a very nice cabin. We have 12 people in our cabin, including staff. Our cabin is so full, all the beds are full. Our staff in our cabin are Squid and Shark-bait. Our campers are Mika, Sarah, me, Netanya, Elie W., Elly A., Emma, Malka, Dinah, and Lena. We all got closer this year than ever before. We all love to talk to each otherwhile doing each other’s hair. We also like to swim all together. At teen camp you are basically camping because the walls are really big windows.
By: Josie R. | Age: 9
Tribe of Issachar
I’m going to tell you about Ladies Day when I was 9 years old. I went to camp and after a few days it was Ladies Day! Our tribe leaders announced it was Ladies Day while dressing up at princesses at lunch time when we all stumbled into the dining room. The boys left and went horseback riding. Before they left, whenever a boy came into the dining hall, we all sang a song about them leaving until they left. Then we had FOB time and after that I made trail mix full of candy and bracelets. The bracelets were rainbow patterned with beads. I also made fruit kabobs. Last, but not least, I went swimming and jumped in the pool.
By: Jonathan P. | Age: 15
The game was coming to an end, and no cards were left to draw. At this point, all properties were set out, houses and hotels included. The remaining players did their best to pull off a successful poker face, but at this point in the game it was obvious that everyone was too tense to make a play. One of the players on the left side of the table slowly began to smile, as he laid down a series of cards that would deal a deadly blow. The smile did not last long and was soon replaced by devasted face of astonishment. Resting before him, silently on the table was the very thing Feedback most despised; a “Just say no.” “Nooooooooooo,” he screamed, and his hands fell to his side like fallen branches. “It’s not fair,” he said. “I had the most expensive property set, plus a rent and double the rent action card.” His words were true, but as his failed plan of annihilation went into the discard pile, there was nothing he could do, but crack a joke about a 5.7-billion-dollar president. The game was over, at least for Feedback, and as he got up from the table and left, there was nothing I could do but giggle like a madman. It had already been a year and half since I had introduced Monopoly Deal the card game to Camp Gilgal and still, I was the ultimate champion.
By: Levi W. | Age: 12
Tribe: Judah
Every day after lunch we head down to the game room. As you stroll through the door the sound of games and lively chatter enter your ears. Once inside, immediately to your right is a foosball table. People are shouting words of encouragement to the players while they maneuver the little men on the mini soccer field. Next, as you around the corner there is an air hockey. Players hit the puck across the table leaping with joy whenever they score a point. Right beside is the pool table. My friends and I like to play tournaments. Pool is my favorite game. To your right campers and staff lounge in couches, play cards and have fun. The game room is my favorite part of camp.
By: Aaron R. | Age: 15
Tribe: Simeon
Camp out, though it was not far from our cabin, it was for the tribe of Cinnamon (Simeon). We camped out in a slightly wooded area between an archery range and a mini auditorium. We started out the night with a chess game between Verde and Tchotchke with the campers as pieces. Later, while the fire grew, Verde used a powerful laser to point out constellations. Once the fire was ready, we roasted marshmallows. Sadly, we were rationed only two (sad violin music). One of my favorite moments was picking wild raspberries. We got to pick enough to bring to breakfast the next day to share with the camp. I got to learn a lot at camp out, and it was a good time to bond.
By: Ryan H. | Age: 11
Tribe of Reuben
Capture the Degel is a very fun night game because you get to run around trying to take the enemy’s degel (flag) to win! This year we drew straws to decide which side of the camp the men and women teams get. The men got the female staff and vice versa, besides a few out of cabin staff exceptions. Two straws for Two representatives. The longest straw gets to choose the side. This year the men chose the longest straw and chose the high side of the camp on the hill. The men set the jail circle and degel circle up high! Moose said if we put the jail circle and degel circle on the lower place it would have been called, “Capture the FOB.” After everything was set up, the whistle blew, and the we started the game. We immediately started running! I was going with Kombucha, a tribe leader, and Isaac, my brother. When we got down to the base lines, we saw Hawkeye and All-Star. We stayed around for a little bit to see if Hawkeye would move, but he did not. We went around the other side and then we saw Mufasa and sent him to jail. After we sent Mufasa to jail we continued our way around. We went to the other side and people were there. We made a break for it and there was a guard, so we went to the other side. Kombucha made a break for it down the hill, took a tumble and got caught. I went to my brother and went down to the enemy base. We saw Moose and we ran into the center of the enemy base and then back to our side. My brother disappeared when we all made a break for the degel. A lot of the people in on our side got caught. Isaac said, “The reason I ran away is because the staff kept coming for me.” I eventually got tired of waiting and ran for the degel. I made it sooo close until Gadget tagged me. We sang out songs for the last thirty minutes and then it was announced the ladies won! That’s what Capture the Degel is like at Camp Gilgal.
By: Sivan K. | Age: 13
Camp Gilgal is a safe place that changes lives and dreams. For instance, one young girl whose life was transformed by Camp Gilgal, has grown up to be an amazing staff member. This incredible woman is S’mores. This year S’mores is on the 2019 Camp Gilgal leadership team. For 13 years S’mores has been attending and pouring her heart into Camp Gilgal. She grew up in a believing home and started attending junior camp when she was eight years old. When she was 11, she recommitted her life to following Yeshua at Camp Gilgal. Camp has shaped her life and inspired her to work with children and youth. Her most touching experience at camp was when she was going through hardships and her tribe leader had gone through the same thing. She prayed with her and it helped her grow immensely. Throughout her time in camp after that, she realized that her passion was to work with Camp Gilgal. Since she has been attending camp since she was eight, she has felt like it was her second home. She can feel God’s presence the most at camp, even still now as staff and has made her lifelong friends here. Her advice for future campers is to invest friendships made here and ask the questions you want to ask because it’s a safe place. The first time she was on Gilgal staff she realized how much dedication is took. Even though it is difficult at times, her experience could not have been better. S’mores has always adored Camp Gilgal, and her love for it shows inside and out.
By: Levi W.| Age: 12
Tribe: Simeon
I, Levi, expert climber was ready to make the climb of my life. Proficiently buckling my harness began speedily pulling myself from rock to rock with strength and agility. “He makes my feet like those of a deer and makes me stand on heights (Psalm 18:34-35).” The rock wall is located past the volleyball nets and it casts a looming shadow enveloping all of camp. There are three walls of varying difficulty. At the top is a zipline. This was my first time to have done rock wall. Rock wall is my favorite part of camp.
By: Rebekah P.| Age: 11
Tribe of Dan
Camp Gilgal has a family tradition known as Utensil Night. All the campers love to participate in it because it makes dinner energetic and fun. Utensil night is when you eat with a random food utensil the entire meal. No one is allowed a fork, knife, or spoon. It’s messy, but entertaining and very fun to participate in. Most people in the Tribe of Dan agree that tongs are the easiest and most effective utensil to use with the usual meal of spaghetti. Doodles says, “The hardest utensil to use is the butter brush.” In my experience I have never used the butter brush, but it sounds difficult to use. This fantastic and creative night is one of the many fun Camp Gilgal traditions.
By: Sarah M. | Age: 13
Here at Camp Gilgal, we have amazing staff. One of my favorite camp staff is Mango! I got the chance to learn more about her this summer at teen camp. Mango has been part of Camp Gilgal for 10 years. She has enjoyed every moment on staff as well as when she was a camper. Did you know Mango occasionally climbs trees? Mango thinks this hobby of hers is extremely funny and began howling with laughter when she realized that Mangoes grow on trees! Some advice that Mango has for teen campers it to keep in touch with friends, make a relationship with Jesus, and to get off the phone and read. I love to read so I was ecstatic to hear this! Another interesting tid-bit about Mango is that Camp Gilgal has changed her life in so many ways, she has seen what community looks like and learned to embrace her Jewish identity. Mango’s favorite chapter of the Bible is Isaiah 41. Something you might be wondering is what Mango’s favorite part of teen camp 2019. It was actually having a large cabin of such gorgeous, amazing ladies who she witnessed grow up. I thought what she said was touching and heartwarming. Speaking of teen camp, Mango would have ordered a grilled chicken sandwich with a whole wheat bun, if we had gone to Chick-fil-A. Personally, this order sounds unappealing, but I definitely was respectful of her choices. Now you know all about the bomb, Camp Gilgal staff member, Mango!
By: Halye G. | Age: 11
Tribe: Naphtali
Camp Out Night is an activity where you camp outside of your cabin or shelter. This year my tribe camped near the basketball courts. Once we got there, we dropped all our bags on the grass and ran to collect sticks for the campfire. When we were done, we played gaga and basketball for about 1 ½ hours. After playing we started to set up a tent. Our tribe was too many people, so we decided to split us up. I was with Lilly and Raven, while in the other tent was Emanuela, Naomi, Hannah, and Sunshine. When we finished setting up our tent, we continued to play games. After a while we headed over to the dining hall and brushed our teeth and got into our PJ’s. when we got back the fire was going, and it was dark. We paused playing gaga and ate dinner. For dinner we had a choice of hotdogs and hamburgers freshly cooked form the fire. I got a hotdog with chips and carrots on the side. It was very delicious. After that our tribe started to set our sleeping bags I the tent. I placed my sleeping bag on the left side, Lilly placed hers in the middle, and Raven placed hers on the right side. When we were done setting up our tent it became dark. Everyone gathered around the campfire and took a stick to burn our marshmallow with. Everyone got one marshmallow each. Once we were done, we made a s’more out of it. The s’mores tasted amazing. Once we were done, we went to sleep at 11:20 pm. when we woke up, we took down the tent and headed to the dining hall for breakfast. For breakfast I had a bagel. Breakfast was good. All in all the camp out was great, amazing and Fab-maz-ful!
By: Netanya W. | Age: 15
Tribe: Judah
Squid was my tribe leader this year at teen camp. Squid was also my tribe leader her first ever year as staff, 2015. Squid was born in Maryland and raised in Bel Air, Maryland. She is still currently living there. Squid’s fav color is pink. Squid has been going to Camp Gilgal since she was eight years old. When Squid was a camper her fav thing about camp was seeing her friends, “some of her best lifelong friends,” and playing Nukem (a very fun game, kinda like volleyball). Squid’s fav thing about being a tribe leader is being in the loop, knowing all surprises and serving. Squid’s fav verse is Psalm 51 verses 10-12, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” This is Squid’s fav verse because it’s something she needs to strive for and it’s one of her fav campfire songs we sing. Squid was so fun to have as a tribe leader and a best friend all in all. I hope to someday be a tribe leader just like Squid.
By: Joshua B. | Age: 12
Tribe of Reuben
You should go horseback riding at Camp Gilgal. When you go horseback riding, first you need a helmet. If you get on a horse, you need a saddle. To steer a horse, you need reigns. When you go horseback riding you go through a little stream and then go up and down hill. There is a shop to buy candy, t-shirts, hats, and sweat shirts. There are lots of horses to see. After horseback riding there is a stream to play at and a rock that you can climb and sit on. There is another rock that has a crack in it because it split into two rocks. My horses name was Monarch. When I went there this year there was snow. Also, you need to cross the stream to get to the snow. Horses use their tails to whack off flies on their backs. Also, they twist their necks to get off the flies. They shake their body and stomp their feet to get rid of flies. Ryan said, “Horseback riding is a blast!” A cowboy will help you to get on the horse and to get off. I think horseback riding is one of the best things at Camp Gilgal.
By: Eliana R. | Age: 13
Here at Camp Gilgal we separate the ladies and the men. In a cabin, there are typically five or six campers. This year my cabin has four campers plus me. Also, in a cabin, there are two tribe leaders. The campers in my cabin are named Liel, Sivan, Joy, Hesed and me. The leaders in my cabin are Taxi and Doodles. The campers are all the same age, 13 years old, except Liel who is 14. When I asked Taxi and Doodles how old they were, Taxi replied saying she was 96. As for Doodles, she held her fingers up and somehow came up with the number 223 ¾. In our cabin of Toodles, we have dance parties to 80’s music. We do icebreaker games and play two truths and a lie. When doing devotions, we tell heartfelt stories and have deep conversations. When studying our Bible verse, we sing it to the beat of Bad Guy by Billie Eilish. Overall, this year in my cabin I had an amazing year. My cabin is weird, but we are family.
By: Chloe S. | Age: 12
Tribe: Reuben
Have you ever wanted to have a bow and arrow in your hands? Well this year at Camp Gilgal, we had archery as one activity. You might be thinking how do you do archery? Well let me guide you on all the helpful tips. First when you get to the archery area you would like to be wearing closed toed shoes. Second you should get a bow that works for you, and if you’re right-handed get the right-handed bow, an if you’re left-handed, well you’re there are left-handed bows. Third, the staff member will give you a good amount of arrows so that everyone has the same amount. Fourth, when they say, “you can shoot now” you can see how your archery skills are. Fifth, when you have run out of arrows and everyone else has run out of arrows you may go and fetch your arrows. Well that is the end of my helpful tips. I hope if you come to camp you will like archery!
By: Dinah G. | Age: 15
Tribe: Judah
This year the teen campers had an entirely different experience than all years prior: camp did not take place at Camp Pinnacle. All of our experiences were new and because of the change in location many of our traditions were uprooted. Normally the teen campers go camping and then white-water rafting, but this year we could not… but the staff thought of a solution: Camp Out Night! The tribe of Judah packed up their sleeping bags and camped out on the Camp Herrlich grounds. We set up and slept in tents that are normally used for adventure camp. Watson an out of cabin staff worked with us to build a fire and roast marshmallows to make s’mores. The campers helped too though, though we scoured the woods looking for kindling for the fire, we brought it back to Watson and she used it for building up the fire. We then looked for sticks to roast our marshmallows and got to roasting! After we ate s’mores, we sang some campfire songs. We spent some time talking and looking at the stars before doing our devotions and heading to bed. The next morning, we packed up our tents and Camp Out Night was officially over.
By: Micah H.| Age: 10
Tribe of Simeon
It was my birthday! I have been given various gifts to celebrate my birthday. I have also been given an EXCLUSIVE birthday table to use during meals! I have also enjoyed dodgeball and various other activities. On the day of June 26th (my birthday) I also created: THE FOUR-SQUARE BIRTHDAY KIT! C2 Popcorn, cherry bombs, and no tea parties. (If you are confused ask Micah H.). I earned general respect and four-square respect.
Micah: How was your birthday?
Also Micah: Great.
Micah: What is your favorite part of your birthday?
Also Micah: Cookies and presents.
Micah: Anything else?
Also Micah: Cookies and presents.
Micah: Interesting
Also Micah: Do you like tacos?
Micah: Of course, why would I not?
By: Joy E.| Age: 13
Doodles, the friendly tribe leader. She is is 223 ¾ years old (I think). She was homeschooled up until third grade and graduated high school at the young age of 14. She likes to doodle (I wonder why?), do photography and sleep. For my Gilgal Gazette I decided to interview her! The first question I asked her is a basic question; “How many years have you been with Camp Gilgal?” She answered with, “I think 12” The next question was, “Did you ever go to Camp Gilgal as a camper?” She answered, “If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be here right now answering your questions.” Well she definitely spiced things up a bit! But then I thought to myself, should I ask a spiritual question too? So, I asked, “At what age did you really start to love God and why at that age?” Seems spicy enough right? This was her long reply. “So, my dad is a pastor, so I’ve always been surrounded by the messianic mentality. I accepted Yeshua when I was four. I didn’t understand what that meant until I was seven. After that I recommitted myself several times. Many of those times being at Camp Gilgal. I never felt the closeness of God as I wanted to. Then God revealed to me exactly what had been impeding my walk with him. I knew he had offered forgiveness for my sins, but what I hadn’t realized is that I hadn’t let myself accept it. So, I finally got to the point where I accepted that forgiveness and was able to forgive myself, only about seven months ago. And that is when I recommitted myself. In retrospect; I’d always, kind of had a love for God, but I didn’t truly, wholly love him until I accepted this love for me.” So, there you have it folks! The wonderful life of Doodles written by the beautiful, loving, kind, smart, gently, caring, and funny Joy E. See you next time!
By: Stuart S. | Age:11
Tribe: Judah
One of my favorite activities every year is boating. Why? Because I like looking at the fish. When getting there a staff member crosses the road and does road procedure by saying, “everybody look left, right. Is it clear?” then we cross if it is clear. After a one-minute walk we’re there at the pond. We have to put on a lifejacket, get a partner and paddle to get into the boat. After that the camp staff push your boat in, and you row with the t-grip. You row in the pond with other campers. Once I crashed into two other boats and the reeds. After about 20 minutes you come back to the dock. Now that is why I love boating. The end!
By: Elly A. | Age: 15
Tribe: Judah
Don’t like dinner? Feel like your insides haven’t moved all week? Try the salad bar. At every camp location there’s a salad bar!! Luscious tomatoes, crisp lettuce and spinach, olives, cucumbers, chickpeas, mandarin oranges, artichoke hearts, black beans for all of your resident vegans and vegetarians. Oh, I forgot there’s carrots and croutons too. Your pick of dressings is varied: Italian, ranch, or just olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Everyone takes a trip to the salad bar at some point cause you gotta eat your veggies. Sometimes there’s different things like quinoa salad, hummus and parmesan cheese. The salad bar is one of my favorite things about camp. I recommend it. Come to camp.
By: Ryan H. | Age: 11
Tribe of Reuben
The Oylimpics is the Camp Gilgal version of the Olympics. This year for the Camp Gilgal Oylimpics we did tug of war with a wet tarp, over and under with a bucker full of water, the three-legged race and golf. My team, the Togos, won over and under. Simidan would the three-legged race. Benjudah won golf and Simidan won the first round of tug of war and Benjudah won the second round, which makes Benjudah the winner! Simidan was second place and sadly the world famous Togos lost. Gadget says, “I really enjoyed the Oylimpics, it was a lot of fun!” Every team had a cheer, the Togos cheer was “Togos, the world best sandwiches!” The Simidan’s cheer was “Simeon Simeon Dan Dan Dan Simeon Simeon Dan Dan Dan!” The winners, Benjudah, had a cheer that was the girls howling and the boys doing a roar. I think the Oylimpics is a very fun game to play because you get to compete against your friends.
By: Carrie M. | Age: 15
Taxi’s interview showed broader insight on her life inside and out of Camp Gilgal. From a list of questions, she answered with her thoughts and opinions. To start, Taxi’s favorite part of camp is a game we play called Mission Impossible. The game is played in the dark while following clues from place to place. She has been a camper and a tribe leader for a totally of 12 years. When choosing her name, there is a story behind it. Taxi was named Taxi because she was born in New York and came to the delivery room in a Taxi. She loves being Jewish and here is why. She liked having a specific calling and having a significance from God. Aside from camp related things she likes to watch her favorite movies with her friends and play the cello. Her favorite place to visit is a mixture of New York and Glacier National Park. Her favorite holiday is Passover because she loves to interact and have fun at seders. She also states, “Passover is set apart from the rest of the year.” If Taxi were not Jewish, she would be Lithuanian because it sounds cool, or Australian. Last, her favorite thing about her interviewer is their long FaceTime calls or her catchy hysterical laugh.
By: Aylo L. | Age: 11
Tribe: Reuben
Hello, my name is Aylo and I’m in the tribe of Reuben. During camp we have cabin inspection. Cabin inspection is where your tribe cleans the cabin and the cabin inspectors check to see if your tribe got a lot of infractions. We clean our cabins after breakfast and before Tabernacle. After we get our lunch, we hear the inspection scores. If your tribe does really good, you will get one infraction or no infractions. The cabin inspectors always say, “You did pretty good, however there were some infractions.” Most of the time, either shoes are “askew”, or blankets are “tossed like salad.” I wrote about cabin inspection because it keeps the cabins clean and helps each tribe work together. This year, my tribe didn’t do so good in the beginning but got better and better. That is all I have to say about cabin inspection.
By: Jude B.| Age: 7 ½
Tribe: Issachar
An hour after the hour Shabbat service was done I was about to leave when RedSox announced, “It’s movie night.” Everyone cheered and I screamed of happiness. I went to my cabin and got my sleeping bag from the top bunk. We played Uno until it was time for movie night. I was very excited and when we got to movie night, they announced the movie was my favorite movie, “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.” We sat down on our sleeping bags and watched the movie. I fell asleep in the middle but that didn’t matter because I already watched it seven times. Now you don’t think I’ll finish this without telling you about the snacks. In every 20 minutes they’ll pause the movie and ask you to go for snacks. You stand in line and pick your crunchy food, chips, Doritos, pretzels, etcetera. Then you go to your dessert. You can either have four of one dessert or two of two desserts. You can only have one soda, but you can get seconds on other drinks, orange juice, apple juice, water, etcetera. The movie, well I can’t tell you which date it is, because they never tell you!
Your ambidextrous friend, Jude
See you later alligator
By: Elie M.| Age: 13
The cabin of PipGo consists of the tribe leaders Pippin and Mango and the campers Bailey, Sarah, Carrie, Claire, Talia, Shalom, Lily, and of course, me. We have two ladies cabins this year at Camp Gilgal. Our cabin is the largest. The ages of the campers in our cabin ranges from 13-15. Some of the things we do as a cabin are devotions, cabin inspection, late night talks and giggles. This year for devotions we are focusing on question we have about life. Cabin inspection is when we clean the cabin as a tribe, you may think it would be hard because there are so many of us, but we have all grown up at camp together and have been in the same cabin before. I asked some of my cabin mates what they thought about our cabin. Talia thinks “It’s cool to have so many people because we can build each other up.” Claire commented by saying, “Regardless of our differences we grew close.”
By: Samantha O. | Age: 10
Tribe: Reuben
Today I rode on a horse for the first time. I expected the horses to be beautiful, but I didn’t expect to go through a forest. His name was Kemo. He had a black mane and brown fur. As we rode on the trail, I saw many yellow and purple flowers, and we were as high as the tree-branches! I felt very important and royal as I trotted through the forest. If this reader is interested in horseback riding, then you must wear long pants, close-toed shoes, and bug spray is recommended but optional.
By: Channah A. | Age: 12
Tribe of Dan
On Shabbat we get dressed up, which I really enjoy. Instead of just singing the blessings over the bread and fruit of the vine, we also light the candles to welcome in the Sabbath. Rebecca S. says, “I was super nervous when I lit the candles, but it turned out fine.” She was the one who lit the candles. We have a Torah service and read part of the Torah. During the service we sing worship songs, the Shema and the V’ahata. We also have a choir that campers can join and sing at Shabbat service. I am a part of the choir and it is so fun. Yoshi gives the camp a devotion, it is based on Psalm 46. In fact, Yoshi led the whole service and campers could help if they want. On Shabbat, we don’t scream or yell because we want shalom. Shalom means peace in Hebrew. Shalom everyone.
By: Aviva Z. | Age: 9
Tribe of Benjamin
Hi I am Aviva and I am in the Tribe of Benjamin. I am going to be writing about everyone in my tribe. Ashlyn is 10 and is the oldest in our tribe. She has brown eyes and brown hair. She is really fun! Next, is Zoe. She is the second oldest in our tribe. Actually, she is the same age as Ashlyn, but still younger. Zoe is really good at drawing. Elyana is the oldest 9-year-old in our tribe. Her favorite color is pink, and she and Ashlyn are best friends. Last, but not least, there is Rina. Rina has really dark brown hair and multiple eye colors.
By: Lilly M. | Age:10
Tribe: Naphtali
Boker Tov, at camp, breakfast is fantastic! First, everyone lines up in five lines. We have to be there by 7:45. Then everybody walks to the dining hall. Things for breakfast on some mornings are breakfast sandwiches, waffles, eggs with turkey bacon, French toast sticks, pancakes and more! If you don’t like what there is to eat that morning, you can get cereal. Breakfast is delicious! I love starting the day at Camp Gilgal!
By: Ryan H. | Age: 11
Tribe of Reuben
My tribe is the tribe of Reuben. We are the oldest tribe on the men’s side and our cabin name is Peddler Point. In my tribe there is Eitan, Isaac, Sam, Josh, Gadget and Fajita. Gadget is the tribe leader and Fajita is the assistant tribe leader. Josh says, “I loved being in the tribe of Reuben!” Sam is all about Marvel. He has a big Marvel encyclopedia that he brings whenever he comes to camp. Joshua’s nickname is Josh. Josh collects toys from the Gilgal store where they sell a lot of toys and other things. Isaac likes to read a lot. He usually borrows my book, “How to Train your Dragon,” or Sam’s books. Eitan likes to play four square and carpet ball during free time and I like to write Gilgal Gazette articles to get points for my tribe. At breakfast lineup the tribe leaders make the joke to say to the out of cabin staff and at lunch and dinner the campers make the jokes. This is what it is like to be a camper or tribe leader of the Tribe of Reuben 2019!
By: Ezra L. | Age: 12
Tribe: Judah
My favorite activity is field sports. We play all sports of games in the main field. One of my favorite games is called Nukem. Everyone likes playing Nukem. Cole, Levi and I enjoy playing boys vs. girls. Another game I enjoy playing is kickball. It’s like baseball except we kick a dodgeball. My favorite memory is when I kicked the ball so hard that we got a grand slam. A grand slam is when you kick a ball so hard that everyone that are on all bases can run home. I felt so happy when that happened because we were losing. The staff call water break when they think necessary. Field sports is my favorite activity because of the awesome staff and of the super fun games we play.
By: Vivian K. | Age: 11
Tribe: Reuben
Hello there! Before I tell you about Shark-bait. Let me introduce myself. My name is Vivian, I’m 11 and in the tribe of Reuben. Ok, now that I’ve introduced myself, let me tell you a little bit about Shark-bait. In case you were wondering Shark-bait is the Camp Gilgal intern. First, I asked her, “How did you find out about Camp Gilgal?” She said, “I found out about it from my dad, because he worked with Jews for Jesus.” Then I asked, “What’s your favorite part of camp?” she said, “TAWG (time alone with God).” After that I asked, “What’s your favorite verse in the whole Bible?” then she said, “Philippians 4:13” which says, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” Then I asked her, “Why did you choose to make your camp name Shark-bait?” she said, “Because I love to swim, and I really like the movie Finding Nemo.” Then I asked, “What’s your favorite all-camp activity?” she said, “Probably milling games.” Lastly, I asked, “What’s your favorite book of the Bible?” she said, “Hosea.” Well, that’s it. I hope you enjoyed learning about Shark-bait.
By: Hannah W. | Age: 8
Tribe of Issachar
Olivia is my twin sister. Her favorite food is spaghetti and her favorite drink is lemonade. She also likes snakes. Josie’s favorite food is ice cream and her favorite drink is root beer. Her favorite animal is a dog. Elorah loves eggs and her favorite drink is Coke. Her favorite animal is a chameleon. Eliana loves pasta and her favorite drink is chocolate milk. She also likes cheetahs. December, our assistant tribe leader, loves boneless chicken and her favorite drink is horchata. Her favorite animal is a lion. Taxi, our tribe leader, loves chicken tikka masala and mango iced tea. Her favorite animal is a dog.
By: Rebecca S. | Age: 12
Tribe of Dan
You may be wondering what FOB is. It stands for Flat on Bunk. This comes after lunch when we are tired from the morning. We can take a nap, read, or write Gilgal Gazette articles. For a normal tribe, FOB is more of a time to eat candy, send notes, annoy others and play games on their bunks. In our tribe, however, it goes to the extreme! During one of our FOBs, Rebekah P. was bored and decided to be the cabin clown. She came to the middle of our cabin and decided to make her hair into a ponytail; failing miserably. This is when the funny began. Seeing how she failed, we all laughed asking her to do more. So, Rebekah decided to act like of those popular girls from a school, flipping her hair all the time, talking in a high voice. After this hilarious time, she “started a YouTube channel” showcasing her newly created make-up palettes, doing the cat-walk, and having fake disputes over the start of the video with Channah, another tribe member in our cabin.
By: Halie F. | Age: 12
Tribe: Gad
Today I will be writing about a camp leader named Hiccup. Hiccup was also a camper at Camp Gilgal. He has spent six years incorporated into camp. His favorite thing to do as a camper was rock wall. His favorite thing to do as camp staff is getting to know and hanging out with the campers. Hiccup’s favorite member of the Camp Gilgal staff when he was a camper was Twister. Hiccup is a whimsical mac & cheese lover and he is a God lover. Hiccup’s favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” because, he has a lot of change in his life and needs to remember peace. Hiccup also likes to play volleyball in his free time.
By: Eliana R. | Age: 11
Tribe of Dan
We are the Tribe of Dan. Dan’s symbol is a snake. In our tribe we have Pippin and Kombucha as our tribe leaders. We have Rebecca S., Rebekah P., Channah A., Raina W., Ahavah M., and me in our tribe. We are in the oldest tribe on the ladies side and our cabin name is, Grizzly Flat. Rebekah P. (Fred Weasley) and Ellie R. (George Weasley) are best friends. Next year Rebecca S., Channah, and Ahavah are going to teen camp, but Rebekah P., Raina and I still have one more year of junior camp before we go to teen camp.
By: Ava G. | Age: 11
Tribe: Reuben
Hello, my name is Ava and I’m interviewing my tribe leader. Her name is Freckle and she is in the tribe of Reuben. This is her first year as a Camp Gilgal staff. My first question is, “What is your favorite activity?” She said, “All camp activities.” Freckle is very energetic, does track and cross country. On her free time, she reads the Bible and writes in her journal. Freckle is a great influence towards God for all of our tribe. Her favorite in cabin activity is FOB which means flat on bunk. Her favorite foods at camp are quesadillas and cookies. She is very positive and very caring. She also enjoys helping us get closer to God and teaching us about Him in many different ways.
By: Lev R. | Age: 9
Tribe of Judah
During No, No Night I was thinking I would be the first person to say “no”, but apparently, I was the last. So, when S’mores said the theme I freaked out. Hawkeye said his technique was just not talking at all. Doodles used that too. My tribe gave me the clothesline clips and I was the bank, everyone was waiting for me to crack, but I didn’t. Eventually I won, with 16 clips. A direct quote from Mufasa, “It teaches people manners.”
By: Naomi W. | Age: 9
Tribe: Naphtali
Sunshine likes being part of the Camp Gilgal staff better than a camper because she says that it is encouraging and exciting to see how campers grow in the Lord and how camp works overall. We may never know what she does on her breaks, but we do know that it always involves food. She wants to come back next year for sure. Her favorite food at camp so far has been pasta night. Her favorite activity she has helped out with is artsy fun, she likes “seeing the campers unleash the wild creative genius inside of them.” Her favorite camp worship camp song is “Take Me In.” Her name is Sunshine because her parents named her that when they saw that she smiled at every one when she was a baby. She wouldn’t choose any other name but Sunshine because she feels like she was meant to be Sunshine all along.
By: Nehemiah F. | Age: 8
Tribe of Simeon
On Cabin Decoration Day the Tribe of Simeon decorated our cabin like a board game. The board games were Candyland, Chess, and cards. The Tribe of Reuben decorated theirs like Moses splitting the Red Sea. The Tribe of Judah decorated theirs like the Garden of Eden. I think the Tribe of Judah worked hard, but it did not work out well. The Tribe of Simeon liked their idea anyway.
By: Malka M. | Age: 13
Tribe: Gad
Hi, my name is Malka and I’m going to be talking about the pool. First of all, the pool is one hour. I enjoy the pool very especially since we get FOB which stands for flat on bunk. The pool is also cold at first, but its great if it’s really hot outside. It is also very clean and it’s also a nice blue color. There is a swim test on the second day of camp, and it goes pretty well for the most part. For me, I was really scared and nervous when I took it, but I ended up getting a green band. We also have this thing called the buddy board and that when you pick a partner to be with in the pool. You can also play a lot of fun games like Marco Polo and so on. Overall, I really liked talking about pool at Camp Gilgal.
By: Rebecca S.| Age: 12
Tribe of Dan
Stop and Go Night is at dinner where we stop and go, sort of randomly. Waldo blows the whistle every minute or so. When he blows it for the first time, we have to freeze where we are, whether we are drinking water, or putting food in our mouth. When he blows it the second time, we can continue with our lives. If we move when he blows it the first time, we get one of our utensils taken away. We only get three utensils. Stop and Go Night is my favorite night!
By: Samantha O. | Age: 10
Tribe: Reuben
As the stingrays swam around, Two in-love sand sharks slept on the ground, We all gathered there in groups, But the friendly stingray just skipped hoops. The fish were very slimy, And the starfish were to grimy, But I was very pleased to see, A stingray coming up to me.
By: Elyana G. | Age: 9
Tribe of Benjamin
So I am going to be talking to a tribe leader today and writing about Taxi. So far, I have a really good friend in Taxi. Her favorite colors are blue and red. Her favorite animal is a dog. She is a nice tribe leader and her favorite dog is a Saint Bernard.
By: Isaac H. | Age: 10
Tribe of Judah
Today I will be talking about Hawkeye. His favorite activity at camp is Capture the Degel. He even says, “It is the best game in Camp Gilgal history.” He loves margherita pizza. He says, “It is the most delicious food he has ever had.” The thing I like about Hawkeye is that he is very playful. We have a lot of fun with him. This is why I chose to write about Hawkeye.
By: Rebecca S. | Age: 12
Tribe of Dan
I interviewed Fajita. He is a cabin staff of the tribe of Reuben. This is how he answered when I asked him how it is being an assistant tribe leader for the first time, “It’s exciting and fun, but a little challenging sometimes.” His favorite night game is Capture the Degel. I asked him what his favorite theme night is and he responded saying, “Stop and Go Night.” He likes to hang out and have fun with the campers during free time. Judah is his favorite tribe name. He was named Fajita because, “that is what my parents named me.” He loves Mexican food, Dr. Pepper, and Coca Cola. While answering my questions he was a little indecisive. His favorite marvel superhero is Thor.
By: Cohen B. | Age: 9
Tribe of Simeon
Feedback has one brother and four sisters. He also has a favorite staff member named Gadget. His favorite camp game is Wells Fargo all the way. His favorite camper is N/A. His favorite food at camp is a cheeseburger. His favorite dessert at camp is chocolate cookie. His favorite activity is Tabernacle. His favorite part of camp is campers. His favorite sport is football. His favorite book is “The Way of Kings.”
By: Rebecca S. | Age: 12
Tribe of Dan
Kombucha is the ATL (Assistant Tribe Leader) of Dan, my tribe. Since I am in the oldest cabin, I still remember when she was in the oldest cabin as a camper when I was eight. She is very nice, kind, and patient. I will be interviewing her now. I asked her how it feels being a tribe leader and not a camper for the first time. She answered saying, “Being a tribe leader has a lot more responsibility than being a camper, the staff are in charge of the campers and making sure they are safe. Along with having and being there for the campers when they need someone.” Kombucha’s favorite night game is Capture the Degel, her favorite theme night is “No, No night”, and her favorite tribe name is Judah, the lion. When she was a camper, she liked to play Carpet Ball during free time. Overall, Kombucha is an awesome tribe leader and friend. She is so nice, patient, cool, and fun.
By: Eliana B. | Age: 8
Tribe of Issachar
S’mores is my friend, my silly friend. I asked her some questions today and we laughed even more than we talked. About S’mores: Her favorite game is Wells Fargo. She loves dinner at camp because she knows something exciting happens. Her favorite dessert is dairy free mint chocolate chip ice cream from Nick’s grocery store in San Francisco. She likes the book “Where the Red Fern Grows.” Her favorite campfire song is “Hineh Ma Tov.” She told me her favorite verse is Habakkuk 3:18, “yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.” She loves camp and campers, which is why she is staff (and because she likes me too). As a camper, her favorite craft was belt making and her favorite cabin to live in is Grizzly Flat. S’mores’ expert technique for making s’mores: “So my alarm goes off, I get out off bed, take a shower, brush my teeth, eat breakfast and drink coffee, read my Bible, and that is how S’mores’ made every day.” My favorite part about interviewing her was how funny she is. I was so excited to write this interview. S’mores is funny and great, and I look forward to seeing her for my birthday every year because it is always during camp! ?
By: Elorah M.| Age: 7
Tribe of Issachar
Pippin loves serving with her Camp Gilgal family and watching the campers grow up. She also that she loves small puppies when I asked her what her favorite animal was. Her favorite color is tied between red and blue. Pippin’s favorite food at camp are all things potatoes. Her favorite camp name is Oofnik because it never ceases to be funny. Her hair is 24 inches and it took her three years to grow it out! She also has a ton of fun at Camp Gilgal and says it is always a blast hanging out with campers.
By: Mateus A. | Age: 9
Tribe of Simeon
Sherbet is 29. Her favorite color is blue. She also has a favorite food, that is tacos. Her favorite taco place to eat at is Underdogs. Her favorite song to listen to is called Oceans. Sherbet’s favorite movie is Little Rascals. Her favorite Bible verse is Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
By: Gabriel V. | Age: 7
Tribe of Simeon
The fun things we did included horseback riding with Moose saying “tender shoots of deliciousness,” and getting 95% in cabin inspection, playing Mission Impossible and Capture the Degel, seeing my family, making friends, having Feedback here and getting toys. In Mission Impossible we got 2nd place.
By: Lyrit M.| Age: 9
Tribe of Judah
Mufasa said his favorite color is red and his favorite hobby is skateboarding. Mufasa’s favorite food is also chicken wings. The kinds of music Mufasa likes to listen to is any kind of music. Mufasa’s most favorite camp game is Capture the Degel. How he got involved with Camp Gilgal was by his Bubbe. He got his name Mufasa because his family likes The Lion King a lot. Mufasa’s favorite shoe brand is Vans. Mufasa likes playing basketball in his free time.
By: Olivia W. | Age: 8
Tribe of Issachar
December is 17 years old and lives in Michigan. Her favorite food is almond boneless chicken and her favorite animal is a Lion. December’s favorite ice cream flavor is banana cream pie and her favorite song is Midnight City. December’s favorite names are Giselle and Gilligan. Her favorite activity at camp is FOB. Her favorite thing about December is that her birthday is in December and her favorite holidays! December is an amazing tribe leader that I really like. That’s why I chose to write about her.
Theme: Taking Hold of God’s Promises
Psalm 145:13b “The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.”
The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!
Tribe of Issachar
Michelle B.
Halie F.
Sarah O.
Meaghan S.
Chloe S.
Staff: Watson and Skidoo
Tribe of Naphtali
Illyana C.
Ava G.
Hayle G.
Emanuela K.
Vivian K.
Aylo L.
Staff: Ruski and Reepicheep
Tribe of Benjamin
Joshua F.
Ariel K.
Cole K.
Stuart S.
Staff: Verde and Hoops
Tribe of Judah
Isaac G.
Ezra L.
Matthew S.
Levi W.
Staff: Beardo and Napoleon
Out-of-cabin staff: Sneezy, RedSox, Schnitzel