Once a part of the Camp Gilgal family, always a part of the Camp Gilgal family.

Author: Cricket (Page 2 of 3)

Whitewater Rafting

Mariya A.; Age 13
Tribe of Zebulun

rafting 2I’ve never been whitewater rafting ever before, but this year was my best experience of it. At first, I was really nervous and shaking. According to all the instructions given from my raft’s guide, it seemed like I was definitely going to fall in the water from the boat. Our guide led us through the whole trip on water.

Maybe I am wrong, but I think that our guide was the best. There was this one moment where this other group’s boat got stuck on a rock and with Alex’s (that’s our guide) brave attitude he got out of the boat and went through the woods and got the other group out of their trouble. Besides, my group was rafting 3the lead group for the day, and all the other groups followed us.

The fact that I can’t swim was really frightening to me. I really didn’t want to fall out of the boat because then I would be in really big trouble, which seems even scarier. The best thing was that my group’s guide was able to keep every person in my group safe. When we were halfway over the trip, Alex made sure everyone in my group had comfortable seating and let us relax. Therefore, he did the rest of the paddling all by himself. I am not sure if it is true, but Alex told us that it was his first time doing this kind of thing, which was actually making everyone so look forward to our water trip. I had the best experience of whitewater rafting ever. Not only did I have a bunch of fun, but I had a growth in my courage and felt more brave.

Meals At Camp

Emmanuel R.
Age 14

During and after we eat we have certain traditions here at camp. One of them is “benching.” We do benching after lunch. Benching is where we slam our palms and say a Hebrew prayer. At dinner, meal timewe usually have dessert (yum!) and then there is “Mail Callllllll!” Mail Call is when we get packages and letters from our parents, grandparents etc. Most of the time it’s letters, and sometimes it’s a care package (usually full of candy) and a small note. I have yet to receive one! We also have cabin inspection, where our cabins are checked for disorder, trash, or an environmental attack!

 During lunch we can sit with other cabins. All in all, eating is important but it can be fun with other people, especially at camp. Camp isn’t just about campfires and bug spray; it’s about the camp food.

Swim Time

Eliana W., Age 10
Tribe of Reuben

One of my favorite times of the day is swim time. We swim almost every day after lunch. My favorite thing to do is try to get Hiccup’s sunglasses which is so much fun. I usually swim for about an hour and a half. I also like to swim laps which are also fun. You should go to Camp Gilgal to swim and have lots of fun.


Lydia C., Age 15
Tribe of Judahpaintballing 2

Paintballing was super fun this year. I had a blast! Last year, I was scared out of my mind the whole time. I just sat behind a wall and prayed that I wouldn’t be shot. But this year, I got so into it. I felt like a sniper while I was sliding behind platforms and hiding behind trees and shooting anything I saw.

I also got really dirty and gross but I did no’t care at all because it was the funnest paintballing 5thing ever. I’m sad that I won’t be able to do it next year because this is my last year of teen camp.

My friend Kaylie accidentally shot me though. We were on the same team and I ran up in front of her without telling her while she was still shooting and she shot me in the leg from like two feet away. It hurt at first, but not for long.

We were playing this one game called “Blackhawk Down” and we had to shoot one person on the other team, which was Swank. Swank’s marines were protecting him. After we shot all the marines, they told Swank that he had to run for it and once he got up to run, we all started shooting at him and he fell in the river and got all wet and muddy. It was hilarious.

This year after paintballing, I learned to be fearless because there was really nothing to be afraid of. I hope that I will take that lesson with me and use it in the future.

Capture the Counselor

Hannah B., Age: 12
Tribe of Simeon

staffCapture the Counselor is an all-camp activity where all of the staff act like animals and hide in the woods. The goal of the game was to find them and bring them back. Kimchi was a turtle that hid in her “shell” when anyone made any sudden movements. Bobo was a kangaroo that would box you if you approached her from the front. Swank was a songbird that you would have to sing campfire songs to get him to come with you. Tiptoe was a spitting llama that would spit and run away if you got too close. At the end everybody did well. It turned out to be a great camp experience.


Zemeira W., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

 Moose is the funny, sweet director of Camp Gilgal West, though he loves all of the camps that Jews for Jesus does. We play a lot of games during Camp Gilgal and his favorite is Capture the Degel. He sings a lot of songs when he is in jail to get help and to entertain himself. One year he got poison oak in his eye but it didn’t hurt, it was just uncomfortable.Moose

 He likes sushi, ice water with lemon, and he doesn’t have a favorite ice cream but he likes Moose Tracks. His favorite colors are brown and blue and his favorite dinner theme is Utensil Night. He doesn’t have a favorite song but he really likes “How Great Thou Art.” His favorite candy is dark chocolate with almonds. His favorite cartoon characters are the Roadrunner and the Coyote. His comment on camp names is, “If it fits you, wear it.”

 He made camp for young Jewish people to grow closer to Yeshua (Jesus)as their Messiah and to meet other young Jewish believers.

The Panel

Mekerah P.
Age 13

During teen camp one afternoon all the campers participated in an activity called, “the panel.” The panel is a group of staff consisting of Speedy, Bazooka, Rocky, Moose and several others. During the time designated for the panel, campers wrote down many different questions. When everyone was done writing their questions, Moose collected them and gave them to the panel to answer.Panel

The first question was about heaven. The panel answered it to the best of their ability and then were handed another question on the same topic. While the panel was answering these questions, multiple campers started asking new questions about heaven. After a little while, the discussion ended, but there is always next time!

Movie Night

Halie F., Age 7
Tribe of Reuben


Today was great! It was Shabbat and Elliot’s birthday and the Fourth of July. We had so much fun. We had chips, popcorn, soda, and animal crackers. We watched a movie and we were in our PJs and pillows and sleeping bags. We had cake, and Elliot is 12. We watched How to Train your Dragon. It was great!
Love, Halie


Sophia M., Age 11
Tribe of Manasseh

Dynamite is our camp nurse. She was once a tribe leader and before that she was a camper. She’s gone to campfires like us, played the same games, and she’s sat at the same tables we’ve sat at we sit at.

She came to Camp Gilgal when she was ten years old. On Feed Your Friend Night, that’s when she fed Squirt and they are friends to this day. One of Dynamite’s favorite night games as a camper was Wells Fargo. And when I asked her what her tribe was her first year as staff, she said Manasseh, too!! One of her favorite parts of camp was making new friends.Dynamite

Dynamite has an older sister, an older brother, and a twin brother. Her twin brother also went to camp. She met Brickhouse at Camp Gilgal when she was ten years old but they started dating when they were 16. Then they got married and had Norah, a two year old that is the cutest girl in the world. Norah loves Elmo and Frozen.

I’m so glad that Dynamite came to camp again. She’s so sweet and I hope she comes back next year!

The Oy-limpics

Lily C., Age: 10
Tribe of Issachar

One of the most fun Camp Gilgal traditions is the Oy-limpics. What the Oy-limpics is a series of fun games that includes the campers and the staff. One of the games we played was sticking your feet in a bucket of ice and picking out jelly beans with your toes. Another one was wrapping your tribe leader with toilet paper. My favorite thing that we did was spreading shaving cream all over our staff and throwing cheese balls at their face! Everything was really fun but super messy! By the end I had egg all over my bag and shaving cream on my shirt. No matter what happens it is one of the most thing things to look foward to at Camp Gilgal.


Kaylie L., Age 15
Tribe of Judah

candidThis year one of the activities was soccer. We played several games and each game was extremely close. I played goalie for one of the games, which I don’t usually play and made some pretty amazing saves. Making these saves made me feel really happy that I was capable of doing things in soccer that was not just playing in the field.

Each camper got really into the games and we all ended up having a great time. In the whole group that played soccer there were some skilled soccer and some not as skilled players. The staff also got really into the games. Playing, refereeing and playing as fans we had Swank, Watson, Goliath andcandid 3 Baby Carrots. Goliath was definitely the MVP for the staff. He was the strongest and most enthusiastic out of all of the staff. All of the campers had an awesome time and we all got super into the games. Playing in the fields brought our camp together in that we all worked on teamwork together while having fun.

The teamwork that was developed was really awesome because we learned that we only had t o know each other for a day and we could work together well. Playing soccer at Camp Gilgal was so much fun.

First Night Fun

Vika S.
Age 15

 The first night of camp is always exciting, from moving into your cabins, to meeting new people, and talking with camp friends. This year after dinner we were all instructed to go get closed toed shoes, bug spray, and water. This made us question what we would be doing next. When the whistles blew we were all led to the field. That was when Heinz announced that we would be playing many fun games. First, we started with a game by the name of Cat and Mouse. However, this game did not in fact include any real mice or cats. The way the game is played is everyone but two people gets into groups of two by linking arms. The two who did not get paired up were the cat and mouse. The assigned cat must chase the mouse and if the mouse is caught, the roles are reversed. However, the mouse can run and link arms in one of the groups of two but the person on the end must now take the mouse’s place. We first night gamesplayed this for a while, and we even added in two extra cats and mice.

Once this game was over we played the great game of Boston, Baltimore, or Buffalo. This game involves the use of three sections of the field. Each section goes by the name of Boston, Baltimore, or Buffalo. When Heinz called out one of the three, we must run to the correct section and not be the last one or else you’re out. But everyone had to be careful because if Heinz yelled out “subway,” everyone must hit the deck. After we boiled down to the last campers, Skye was eventually the winner.

Next, Speedy sat us all down and talked a little about the World Cup. He came up with a challenge for us in which both the men’s and the ladies’ side chose three representatives for a flopping contest. Now, what is a flop you ask? A flop is when a person pretends to be very injured after making it seem as if they were tripped or pushed. A panel of judges was formed and we would be given points for how well the flop was executed with possible extra points for using foreign languages. In the end, the men won the flopping contest for their extreme flops. Following this we tried to say “goal” for as long as we could and eventually had two campers face off.

Lastly, we played a round of steal the kosher bacon, which was actually more like steal the shoe. People were put in a line on each end of the field and numbered off. In the middle was a shoe and then someone would call out a number and that number from each side would tried to bring the show back by “whatever means necessary.” Sometimes even multiple numbers would be called out. This is the way our first game night went and everyone had lots of fun.

Mad Science!

Hannah K., Age 11
Tribe of Levi

camper silly faceThis year one of my activities was Mad Science. My favorite experiment was putting Mentos in Diet Coke. When the Mentos were dropped in the Diet Coke it exploded!! Geysers look similar but work differently. Geysers are made up of hot steam. The steam mixes with the water and explodes up! If you ever go to camp, sign up for Mad Science!

Things to Bring to Camp

Abigail H., Age: 12
Tribe of Issacharcandid ladies 4

Hi everyone, this is my second time at sleep-away camp and I’ve learned a lot about what to bring. First, bring a lot of extra clothes because you will get dirty. Today we put paint in eggs and I got egg all over my shirt. Don’t bring any electronics because they will be confiscated. Don’t ask for the time, instead ask how many minutes till the next activity. Also, bring flashlights and extra batteries because our cabins have no electricity and it gets really dark at night. Camp is so fun!


Zoe N., Age 11
Tribe of Manasseh

I chose Brickhouse for my article because he is nice and funny. This year he is a part of the CIC. The CIC stands for Cabin Inspection Cheerleaders, and they inspect our cabins. Brickhouse is also our worship leader. His wife’s name is Dynamite and he has one child named Norah.

Brickhouse has been going to Camp Gilgal since 1997. Brickhouse’s name was suggested on his first day of camp and it was his first year. His tribe leader who suggested his name was Sush-Dogg. Brickhouse loves all the night games at camp, especially Capture the Degel. But as staff he likes meeting the campers and seeing them grow in Yeshua. Brickhouse loves to play the electric guitar, and he has been playing Brickhousethe guitar for 13 years.

Brickhouse loves sarsaparilla so much that in his first year he bought a whole case of it. Brickhouse’s sister Snapple first came to camp in 1999. Brickhouse was in the tribe of Judah the year when he first came to camp, and their tribe won Tribe of the Year. Brickhouse came to teen camp in 2001. Brickhouse did go to adventure camp, he went all the way through to 2007. He was also a tribe leader at junior and teen camp.


Madison H., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

For my article I decided to write about my tribe leader, T-Rex. I chose to write about her because she has been in my tribe for two years. I also like T-Rex because she is really funny.

TRexDid you know that T-Rex’s favorite color is purple? Well it is! I found out that she likes sarsaparilla more than 1,000,000,000 times that number. T-Rex’s favorite part about camp is Columbia and being with campers. She loves Wells Fargo but playing as staff. And did you know that T-Rex’s favorite song is “One Thing Remains”?

Also T-Rex loves water polo because she is trying out for her college team. You will never believe what T-Rex’s favorite things from the Gilgal store are. They are the wet goods which are sodas, Otter Pops, Mountain Dew and Sour Patch Kids. T-Rex’s brother Stix told me that T-Rex loves ranch dressing so much. One time she put ranch on her blueberry muffin. That is why I chose to write about T-Rex.


Rachel H., Age 10
Tribe of Levi

play doh Imagine this: you’re at Camp Gilgal 2014. Twister passes around the sign-up sheets for activities. You see the word Claymation and go, “Oh, yeah.” What you just read was what happened to me. The next day, I was really excited for my first time in Claymation. Imagine my surprise when I walked into the room and only five campers play doh 2were there! And they were sculpting figures with Play-Doh! But day by day, I made more and more characters and—finally—on Friday, we each made a video using our characters. My movie was about a girl taking a ride on a giant duck. Then the duck gets turned into a fish by the pond fairy. The duck-fish goes underwater, and the girl has to swim to the shore to get out. It was really fun, and I’m definitely doing Claymation next year!

Staff Testimonies

Colton Z., Age 14
Tribe of Levi

staff membersAfter lunch each day, three staff members would go to the front of the dining hall and basically tell their stories. At the end we would ask three questions and how we could pray for them. It made me more comfortable knowing their background and it was easier to talk to them. They go through their lives, childhood, time at Camp Gilgal, and funny stories. They talk about how their walk with God was, is and hopefully will be. I enjoyed listening to them and I can’t wait to hear more. It made it easier for us as campers to realize where our walks with God are going. It takes courage to get up in front of many campers and staff and tell your story and your standing with beliefs. They all have courage and I respect all of them.

Hebrew Class

Anna A., Age: 12
Tribe of  Issachar

hebrewHi I’m Anna! Today I’m going to talk about my Hebrew class. I’m in the second level class for Hebrew, and we call it Beit class. My class is really fun! We sing songs in Hebrew. We also have a booklet that we work on every day. I’m really far along. The teachers name is Scooby Jones and Gus helps him. They are so nice and funny. The only catch is that you have to understand the Hebrew vowels. I hope you enjoy Hebrew like me.


Andrew A.
Age 13

 Tabernacle happens in the early morning so we can spend time with God before the fun and crazy-filled day. It’s so awesome to gather with a bunch of believers to sing, worship, and pray. To start off, Streetlight does the best guitar playing. Then Moose comes up and either talks or introduces other staff to talk about the story of their lives.

We are learning and memorizing Philippians 2:5-11. Our theme for 2014 is being a servant. When we are studying, the verse we have the “memory verse crew” which consists of Professor, Geronimo, Bazooka and Acorn. Then, Streetlight comes back up and plays more worship. Then we pray and end Tabernacle. That’s it! Shalom.


Elizabeth R., Age 11Poppins
Tribe of Manasseh

Poppins is our camp mom. She helps us when we are sick, homesick or just if we need a hug. She’ll drive us to the doctor’s office if we need to go. She is always there for me when I need her.

When I was talking to Poppins, I found out many different things about her. One of the things I found out was that she’s been coming to camp for eight years. Her favorite part of camp, like Moose, is the campers. She got her camp name by bringing a big bag of supplies for the campers and staff, so they called her Mary Poppins but Poppins stuck. She has no words to describe how much she loves camp.

Her favorite theme night is Super Hero Night because she loves capes. Her favorite colors are any of the colors that the camp shirts have been printed on. I also asked her what her favorite animal was she said, “puppies, oh, and kittens – well, I guess I like all baby animals, even baby skunks. I love cuteness.” And that’s why I love Poppins so much.

Cabin Cleanup

Jackson H., Age: 12
Tribe of Benjamin

Every day we clean our cabins. Everyone makes their bed first. After that we start picking up our clothes. Next our tribe makes sure the cabin is completely clean. After we’ve swept the floor, cleaned the restrooms, and straightened our shoes we are done. Next our cabin gets inspected. After lunch we get a score. The people inspecting the cabins change. Most tribes will make notes for the inspector, but if a different person inspects the cabins you get points off. Cabin cleanup is always fun.

Pool Time

Penina S., Age 11
Tribe of Levi

For pool time, you get an option of swimming or playing games, such as table tennis or air hockey in the game room. Pool time is about an hour. Pool time is valuable to me because on the days we are allowed to go into the pool, the weather is hot. On days like that the pool water is very refreshing. The pool goes seven feet deep at the deepest point in the pool. Pool time is awesome!

Strider’s First Jewish Experience

Hannah M., Age 14
Tribe of Judah

Not everyone who comes to Camp Gilgal is Jewish. Strider is a Gentile tribe leader at Camp Gilgal East. I decided to interview him about what it is like to be in such a strong Jewish community. I asked him what the hardest part in being in a Jewish community was and he answered that it was the culture shock, not knowing much Hebrew and also not knowing some of the Jewish traditions like keeping Shabbat. Also I asked him what was the most important thing he learned from the campers. He replied that it was the open-mindedness. Being able to ask questions about the Scripture that he has never thought about asking before. The last question I asked him was how has coming to Camp Gilgal affected his faith. He told me that being able to come into an environment where he had nothing but God to think about made his faith become stronger. He was able to meditate and think about the Scripture without being distracted by the stress from this world. Having activities and being able to read your Bible removes all those distractions. Camp Gilgal was a great way to learn to grow and trust God.

Camp Gilgal East Junior Camp (June 30 – July 13, 2013)

2013 cg logo on white rgb


The Next Generation Chooses God

(Joshua 1:9)

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!



Tribe of Asher: Mariya A., Naomi W., Nena K., Penina S., Rebekah C., Sonic, Bologna

Tribe of Benjamin: Asher W., Daniel C., Elliot A., Ephraim L., Gavyn R., Josiah O., Long Shanks, Wolf

Tribe of Naphtali: Abigail O., Alyssa C., Liora S., Naena D., Simona B., Nature Valley, Watson

Tribe of Simeon: Aaron C., Alex J., David K., Ethan M., Isaiah H., Swank, Starfox

Tribe of Zebulon: Elie W., Hannah K., Netanya W., Rachel M., Baby Carrots, Anonymous

Tribe of Levi: Beardo, RedSox, Scooter, Sneezy, Strings, Twister

Auxiliary Staff: Fresco, Heart


Backwards Day According to Gavyn

Gavyn R., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin

Backwards Day started out when my tribe leader Long Shanks woke us up to get dressed because it was time for Mission Impossible. That’s right, we played MI in the morning! Long Shanks was talking like a general and calling us soldiers and it was really exciting. We were running around searching for clues and avoiding the spotters armed with silly string. Our tribe got caught a few times and found most of our clues. We had to catch our breath a lot of times and in the end Simeon won.

Once MI was over, it was time for breakfast and we were super hungry. My tribe walked to breakfast and stood at lineup backwards – a trend the other tribes picked up through the day.

At pool time Long Shanks swam backwards and even pretended to take a breath under water! I ran backwards during Tribe versus Tribe competitions and also I got to search for a whistle hidden in whipped cream – I got second place representing my tribe.

Backwards Day even meant that we had FOB (Flat on Bunk) in the morning before lunch, but Long Shanks and Wolf seemed to appreciate it. Instead of starting the day with Tabernacle we ended it with Tabernacle! In Tabernacle we have been studying the book of Joshua. My favorite morning the staff acted like a machine showing Israel’s history of slavery. Backwards Day was super awesome and I hope that we do it again next year!


Penina S., Age 10
Tribe of Asher

As I stare at the target and pull back the string, I can feel the powerful strength rise in my arms. I let go and I can feel the arrow slipping from my fingers. I can feel and hear the arrow hitting the target with a ping. Bulls eye!

Archery, yes! I love it! It is a great sport to learn and participate in. Archery is a great sport to learn because it helps with patience, self control, and safety. The way it helps with patience is because you have to wait a lot. Patience helps with self-control. You have to know what to do and when to do it, therefore you need self control. Archery helps with safety because you need to be safe with the equipment. Archery materials can be used against someone as a weapon, so you have to use them correctly or else it isn’t a good camp activity.

In archery, we get to play archer’s games. We also get to shoot on our own. In one of the games we play, we have to try to hit and pop the balloons taped to the targets. In the end, almost all of my arrows hit the target. So, that is part of the reason that I like archery so much, but I like seeing that I can get better with practice.

Fourth of July

Josiah O., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin

During the Fourth of July we went to mid-rim and did campfire there. It was nice to have campfire in a different spot and in a place where we could see the fireworks of the areas around. We sang campfire songs and Nature Valley did a devotion for all of us. Then we went to edge of the lookout and watched fireworks. There were green, red, yellow, and orange fireworks. Then everyone walked back to their cabins and went to bed. During campfire everyone had a great time watching fireworks and singing songs. This was a great way to celebrate the Fourth of July!


Alyssa C., Age 12
Tribe of Naphtali

Basketball is a fun activity we do here at Camp Gilgal. It is located in the gy. On some days we would use the outdoor court and play a game of basketball. The game goes up to a certain number of points and we would play boys versus girls or split up everyone into different kinds of teams. If you are a basketball lover like me, I assure you will love this activity. Playing basketball can build new friendships by working together as a team.

Other options when playing basketball is that the rock wall activity is going on at the same time as basketball. The activities share the gym so if you got into rock wall and wanted basketball you could still play. And if you got into basketball and you wanted rock wall you are allowed to climb the wall.

One more thing that is great about basketball is that when you play on the outdoor court, you can also go on the playground if you finish early. Basketball is a fun activity that lets you bond well with others and have a friendly competition.


Elliot A., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin

Boatin’ is very fun. When I went boating I had it as my third activity right after FOB. We met every day near lineup and walked across the street using road procedure and hiked a short while to the lake. When we got to the lake we got out the life jackets and paddles (out of the closet) and took the canoes off the rack. Then we divided into teams of two or three. Excluding the last day, all campers that were boating had to have a staff member on their boat at all times. The staff members that supervised the activity were Wolf, Scooter, and Twister. After getting the boats on the lake, we paddled around and looked at fish and the lake floor. After about 50 minutes we put the life jackets, paddles, and canoes back where we got them from and hiked back up to the road. We made sure we had no ticks, crossed the street using road procedure and went to wash our hands. We had a BLAST every day in boating. It isn’t something that you always get the opportunity to do and I’m really glad that it was part of my first summer at Camp Gilgal!

Fun-Plex Fun Park!

Nena W., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

For our field trip at Camp Gilgal we went to Fun-Plex Fun Park! It was REALLY fun! We played mini golf and that was ok. It might have been more fun, but the day was really sunny and hot and we were having a hard time being into it. But after we finished and ate lunch, we each got two tickets. These tickets allowed us to ride different rides at the Fun Park. I went go-carting for both tickets. The first time I went, I was REALLY scared because I thought I would be bad at driving but I eventually got the hang of it and wanted to go a second time.

On the first time and the first lap I went around, I was in first place until I crashed and broke a metal strip. Luckily, I landed in a pile of tires. I had a smooth ride after that. On the second time nothing really interesting happened, because I had a better idea of how to drive. After every tribe gathered by the parking lot, we walked across the parking lot, we watched the male staff race each other. Swank won. Then the female staff raced each other. Nature Valley won big time. Last but not least, we got back into the bus and got ice cream at an ice cream parlor. I got orange pineapple and it was really good. After that we went back to camp and got ready for Fashion Disaster Night. Fashion Disaster Night is what it sounds like. We dress like fashion disasters. This was a great field trip, a great theme meal, and a great day!

Horse and Israeli Day

Rachel M., Age 11
Tribe of Zebulon

Today was horse day. An amazing day filled with horseback riding and so many other great things. I rode a horse called Macey. We went through the woods and down to Sunrise. Controlling the horses was a little hard, but you get the hang of it at the end.

My favorite part was the lady let us go and I got to ride by myself. I felt sababa!

Also we had Israeli Day. We did awesome activities like go Israeli dancing, and of course, horse time. We even had Israeli figs and dates. It was tov ma’od!

Our Awesome Tribe Time

Naena D., Age 11
Tribe of Naphtali

A few days ago we had an awesome tribe time! We went with our tribe to the team building spot. What we did there is the type of thing where you trust your tribe mates. What we had to do was get a partner, which in my case was Simona, and we each stood on a tight rope and held hands and we had to shuffle down the line and try not fall. It was so much fun! I loved it!

I was terrified at first, and so was Simona, but while we were doing it, it got kind of easier. So if you go to the team building spot…be prepared to have fun! Something else we did was called the Wind in the Willows. What we had to do was get in the middle of a circle and everyone pushes you around. It’s fun but you have to trust everyone. I’m so glad that our tribe likes each other so much, because it made this activity a ton of fun.

Outdoor Adventure

Liora S., Age 13
Tribe of Naphtali

The day is wet and overcast. Two campers and three staff members set off to start their outdoor adventure. “Today we will be learning about the water shed,” Nature Valley, a tribe leader announces. She goes on to explain about erosion, the water cycle and how soil helps filter water.

The group continues on, wading through thick wet sloughs of grass. They pass the pond and turn left onto a little side road. After trudging through more puddles and mud, the group comes to a dilapidated cabin.

Starfox wants to go in, and before he opens the door, Watson queries, “Is there a rocking chair inside?” As the door swings open, the group crowds around, eager to see if there is, in fact, a rocking chair. The group piles in, and in the center of the room there is a rocking chair. A wood stove also dominates the center of the room. The beams of the ceiling are exposed, and Roman numerals are scattered all over the beams.

Everyone wants to know how Watson knew there would be a rocking chair in the cabin, even though none of them had ever been there before. Watson says the she has seen enough shows on television to predict what they would see inside.

As the group further explores the cabin, they find dust coated windows, thick spider webs covering the corners of the window, and dead bugs and the window sills. As the group exits the cabin, they see a very run-down shack, and they dub it, “Ye Old Creepy Shed in the Woods.” They also dubbed the cabin, “Ye Old Creepy Cabin in the Woods.”

The first day of outdoor adventure was very interesting. This is a great activity and it helps me have a great time during my first year at camp.


David K., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

There are many astonishing undertakings in Camp Gilgal. As a veteran camper, I nearly know all about the activities. One of my favorite is rock wall climbing.

As you can realize, the objective of the sport is to climb a wall which is full of rocks that are arbitrarily organized. I favor this activity because not only does it strengthen your body, but also your brain by using critical thinking about how to strategize for climbing the wall.

This year I completed (with a harness and a helmet) the wall with a record of 30 seconds. This is why I like this activity. It was a great chance to learn and grow and trust God!

Water Wars!

Alex J., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon 

At Camp Gilgal you think how do we do this or that? When you arrive it’s an amazing time, but one activity that you would never think of, which is so surprising, well, before I give you the answer here’s a hint: you get soaked! DidWater Wars2 you get it? WATER WARS! It’s a shocking, fun, and has a little spritz of adrenaline. Also, you end up having a great time, but great times have to come too and so this summer I would totally go to Camp Gilgal for a chance to have fun. It is so good to know that there is relief from the summer heat in such a fun way. 

In the war some things that are provided are some water guns, water balloons, tribe leaders, and yourselves. If you put it all together you get a great time and fun getting soaked! 

On Friday before Shabbat we were in our cabin during tribe time and suddenly you’re smiling having so much fun, and wet out of the wazoo. I love that there are always surprises at Camp Gilgal!

Horse Riders

Gavyn R., Age 10
Tribe of Bejamin 

This was my first time on the trail ride at Camp Gilgal, because you have to be ten years old to go on the trail. When you are younger than that, you still get to ride but just in the ring. 

WHorse Riders2hile I was riding on the trail the two horses in front of me freaked out from hearing a mocking bird. I was watching the horses in front of me as they jumped up with their front legs. They were going nuts! It was only a moment. They calmed down.  It was really good that the horse workers were there, they kept everything fun and safe. The mocking bird sounded like he was signing “Neigh, neigh.” It is cool that birds can make that noise, too. I liked horseback riding and I hope to do it again next year.

Drama Games

Drama Games2

Rachel M., Age 11
Tribe of Zebulun 

My first week at Camp Gilgal, I chose to do Drama Games. Anonymous and Sonic were with us. We had way too much fun with it. For example, we played late to work, the party game, taxi, freeze, honey if you love me, etc. 

I really enjoyed this because I love expressing myself. The funniest thing I did in Drama Games was pretend to have a heart attack while playing freeze. These activities let me exercise my dramatic side and have so much fun. I hope you guys enjoy it too!

A Field Trip to Fun-Plex Fun Park

Ephraim L., Age 8
Tribe of Benjamin 

One day we went to Fun-Plex Fun Park. It took one or two hours to get thereField Trip2, I’m not sure how long it was, but I really like the bus rides! When we got there the first thing we did was play miniature golf with our tribes. We got up to the seventh hole before we had to skip ahead to the eighteenth hole—because that is where we returned our equipment. It was really nice to get to skip to the end because it was such a hot day. 

After that we had lunch. For lunch we had sandwiches, chips, and juice—this was a great treat. Next we drove go-karts around the track at 20mph. It was so hot and we got there by bus. On our way back we sang songs about movies like Mulan, then thankfully we took an ice cream break. The kind of ice cream I had was pineapple orange. When we got back we had to FOB. My favorite part of the day was driving go-karts. But the ice cream and FOB were both great reliefs, too.

Israeli Day

Israeli Day2

Elie W., Age 9
Tribe of Zebulon 

Why is this day different from the other days? Israeli Day is different from all the other days because we do not do our everyday schedule. We do Israeli customs like sing Israeli songs, speak Hebrew, and eat traditional Israeli food. I ate dates, figs, pita, and hummus. We sang while we danced traditional Israeli dances. I had a great time! You should come to Camp Gilgal because every day is different and fun!

Wipe Out

Asher W., Age 11wipe out2
Tribe of Benjamin

There was a big bump. I fell over on the air-bag. I was off the track. I felt like throwing up. Don’t worry, I was having a great time. Man! I was at Fun-Plex Fun Park on a fieldtrip for the Fourth of July. It was AWESOME!!

But maybe I should explain and back up a little bit. I was on a go-kart track, in my go-kart and I was having an amazing experience. My tribe leader, Long Shanks, was unfortunately going crazy. He was having so much fun on the go-karts that he forgot that he actually does know how to drive. The light turned green and we were off. I was in the middle, right behind Long Shanks. This how it went for a while. Finally, I took the lead. There was a big bump. I fell over on the air-bag. I was off the track. I felt like throwing up. Long Shanks was off. The force of the blow had knocked me backwards, shoved me off the track, and lastly…had wrecked my smoking broken go-kart. MAN! Go-karts were intense, but there were great staff and the equipment kept us safe on the go-karts and on numerous other attractions which included awesome bungee jumping, wacky basketball and much more. In the long run Fun-Plex Fun Park was an awesome place for a field trip.


Mariya A., Age 12Campfire2
Tribe of Asher

I really like campfire. During campfire we worship God and learn lessons about Him. It’s great because while we sing, we show motions that go with the songs. Then we pray. My favorite camp fire song is “Baby Whale.” It’s fun to sing that song because there are a lot of motions to it. After the songs one of the staff shares a devotion from the Bible with us. One of the campfire talks was by Long Shanks. It was about the armor of God. Ephesians 6:11 says, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” I liked it because it helps me to know that God is protecting me and tells me how to stand strong in Him.

Capture the Degel

Naomi W., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

Capture the Degel is one of the most fun games you can ever play at Camp Gilgal. This game is just like “Capture the Flag” but it’s a little different and a lot more fun. The way this game works is you split into two teams, then both teams hide their degel (flag in Hebrew) where the other team can’t see it. Once the degel is hidden, both teams try to find the other team’s degel. To win the game, there’s a twist: when you try to find the degel you also have to try not to get tagged by the other team.

I’ve pCapture the Degel2layed this game so many times. This year I ended up almost getting the degel, but my friend who runs really fast, Asher, tagged me before I could grab it. Me and my friend Rachel, we thought of a plan to distract the degel guards and then sneak past them in separate ways and end up getting it. But that didn’t work. The whole thing was intense and really fun. But in all the game was one of my favorites and I can’t wait for next year to play it again. This game is my favorite because it is a team sport and because I get to run around and get rid of a lot of extra energy. This game is amazing!

Counselor Hunt

Liora S., Age 13
Tribe of Naphtali

Introducing….Counselor Hunt! A wookie, an ostrich, a fox, wild boar, howler monkey, fox-face bat, fainting goat and many more animals/counselors gathered at sunset road to play CounseloCounselor Hunt2r Hunt. As each of the staff is introduced, the campers rapidly whisper and remark among themselves.

As the staff disappear into the woods the campers grow antsy with anticipation. The whistle blows, and they are off running through the woods in search of counselors. Campers find Swank in a tree, Long Shanks running everywhere, Sonic behind the two iron pillars, Scooter behind a tree, and many more counselors in different places.

In order to win counselor hunt, the campers must bring the counselors they find back to Sunset. However, this is not an easy task. As with the character of their animals, a fainting goat must faint, an ostrich must run, and a sloth must be slow. The campers have to put great time and effort into the task of bringing the counselors to Sunset.

When all of the counselors have been found, the game is ended and campfire begun. Though very tiring, Counselor Hunt is an exhilarating all-camp activity that is fun to play.

Movie Night

Hannah K., Age 10
Tribe of Zebulon 

For Movie Night we watched Wreck It Ralph. We bring our sleeping bags and get sMovie Night2nacks. Then you get comfortable in your sleeping bag. The lights turn off and everybody gets quiet. The movie starts.

You can sleep while Movie Night is going on because it is pretty late. I love Movie Night. It is very fun. I didn’t know it was Movie Night until the movie started. The surprises make camp lots of fun. When I saw the words on the screen I knew it was Movie Night. It is exciting, fun, and really chill. That’s Movie Night.

Talent Night

Talent Night2Liora S., Age 13
Tribe of Naphtali 

Talent Night is always fun. Each tribe performs a skit, there are a few other acts, and we do another activity afterward. This year, the tribe of Simeon did a skit about Jericho, Asher did a skit about Cain and Abel, Zebulon did a skit about distractions that keep us from God, Benjamin did a skit about Daniel in the lion’s den, and Naphtali combined their devotions theme with the story of the Good Samaritan. Each tribe performed wonderfully, the audience got a few laughs, and everyone had fun. Anonymous and Netanya performed the Cup Song, and Wolf and Alex performed another song. Last, but not least, Isaiah, Alex, and David performed He-Nay-Ma-Tov with their new dance. 

Talent Night was successful and everyone had a blast! It was a great recap of our time at camp!

Theme Dinners

Theme Meals 2Netanya W., Age 9
Tribe of Zebulon

For one of our theme dinners we had Animal Night and you can be any animal you want. So I was a cat and my whole tribe was too. It was a lot of fun. My sister was a dog and it was fun. There is more than one theme dinner. Another of them was Fashion Disaster Night and it is when you throw on any of your clothes and there are more such as Backwards Night. But I don’t want to give too much away, you will find out if you go to Camp Gilgal!

Scooter’s Cabin!

Scooters Cabin2Josiah O., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin

Scooter’s cabin is so ‘clean.’ How do I know? Well, he doesn’t have to have cabin inspection, so his cabin must be super super clean. But I thought that I saw his suitcase bursting! His shoes are askew, his clothes are tossed like salad, his bed is a kerfuffle, and almost everything is messy. So if you ever want to clean your cabin really well, “ask Scooter.”

P.S. Don’t follow Scooter’s instructions! Maybe Scooter’s cabin is such a mess because Scooter’s days are so so busy!

Advice for a New Camper (from a New Camper)

Liora S., Age 13
Tribe of Naphtali 

Every first-year camper needs to know what to bring to camp. Here is a list of things to bring and why you should bring them: 

A lot of socks: Socks get wet easily and it’s always nice to have a new pair. Advice for a new camper2

More clothes than you think you need: It might rain, and don’t forget about laundry day. 

Bug spray: You will be spending a lot of time outside, so the more the spray, the better. 

Sunscreen: Sunburns are nearly inevitable, and lather it on during pool time! 

Random costume items: You never know when there will be a themed meal, so prepare! 

I hope this information has been of use to you, and good luck with your first year of camp! I’m loving mine!


Liora S., Age 13
Tribe of Naphtali 

In the beginning of camp, your tribe will work together to make a degel (flag). This degel will have the symbol of your tribe on it and all of the signatures of your tribe meFlags2mbers. You will carry this degel to breakfast, lunch, dinner, tabernacle, and other places.

Degel stealing is still happening here at Camp Gilgal. For those of you who are new here, if your tribe leaves its degel at the dining hall, Tabernacle, or anywhere else, it can be stolen by another tribe. If another tribe steals your degel, your tribe has to earn it back. This year, the tribe of Benjamin stole two degelim: one from Asher and one from Naphtali. Asher had to earn their degel back by cleaning up the tribe of Benjamin’s table after meals for one day. Once that was done they got their degel back. The tribe of Naphtali had to earn their degel back by writing and performing a song that sang the praises of Benjamin. 

Don’t let other tribes steal your degel! You can easily earn points by bringing it to Tabernacle and other places, so don’t forget your degel!

Food at Camp Gilgal

Rebekah C., Age 12
Tribe of Asher

We eat thrice daily. We walk down to the dinFood at camp gilgal2ing hall. Then, we line up in our tribes outside and wait to be invited into our meal. They pick the tribe to enter the dining hall first that has the best line and is the best behaved. We sit at our round table and wait to say the blessings.  We chant prayers as we thank God for the food we are about to consume.

First, on my favorite days, for breakfast we have turkey bacon! Next, for lunch we have hot dogs, hamburgers, and ice cold water so we can stay hydrated. Finally, for dinner we have square pizza and we have to have vegetables for dinner. And we have much more awesome camp food.  Some camps have bad food and some school have bad food, but our camp has great food!

Dodgeball and Tribe Time

Daniel C., Age 8
Tribe of Benjamin

Dodgeball and tribe time2For tribe time we played dodgeball against Starfox’s guys. We ducked but still lots of people got out. We lost two first rounds and then we won the other three rounds. They won the other round, and then we won the other two last rounds. So, overall we won the whole thing!

After this, we went out the door and back to our cabin and it took a pretty long time and my legs got tired. Then Elliot forgot his hat at the gym and it took him five minutes to get back and then we went back to the cabin, so the walk was even longer. Thankfully this was the end of our day so we could be in our cabin for the night. So we talked a lot and then went to bed. I had a lot of fun playing dodgeball and I hope I can do it again.

Advice from a Veteran Camper

Rebekah C., Age 11Advice from a veteran camper2
Tribe of Asher

I have been in camp for five years and I would like to give you some veteran advice. You will probably like to bring extra clothes and not so many dress clothes because we are outside a lot. Having a Shabbat outfit or two is good, but don’t bring anything too nice. Also bring clothes for theme nights, and extra socks and underwear. Also we do very fun activities and sometimes you get dirty from them, so you shouldn’t forget to put your dirty clothes in your laundry bag so that the ATLs can wash them on laundry day. And remember your tennis shoes when you pack for camp because you can’t do much without them. For the fun activities you almost always need your sneakers and long pants. Oh, and don’t forget your Bible! That is some advice about camp.

Life Without Tech: Can You Survive?

Ethan M., Age 11Life without technology2
Tribe of Simeon

At Camp Gilgal you can’t have technology because it ruins the experience. Even if you could use technology you would only have time during FOB or after lights out. All other times we are eating or doing other activities which are more important and much more fun. So it is probably a good rule.

Even heat waves can be survived without technology. You just need a hat and shade. Also find something to fan yourself with. At night when it’s dark you can wait for your eyes to adjust then you will be able to see again. You cannot play with computers at camp but it’s okay because you can play with balloons or do water wars. And that’s how to survive. If you decide that camp can be fun anyway it will be a great time for you!

Memory Verses

Memory verses2


Penina S., Age 10
Tribe of Asher

“And now, O Israel,” chants my tribe. We are learning the memory verses together. We are learning Deuteronomy 10: 12-17, 20-22. The prize if all the campers learn the verses is that we get to pie the camp director and assistant director (Twister and Red Sox) in the face. We learn the verses during our free time. Sometimes, we learn them together. A good time to learn the verses separately is during FOB. During FOB we have to silently lay/sit on our bunks for 45-60 minutes. Also, for learning the memory verses, we get points. If we get a certain amount of points we get to go to the end of camp party. Most of us, including me, want to pie the directors in the face. Thankfully, I am done with my memory verses.

Point Bar

Penina S., Age 10Point Bar2
Tribe of Asher

In camp this year, we have a point bar. This is my first year at camp, so I think that this is an important thing for brand new campers to know about. This bar decides if a tribe will be able to go to the end of camp party. This year each tribe has to get 15,000 points. It is not as hard as it seems. There are jack pots (memory verses, Gazette articles), and there are some smaller things (cabin inspection, Hebrew,  and craft). We also get points for remembering to bring certain things to activities and meals. We get a few points for bringing our degelim (flags) to breakfast and dinner. We also get points for bringing our Bibles to Tabernacle. The point system is a very good way to encourage us to do certain things that we usually wouldn’t do on our own, like cabin clean up.

Things You Might Need for Camp

Abigail O., Age 12
Tribe of Naphtali

When you show up for Camp Gilgal, don’t just assume things about how the weather will be. Be prepared for rain, sun, humidity, and lots of mosquitoes. Also be ready to do activities in all sorts of weather, such as archery, soccer, basketball, hiking, and boating. Be sure to bring a water bottle for hot days and an assortment of rain gear for overcast days and never forget your sunscreen.

P.S. An optional item for super scorching days and on the bus going to camp is the “O2 Cool Fan.” It’s like a water spritzer with a fan attached to the top. I can tell you, it is a lifesaver. It makes your life a lot easier, but it can also help your fellow campers when they get desperate in the heat. You can get it for around ten dollars at hardware stores or CVS Pharmacy.


Netanya W., Age 9Bugs2
Tribe of Zebulon

One day I was going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my friend Hannah said there is a bug so I looked at my sweater and there was a big bug on me! I threw my tooth brush and my sweater and toothpaste to the side and I looked and there was the bug and it was dead. It was on the other side of the bathroom. I felt surprised because it was dead and on the other side of the bathroom. I threw my toothpaste at it and I brushed my teeth. Then me and Hannah went to our cabin. There are lots of bugs at camp because we are in the woods, but camp is just such a great time that it is still ok.

Tribe Time

Mariya A., Age 12
Tribe of Asher 

Are you ready for fun? Here in Camp Gilgal, we have tribe times. Tribe time is my favorite part of camp. During tribe time, my tribe and I played team buiTribe time 2lding games in the woods, painted our nails, and got ready for Shabbat. My favorite tribe time was when my tribe played team building games. One of them was All Aboard. My whole tribe had to stand on a wooden board and sing “Row Row Row Your Boat.” If one of us got off of the board we had to start over. By the way, the wooden board was SO small that my tribe had restart about seven times. Eventually, we got it. After all we were so happy because we couldn’t do it before. This made us feel really good about working together and made us feel closer as a tribe.

New Camper Advice

Naena D., Age 11
Tribe of Naphtali 

Hey! Are you getting ready to come to Camp GilgalNew camper advice2 for the first time? Let me give you some advice.

When you get to camp, don’t be scared of the tribe leaders. They are VERY fun and they always accept you. All camp activities are fun and keep you involved. 

If you start to get homesick, just talk to your tribe leader. They help emotionally and they also make you laugh. 

At meal times we sing two blessings in Hebrew. On the first day or two listen very closely so that you know them by the third or fourth day. 

My favorite song at camp was “Mayim Mayim.” We learned that song in Hebrew class. It has a lot of repeating words so you can also learn it really quickly. 

We choose our activities each week.  We have to do craft and Hebrew as it is mandatory. 

Camp is REALLY fun, so be prepared for an AWESOME experience!

Cabin Clean-Up/Inspection

Simona B., Age 11
Tribe of Naphtali

Are you a neat freak? This is the perfect time of day for you! By the name of this article you have probably figured out what I am going to be telling you about so be prepared for the intensity!

Cabin Clean Up:

After breakfast, there is a cabin clean up. As you probably know, this is a time to clean up your cabin. Make sure everything is perfect or else….

Cabin Inspection:

This usually takes place before lunch. After everyone is done cleaning and done other activities, some “out-of-cabin staff” look at your cabin and mark it. The results are then revealed to your tribe at lunch.

Some popular phrases for cabin inspection are: INFRACTIONS! This means mistakes or trouble areas in your cabin. Another phrase is: ASKEW! This means that something is crooked. There is also: TOSSED LIKECabin Clean up and Inspection2 SALAD! This means something was just thrown! Literally TOSSED LIKE SALAD!

Some extra stuff:

Literally, extra stuff! If you want to get extra points, write a nice a note. Make presents! Do a scavenger hunt! Be creative!

Scores are given in percentages. 100%, 95% and 90% are great scores! 85%, 80% and lower are…not great. Okay, but not great. Aim for the best because…CABIN INSPECTION ROCKS! (So does cabin clean up!)

Interview on Anonymous

Rachel M., Age 11
Tribe of Zebulun 

My favorite part is worship because I love seeing campers being able to worship the Lord. As a younger camper I looked up to the people who got to lead worship and I hoped that one day I would be able to lead people in worship, too, so you could say that Tabernacle this year is a dream come true. I love worshiping the Lord with my voice and so leading worship is amazing. My favorite song is “You Never Let GAnonymous2o” and “Hine Ma Tov.” I really like being reminded that God doesn’t let go of us and that it is a good thing for brother and sisters to be together in unity. 

But, I don’t only like Tabernacle. My favorite activity is Drama Games. This activity lets me see campers use all of their creativity and it lets me see how God made each of the campers different and how He created them with different talents and interests. 

My favorite story in the Bible is Ruth. I like it because it shows Ruth choosing to follow God even when she had to leave her home. I’m about to leave my home, too, so this is a great reminder and encouragement to me.

Tribe of Simeon Bio

Our tribe of Simeon is awesome! The campers in our tribe are caring and brave. We have five campers in our cabin. We are the oldest tribe of men. We have an extremely veteran cabin. The tribe members are Alex, Izzy, DTribe of Simeon Bio2avid, Ethan, and Aaron. The tribe of Simeon is the most looked up to because we are the oldest, but even though we do have responsibilities it is fun meeting new friends and getting into more of a relationship with Jesus.

The tribe leaders are Swank and Starfox and we enjoy playing dodgeball. We all play different types of sports. We get into different competitions with the other tribes. David is the oldest of the tribe. He loves wrestling and rock music. His favorite sports are soccer and basketball. This is his fourth year in Camp Gilgal. Isaiah is also known as Izzy and he is the most experienced of the tribe. He likes listening to rap and pop music. His favorite sport is soccer and this is his fifth year at Gilgal. Aaron is the third oldest in the tribe. He likes foosball and Pokémon. His favorite sport is baseball. This is also his fourth year as a Camp Gilgal camper. Alex is the newest camper of Camp Gilgal in the oldest tribe. He is the second oldest and he likes to make sure he always has the right gear and clothes for what is happening, whether it is soccer or Shabbat! And then, Ethan is our resident Canadian. He likes Creepy Pasta and Minecraft. This is his fourth year. This is our tribe and we’re great!

Sonic, the Complete Opposite

Hannah K., Age 10
Tribe of Zebulun

Sonic is one of the tribe leaders. But, she is not my tribe leader. Sonic is very fun and I love her. She is new in East Camp Gilgal. She was a camper for five years at Midwest Camp Gilgal! Sonic is only fast when she runs. When she’s doing anything else she’s very slow. When she was making a bracelet she took 15 minutes picking out the colors and I don’t even want to tell you the rest! I know that bracelets don’t take that long to make because I was making one at the same time. But, that’s Sonic.

She says that her name is Sonic because she was born with spikey blue hair. Sonic is a kind of video game. Her favorite Bible story is Acts 16:16-40. It’s about Paul and Silas when they were in jail and there was an earth quake. The jail broke but they didn’t go anywhere. The guard then believed in God. She likes it because there are explosions, singing, praying, and somebody coming to faith. Sonic is great and maybe she will be my tribe leader in a future year.

The Life of Naphtali

The Life of Naphtali2What do our five campers + two tribe leaders =? Together they form … Naphtali!!! We are Simona, Naena, Alyssa, Abigail, and Liora! Simona is 11 and loves to sleep! Naena is 11 and likes being awesome. Alyssa is 12 and is very clutzy! Abigail is 12 and very artistic and has many bug bites. Liora is 13 and loves to read and hike. 

Our tribe leaders’ names are Watson and Nature Valley. Nature Valley loves…well, nature! She loves insects, animals, and plants. Watson loves sleeping (like Simona) and loves Sherlock Holmes, especially Dr. Watson. 

During tribe time we like to paint each other’s nails and play games, such as Apples to Apples. We especially liked the team building exercises when we did the low ropes course.  Over the course of camp we have developed new friendships with our cabin mates and we hope to stay in touch over the course of the year.

Swank: The Legend

Aaron C., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon 

At age ten, one of Swank’s tribe leaders, Firefly, inadvertently called him “Swank the legend2Swank.” The name stuck and when Swank grew up he used that name for himself. Swank’s favorite color is sky blue-pink. It may seem like an odd color, but to him, it’s not. 

Swank’s favorite type of ice cream is mint chocolate chip. All of the tribe leaders get to share campfire talks and when Swank gives a camp talk it would probably be about God’s plans. They do not always make sense at first, but they always work out because God is good and knows what He is doing.

Swank keeps his real name as a precious secret, but if it was ever found out, well, he would cry. Swank is a veteran tribe leader, two years East and two years Midwest. In his four years at camp his secret has rarely slipped. 

Besides Swank’s secret identity, Camp Gilgal has captured his heart with the campers, games, and atmosphere. He hopes to serve in a similar capacity for years to come.

Zebulon Tribe Bio



We are Zebulon and we’re so fine, our beautiful hair will blow your mind: with Hannah and Ellie, Rachel and Netanya. One you meet us you’ll be saying, “They’re sababa.” These are the lyrics to Zebulon’s Anthem. Our tribe is composed of Baby Carrots who is our Tribe Leader, Anonymous is our Assistant Tribe Leader and our campers are Hannah, Ellie, Rachel, and Netanya. We are known as the party tribe and enjoy dance parties, dubstep, making it rain, and just plain having fun. We also love learning about Jesus all day every day.

Baby Carrots

Rachel M., Age 11
Tribe of Zebulun 

Let me tell you about my awesome tribe leader, Baby Carrots. One thing that’s pretty obvious is thatBaby Carrots2 she is in love with baby carrots. I was surprised about some facts I learned as I got to know her. For example, I found out that her favorite part of camp is pool time because she gets to relax and have fun at the same time, which I think is pretty awesome! But that isn’t her only favorite thing about camp. She loves to worship the Lord in Tabernacle, especially when we sing the song “Prince of Peace.” 

Did you know that she also loves activities? I found out that her favorite is archery because she loves the feeling of getting a bulls eye. Since the Bible is very important, I wanted to know one of her favorite books and learned that she loves Matthew because of all of the amazing stories of the life of Jesus from beginning to end.

Everyone loves being at camp, but I wanted to know her outside as well. Baby Carrots just passed her EMT test and loves being able to help people. I think she is great!

The Tribe of Benjamin 2013

Tribe of Benjamin2We call ourselves “The Wolf Pack.” We are Daniel, Ephraim, Gavyn, Elliot, Asher, and Josiah. We are all part of the pack and the leaders of our pack are Long Shanks and Wolf. Long Shanks is funny and awesome. He tells funny stories and he loved bumping people when we rode go-karts on the field trip. Wolf is hilarious and awesome and he is great at soccer and dodgeball.

On the fourth day of camp, Starfox and the tribe of Simeon ambushed us with water guns during tribe time. We fought back with water balloons and super soakers and had an awesome time.  We are crazy, awesome, and energetic. Camp Gilgal 2013 was an amazing two weeks for the men of Benjamin!

Tribe of Asher

Tribe of Asher2

Our tribe is fun. The name of our tribe is Asher and we are all different. Penina likes math and music and is very smart. Mariya likes to draw, is very nice, and loves basketball. Rebekah loves soccer very much as well as other active sports, and she likes to draw too. Naomi loves sports, dancing, and singing and she is very funny and chill. Nena likes the color pink, likes to swim, is noisy, and likes music. Bologna loves to sleep during FOB, her favorite meal is the waffle breakfast and she is good at doing hair. Sonic likes to sing a lot, she plays frisbee, and she also trips a lot. All of our unique personalities in our tribe make us interesting and super awesome.


Isaiah H., Age 12Swank2
Tribe of Simeon

Have you ever wanted to know what type of tribe leader you should hope for at Camp Gilgal? Well, my tribe leader Swank is amazing and funny. Swank is amazing at basketball and he is never mean. Swank looks like Jesus. He has that long brown hair and the face like Jesus. He got his camp name because a tribe leader named Firefly started calling him Swank! I wish I could have Swank every single year. If you hear Swank say, “I will be your tribe leader for the next two weeks,” you better prepare for the best two weeks of your life!

Camp Gilgal East Teen Camp (July 14-21, 2013)

2013 cg logo on white rgb

God’s Grace is Sufficient

(2 Corinthians 12:9)

“The Lord said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!


Intro1 2

List of Tribes:

Tribe of Benjamin:

Beau N., Colton Z., Josiah G., Keane R., Nathanael D., Zeven Z., Long Shanks, Swank

Tribe of Issachar: Aaron M., Gregory V., Jacob A., Malkiel A., Misha K., Scooter

Tribe of Naphtali: Ana H., ElizabIntro2 2eth D., Kaylie L., Sierra K., Nature Valley, Sonic

Tribe of Simeon: Daphne N., Hannah D., Ketzia B., Lydia C., Rebecca T., Strings, Baby Carrots

Out of cabin staff: Twister, RedSox, Blewish



Zeven Z., Age 13
Tribe of Benjamin

Camp Gilgal is so exciting! On Tuesday of teen camp the whole camp went over to the upper and lower initiatives courses. These things had challenges that were close to the ground and you needed to work on as a whole group, and the other activities you had to wear more specialized equipment and you were more on your own. I especially liked something called “The Leap of Faith,” the wall, and the trust fall. For these activities we were given an explanation of what the feature looked like and we were given examples of things we should do and things that we weren’t allowed to do. 

The trust fall is where one person stands on a wooden platform that is two to three feet off of the ground and then the rest of the group has to stand behind them and prepare to catch them when they lean backwards. They have to trust that their team is going to be paying attention and keep them safe and their team has to work together to keep their “falling” member safe.  TCamp2his really is all about teamwork. If you don’t pay attention and work together someone could get hurt. 

Then, there is the wall. The wall is about eight to ten feet where you must lift each camper and staff member over it, by only using each other. The wall is flat, but there is a ladder so that one or two people can climb up into the platform at the top to help grab people as they are being lifted up the wall. At first it looks impossible, but if you think about the order that you send people up and work together everyone can make it up and it feels awesome! 

The last part I’d like to talk about is my favorite, “The Leap of Faith.” This is part of the high initiatives course and for it you have to wear a helmet and a harness. There is someone who has been trained that is belaying you to make sure that you are very safe. This is a telephone pole that you climb up. You can’t just get to the top of the telephone pole, you have to stand on top of it. This might be a scary thing for some people, but I thought that not having anything to hold on to was really exciting, especially the part where then you have to jump. I loved this part and I did it at least four times! During my jumps on the leap of faith it was so awesome to be able to take the jump off of the top and then glide to the ground. It is amazing how your adrenaline is pumping through the whole thing! 

I personally would recommend camp because it teaches teamwork, respect, the Bible, and good values. If you like to have fun Camp Gilgal is the place for you, so come join us! I can explain a lot about what we did, but if you really want to know how great it is you will just have to join us at Camp Gilgal. This was my first summer at Camp Gilgal summer camp and because this initiatives activity was so early in camp and was so surprising to the veteran campers I wondered what other cool things might be coming up. It made me so excited for the rest of teen camp and for camp in future years to come.


Rebecca T., Age 15
Tribe of Simeon 

Once this summer during a game of Nukum, the game got super intense. That is saying a lot, because this year at teen camp we played A LOT of Nukum. The ball was being heavily volleyed and was rapidly hurdled from team to team. Elizabeth was on my team and she threw the ball directly into the net. She got out on that turn, but then as soon as she was back in the same thing would happen again. SheNukum2 just couldn’t seem to get it over the net. We were all having a great time and everyone (including Elizabeth) just thought it was so hysterical, that it didn’t even matter. 

In the same game, Long Shanks (one of the staff) who was also on my team couldn’t catch the ball. He had had too much practice with volleyball and couldn’t get used to catching and throwing the ball instead of volleying. Once he was trying to catch it but instead kicked it hard and it went really far. Maybe this is because Long Shanks is so tall, but the ball flew and hit Jacob’s chest on the other team. Everyone was pretty much in shock from laughter and for Jacob from the impact. Everyone was totally fine, but something like this pretty much happened in every game. 

Nukum is my favorite activity at Camp Gilgal and I know that teen camp this year felt pretty much the same. There were always people on the Nukum court, even when we were on our camp out! I love it because it is fun, exciting, and competitive, moves quickly, and is a game that everyone can play. All of my favorite memories from this summer happened on the court and I can’t wait to see what next summer’s favorite game will be!

White Water Rafting with Scooter

Beau N., Age 13White water rafting with Scooter2
Tribe of Benjamin 

My raft was awesome because Scooter, Baby Carrots, me, Nature Valley, Nathanael, Keane, and Gregory were there. Scooter and I have a special bond because we go to the same congregation and have the same birthday. I have found Scooter to be the funniest person at camp, so having him in our raft made sure that we had fun. Also, Scooter seemed to be a magnet for water, but he took it like a pro and didn’t seem to mind. Baby Carrots couldn’t stop laughing and was laughing so hard—she even pointed at him, like we couldn’t see how wet he was! 

This was way better than junior camp because we have more freedom and junior campers would never make it on the river! They might fall out or get lost! The whole day Scooter was giving it his all, listening to our guide, and even paddling HARD through the rocks. Scooter even pushed me in and I held on to part of his life jacket. Nature Valley took advantage of this moment and pushed him in so we both ended up in the water. 

We weren’t the only ones who ended up going for an accidental swim! Kaylie and Zeven both fell out of their raft and our raft was able to pick them up, so we were a fun boat and a rescue boat! 

White water rafting is a great experience, something that I can’t wait to do again, and something that makes me look forward to future teen camps.

High Ropes!!!

Malkiel A., Age 14
Tribe of Issachar 

There are always surprises in teen camp! This year, we went to do the high ropes course. The course hasn’t been set up and able to use for a lot of years, so we are a very lucky group of teen campers. I was a little scared to climb the first feature to get onto the course. The first thing that I had to do was to climb a twenty foot tall tree but then I was able to overcome it because of the encouragement from my fellow campers. The challenges that were there included climbing the High Ropes2tree and going through the rope bridge. Then, there was a wire and ropes that you had to hold on to. The next challenge was to go over the bridge made of wood, wires, and nothing else. You had to believe that all of the things were going to hold you up and trust your balance to get through. The last and most awesome thing was the zip line!! While I was climbing the tree I felt scared. When I was going through the different bridges it felt cool, scary, and increasingly awesome. When I went down the zip line, it honestly felt like the best moment of my life.  I felt a freedom like never before. It felt like flying, something that I’d only dreamed about before. In that moment I felt like I was experiencing a dream come true. The high ropes taught me that God is with me and He is always there for me. When I finished the course I wanted to start over and do it again. If you are ever given the chance to do this activity at teen camp, you definitely should!

Picky Tricky Activity Selection

Picky Tricky Activity Selection2Gregory V., Age 14
Tribe of Issachar

The activity selection is when after breakfast one of the staff announce the activities for that day. There are a bunch of activities including archery, Nukum, soccer, artsy fun, sun bathing, bending, fort building, and hiking. There are only two activity sessions, and the staff announce what activities are available for each session. There were just three activities per session, so you have to choose carefully and pick your best day. A lot of the activities are only things offered at Camp Gilgal East teen camp. For example, bending is about pretending to bend fire, earth, water, or air. Sun bathing is when you go outside to lay in the sun, chill, and work on your tan. And fort building is when you find materials to make forts. My favorite activity is archery. I have always wanted to be able to try it and I am so glad that I did this year. Another one of my favorites is Nukum. Nukum is related to volleyball, but instead you just catch and throw the ball back. If you know about the junior and teen camp activities in Gilgal, the teen ones are much better.  It is great to be at teen camp and have more selection and not have required activities like Hebrew and craft. At teen camp you have different activities every day and I love that I get to pick what my days look like.

Pool Time!

Misha K., Age 14
Tribe of Issachar

At Camp Gilgal the most awesome and important activities are eating and of course, pool time! The pool is not freezing, not too small, and definitely not lame. If you don’t like the pool or swimming in general, you can still hang out with your fellow campers in the shallow end or attempt to dunk the staff. Trust me guys, 2013 is a hot year and on a hot day at Camp Gilgal, the refreshing pool will keep you alive for sure. We have an hour and a half of swimming time every day after lunch so you will be able to swim a lot at Gilgal. We do extra activities like water bending, racing, frisbee, and other things for campers young and old and staff, too. My favorite time in camp is pool time where Camp Gilgal awesomeness is unleashed! One of our Canadian campers is my favorite to swim with. His name is Nathanael and we have been campers together FOREVER. Campers make pool time at Camp Gilgal better than any other pool there is.

Camp Out Night

Sierra K., Age 13
Tribe of Naphtali 

This year’s camp out night started out with a hot yet enjoyable road trip that lasted about two hours. My van listened to great music and had a nice little dance party on the way there. When we arrived, everyone had to set up tents. This involved much more teamwork than I had expected. While Red Sox and Blewish got dinCamp Out Night2ner started, most of the campers went swimming in the salt water pool. Many of us got in and played a game of water frisbee.

After swimming, we got back into dry clothes. We ate delicious hamburgers and hot dogs with grilled veggies and some much needed water. Then, an intense game of Nukem followed. Everyone was getting bitten by mosquitoes. We found sticks and made wonderful s’mores. At this point, we weren’t just being bitten by a few bugs, we were being eaten alive. We decided to put up our white flag of surrender and retired for the night. My tent consisted of Red Sox, Nature Valley, Ana, and myself. We had a good camp devotional about 2 Corinthians chapter 4. It was about living a life that would bring Y’shua’s light out. We had a good conversation about bugs after and then we went to bed. I left the camp with a whopping 34 bites! The saddest part was that I was nowhere close to the person with the most! In the end, this has been my favorite camp out night of all the three that I have been on because I have learned the most and had the most new spiritual insights to take home. I learned that I want to live a life that Jesus would be proud of. This night was also great because of the intense quality time that I got to spend with Nature Valley and Ana. I loved it!



Elizabeth D., Age 14
Tribe of Naphtali 

For Scream-O this year my partner was Kaylie. We completely won the whole game, staying at Table Scream-O21 for the whole game except for the last round, which made me really mad. Nevertheless, it was hilariously fun! Last year we weren’t that good, but we totally changed that this year. I so enjoyed it, and not just because we kept winning!

Scream-O is an intensely fun game played at Camp Gilgal teen camp. It is a game for pairs of two that go against each other teams. Then, each person will receive a set of cards from 2-12, and two die. Teams will roll the die and attempt to clear all their cards according to the numbers shown, therefore getting a Scream-O. I love this game because everyone is intensely concentrated on winning a round, and when you do, you can scream your head off, hence the name. This game is so loud and amazing and if we could play it again, I would definitely do it. I think that everyone would! At Camp Gilgal I love this game with my friends and there are even more fun activities to do there.

White Water Rafting Ride

White Water Rafting Adventure2Kaylie L., Age 13
Tribe of Naphtali 

This year, white water rafting was super fun. The all day trip included swimming in the water and holding onto the raft for your life. The guides were all super chill and were not scared at all to get the people in their rafts a little damp. In the rapids water would splash all over you, but you had to keep paddling through the currents and over the rocks. My guide had a cheer that we would do after we finished a rapid to let everyone know that we were the best. The cheer would go, “Boom shakalaka boom!” Then we would repeat it and at the end we would all lift up our paddles and scream out, “Boom!” 

At the slow and deep parts of the river we would do flips into the water or get thrown in by a staff member. That was one of the most enjoyable parts of the whole trip. Another part of the rafting trip that was super fun was called surfing. Surfing is basically when the raft would go up to the end of a rapid and everyone in our raft would lean to the front and would get a face-full of water.

Going on the river we had to be focused and disciplined. We had to listen to commands like “two forward” and “left side back.” You couldn’t just paddle however or whenever you wanted. You had to make sure to listen to the guide so that you would get to experience all of the best parts of the water. Especially inside of the rapids we would need to push against the water to get us around a rock. Throughout the whole ride the people on the raft grew closer and we proved that teamwork was definitely needed. Justin (our guide) told us that we weren’t the strongest group he’d worked with, but that because we worked in synch with one another we were more valuable as a group than a raft full of guys with giant muscles.

This was the second year that I have done a rafting trip and my guide seemed to give us a much better ride than last year. Our guide knew a lot about the river. He knew all of the water features better and he took us through amazing routes to get us through the rapids to get us insanely soaking. Overall the rafting trip was so fun, my favorite part of camp, and I would love to be back on the river again without a second thought.

The Decathlon

Daphne N., Age 14
Tribe of Simeon

The decathlon here at teen camp is most definitely an adventure. The decathlon is an all-camp activity where there are a few different teams and from there it is all fun, games, and competition! You never know what to expect at any of the events, The Decathalon2especially because some of them seem impossible. This year, my team came in third place out of all three teams. Although we basically lost, it didn’t bother me because of all the fun that we had. We were able to work together and have a great time. At some times it gets pretty intense between you and your worst competition, but when you finally win, a specific event it is a great moment to feel superior.

In total, there are ten events. In my opinion, the event this year that was the most challenging was the soda event. This event included an entire case of nasty tasting soda in which you and your team must drink the sodas as fast as you can and then stack it as high as you can! However, the most fun event we played was called limbs. For this, you and a partner from your team are standing at a distance apart from one another and two different body parts were called, for example: ear and knee. You would run to each other and touch an ear to a knee. It was really funny and competitive which made it by far my favorite. The decathlon here at teen camp is definitely something that’s worth turning against your friends for a while, while competing against them.

How to Be

Keane R., Age 13
Tribe of Benjamin

“How to Be” is a very exciting activity. It teaches you how to be anything that you can imagine. We played games relating to being other things. We had a lot of fun pretending to be Bible characters, mythical creatures, cartoon characters, etc. In the activity we played a lot of improv games.

One of these games was called “Party.” In this game the person who is “How to Be2It” pretends to host a party and people begin to join their party acting out specific characters. The person hosting the party has to guess who their guests are or what they are trying to be. The party continues until the host is able to identify what their guests are doing and then those guests are counted as “out.” When we played I really enjoyed this game. In the first round Scooter was the party host and I was a bagworm. Other guests at the party were Larry the Cucumber, Little Red Riding Hood, Dora the Explorer, and many others. It was very exciting and I know I had a great time using my imagination and I think everyone else did, too.

Cabin Life in Camp Gilgal

Jacob A., Age 13
Tribe Issachar

Cabin Life2I want to tell you about my cabin at my first summer at Camp Gilgal teen camp. When I first got to camp everyone had already been there for several hours because I flew in and my flight got changed. Blewish met me at the van and introduced me to my tribe. Scooter showed me around, talked to me about camp and some things I needed to know, and I handed in my electronics.  I was so excited that there were top bunks left and I picked one and worked to get settled right away and fell asleep almost immediately. The next morning I started to learn the ropes of camp and the other campers told me the things they knew about the schedule. I quickly felt at ease, especially with my cabin.

During teen camp, your cabin is your home. Your cabin mates are your tribe and your friends. You must keep your bunk and your bags neat and tidy for cabin inspection. To make your bunk the most comfortable that it can be you might want to bring a few of the following items: a small plug-in fan, bed sheets, a pillow, and a sleeping bag. The sleeping bag should be able to folded or rolled neatly—you don’t want it to make your cabin clean up more difficult! Cabin clean up and inspection are great because they teach neatness and responsibility.

In your cabin you have the benefit of your fellow campers from places near and far and your tribe leaders. This year, my tribe leader was Scooter and we were called Issachar. We had five guys to hang out with during tribe time, tribe Bible study, and to help with cabin clean up. We learned a lot about each other, got to experience new personalities, and became fast friends.

Tribe Bible study is a very important aspect of camp life. We read the Bible and had a discussion of the meaning of what we’d been reading, and discussed how it applied to our lives. Having the habit of daily devotions is something to get used to and might be a little bit uncomfortable at first, but it is a really good practice. Our time together in 2 Corinthians helped us to grow and learn about the Bible and really enhanced my spiritual time at camp.

Swank’s Awesomeness

Nathanael D., Age 12
Tribe of Benjamin 

Swank is one of the coolest tribe leaders at camp! He really enjoyed white water rafting. The reason why is because from the time he was eight until he was twelve he would spend his summer in a canoe, so he is used to being on the water.

He really likes the Bible verse Jonah 2:1-2 which says, “From inside of the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God. He said: ‘In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. From the depths of the grave I called for helpShanks Awesomeness2 and you listened to my cry.’” These verses spoke to Swank first when he was a camper and one of the staff shared it during a Bible study. It is a very hard hitting verse for Swank. He loves the reminder that God is always available to him when he needs help.

Swank has a definite fear of heights, and this year at camp all the campers and staff had the opportunity to conquer that fear. We got to do the high ropes course, and it had obstacles that seemed like they were dangling from the trees. I was really surprised that someone like Swank who seems like a big, strong, grown man could be scared of heights. It was great that Swank shared that with me.

It was great that we watched The Avengers at camp this year because it is Swank’s favorite movie. He likes it so much that words aren’t enough to explain it. I pretty much agree with him, I love getting to see this movie over and over!

Swank is studying English in college (and some other stuff) and he really likes to read. He especially likes to read books written by Chaim Potok. They speak to him and make him really think deeply.

On the first night of camp we always have pizza, but Swank wishes that just one time we would have BBQ chicken pizza because that is his favorite kind. I really think that Swank is a great tribe leader. He is a fun loving (and hairy) tribe leader and you would be a lucky camper if you get to have him. But you better act fast, because Swank loves to travel. He has already been to England, France, Romania, Israel, Jamaica, Mexico, and Canada and he is dreaming of going to Australia next!

The Tribe of Benjamin

Tribe of Benjamin2

Josiah G., Age 13
Tribe of Benjamin

For my first year at camp I was in the tribe of Benjamin. Of the two boys tribes we were the only one with two tribe leaders. We had Long Shanks and Swank. On the first day of camp when we chose our tribe name, we picked Benjamin and we had to go into breakfast last and we told Twister and RedSox that we would always go last for everything. We go last at meals, at line up, and for activities. It is nice to let others go before us. Shanks and Swank are really good at helping us to grow spiritually during camp and I’m really glad that they are my tribe leaders. Our tribe has lots of fun together and I couldn’t imagine being in any other tribe.

Tribe Bible Studies

Ana H., Age 14
Tribe of Naphtali

Every morning, between cabin clean up and the first activity, each tribe comes together as a whole. We need to come together prepared with our Bibles and open minds. We meet together outside of our cabins in the tree knolTribe Bible Studies2l, on the porch, or on the picnic tables. This allows us to see nature and to make sure to stay focused while we are studying the Bible. We read over the Scripture that we’ve been assigned for the day, answer the questions, and share our experiences with one another. It is so nice to hear my friend’s stories, and find out new ways that we can relate to one another. This year is the first year that there have been tribe Bible studies and I think that it is a great thing. We have been reading 2 Corinthians and discussing God’s great comfort and mercy. My tribe talked about problems that we as Messianic Jews face and that how we act affects how the rest of the world thinks of us and more importantly how they think about Jesus. Our memory verses are 2 Corinthians 5:17-19. These verses talk about our new life following Messiah, and how we have the responsibility of sharing this gift with others by reconciling people to Him. Tribe Bible studies make us all closer to each other, and make it easier to be able to share stories and comfort each other like Messiah comforts us.

Chill Time

Colton Z., Age 13
Tribe of Benjamin

At certain times of the day we have chill time where we are allowed to chill or have time to do what we want. For me, personally, during this time I like to play sports like soccer or Nukum. I love sports and being active, but this is also time to nap or just talk with friends. During chill time I’ve also played card games or jusChill Time2t plain relaxed. Chill time is something a lot of people look forward to. Out of all the planned activities at camp this is the only time that is fully yours. Some kinds who usually keep to themselves come out of their shells and show their real personalities. Along with many other campers and staff I really enjoy chill time. Chill time makes camp just that much better. I’ve been to every Wonderful Winter Weekend since I was seven and this is my first year at summer camp. Wonderful Winter Weekend was fun but not nearly as fun as this! I had such a great experience and having chill time here makes it better. I would love to come back here every year from now on and eventually become a tribe leader.

Tabernacle: A Time to Grow Closer to God

Tabernacle A Time to Grow Closer to God2Ketzia B., Age 15
Tribe of Simeon

At teen camp, Tabernacle usually happens in the evening. Tabernacle is a really great time to worship, admire, learn, and grow closer to our Creator. This time of worship and learning usually takes place in the Mishkhan, but occasionally it will take place at campfire. As soon as we start Tabernacle, we open up with a time of prayer and then we go into worship. This helps me get into the right state of mind because I love worship.

We then recite the Shema, which is a Hebrew prayer that says that we have one God. Then we have a message from one of the staff. This year, the messages were from 2 Corinthians, and they were taught by Blewish and Twister. I really liked talking about this book, because the people in Corinth and just Corinth in general relates a lot to our world today. I also love the books that Paul writes in the Bible. I find his writing style and even just his voice in writing really easy to follow and remember. Tabernacle is a really great time and I come out feeling refreshed and renewed. Tabernacle is a one-on-one time with God and I love it. One thing that really stood out to me in Tabernacle was talking about God’s comfort to us and how we are to share His comfort with others. It reminded me of how Y’shua came to Earth and shared His love with everyone.

Camp Fire!

Lydia C., Age 14
Tribe of Simeon

Each time we go to campfire the sky is always glimmering with different and beautiful colors. The view and the sky just gives me a sense of peace and makes me feel so much closer to God. When we pray and sing songs, I just know that God can hear us, that He is listening, and that He cares for me. Teen camp campfire is also much different than junior camp campfire because we spend time having a group discussion instead of opening with the goofy songs at junior camp. This year we talked about our identities and remembering that what other people at school say about us, what our parents say Campfire2about us, and even what we say about ourselves isn’t as important as what God says about us.

Campfire is so fun! Even though this year mosquitos attacked everyone, we still found a way to be happy and sing songs together. We sing songs like “Create in me a clean heart” and “Jesus loves me campfire style.” These songs helped us to calm down from our busy day and focus on who God is and to focus on the discussion that we were going to have or the testimonies that we were going to hear. I would definitely recommend coming to Camp Gilgal, it is my favorite part of the summer and I know that every year I’ll grow closer to God there.

Making It Rain: Road Trips

Hannah D., Age 14
Tribe of SimeonMaking It Rain Road Trips2

One thing that I look forward to every year is the road trip to and from camp. The best part of the car rides is the anticipation of the upcoming week of camp. Also, the ride back is kind of like an epic finale of all of the things that I experienced at camp. Pretty much every van thinks of itself as the “party van.” We listen to music that gets the people going. I’ve always liked road trips because we all get to spend time and talk with one another. It is a great way to get excited for camp and to transition home from camp, too. It is always fun and on the ride back we stop and all eat lunch together. For real, it is awesome and you have a great opportunity to grow closer with people. Also, my friends and I made up a dance move together in the car so it was like camp had already started before we got there!

This year’s car rides were very memorable because it is my last year at this camp as a camper. Overall, this year’s car rides allowed for the fun from camp to continue even off camp grounds.

Camp Growth in Me

Aaron M., Age 15
Tribe of Issachar

Camp is a fun place. There is white water rafting, paint ball, and lots of fun activities like “how to be a bender,” archer, and even “prancercizing” (whatever that is). We even have campfires! However, camp is more than a place to have fun. It is also a place of spiritual growth. I have gone to camp for seven years, and seeing that this is my last year as a camper (before adventure camp which happens other places), I have decided to write about hoCamp Growth in Me2w it made me grow. I started at camp not really knowing what to expect, but I soon learned that camp is a place where God is. The leaders were inspiring and really knew God. Their testimonies on how they came to faith in Jesus as Messiah were supporting and encouraging to me. In junior camp we had campfires and Tabernacle. That is where we learned about God and how He loves us and cares for us. Camp Gilgal helped me grow closer to God and helped me understand my faith. 

This year we did a challenge course called the high ropes and at the time I heard about it, it made me really scared. I am terrified of falling! Even though I was scared, the fun that I thought it would be made the risk worth it. I got up onto the course and immediately did not want to do it. But, with the help of the leaders and instructors I was able to overcome my fears. When I think about it, it shows me that God is there with us, and also that we need to trust and put our faith in Him. He will lead us through the trials and not let us fall. 

Camp Gilgal is a place where we can both have fun and grow in our faith. It is a place where Jewish teens can be with other teens and learn about the Messiah, Jesus. As for me, I hope I will be able to come back to camp as a leader, so that I can help other campers to grow in their faith as I did.

Camp Gilgal West Teen Camp (July 14-20, 2013)

God’s Grace is Sufficient2013-cg-logo-on-white-rgb-300x104

(2 Corinthians 12:9)

“The Lord said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!

Campers: Abbey M., Amanda R., Benjamin R., Conner G., Eliana S., Elias B., Elliot K., Emmanuel R., Emeth P., Evan S., Isaac J., Jeremiah H., Jacob B., Josh L., Joshua R., Julia K., Kezia M., Leia B., Lindsay M., Logan G., Louisa G., Matt L., Mia C., Nathan P., Olivia P., Reuven R., Sarah K., Skye R., Vika S.

Staff: Acorn, Java, Pregunta, Sauté, Snapple, Snorkel, Sonic, Super Duck

Out-of-cabin: Moose, Streetlight, Waffles

Volume 21: West Coast and East Coast Edition

“Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified;  do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Inside This Issue: 


camp photo2 


                 Junior Camp West







camp photo2



                Teen Camp West







camp photo               


                Junior Camp East








 camp photo2


                Teen Camp East




Hike to Sentinel Dome

Joshua R., Age 15

The hike to Sentinel Dome was nothing short of amazing. As I hiked up the trail I observed many sights. Strong wind blowing in the pine trees, creating the sound like rushing water, large boulders that dwarfed the tallest of campers, and beautiful flowers that brightened the lanHike to Sentinal Dome2dscape. When I halted halfway on the trail, I breathed in the fresh scent of the pines. This gave me the will to keep pushing forward. At Sentinel Dome’s base I paused. The monstrous base seemed to stretch on forever. Although I didn’t want to continue I heard the victorious cries of other campers. This drove me to move on. As I walked up Sentinel Dome’s elevation the wind gained power and speed. I began walking faster up the dome, the wind now whipping at incredible speeds. My breathing grew faster as I continued to move faster. I reached the top and gasped, forgetting my fatigue as I stared at the view in awe. In front of me was a shocking view of mountain ranges that looked to go on for infinity. The main mountain that caught my eye was El Capitan. El Capitan had many curves and was steep. Right beside it was a waterfall with water constantly gushing down. I turned around to see Half Dome. Standing there I had no doubt in my mind of a Creator who created and molded the mountains in His unique design. I asked Snapple what her favorite part of the hike was. Snapple’s response to my question was the simulation of flight on the top of Sentinel Dome. I then asked Super Duck what his favorite part of the hike to Sentinel Dome was. He responded his favorite part was seeing God’s glory in it all. I then asked Sonic the same question. Sonic responded that it was the beautiful view that captivated him.

Camp Gilgal West Junior Camp (June 24-July 7, 2012)


Choose the Way of Life

(Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

“Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!



Tribe of Benjamin: Carrie-Fu M., Claire C., Elizabeth R., Erica B., Persaeus B., Sophia M., Waffles, Galaxy

Rock friends smTribe of Judah: Maddie H., Noa B., Shannon O., Zemeira W., Zoe N., Acorn, Whimzy

Tribe of Zebulun: Elizabeth K., Lizzy N., Monique L., Sarai M., Taliah S., Nike, Vintage

Tribe of Manasseh: Dinah N., Emmalee S., Haneen R., LaTanya H., Mia C., Yamen L., Sauté, Hershey

Tribe of Simeon: Boaz B., David R., Isaiah L., Nathan B., Sasha S., J-Box, Ewok

Tribe of Ephraim: Corey W., Danny G., Elijah Y., Josiah C., Michael K., Maverick, Yamaha

Tribe of Dan: Daniel P., Emmanuel R., Isaac H., Josh L., Reuven R., Sam F., Simba, ProfessorEwok and friends sm

Tribe of Gad: Elliot K., Isaac J., Jacob S., Jaden W., Jeremiah H., Nathan P., Nacho, Java

Out-of-cabin staff: Mr. Tumnus, Snapple, Bazooka, Sherbert, Sonic, Onyx, Poppins, Streetlight, Moose

Guests: Swedey, Hoops, Esquire, Sparkler

Bass Lake

Leia B., Age 14

Bass Lake this year at teen camp was a one-of-a-kind experience. At Bass Lake we go jet skiing, riding a banana, swimming, and there is even a store to buy stuff in. After the really fun ride in Streetlight’s van we finally arrived. Once we settled in, Sonic started signing people up to go on the banana pulled by a ski boat and jet skiing. I got signed up for a banana and jet ski right away. While on the banana boat we were going pretty fast, but we didn’t even hit a wave and I still flew right off. Eliana says it looked like I did a cartwheel. After that Eliana and I went on a jet ski with Acorn. Acorn’s jet ski went super-fast and being on it was definitely the highlight of my day. Overall I had an amazing time at Bass Lake and I know all the other campers did too.


Sarah K., Age 15

I have been a part of Camp Gilgal for eight years and I can honestly say my favorite part of camp is worship. I love the songs that we sing and the messages have so much meaning to them. It really makes you wonder just how much God loves us.

Every day during Tabernacle/worship we always start off by singing at least three songs. There are many wonderful songs at camp but a few of the campers favorite songs artabernacle2e by far “Cannons,“ “To Our God” and “Psalm 23.” These three songs are just so beautiful and when we are singing these songs you can really hear the emotion everybody puts into their voices when they sing them. When they sing you can really tell it comes from the heart.

Next we usually say the Sh’ma, then lastly the teaching. Now the teaching is the most important part of Tabernacle. This week the messages have talked about 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, which is actually our memory verse for this year, and we also talked about Jacob and how he stole his brother’s blessing and when he wrestled with God. In 2 Corinthians it talks about how God’s power is made perfect in weakness. Streetlight explained to us that we don’t have to be ashamed of our weaknesses and that if it weren’t for those weaknesses there would have been no way for God’s light to shine through us.

Tabernacle is so special. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. And never forget that God loves you and cares for you. Whenever you are weak then you are strong.

Zebulun the Bull

Corey W., Age 10
Tribe of Ephraim

When you decorate the flag you put paint and glitter and you get a cool tribe name. And you get to help pick the flag color and flag name. It is fun. You can have the bull, snakes, grapes, wolves. Then you let it dry. The next day they give it to you. You take it to the cabin. You take it with you to every meal. Everyone writes their name and tribe name in Hebrew. You take the flags to Tabernacle, too! We also march in the Fourth of July Parade with our degelim. Everyone in Columbia sees our beautiful flags. The tribe of Ephraim has a bull with fire in its eyes on a white background. It has a golden ring in its nose and red horns. Every tribe writes “Camp Gilgal 2012” on their flag. At the end of the year the camper of the year gets to take their degel home. Everyone always wants to carry their tribe’s degel around to meals and Tabernacle.

Capture the Degel

Elias B., Age 13

Capture the Degal2When we started Capture the Degel, we decided to place our degel and jail on top of a hill. Our strategy was to have one wave of offense and a strong widespread defense. We defended from the road, not allowing anyone through but no one came. We decided it would be a good idea to travel down the line and see their degel’s position. The position it was in was near the cabins, behind the ladies’ “luxury” cabin. Me and Matt had decided to go deep in the woods to make an attempt to flank the defenders from the degel. Then we realized that there was barbed wire blocking us off from the dirt road behind the cabins, which was where the degel was. Matt decided to break off and go for jailbreak, but instead was jailed. I went up from behind, called a jailbreak, and Matt was free and went to the degel circle, grabbed the flag, ran for his life and won. Reuven says that it was a lot of fun but he didn’t get in much of the action.

Camp Gilgal – The Life

Taliah S., Age 11
Tribe of Zebulun

If you are looking for a camp that is the most fun, the best, or the most awesome camp ever, come to Camp Gilgal! We have everything from campfire, to games, to craft. I don’t think I have ever met anyone or ever will meet anyone who hates or does not like camp.

Not only do we have crazy activities at this camp, we also have Hebrew, devotions, and Tabernacle. This camp is sponsored by Jews for Jesus, so we also want to focus on learning more about God, and what it means to be believers in Y’shua. In Tabernacle we sing and worship, then one of the out-of-cabin staff will give a short message. For devotions, every night we have a short talk and pray together as a tribe. Every year at camp we also have Hebrew class and learn how to say, write and chant things in Hebrew.

We also have awesome games at camp. The best one (I think) is M.I. or Mission Impossible. This is a night game, and you have to try to find all the clues, and if you get spotted by the staff you are out. Everybody loves this game because right when you are about to go to bed, a van with Mission Impossible music drives through camp, and nobody knows when it is going to be.

As you can see, everything here is awesome, and if you are looking for an amazing camp, Camp Gilgal is the way to go!

Giving Thanks to God through Benching

Conner G., Age 14Giving thanks to God through Benching2

Benching is a Jewish tradition that gives thanks to God after a meal. We sing to thank Him for providing nourishment for all creatures on earth. I enjoy benching because it is a fun way to show our thanks to God. As part of my benching report, I decided to ask some of our Camp Gilgal staff about their thoughts on benching.

Moose: “I love benching! It’s a tradition started by Streetlight at teen camp last year, and I hope it continues.”

Super Duck: “I think benching is a great way to get together after a meal. It’s awesome to participate in such a fun Jewish tradition. I’ve only done it for the few times here at camp, but it’s a really good way, I think, to give thanks to God after a meal.”

Simba: “I think that benching is good because it’s a fun thing to do after a meal and it is a tradition from our ancestors, so that’s cool… and I like how everyone gets to bang on the tables.”

Pregunta: “I think benching is a really cool tradition because it can unite Jewish believers and non-believers alike. It’s also a great way to bring the camp together and practice some Hebrew.”

It would seem everyone’s thoughts on this subject are similar. Benching is a fun way to thank God for providing food for His earthly creations. We all gather together and participate in this Jewish tradition. Benching really brings joy to the entire camp, and it really is something to look forward to each day.


Jaden W., Age 12Shabbat sm
Tribe of Gad

Shabbat was really cool. Me, Nathan, Noa, and Mia read Bible verses and did blessings. First we worshiped and said the Sh’ma afterwards. Before we worshiped we ate dinner, but it wasn’t an ordinary dinner. We dress up for Shabbat and are more orderly about what we do. Onyx spoke and sang the Aaronic benediction. Sherbert shared her testimony. Moose read Colossians 3:12-14: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”

Day at the Lake

Ben R., Age 14

Each year at teen camp, all the campers and the staff go to a large lake about twenty minutes from camp. Once on the lake, there are many various activities you can do. Scattered arouDay at the lake2nd the lake are large wooden platforms that are tied down under rocks. People are allowed to take these platforms deeper into the lake, which often leads to an extremely large and fun game of king-of-the-hill. People can also ride jet skis, a banana pulled by a ski boat, wakeboards, water skis, and more. There was also a store where you could get a variety of delicious drinks, including freezes, which are any flavor of soda or fruit mixed with vanilla ice cream. They’re probably the most delicious thing on the menu. The jet skis are fun, just as long as you don’t lose the key in the middle of the lake, which happened to me personally. “Definitely not the best idea,” says Simba, the staff member who was driving the jet ski. We were stuck out there for ten minutes longer until a boat came along with a zip tie and got the engine started for us. The banana was fun, and on the first spill, I accidentally hit a friend in the face. Overall, Bass Lake was an extremely fun experience that any camper can enjoy.

Oy-veh Oylimpics

Moses smEmmalee S., Age 11
Tribe of Manasseh

This year in the Oylimpics, Maverick dressed up as Moses and he said, “Let my people go.” We teamed up with a men’s tribe and competed in the Oylimpics, which involved obstacles based off the ten plagues. My team paired up with Simeon and our team’s name was Simenasseh. We won because we were the only tribe that did the leap frog right. Some of the obstacles werSlip n slide3sme shaking tic tacs out of the container, throwing cheese balls on a shaving cream head, eating a bucket of popcorn, and milking a plastic glove like an udder. Also there was the sit-on-the-balloon relay race, filling half a cup with red water with straws, swatting fake bugs with a fly swatter, blindfolding a tribe leader and screaming directions until they got to Moses, and sliding on the slip’n’slide. It is super messy but really fun. My favorite part was when I went on the slip’n’slide because there were bubbles that make you go fast. The Oylimpics was really fun and I fully enjoyed it.

Why God is Great

Emeth P., Age 14

I was awed when I stood on Sentinel Dome. I’d been to Yosemite before, but this time I began to notice how amazing God is. How could anybody or anything put as much planning into creating the pWhy God is great2ark let alone the world? I couldn’t comprehend how God would be patient enough to make the world. I was thrilled to spend my first year of teen camp somewhere so amazing. I don’t think I’ll ever understand God’s amazing creations. I asked Super Duck his opinion on some questions:

Q: How do you think God could plan and design something so beautiful and amazing, as well as have the patience to do so?
A: Because God is all powerful and takes pride in His creation, and He likes to make things beautiful.

Q: Are you glad God made this for you?
A: I am really glad He made it because it’s a good reminder of how great and glorious He is, and that He is our God.

Q: Do you want to go back to it?
A: Yes, it was great and I really enjoyed it.

Dr. Root Canal

Elliot K., Age 12
Tribe of Gad

Just as I am in the middle of prayer, Dr. RootDr Root Canal sm Canal knocks on the door then comes in. He checks our teeth, but before that we say, “Once again you interrupted Elliot.” Then he says, “Sorry,” or, “Wow, again.” We think he’s doing it on purpose. While he is checking our teeth, Jacob hides his gum in his mouth. Before he checks Isaac’s mouth, Isaac literally drinks Scope mouthwash. At one time, I lost my toothbrush and used mouthwash. One day, Jaden had his jawbreaker out. Another day he did not even brush his teeth. Once Nathan walked out the door saying, “I need to brush my teeth.” Dr. Root Canal has really awesome and huge glasses and a toothbrush. He has a coat and this untied tie that he always wears. You have to brush your teeth and then make it really white with nothing in your mouth. It has to be pearly white and minty fresh. If it is not any of those then you lose points. You can get a maximum of 100 points. It is kinda easy to get the maximum points because all you have to do is brush your teeth every day and then it will be as easy as pie, if you have a toothbrush. We always say our tribe leaders have bad teeth. No matter what you should brush your teeth.


Dinah N., Age 11
Tribe of Manasseh

Did Hebrew smyou ever want to learn a different language? Camp Gilgal has Hebrew class. You can learn the alphabet and vowels, or if you are more advanced you can learn phrases. There are two groups: Team Alef which is for beginners, and Team Bet which is for more advanced. If you are in Team Alef and if it is too easy, you could switch classes to Team Bet. The teacher is Mr. Tumnus. He grew up in Israel so he knows how to speak and write in Hebrew. In the class you can write in your own ABC Hebrew book. You can write the alphabet or phrases in the book. So when you go home you can show your family what you learned. Then maybe you can go to Israel. Mr. Tumnus teaches the alphabet song and how to greet people and have conversations. You also learn how to write in Hebrew. Hebrew is after Tabernacle or arts and crafts, depending on which class you are in. It takes place in the Tabernacle area. It is every day except on Saturday, which is the Sabbath. Sometimes we might go horseback riding so we can’t do Hebrew. In Hebrew Mr. Tumnus sometimes gives out snacks like sunflower seeds. It’s really fun.

Crazy Pond

Elliot K., Age 13

There is this freezing cold place that may or may not be pleasant. Crazy Pond2This place is called Polar Bear Pond. This is a tiny pond that is super cold. There is a zip line going across it. Some people won’t make it across. If they don’t make it they will be pulled back, and if they do make it they just walk. Sometimes they let go because they want to. The people who jumped in and sometimes stayed in were called the brotherhood or sisterhood. When I was chilling in the pond with a few other guys, Moose charged in with normal clothes and not a bathing suit. Sadly, Moose lost his belt buckle. We tried finding it, but we did not succeed. After a few times, someone splashed the person on the zip line. Another time I went on with Josh L. and stayed in until someone fell off. Josh also let me pull him into the pond while he was on the zip line. Now I will ask Josh some things about how he “enjoyed” it: 

Q: What was the best part about Polar Bear Pond?
A: The zip line, so that you can fall into the pond.

Q: What was the least favorite part?
A: The long line to wait for the zip line.

The Polar Bear Pond is a very strange pond.

Flat on Bunk/Fun on Bunk

Sarai M., age 11
Tribe of Zebulun 

After lunch comes nap time (FOB which means Flat On Bunk), unless it is Lady’s Day. On Lady’s Day FOB is more like fun on bunk. On that day most of the girls did each other’s hair, make up, nails, and designed each other’s outfits for the rest of the day. Sadly, there is only one Lady’s Day. So on most days it is regular FOB. FOB is one hour of nap time. In my cabin we made up six rules about FOB:

#1 No camper may ever look forward to FOBFOB sm
#2 No camper may sleep during FOB
#3 No camper may speak during FOB
#4 You may never wake up counselors during FOB
#5 You must be flat on your bunk during FOB
#6 If it is fun, it is not FOB.

So these are our six rules of FOB in which we try our best to follow.

Initiatives: The Fun-Ness

Jacob B., Age 15

Initiatives were a fun but challenging course and event that campers used to face their fears and learn to Initiatives the Fun-ness2work as a team. These events took place over two days. The first day was all about facing your fears. There were three things to do. The first thing was a giant swing that you had to climb up forty feet before you get to the top, and then you free fall down on a swing.

The second and third initiatives had balance and heights involved. The second activity was a trapeze. You would climb up twenty feet and jump for a rope or pull up bar. The third was a ropes course that consisted of multiple ropes, each one getting harder than the last. Then at the end is the best part – a really, really, really, super duper, awesome, amazing, steep, long, cool, exciting zip line.

Those are the cool activities of the initiatives. Each one was a little different than the other. Each one a little bit harder than the last for different people. Evan S. had this to say: “I thought it was really fun and I thought that it showed who the leaders were.” This is just an example of how fun initiatives really are.


Devotions smDavid R., age 10
Tribe of Simeon 

Devotions are more like a story before you go to sleep. My favorite part of devotions is it helps me go to sleep. One night during devotions I heard “iron sharpens iron.” God speaks to us through the Bible and He speaks through parables. The meaning of iron sharpens iron is if you’re a believer in Y’shua your life could help someone else’s faith in Y’shua. Last night in devotions we talked about training; if a child is trained in something when he grows old he will never depart from that training. The meaning of the parable is when a child is still young he should train well so that child does not forget what he was taught. I really like devotion time with my tribe because I learn a lot about God.

Funtasticly Fun Flume

Funtastically fun flume2Nathan P., Age 13

We went on something called the flume in camp. I interviewed Emmanuel about this particular topic. Emmanuel said it filled his eyes with tears from his excitement. I also interviewed myself about the flume. I said I was sooooo terrified in the beginning and almost passed out, but in the end it filled me with the most joy I ever experienced. I bet you all are wondering what a flume is? Well, the flume is just a humongous water slide that drops you into a pond. Before entering the flume you must get hosed off by a hose, then you jump on the flume and enjoy the ride. Once at the end of the flume, there’s a drop that’s about seven feet and throws you out about twelve feet. After being flung into the pond, you must swim through the algae-infested water. After you have ridden the flume you have to go back on again because you just loved it soooo much and it filled you with so much joy and excitement.

Cuppage: Come On, Feel the Noise

Isaac H., Age 11
Tribe of Dan 

Ah, your tribe just got picked by out-of-cabin staff to go into the dining hall for lunch. Nourishment awaits!! Could it be burgers? Noodles? Tacos? Pizza??! These thoughts make you relaxed and hungry at the same time. All rCuppage smuined when you enter the dining hall: BONKITTY BONKITTY BONKITTY! Ear shattering sounds of not one, but ALL the plastic cups bashing into wooden tables. Most people think it’s quite the outrage. But have no worries, it is simply the ancient tradition of CUPPAGE! Everyone at lunch time bangs their cups on the table top. This will not last all lunch time though. How could we eat lunch while smashing cups? It all ends when the out of cabin staff raises their hands and swipes it down. Cuppage ends, then we eat. Some probably wish cuppage never existed. Even I have. But always remember: IF THERE AIN’T NO CUPPAGE, THERE AIN’T NO CAMP GILGAL!!!

Air Diving

Isaac J., Age 13

On Monday, the men went on the giant swing and trapeze, and the ladies went on the zip line and ropes course.

The giant swing is about forty feet off the ground, and is reached by climbing up the side of a tree with metal rings attached to the side.

You use the commands and responses, “belay” and “on belay” to tell if the harness is attached to the wire, “climbing” and “climb on” to tell if it is safe to climb, and “off belay” and “the belay is off” to tell if the Air diving2harness is detached from the wire.

Once you have finished climbing the tree, you climb onto the wooden platform attached to the side of the tree and detach your harness from the wire.

After you disconnect, the staff member working the swing connects you to three swing wires.

Although you do not go very fast, you are pretty high up, and it was really hot, so the wind felt amazing.

Also, I really connected with Allie, the one who helped you climb the tree, and her friend Bekah, who helped with the rock climbing wall. Everyone was cheering and encouraging the people that went up on the swing, so I felt like it was an experience that really brought everyone together. Sonic said, “It was fun watching people who were scared of heights conquer their fears by climbing up and swinging.” The giant swing was awesome, and so is teen camp!

The Package Deal (Mail Call)

Emmalee S., Age 11
Tribe of Manasseh Mail Night sm

Mail call usually happens around the end of dinner. It starts with Snapple, Bazooka, and Maverick running from the deck screaming “Mail call,” carrying a box of mail and packages from your friends and family. When they run through the doors screaming, a roar breaks out, then Snapple raises her hand and slices it down to stop the screams. There is always a spinner who does a spin when a tribe leader is called. It is exciting to get your name called. There is one special night where you sing or dance for your mail. Sing and Dance for Your Mail Night is when music plays and if you get called you can either sing or dance for your mail. This year, I sang the macarena and I got my mail. Then I got called again! But you don’t have to sing or dance if you’re called again. Mail call is super fun!

Wall Scaling

Emmanuel R., Age 13Wall scaling2

The rock wall is one of the many things there is to do at teen camp for this summer. It starts off by getting harnessed into a sling that goes around your waist and thighs and you also have to wear a helmet. You get belayed and say the commands, “belay on” and “climbing.” The wall can be hard or easy depending on what sector of the wall you decide to climb. The right side is easiest and the left is difficult. It takes a lot of upper body strength to climb the hard levels of the wall. Most times you get stuck and have nowhere to put your legs to push up and over. The wall is really fun and promotes courage, will power and determination to get the job done. Once you get to the top of the wall there is Scripture to read aloud to encourage your friends. Also there is a bell which you tap to signify that you have reached the top and hearing the bell ring makes you confident in yourself and you can cheer on others as they climb. The rock wall is something I look forward to next year at camp.

I asked Isaac about how he felt about climbing the wall. “I thought it was easy because I went on the easy side and harder on the harder side.”

20-Foot Ice Cream Sundae

20ft sundae2smSarai M., Age 11
Tribe of Zebulun

Once after FOB we all came down for free time. Before we had really started Streetlight called us all together for lost and found. Before she finished, “It is way too hot, let’s go inside to cool off.” When we went in there was a 20-foot clean gutter of ice cream sundae. In the ice cream sundae there were strawberries, chocolate, and vanilla ice cream with cherries, sprinkles, chocolate bits, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and who knows what else! It was really good, especially on a hot summer afternoon. Some people got so much that it towered over the rim of their bowls and drenched the floor. In my ice cream I had chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream with sprinkles and nuts. I think my favorite part of my ice cream sundae was the nuts.

Fun in the Sun

Julia K., Age 14

The most epic, most terrifying event of all teen camp, so dangerous that only the brave few will ever try it… steering on the paddle boats. But doing the actual paddling is pretty scary, too. Even the canoes have a small thrill to them. However, it is the paddle boats paddling on the small lake that claim all the most gnarly and epic stories. Mia C. shares her story:  “When I came on the dFun in the Sun2ock to board the boat, I expected a leisurely boat ride. However, the reality turned out to be a highly controlled situation after Julia hijacked the wheel. No amount of reason or force could make her budge.”

Clearly boating, especially paddle boating, is a highly intense pastime. However, for those less daring ones, relaxing on the lake is also available. There is always entertainment in watching riders slide down the newly built flume and shade also provides a way to relax. However, be wary of anybody in a canoe!  They often like to splash.

Any time of the day, boating is enjoyable, relaxing, and intense, though not exactly in that order. Every year the lake is always crowded with excited campers. Louisa G. testifies to this:  “It was a lot of fun. We raced another paddleboat and won! It was a good workout for the legs and I suggest it for everyone in the years to come.”

No matter what your mood, boating is a perfect way to pass the time. Whether canoeing or paddle boating or even the flume, the lake is a fun place to be.

Morty and Minerva

Haneen R., Age 12
Tribe of Mannaseh

Morty and Minerva are theMorty and Minerva sm Camp Gilgal Cabin Inspectors. Every day all of the tribes have to make their cabins spotless clean! If a shoe or hair brush is askew, you receive an infraction. An infraction is when five points are deducted. You start off with 100 points each day. A minor infraction deducts five points and each major deduction is ten points. Major infractions rarely happen unless you do a horrible job cleaning. Morty and Minerva are supposed to be an old Jewish couple, but they are really Streetlight and Sonic. They are really funny. You can also get an infraction just for having a spot of dirt on the cabin floor or if a bag is unzipped. In case you wanted to know, the unzipped bag infraction is known at camp as “open bag syndrome.” Another thing that is really funny is Morty has a hunchback and wears ugly old man’s glasses. Minerva has an ugly dress, a curler in her hair, and an annoying voice. It is important to remember as a camper that it is possible to nail the cabin inspection. If your cabin nails it that means there were no infractions in the inspection.


Skye R., Age 14

Today we did initiativesTeamwork2. Initiatives are group obstacles you have to get through working together. We have one big group girls cabin, so we split into two groups. My group went first for the first initiative. The first initiative was the “Spider Web.” It was a bunch of different thin ropes tied into different shapes. The lowest part was about two feet off the ground. The goal is to get everyone in the group to the other side but the catch is that everyone has to go through a different hole. A few people on each team have “disabilities.” For instance, you can only use one leg or you can’t talk. I was lifted through one of the top holes in the “spider web” and it was really fun but hard. The next initiative we did included getting across three platforms only using two wooden boards. We couldn’t touch the ground and the boards or we would have to start over. At first it was difficult to find a strategy but then we had a plan all the way through. I asked Amanda what she liked best and she said it was really fun to figure out how to go through the “spider web.” I am so excited to do initiatives next year.

Facing Fears

Facing fears2Olivia P., Age 13

When I first walked on to the rock climbing course I thought to myself, “There is no way I can do this. I am way too afraid of heights.” I was talking to other campers and they were encouraging me to face my fears and get on the rock wall. I thought about it and before I could think any longer I was strapping into a harness and put on a helmet.

After I was in the harness and had my helmet on I sat and watched my friend Lindsay, who is also afraid of heights, reach the top and ring the bell. I asked Lindsay how it was afterwards and she said, “Afterwards I felt accomplished that I faced my fear of heights, and that I tried new things to get me out of my comfort zone.” Hearing that from Lindsay really gave me confidence.

I walked up to the rock wall and stood there patiently as the instructor clipped me onto the rope. After I was clipped in I began climbing. I made it past the first set of rocks and everybody was cheering me on. Their encouragement really helped me to go further and further, and eventually I made it to the top and rang the bell. I felt so accomplished and I would’ve never been able to make it to the top without the encouragement of the other campers.

Super Seniors!!

Mia C., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

Superhero Night is a Camp GilgSuperseniors smal tradition. It’s when every tribe dresses up as superheroes! This allows people to be creative and make up awesome costumes and a phrase for line-up. Other tribes did “Super Sheep,” “Super Stars,” and more. Our theme was “Super Seniors.” We all dressed up as seniors, and practiced our “accents.” For line-up, we each said something funny. Some said random stuff like “I love grapes,” Or “Where’s Lenny?” Some of us pretended to be forgetful or totally unaware of the conversation, which was our “Super Chant.” Then altogether, we shakily put our arms up and said, “Go, Super Seniors!” I really got into it and put baby powder in my hair to make it gray. Our leaders, Hershey and Sauté, bought hair curlers for us to wear. Eventually, that caused a lot of ripping, frustration and many tangles and split ends. While we were still in costume, we took a tribe photo, trying to look as old and hunched over as possible.

Field Games

Vika S., Age 14

On our first day of camp we spent our evening hours playing many intense field games. The first thing we did to introduce ourselves was the “Name Game.” In the “Name Game” everyone must say their name, favorite food, and fun fact while spelling their name with their rear ends. Following this game we played “Boom Chicka Boom Boom.” Sauté was the start and all along a big circle everyone looked to the left to see what dance move was being passed along. After these slower games the real intense ones began.

Field games2The first of two crazy games we played was an epic game of “Steal the Turkey Bacon.” But instead of using bacon we used various items such as shoes, Frisbees, and soccer balls. Streetlight and Moose tried to keep score but were so wrapped up in the game and there were so many rounds that we lost count and there was no winner. There were many times where the campers had to wrestle it out for the “bacon.” I asked Amanda what she thought and she said, “It was a really fun night and I especially liked ‘Steal the Turkey Bacon’ since it was so intense.”

The last game of the night was a game of Hadov Rotz, which is like “Sharks and Minnows,” but instead of sharks they were bears. Our very first bear was Skye and the goal of the bear is to get as many campers running across the field as possible. After a camper is tagged they also become a bear and try to tag remaining campers. Slowly the number of campers dwindled down and all that was left was Sonic. He was caught and we played one more round. Hadov Rotz was the last game of the night and everyone enjoyed playing the fun field games. Almost everyone participated and it was just a great first night at camp that ended with listening to Java’s testimony and spending time outside all together.

Skit Night

Sam F., Age 10
Tribe of Dan

Skit Night is so much fun! You get to see what all the tribes come up with. My tribe (Dan) did the Ten Commandments. Manasseh did a Do Not Steal message. ZebulSkit-night3un did a magic carpet ride through Moses’ life. Benjamin described and acted out 1 Timothy 4:12. Judah did people from the future and Bible times. Simeon did pantomime. Ephraim did a detective story. Gad did a puppet show. Skit Night was very funny. You try to get more points for Tribe of the Year. In the intermission you could buy refreshments from the Gilgal Store. They sell throwback sodas made with real sugar and good candy. When we got there we picked who would go first out of a hat. We also got to bring our sleeping bags and pillows. Morty and Minerva would play a song on the piano and did funny stuff and the judges would give our points at the end. Then we watched part of a movie with Waffles in it when she was little. It was very fun and encouraging to watch all the skits and hear different spiritual messages from all the tribes.

High Ropes/Rope Course

Louisa G., Age 14

Monday morning after Tabernacle, Streetlight tells us to put on longer shorts/pants, closed-toed shoes, and sunscreen. We ended up getting taken to where there are a few different courses. The men of camp went to a giant swing and a trapeze. The girls got to go to a high rope course.

It started by us putting on harnesses and helmets. We got partnereHigh Ropes.Ropes course2d and one partner at a time would attach white ropes (tails to their harnesses). There was a triangle of cable around a few trees and we had to practice taking our tails on and off. One had to be on the cable at all times just in case we fall on the course. Also, the tails had to be hooked on oppositely. We also had to say commands to our partners. While we are changing the tails to somewhere else, we say “switching,” and the partner would say “watching.” We then have to move the tail around for making sure it’s safe and say “slide test.” Partner says “thank you.” After this, someone demonstrated the course. There are four parts to it. One is just walking along a rope and holding on to the side ones. The second is walking along a rope again but leaning onto one rope for balance. The third is walking along a long rope with no balance. Fourth is climbing across a rope “X.” Between each of these are transitions. You have to take the tails off and on for switching to the different part of the course. After all of these, there’s a zip line you go on to get off. One partner at a time would go on the course while the other is watching. To get on a platform to start the course, there’s a rope you have to climb on. Every camper at least tried the course and faced their fears.

I interviewed Julia K. to see what she thought about the course and she said, “It was fun, it was high, it was easy and it was fun.”

Stop…….and Go!

Shannon O., Age 10
Tribe of Judah

Chicken-farm“Hey, kids, who wants to know what tonight’s theme is?” asked Streetlight. “What?” “It’s Stop and Go Night!” “Yay!” the kids shouted. Stop and Go Night is when Streetlight blows her whistle at dinner, and if you don’t freeze, no matter what you’re doing, you get a utensil taken away from you! One time, I was moving and Streetlight didn’t even notice me! One of the tribe leaders even randomly broke into song. When Streetlight blew her whistle, the tribe leader “sang” the new version of “If you take away my fork, you take away the biggest part of me,” but he got his knife taken away instead. Usually, the boys want to get their utensils taken away. Streetlight kept blowing the whistle so much and so fast that we didn’t know if it was stop or go. “This is the funnest night ever!”

All this news is weird (and funny), but it’s Stop and Go Night. It’s the way it is. Until next time, for those of you who understood what I’m saying, this was Stop and Go Night.

Dinner at the Creek

Isaiah L., Age 9
Tribe of Simeon

On Monday, July 2nd, we went to an awesome creek. First we went in Creek smback of the dining hall, then we went on the rough path to the creek. When we got there, we sang the Kiddush and Ha-Motzi, then some of the staff went back to get the dinner. For dinner we had sandwiches. While we were eating some people tried to fish but they didn’t succeed. Some dropped food in for the fish to eat. There were these little crawdads Danny caught in a water bottle but in the end they let them go.

Jaden says his favorite part was when he saw Daniel reach under the algae and pull out a little crawdad. There were a lot of water insects and fish. It was a fun time and I enjoyed it.

The Tribe of “Snaggletooth”

The Tribe of Snaggletooth2Matt L., Age 15

This year I had the pleasure of staying in the cabin of Azalea! I have never been in a cabin quite like this one. First off, the men in the cabin all like to argue and debate, so getting a bunch of men together for devotions can be kinda crazy! Other than the arguing the cabin is really swell! In an interview with Emeth P., he said that he would describe our cabin as “confusing” if using only one word. Our cabin leaders were Sonic and Super Duck. Both were awesome. I feel that God really used our cabin this year. I really felt that each and every other guy in the cabin was my brother. We were all very supportive of each other and loving! The tribe leaders were also very supportive and willing to talk about anything! One of our most memorable moments is when we were doing devotions. We spent about two hours debating on some theological things. I’m sad to be leaving camp this year, but I’m very excited to be returning next year at adventure camp! I love camp and I always will!

Nom Nom Nom… Feed Yo Friend Night!

Isaac H., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

feed-your-friend3smIt hits everyone at random. It cannot be foreseen. But all must be prepared when Streetlight announces it’s………….. FEED YOUR FRIEND NIGHT!! During this meal, you must find a friend, get your food, and begin feeding your friend. Everything on your plate must be fed to you by the friend. But not everything must be eaten. A good strategy is to switch the plate with your food with your friend’s plate, so when you reach to get some food, it’ll be the friend’s food, and you can feed them. Take turns and there will be no mess. On each turn, ask your friend what food he would like. He or she will say what their choice is. Proceed by feeding them what they request. Don’t put too much or too little on your spoon; the food should actually go into your friend’s mouth. While all solid food must be fed by your friend, it is perfectly fine to drink from your own cup. When all your food is gone, you may put away your dishes. This meal is over, and you can look forward to your next great activities. Feed Your Friend Night is one of the most fun but silliest parts of camp.

New Campers

Lindsay M., Age 14

New Campers2This is my second year of teen camp, and there are many new campers. Some came from junior camp and moved to teen camp because of age. Others came for different reasons. I’m going to interview Olivia, Mia, Nathan and Elliot about their experiences so far at teen camp. Elliot said that at junior camp there is kind of a similar schedule each day. At teen camp, he said, “You never know what to expect. It gets so confusing!” Next I asked Olivia what she thought of teen camp compared to junior camp. “She said, “We pack a lot more fun into one week than the two weeks at junior camp.” Nathan had said that at junior camp, there is a lot more control, and at teen camp, you have a lot more freedom. Mia said she likes teen camp a lot more but she wishes it was longer. She likes it better than junior camp because everyone is around the same age and that everyone can relate to one another. The new campers that I interviewed all enjoy both junior and teen camp. But in the end, I think that the new campers all feel more connected at teen camp.

Mission Impossible – Is So Possible

LaTanya H., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

Mission Impossible is a fan-favorite at Camp Gilgal. Kids love the darkness and the intenseness. One of the oldest campers, Mia, says, “MI is a lot of fun with stealth.” MI is a mission that can be impossible. Tribes have to go from clue to clue. Doesn’t that sound easy? Well, it’s not. Out-of-cabin staff have flashlights and try to catch you. When you get caught you have to go back to your cabin, no matter where you are.MI-face-paint sm

Every year MI is a big, fun surprise. This year the lights went out when we were in our cabins. One camper, Jeremiah, says, “When the lights went out, my cabin went crazy!” I agree, cabins went ballistic. Playing the game is absolutely so much fun. You have to roll, slide, and drop down hills or surfaces.

This year the youngest girls cabin, Benjamin, won. Even though other tribes didn’t win, they still go to have fun!

Snorkel’s Interview

Jeremiah H., Age 14

This is Snorkel’s first year being a tribe leader ever! Snorkel has been involved with Camp Gilgal for Snorkel's interview2four years. When Snorkel was 30 years old, Snorkel learned that Jesus was his Messiah. Snorkel’s favorite colors is blue, and his favorite food is a (homemade) carne asada burrito with Tapatio sauce. Snorkels’ favorite music genres are Camp Gilgal worship music and classical, specifically classic guitar. Snorkel’s profession is nursing. He has been involved in health care for more than 30 years. He went to college at San Diego State. Snorkel’s favorite movie is the Lord of the Rings trilogy. His free time is taking care of his family. He also tends to his cows, lambs and chickens. He enjoys fishing and boating. His favorite sports to watch are soccer and surfing. Snorkel’s favorite book of the Bible is Proverbs, “Solomon’s wisdom is so amazing,” as well as Ecclesiastes. Snorkels’ favorite Bible verse is, “When words are many, sin is not absent” (Proverbs 10:19). Snorkel recently prayed with an elderly woman to receive the Lord at his job so that she left this world believing in the Messiah.

Animal Night

Madison H., Age 10
Tribe of Judah

OSheep-animal-night smne day at camp, Streetlight announced that it was Animal Night. All of us went crazy. Zemeira said, “I wanted to be a chinchilla.” Zoe said “that I wanted to be a wolf.” Shannon was a sheep, but she wanted to be a raccoon. All the people I’ve asked are in my tribe. I wanted to be a tiger. But instead our tribe leader Acorn had a glue gun so she glued cotton balls to our white shirts so that we would look like sheep. Then we went knocking on other cabin doors because we needed to borrow some black pants. After that we ran down the hill and lined up for diner and when they called us we said, “We feel a little sheepish.” Then we took pictures. And finally, we got to go to dinner. Animal Night was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Big Fat Jewish Cabin

Eliana S., Age 14

This year at teen camp the ladies had the MacDaddy Crib: four beautiful showers, four toilets and four huge mirrors. It was amazing!My Big fat Jewish Cabin2

On the first day of camp when we thought we would be put into our cabins, we got put into groups by Streetlight. One had seven girls, one had two, and one had four, so we were kind of confused. That’s when we were all lined up and told the “news.” “I was surprised and overwhelmed and confused, but also happy because I could be in a cabin with everyone,“ says Leia B. Staff member Snapple says, “I was ecstatic to have all of you in one cabin!”

Our epic cabin has consisted of hilarious real laughs, screaming, eating goldfish, greatly enjoying FOB (thank you, Streetlight!), many FOR YOUUUs and so many other things.

The ladies tribe this year was amazing in every way. All of the girls are so close and camp is just a very loving and supportive place.


Smores2smClaire C., Age 7
Tribe of Benjamin

The campfire I liked because… The s’mores were gooey and hot and they tasted awesome. And the flames looked like they were dancing tall and wide and pretty. And Onyx said some things about himself and did a long testimony and it was amazing. And the moon was glittering everywhere I looked. Also the staff sang beautiful songs about the Bible, God, Jesus and good anSmores smd bad. Also when we came to the campfire I got a piggy back ride, and after that I sat down on the campfire benches. Taliah came up to the front of the patio and sang another song from the East Coast Camp Gilgal called Hine Ma Tov with Streetlight. It was a camp song in Hebrew. Every time we repeated the song it got faster and faster. We lastly stood up to sing more songs and pray. Then everyone was excited from having s’mores and really tired, too. So we finally went up to our cabins as a tribe and fell asleep.

Nuts for Acorn

Nuts for Acorn2Abbey M., Age 14

Acorn is loved by all staff members and campers. She is a perfect role model for all lady campers. She loves to take pictures, especially of squirrels. Acorn truly loves the Lord with all her heart, which is shown when she worships and prays. She puts 100% into serving the campers and the Lord. Here are some of Acorn’s favorite things to do:

Acorn loves taking candid photos of camp activities. She also likes to take pictures of God’s creations and campers. In her free time, Acorn likes to play sports, especially volleyball, bake, and spend time with friends and family. She enjoys going to camp, Bass Lake, Yosemite, and is looking forward to spending some time during the summer in Alaska. Her first tribe leaders were Capo and Skittles, and she was seven when she first started to attend Camp Gilgal summer camp. Sparkler and Hershey were in her very first cabin. She has been serving as a staff member at junior camp for four years and for two years at teen camp. Acorn’s two favorite books in the Bible are Proverbs and Romans, and her two favorite verses are 1 John chapter 4 and 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. Her favorite worship songs are “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us,” “Divine Romance,” and “Psalm 23.”

Acorn is and always will be a beautiful person inside and out. I will always treasure her words and advice. She is always there for me when I most need her, and she is always willing to pray for me. Thank you, Acorn!

Night Swim

Pool2smDaniel P., Age 10
Tribe of Dan

Hi, my name is Daniel. The night swim is a great event and thing to do on the Fourth of July. We played Moby Dick and basketball. But to all I must advise: get Simba or Professor to ride on. It was a really refreshing time because the day was hot and long. I was playing Leech and it was a really fun day. Leech is where you hang onto someone like Simba – he’s fun. I like to play Leech and a football game. We were playing knock out, but soon we had a lot of fun and there are a lot of kids and I mean a LOT OF KIDS! That swim was great and I am really enjoying my first year of camp with the tribe of Dan. I can’t wait for next year!

Java, Even Stronger than the Baddest Coffee

Logan G., Age 13

Java is one of the staff in my cabin. So for my first question I asked him was what his favorite coffee was. He said his favorite coffee was his first name, Java Chip Frappuccino. Then I asked him where he was from and he is from Chico, California. His favorite food is a filet mignon from Fifth Street Steak House in Chico. I asked Java what he thought of teen camp since it was his first teen camp, and he said that he likes seeing the campers grow closer to God and to seeJava, even stronger than the baddest coffee2 God work in their lives. Java grew up in a believing family that took him to a church that taught him about Y’shua. His favorite verse is Romans 8:28 because it talks about how everyone has a purpose and how God will always follow through. I asked Java what his favorite hobby is and he does karate and has gone to Japan to study and still keeps up to this day. Java plays guitar, bass and drums, and used to be in a band. He still plays worship for his college group, but has chosen engineering over a career in music. I enjoyed having him as a tribe leader and hope to have him next year.

Will I Ever Eat?

Josh L., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

After Streetlight announces it is Utensil Night everyone gathers in the dining hall. Onyx brings out a big pot full of random utensils, and everyone reaches in and grabs a utensil without lookUtensil-night2sming. I see some people getting spatulas, big spoons, slotted spoons, whisks, etc. The lucky people get plastic forks. Isaiah says he got a big spatula with a wooden handle and had a really hard time eating with it. He says he scooped the food up and ate off the spatula. Sam says he got a spatula. Also he says he had an easy time eating. He scooped up the food and sucked it off. I got a small spoon and had a hard time eating. For dessert there is chocolate cake that is really good. The only bad thing is if you have a hard-to-eat utensil. Utensil Night can be hard, messy and sticky, but there is no more fun than having to eat with a whisk. The End.

Streetlight: Don’t Stop Believin’!

Mia C., Age 13

Camp Gilgal. Imagine everything you know and love about it. Got it? Now picture it without Streetlight. Exactly. Streetlight is an irreplaceable and vital part of the Camp Gilgal family. A Giants fan until the end, Streetlight is an “amazing, funStreetlight Don't stop believin'2ny, and energetic person,” as said by a few campers. She was blessed with a beautiful voice, an impressive talent especially since she never took voice lessons. She is a beacon of spiritual and personal guidance. Her seven years’ worth of experience at Camp Gilgal allows her to be a great influence on the campers. Luckily for us, Streetlight plans on continuing her role at Camp Gilgal “until God pulls [her] out.” We can only pray that God chooses for her to stay.

Now, if you want to know stuff about Streetlight, here are some cool facts about her. She can sing and play guitar, she loves the Giants, camp songs, and worship songs. Pools are a go-to also. Her favorite biblical character (besides Jesus) is Jacob. Streetlight’s favorite food is a Vietnamese noodle dish called pho. But if you really want to know her life details, then you should just go to camp. The best part about Streetlight is her faithfulness to God and her love for the campers and everyone else. Camp would not be the same without Streetlight and her compassion, energy, and intensity. She is a wonderful and amazing part of the Camp Gilgal family.


Sasha S., Age 8
Tribe of Simeon

Stargazing smThe moon was very bright when we went stargazing. We all got our sleeping bags and we went to the black top. We saw Saturn, and Mars, and the moon, and the Big Dipper. We also saw the Little Dipper and the North Star. We were talking about the nebulas, where stars are born and how they are made out of gas. Some stars are hot and some are cool. Some stars are old and some are young. We also learned that our sun came from a nebula. We had lots of sun. I saw a bat gliding through the sky. We saw lots of stars and all of us were lying next to friends, so we were not afraid of the dark. We talked about the black holes and how supernovas form. We also learned that no matter how big the universe is God is with us, no matter what. I had lots of fun doing stargazing at Camp Gilgal.


Reuven R., Age 13 

Today I interviewed Pregunta. I asked him a variety of questions. He is also one of my tribe leaders. I learned that his favorite color is turquoise because it reminds him of the ocean and new beginnings. It’s also Pregunta2Pregunta’s first year. His favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip, because it’s refreshing and reminds him of family. His favorite Bible verses are Luke 15:11-32 because (and these are his words) “the parable of the prodigal son, because we all have strayed from our heavenly Father, and I believe this is the most encouraging parable in the Bible for redemption and family love.”

His hobbies are rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, traveling, community service, hanging with friends and family, and practicing his New Zealand accent. His favorite music is jazz and funk. His favorite food is Mexican food.

Pregunta is happy to be at Camp Gilgal and a person that you could just sit down and talk to. That is all I know about Pregunta and I hope to learn more about him in the near future. I’m sure that any camper that gets Pregunta will be a happy one. (Also, don’t make the same mistake I did by calling him Pretunga. It’s very embarrassing.)

The Intense Game of Capture the Degel

Isaiah L., Age 9
Tribe of Simeon

The first thing we did was split up the teams. The boy campeMI face paint smrs grouped up with the girl tribe leaders and the girl campers with the men tribe leaders. Next we made the groups. The people who were defense guarded the jail and the degel (flag). The offense went to the enemy’s side to get the degel or free people from jail. Josh said his favorite part was chasing the boy tribe leaders.

David’s favorite part was trying to help the offense find the flag by screaming in the jail. My favorite part was when I was behind enemy lines. Onyx found us and we ran in the paintball course jumping over rocks and logs and then we slid under the net and lost him! Then I really had to go to the bathroom so I let myself get caught. All of the people who escorted me didn’t know that I wasn’t the one. As soon as one of our people got in the flag circle the other team won.

Dancing with Saute’

Kezia M., Age 15

This year of teen camp I had the privilege to interview the amazing Sauté. I had Sauté as my tribe leader in the Dancing with Saute'2huge ladies cabin. This is her second year on staff and her third year going to Camp Gilgal. She is also the camp intern this summer. Her favorite part of camp is worship and hanging around with campers. Her favorite worship songs are “To Our God” and “God, I Look to You.” Her favorite night game is Mission Impossible and Capture the Degel. Her favorite Bible passage is James 1:2-3. She likes being goofy, having fun and making people laugh with her funny faces. Sauté danced for eight years and was a really good jumper which is why she chose her name. Sauté means jump or jumping in French. She loves doing different ballet moves off the diving board and water flume. She likes to be active and being outside. Sauté also is the most amazing jet ski driver. She made us all fall off. I loved having Sauté as my tribe leader because she was so much fun and was always encouraging. I loved getting to know her better this summer.

Men’s Campfire

Danny G., Age 10
Tribe of Ephraim

I amcampfire sm going to tell you about the men’s campfire. It was so funny because I fell asleep. I helped start the fire, and it was pretty cool. I like when we worship God. I thought we were going to make s’mores again, but we didn’t. I liked when we all sat down on top of the tables. It was funny when I fell on the floor. Sonic and Maverick were the speakers. It was the best campfire I have ever had. The fire was pretty big. I hope this year we make a big fire. Well, I think you should come to campfire. It is very fun. I hope we have another men’s campfire. Well, now you know about the men’s campfire.

The Sweetest Waffles

Amanda R., Age 14

Waffles is a huge part of Camp Gilgal. She was a camper for ten years and has been on staff for five. I have neThe sweetest Waffles2ver had Waffles as my leader but I have gotten to know her better over the years. She is really sweet and caring. Waffles’ favorite memory verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. She says she loves this verse because it talks about things she values. After talking with Waffles about camp memories she says her favorite has to be singing worship songs with her tribe while horseback riding in 2011. Waffles enjoys teen camp and her favorite activity is Bass Lake. Some of Waffles’ favorite things are Thai food, the color Sea Foam Green, the stores she enjoys are Michaels, Trader Joes and Old Navy and she loves taking pictures. Many campers appreciate Waffles’ servanthood and no one can imagine camp without her.

Crazy Fernboys

Crazy Fernboys2Josh L., Age 12

My cabin consists of ten members – Java, Pregunta, Emmanuel R., Elias B., Elliot K., Isaac J., Reuven R., Nathan P., Logan G., and myself. We all stay in a cabin called Fern. Everyone in the cabin is very energetic and loud. Sometimes Elliot is very hyper and will run around the room yelling and screaming, “Stay up all night!” and “Never go to sleep!” One of the members, Emmanuel, is 13 years old and has been with Camp Gilgal for five years. His hobbies are sleeping, eating, going to Walmart, playing baseball, listening to music, and his favorite place to eat is Chick-fil-A. We also have cabin devotionals every night, and usually Pregunta will tell us to go to sleep but we’ll stay up later than we should. Java will wake up early and walk around the cabin playing annoying music on his iPhone really loud. But even though we’re loud and energetic we all still have lots of fun and love camp.

The Tiring Trip to Tuolumne

Carrie M., Age 8
Tribe of Benjamin

I woke up really early for the trip on Sunday. We wenVan pounding smt to pick up the vans and drove to pick up the kids, five girls, and so many boys!

It was quiet. We played music. I didn’t know the song, but I liked the music.

I liked the view! But we had to stop a lot because the boys had to go to the bathroom!!!

Then we got to eat at McDonalds! I got chicken nuggets and a milkshake.

I liked to sit in the back because it’s like a roller coaster. It’s so bumpy!  😉 But then I got a headache from reading in the van. I fell asleep for an hour or so. I woke up by someone kicking me. When we got there, there were people pounding on the window to welcome us.

“Real Facts” with Snapple

Evan S., Age 15

Snapple has been a part of camp for 14 years. Her favorite partReal Facts with Snapple2 of camp is the beautiful trip to Bass Lake, and her favorite part of that is driving/riding the jet skis. Her favorite memory as a camper is her first year white water rafting in ’08 because the level four Dragontooth “was soooo fun.” Snapple’s favorite tribe leader was Rickshaw because she was invested in her life outside and camp and took time to know her. Snapple’s favorite camp is all of the ones with campers. She loves them! Her all-time favorite camp shirt was ’05 because the design and color was breathtaking. The verse that helped Snapple survive life is Hebrews 6:19: “We have this hope as an anchor for our souls firm and secure.” She said it reminds her of our hope we have in Y’shua. Her best year ever at camp was 2002. Her tribe at junior camp won tribe of the year and they went to Chinese food. Snapple wanted to be on the staff at Camp Gilgal in ’07 because she wanted to show the love and support to campers just like her staff showed her. Snapple is one of the greatest tribe leaders of all time because she is caring and has sacrificed so many summers to serve us. We all love Snapple.


Challah Your Mama

Nathan P., Age 12
Tribe of Gad

MChallah complete smorty and Minerva helped teach us how to make the challah. I learned how to braid challah from Jeremiah. The challah tasted pretty good for me making it. We learned why we braid challah. It stands for justice, peace, and love. We added poppy seeds to our challah to make it taste and look nice. They gave us like 30 or 20 minutes to make our challah. Some people tried to write their names with food coloring. It didn’t work out that well, so they had a blob of food coloring on it. Most people wrote their names on the side of the wax paper that we had to put challah on. We put the challah on the trays that they gave us and we put them on it.

Camp Gilgal West Junior Camp (June 23-July 6, 2013)

The Next Generation Chooses God

(Joshua 1:9)

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!



Tribe of Naphtali: Ellie M., Erica B., Claire C., Sarah M., Shalom M., Persaeus B., Acorn, Toto

Tribe of Benjamin: Lizzy N., Mekerah P., Monique L., Sarai M., Shannon O., Yael S., Sparkler, Galaxy

Tribe of Dan: Eithan S., Jonathan P., Sam C., Sasha S., Boaz B., Gilligan, Yamaha

Tribe of Asher: Carrie M., Elizabeth R., Maddie H., Noa B., Sophia M., Zoe N., Nike, T-Rex

Tribe of Levi: Corey W., Daniel P., Isaac H., Michael K., Sam F., J-Box, Stix

Tribe of Reuben: Dinah N., Emmalee S., Haneen R., LaTanya H., Rebekah V., Taliah S., Waffles, Willow

Tribe of Simeon: Daniel C., David R., Isaiah L., Nathan B., Nathan S., Java, Ewok

Out of cabin staff: Esquire, Moose, Poppins, Sauté, Sherbert, Snapple, Sonic, Streetlight

First Day of Camp

Erica B., Age 8
Tribe of Benjamin

First day smMy first day of camp was greeted by my tribe leaders. When I got to my cabin, everyone in my tribe was making name tags. I made a name tag, too. I wrote my name in turquoise because it is my favorite color. After, we heard the whistle blow. That meant it was dinner time. My tribe and I all walked really fast down the hill together. We sat down as tribes and found out it was Utensil Night! My utensil was a pie-server. A girl in my tribe named Elizabeth got tongs. I could barely eat anything with the pie cutter so I asked for another utensil. This was my first time at summer camp and I was already having so much fun. After dinner, all the tribes made their degelim (flags). We had to compete for the aqua degel and we got it! Benjamin’s symbol is a wolf. We all helped make the background, and Sophia drew the wolf. I drew a tree next to the wolf but that’s not the end of it yet. After we made our degel, we went back to our cabins and got our toothbrushes, toothpaste, and went to bed.

The end

Fourth of July

Jeremiah H., Age 12
Tribe of Gad

The Fourth of July parade had gone as planned for Camp Gilgal. We had won the award for “Best Marching Group” in Columbia’s Glorious Fourth of July Parade once again. Gilgal was singing until theColumbia parade smir voices were completely gone from worshiping the Lord. The songs that we had sung were “The Happy Song” and the chorus and bridge of “Our God.”

Many other marching groups were also competing in the parade to win best marching group for the parade. After the march, the camp got a break and ate lunch in the SHADE!!

Once we ate lunch, we went out to explore and enjoy Columbia. Once our freedom was up, we took our group picture and went back to camp.

Animal Hunting

Sasha S., Age 9
Tribe of Dan

During camp I bought an insect catching set. The first bug I caught wAnimal hunting2as a big red centipede. And the first animal I caught was a lizard. All the bugs and animals were a big beetle, a big red centipede, two moths, a stink bug and a lizard. And I have people that help me – Boaz, Sam and Jonathan. And they help me catch bugs and animals. Boaz loves helping me catch bugs and animals. We use nets, a small cage, a bug watch, tiny nets and a magnifying glass. I find bugs and animals at the big rock and up the hill, and the small rock and down the hill. I release all my bugs because it is fun to catch bugs and animals and release them. I love bug and animal hunting.

What is your favorite bug or animal?

Boaz said: “It was a skater.” Where is your favorite spot to catch bugs and animals? Boaz said: “In the bathroom.” When do you like to go bug and animal hunting? Boaz said: “After lunch.” What gear do we use? Boaz said: “Nets and tweezers and magnifying glass. Small nets work.”

The Best Sport in the World

carpetball smMonique L., Age 10
Tribe of Zebulun

Carpetball is awesome! Carpetball is a rectangular table, with rims and a drop off on both sides. There are five pool balls on each side and one ball that is used to knock the other balls off the table. How you play is you set up your pool balls on the table in any order that pleases you, and then take the other ball and try to knock the opponent’s balls off the table by rolling the ball across the table. In the beginning when you start, you are supposed to set up your balls, but after that you aren’t allowed to move your balls, unless you hit your own ball. Then you can only move it back to where it was before.

Noa thinks carpetball is a really fun game. She also thinks that the rules are fair and should be followed. Carpetball is truly awesome!

Swimming and Activities

Erica B., Age 9
Tribe of Naphtali

One of the top things to do during free time is go swimSwimming and Activities2ming. One of the games we do is whirlpool. We go around the pool really fast and try to form a current. Sophia loves to swim. She goes underwater and swims with all her might. She’s like a fish.

A lot of people think the water in the pool is cold. Some people don’t even like to get in the pool. Whenever Stix goes in the pool the campers attack him. One day it was raining and everybody was sad because we couldn’t go swimming but we made it fun.

Last night we went down to the pool for night swimming. We played all sorts of games like Rings and Marco Polo. For Marco Polo someone is chosen to close their eyes and say Marco and the people who are playing with the person must answer with Polo. I hope you enjoyed my article.

Hit the Road, Jack! (Ladies Day)

ladies day2smZemeira W., Age 10
Tribe of Judah

We were lining up and this music just started blasting our ears out, and everyone started yelling, “It’s Ladies Day!” It was lunch time so we went in to the dining hall. For lunch we had pizza and the boys would just walk in for fun. Every time they walked in we would sing, “Hit the Road, Jack.” On Men’s Day, we never go in to the dining hall, we just get ready and go.

Now back to Ladies Day. After lunch we had FOB, which means “Flat On Bunk.” But this FOB was different. We didn’t have to be flat on our bunkLadies day sms, so I said that it was “Fun On Bunk,” and we got to be on each other’s bunks. We ate candy and talked all FOB until the whistle blew. Then we had free time. I mostly swam. This year our theme was colors. I went on a hike to find things to make a wreath. It was so calm without the boys and I loved it. There were no rude jokes, less bad grammar, and just girls. Who wouldn’t like it? Well, I guess boys wouldn’t. So that just tells you how fun it is here. My friends and I had a great time the whole day, even after the boys came back. Don’t worry, every day is really fun.

The end

Ow! What Do I Feel? A Dodgeball!

Emmalee S., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

Dodgeball is an optional game you can play at camp. I chose to play! The way you play is you split the players evenly on two sides. Then the whistle is blown and everyone runs to the balls set up in tOw What Do I feel, A Dodgeball2he middle of the court to bring them to their sides. Then you throw the dodge balls at other players on the other side. If you hit them they are out but if they catch it you are out and one of their players gets to come back in.

My strategy was to stay in the back when the whistle sounded and then let the balls be thrown to my side. Then I would grab a ball and collect all the balls on our side to throw at once. Usually, it worked and only one person got out. The most dangerous players are the staff like Java, J-Box, Sauté, Nike and Moose. Java’s favorite part was when Nathan S. was the last on his team and Java threw a ball thinking he would get him out. Then Nathan, eight years old, turned around and grabbed it with one hand to win the game for his team. Dodge ball was so fun. I recommend it.


Carrie M., Age 8
Tribe of Benjamin

After Hebrew, we have free time! We get to go swimming! After swimming, we played carpetball.

We have choir!!Choir sm

I play the piano. I just learned the chords on the piano. Yamaha told me that the more you practice, the more you can play other instruments. We have choir for about 30 minutes. They also teach guitar, drums and dancing.

We get to eat snacks because there’s a shop. They have ring pops, popcorn, goldfish, Airheads, gummy bears, gummy worms, Otter Pops, soda, gummy hamburgers, fruit snacks and more!!!

When Yamaha gives me a break, I take out two dollars for the snack. They’re really cheap. I always put the money I don’t need back into the money bank. Sonic carries the money case with him so he won’t lose it. I buy Otter Pops because they are only ten cents.


Corey W., Age 11
Tribe of Levi

Carpetball is one of many fun games at camp. In carpetball you are supposed to hit down all the other players’ balls before they knock your balls down. If you knock all of theirs down they get one more shot, and if it gets to a tie then the two people put one out of five on the table. It progresses by one if you keep tie-ing. If you win you keep the one extra throwing ball and if you lose you can get back in line or go do something else and you can watch.

I asked J-Box about carpetball.

Q: What is your best winning streak?
A: About five or six games.

Q: What is your favorite thing about carpetball?
A: Having a good time with everyone.

Q: What’s your favorite strategy?
A: To put the balls I have close to me so they are hard to hit.

You can try to get two in one shot or as many as you want in one shot, but it is a hard game to play. There is one other way to play with ten balls but that’s just a made up game.

And that’s my article about carpetball.

Men’s Day

Josh L., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

Everyone is hoping it’s that day and suddenly music from the dining hall comes on. All the boys start yelling and laughing and screaming, “It’s Men’s Dayyy!!!” Soon Onyx wearing plastic mediMens day smeval armor and carrying a sword runs out and yells, “It’s Medieval Men’s Day!” Then all the boys run into the dining hall. We say the blessings and pray then they bring out pizza. After lunch we have FOB, then we hear a whistle blow, and we go outside. We see lots of staff wearing armor, then they split us up in three groups. They take us over to the picnic tables and have us pick a champion out of our group, and we voted on Jacob. Then we had to suit up Jacob using cardboard boxes, duct tape, and aluminum foil. The judges (Sonic, Onyx, and Mr. Tumnus) voted on Jacob as champion, but it’s okay because everyone had fun and in the end, everyone drank men’s brew.

Workout with Esquire

Sophia M., Age 10
Tribe of Asher

Hi, I am Sophia M. and I will be telling you about workout with Esquire. To do the workout you will need shorts and closed-toed shoes. The first thing you do is a warm up lap around camp. Next you go to the Tabernacle area to do warm up. Here are some people that did workout with Esquire: Zoe, Carrie, Nike, Streetlight, Monique, Sarai, Lizzy and me. Some of the stretches we did were burpies, downward dog, sit ups, pushups, rock climbers and others.

My favorite part was the warm up lap, the downward dog, pull up and burpy. One reason why I liked all of these things are because they were easy.

I’ve asked Streetlight questions about her opinions on the workout:

Q: What was one of your favorite things about the work out?
A: I liked dead bugs.

Q: What stretch did you not like?
A: Planking.

Q: What was the hardest?
A: Burpies.

Q: Did you like the workout?
A: Yes.

Q: What was the easiest?
A: Sit ups.


David R., Age 10
Tribe of Simeon

Archery was really hard at first. We had to hArcheryike downhill and then hike down another hill that was really narrow and steep. Then we ran across the soccer field and there was an archery guide there expecting us. It definitely feels really cool pulling back the string on the bow with an arrow in it. You have to pull back the string with two fingers and you have to aim just above the target. The arrow has a holder on the back of it for it to attach to the string. You need to hear a snap in order for you to know the arrow is placed in the right place. You need to pull the string until the string is about to touch your cheek; you will have maximum power if you pull that far. If you pull the string further than you should it will snap. I have not experimented to see if that is true, but if I even bought my own bow I still would not experiment with it because the bow would cost too much and that would be just a plain waste of money. There is a shed that has a lot of bows and a lot of arrows because if someone broke an arrow they could run in and grab a new one. And that concludes archery.

Gilgal Store

Latanya H., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

Hungry at free time? Come to the Gilgal store. We have all kinds of candy, soda, and crackers. Is it a hot day? That’s okay, we have popsicles. They’re the perfect thing to eat when you’re hot. And guess what? We just got jewelry! You can send it to your loved ones at home. And here at Gilgal we like cheap, so we made our store affordable to our campers. Come on down.

Free Time

JosKnock-out smiah C., Age 10
Tribe of Ephraim

In free time you do knockout, carpetball, swimming, tree climbing, knot tying, and you can buy things at the Camp Gilgal store. You usually have free time after Tabernacle, after Hebrew class, and after FOB. My favorite thing in free time is knockout. The best knockout player is J-Box. If J-Box misses it he shoots it back up and almost always makes it before the other person. I usually come in third or fourth. In carpetball my longest winning streak is 11. In the store there are Sour Punch Straws, popcorn, Airheads, soda, and other things. When you tree climb you get to climb a really big tree. Also the tree has lots of branches. In knot tying you get to learn how to tie really good knots. There is also choir. In choir you get to dance, you get to sing and you get to learn how to play the piano, drums, and guitar.

Let’s Go To Camp!

Yael S., Age 12
Tribe of Benjamin

Hi, my name is Yael. This is my first year at camp on the West Coast. To get to camp I had to take a very long drive from Oregon. It took me two days to get there. I was not alone in the car. In the car with me was my friend Noa, our brothers Boaz and Eithan, and our dads. We were all very excited. I asked Noa how she enjoyed the drive. She said it was quite relaxing. She also said that on a scale of 1 to 10 her excitement was up to 10.Let's go to Camp!2

Noa’s favorite part of camp is Mission Impossible (MI). We watched some movies while we were driving. We had to stop at a hotel. I was very tired when we got there because we were driving all day. How would you feel if you were driving for two days?

After we had breakfast we got in the car and drove for two hours until finally we were at camp. We were very, very, very excited. All the staff banged on our car. It was worth it to come to this camp.

Down by the Hole

Emmanuel R., age 12
Tribe of Dan

Pool smSwimming is a fun way to cool down, especially on a hot summer day. Some days the pool is cold, other days it is mild. Most of the time we get a sudden urge to swim or it is a desire to relax when we see the pool. There are a lot of things you can do besides swimming; you can tan, or sit and relax with friends. Swimming is a great way to work out and get your mind off things. While you swim your body uses your arms to pull yourself through the water. If you swim daily you will see a difference in your upper body strength. While you swim you can just forget the day and relax. The pool is also completely safe: it goes down to five feet, the pool is cleaned every day, and there is always a first aid kit nearby. The pool is open from 3:00 to 5:00 during free time. Some days the pool is not open because we are going somewhere or the lifeguard is not there at that time. The pool is a wonderful place to be on a hot sunny day. Just ask your friends. So come on down at free time and have a little dip!

Pool Activities

Daniel C., Age 10
Tribe of Simeon

Pool Activities2One of my favorite activities of Camp Gilgal is pool activities. My favorite pool activity is Launcher. It’s when some tribe leaders throw campers high up in the air and into the pool. I had a lot of fun when they do that to me. Another favorite pool activity is Whirlpool. It’s when everybody in the pool goes around the pool. It will cause a drift that will pull you around the pool. Then you go the other way around. It’s not as easy as it sounds because the whirlpool’s current will pull you back if you don’t do it hard enough.

I asked Java what was his favorite thing in the pool. He said that he and J-Box would go around splashing all of the people whose hair was dry. They splashed everyone by doing an enormous cannonball right next to them. Their favorite targets were camp staff.  They remembered many situations where multiple staff were splashed at one time. Other than those activities, there was one more that I enjoyed a lot. When male staff were distracted, my friends and I would jump on their backs. It’s so fun, but not for the staff!

Tying Knots

Corey W., Age 10
Tribe of Ephraim

Tying knots is fun. Moose teaches a bunch of knots like the taut-lineKnots sm hitch, the square knot, or the bowline. With the bowline you can’t get it undone by pulling one part of the rope. The slip knot is another knot that is fun to show to your friends. When you pull it in the right place it will undo. The bowline knot won’t come undone when you pull the rope. The fisherman’s knot is good for holding onto a piece of rope or tying a hook. The figure eight knot looks like the number “8.” The square knot is easy to undo, because it has a “safety latch,” but it takes practice to undo it right. Moose always brings ropes for us to tie with!

Water Balloon Volleyball

Lizzy N., Age 10
Tribe of Zebulun

Water balloon volleyball takes place in a volleyball court. There are two tribes that take place on either side of the net. They each have a tarp on which one of the teams gets a water balloon and must throw it over the net, but the water balloon must stay on the tarp. If the water balloon hits thFriends5sme net and it pops, it is a point against you. If the water balloon goes under the net it is also a point against you. If it hits the net and doesn’t pop, and it makes it back to your tarp safely, no point is given. If the water balloon makes it over the net but doesn’t make it into your tarp, it is a point against you. If the water balloon makes it over the net, and into your net, no point is given. If the other team has three points, you lose. Each team gets two tries. Benjamin and Simeon were up first. They were the two youngest tribes. Simeon won and Benjamin lost. The next two tribes were Ephraim and Judah and Judah won. It went on and on and on until the finals. Simeon won and had victory to themselves. When our team was playing, it was so much fun. The other tribes were cheering for us, and it was wonderful. I wish we could play it again! It was a fun and wonderful game!

Men’s Horseback Ridin’

Jeremiah H., Age 12
Tribe of Gad

Men’s horseback riding was very enjoyable and scenic. The horse-to-camper bond had enhanced the thrill of this activity so much.

Specifically in my group, Jacob S. would stop his hoMens horse smrse as we went on our ride until there was room between him and the person in front of him. He would then give his horse a kick and off Jacob would go running on his horse, causing the horses behind to run forward. All the others caught up to him except Java’s horse. Java’s horse would not move like the other horses. He was left behind so far that the cowboy had to go get him.

After a long ride up a big hill, we safely got back to the ranch. There we got off our horses and headed to the meadow to play beside the creek going through it. While we were playing by the creek, campers were jumping up on rocks. One of them, Reuven R., fell on a rock! Luckily, he was ok. Everyone played until we headed back to camp.

My friend Jaden had some words to say about the ride. He enjoyed horseback riding very much. Jaden’s horse, Dorothy, had at one point bitten Jacob’s leg, which was Jaden’s favorite part of the ride.

Copy Cat Night

Copy Cat night2Eithan S., Age 10
Tribe of Dan

You copy the cat and it was so much fun with Boaz, Sasha, Sam, Jonathan and me. Whoever wears the cat mask is the copycat. We take turns wearing the mask. It was good and I liked Copy Cat Night. Gilligan did a crazy dance and Sasha was yelling. I saw a girl wearing a cat mask. It was made out of a plastic plate with fuzzy pipe cleaners. People did crazy things and I didn’t get to eat a lot of my food. I really liked Copy Cat Night and I hope we can do it again. I am interviewing Yael S. “Did you have fun?” “Yes, I did.” “What did you do on Copy Cat Night?” “I did all kinds of crazy things.” “Who was the craziest copycat and why?” “I think Galaxy was the craziest.”

Water Balloon Volleyball

Michael K., Age 11
Tribe of Levi

Water balloon volleyball was a blast. My tribe got second place. We played at the volleyball court just down the road from camp. In water balloon volleyball our tribe had to launch a water balloon over a net with a tarp. Our tribe held the tarp by the sides, launching balloons and catching them. I helped on thWater Balloon Volleyball2e side of the tarp keeping it tight so our tribe could launch it. To catch a water balloon, our tribe had to try to move the tarp wherever it was going. They made up something called the “23rd Annual Glorious Double Elimination Bracket System Tourney” and this is how it goes: it is very complicated and when asked, Sonic declined to comment. During the night all the tribes cheered for each other. My tribe came up with the best cheers and dances, and it was so much fun cheering for other tribes. One of the cheers we did was, “Simeon sharp as a blade.” My favorite part was the championship game. We played Reuben and beat them the first time. Because the girls were undefeated we had to play against them twice. They won the second game which made them champions. We came so close. It was sad but I am happy that we got so close. Hopefully my tribe will win next year. We did a good job doing it. Thank you, staff, for putting it together. I can’t wait for next year’s game. I really liked it!

Interview with Corey:

Q: How did you like water balloon volleyball and why?
A: He liked it very much because we kept winning.

Q: What is your favorite part about water balloon volleyball?
A: His favorite part was playing the girls in the final championship.

Q: Why?
A: Because he had a lot of fun.

Tribe of Benjamin

Benjamin smPersaeus B., Age 7
Tribe of Benjamin

There are nice ladies in the cabin of Benjamin because the tribe leaders are really nice and we made name tags for all of the beds. We love Camp Gilgal because they split you up with the staff members and I got Waffles and Galaxy. They are super nice. When you first came, they banged on the car doors. It’s super fun. After you get there they tell you their names and after a couple hours they tell you the cabin that you’re gonna be in. Camp Gilgal is awesome because it’s like you’re in a huge family and you are. Camp Gilgal has like forty-four people here this year. It is awesome because you are never lonely in your cabin because you at least have to talk to somebody in your cabin. The tribes are awesome but the tribe of Benjamin is much better. The name of our cabin is Hermit Valley. It’s awesome because the cabin can fit a lot of people. Claire likes to eat outside of the box. She makes funny food creations.

Skit Night

Skit night2Zoe N., Age 10
Tribe of Asher

First, when Skit Night is here your tribe leader gets all the stuff that you need for your skit. Then you have to rehearse your skit so you can get lots of points to win Tribe of the Year.

Next, for Skit Night you should practice every day so you can nail it and get Tribe of the Year. Then you have to put a Bible verse in your skit.

Then, if you get 300 points from Skit Night then they add the points to what you have already. The way to earn 300 points is 100 for creativity, 100 for the Bible verse and finally another 100 for teamwork.

Manasseh Pazza

Yamen L., Age 11Manasseh sm
Tribe of Manasseh

Eight ladies in our cabin make up the tribe of Manasseh. We have six campers in our tribe. Their names are Haneen, LaTanya, Mia, Dinah, Emmalee, and Yamen. (That’s me.) My two tribe leaders are Sauté and Hershey. They are really nice. We have the Grizzly Flat cabin. That’s where the oldest girls stay. We also like this cabin because it’s the biggest one. We all like to work together when it’s Animal Night, Cabin Inspection, and Cabin Decoration Day. Every night we have devotions. Sometimes we go in a circle and everyone tells what they want to pray for.

In our cabin, Mia is the oldest. We have this thing. Since me, LaTanya, Haneen, Emmalee and Dinah are all turning 12 we just say that we are. Mia says that she is 13 because that’s how old she’s turning. Even though I was new I made friends with them instantly. They are probably the nicest people you will ever meet. Our tribe also tries to guess what we are going to do. We like to wear each other’s clothes. We all get along, and we have never gotten in a fight. I’m the only one in this tribe who’s only been here for one year. Everyone in my tribe pretty much wants to be a tribe leader when we are older.

Time Warp Tuesday

Time Warp Tuesday2

Shalom M., Age 8
Tribe of Naphtali 

Time Warp Tuesday is a theme night.




Backwards Night

Backwards Night2


Taliah S., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

Backwards Night is one of our many theme nights at Camp Gilgal. Backwards Night is when each tribe dresses up in something backwards for dinner.

The Tribe of Ephraim

Elijah Y., Age 9 2/3
Tribe of Ephraim

I am in the tribe of Ephraim. Our two counselors are Maverick and Yamaha. The campers are Josiah, Danny, Corey, Michael, and me. During FOB wEphraim sme invented a game called FOB Ball. You sit on the top bunks and pass the ball around. Here are the rules: if in any way it falls off the bed, the person whose bunk it is ends up out of the game. If the person who throws it makes the ball hit the wall and go out they’re out. If it hits the wall then the bunk nothing happens. It is also the same if the person catches the ball. If it hits you then the wall it is a foul. If you get a foul you have to sit on your back and throw and catch the ball once. If it lands on your bunk without touching the wall you’re out. That is how you play FOB Ball. We also invented FOB Hockey. Basically, you flick a piece of noodle, shape it into a disk and try to score it into the opponent’s goal. It cannot roll or flip.

That is my article.

Utensil Night

Sarai M., Age 12utensil night2
Tribe of Benjamin

Utensil Night is when a big container full of utensils is passed around, and without looking everyone picks a utensil and has to eat with that utensil. Sonic had the big container full of big spoons, strainers, whisks, huge ladles, funnels, spatulas and all kinds of kitchen utensils. I got a giant spoon with many holes. So did LaTanya. Toto got a spoon, Mekerah got a spatula, and Willow got a ladle. Sherbert’s favorite was trying to eat the meatballs with her whisk. She also really liked watching everyone else eat. From the big container Sonic was carrying, I picked a spoon with holes that was almost as big as my head. It was very hard to eat my spaghetti, meatballs and bread with my spoon with many holes in it. Moose’s favorite part was trying to eat spaghetti and meatballs with a paint brush because he had never done it before. My favorite parts were watching everyone else and trying to eat without making a big mess.

Tribe of Gad

JacGad smob S., age 12
Tribe of Gad

The people in the tribe of Gad are Nacho, Java, Isaac, Jeremiah, Nathan, Elliot, Jaden and myself (Jacob S.). The things the tribe likes to do are eat, sleep, swimming, and everything that can be done with water balloons. Most of the time, approximately 90%, we are goofing around. One time, Jeremiah, Nathan, and I were filling water balloons and then J-Box came in and asked what we were doing. Nathan hid the water launcher in his pants. I put the water balloons in my arm pits and Jeremiah ran away. Then we regrouped and started launching water balloons at our own cabin. When Nathan remembered this story he said, “We looked great when we did that!” When FOB comes along, our tribe goes nuts. We run to our bunks, scream, and have a great time. Also our tribe loves to care for each other. Gad is an awesome tribe!

Wells Fargo

Dinah N., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

Wells Fargo2Wells Fargo is a night game we play at Camp Gilgal. We start this game during the evening and end when it’s dark. How you play is all the staff members are the faithful and loyal Wells Fargo agents and they spread out outside on the hill hiding bags of gold. The campers are the outlaws who try to steal the bags of gold. The Wells Fargo agents are trying to guard the gold. The outlaws have to steal and bring it back on their side. There are three rounds. “Wells Fargo is really exciting to play when you get into it and the staff are hilarious,” says Latanya (age 12). “This is my favorite year at Wells Fargo since I tried to play and it’s really fun,” says Haneen, one of the campers (age 12). There are about 15 bags of gold and the outlaws have to steal as much as possible. Emmalee, one of the campers tells us one of her strategies: “You have to be stealthy and pretend to be one of the Wells Fargo agents.” Wells Fargo is a really fun game and it gets you to exercise. 

Girl Sailors

Elizabeth K., Age 11
Tribe of Zebulun 

The girls of Zebulun run a tight ship. Literally. The tribe leaders, Nike and Vintage, keep it that way. For Cabin Inspection, the hard rock mine sparkles. Shoes are lined up. Suitcases are zipped and beds are neat and tidy. Nike strives to make these two weeks the best for first-time campers. She’s very sweet, just like candy we can buy at the store. Taliah is good at Zebulun smeverything; from swimming to doing makeovers to lining up shoes, she is the one to ask. Monique has a unique personality that calms the spicy tempers in the cabin. She is a good listener and very funny. Sarai is the fashion chick in the group. Her outfits are cute and her sunglasses go well with anything. Ooh La La! Lizzy is the athlete like Nike. She is a competitive swimmer. Vintage is quiet and reserved. She likes to listen to us toss around ideas for the upcoming theme night. She helps us make the fun ideas possible to do. I like to laugh and talk with Sarai and my favorite time is right before FOB. We all like to get our giggles out. I enjoy being in the tribe of Zebulun. I hope to come back to Camp Gilgal next summer.

Animal Night

Madison H., Age 11
Tribe of Asher 

Animal Night is a really fun night. There are so many different animals. My tribe, Asher, dressed up as pandas. First, we looked for black pants, next we put on white shirts and Nike did our hair like panda ears. Then Nike and T-Rex put black makeup on our eyes and noses. After that we heard the whistle and we ran down the hill and we got in line. Snapple picked us and we said, “Kung Fu Pandas Heya!!”

After that we got to see all of the animals that there were.Animal Night2 Party animals, sea water fish, jelly fish, animal fries, zebras, bandit birds of Levi, and us the pandas. My favorite one was the zebras. They wore black clothes and white duct tape. The out of cabin staff dressed up as monkeys. I thought it was funny because they had a paper plate on their faces with a monkey picture on it.  All of them had a banana as a telephone and Streetlight had a blow up tree with coconuts. She was hugging it so it looked like she would never let go.

Animal Night is a really fun, awesome, yet amazing  night but that is not the only theme night.  Yes, there are more theme nights like Utensil Night, Be Nice to Your Fellow Camper Night, and Feed a Friend Night. But don’t worry there are more theme nights. So that was Animal Night. It is awesome.

Go Capture the Degel

Emmalee S., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

Capture the Degel is one of the games we play at camp. How you start the game is the leader blows a whistle and the two sides of male staff and camper ladies against lady staff and male campers charge each other’s sides to find the degel while Go Capture the Degal2the other side hides. The safest way I think you can play is by having a lot of defenders who are people who guard the Degel. My strategy was have people go scream on the other side to get caught and then find the jail and degel. Then they say they have to go to the bathroom and tell our team where to go. Then I went with Java and Ewok to get it. We were almost about to catch it, and they sacrificed me to get caught. Then Java fake jumped in the jail and we all started running and J-Box got the degel. In all the chaos Ewok jumped in jail to set us free to go. So our plan worked after all.

Dinah from my tribe liked defending because it was funny watching campers getting tagged. Moose liked chasing little campers. To win the game you have to bring the degel back to your side. Then the whistle blows three times and you know it’s over. Afterwards we tell war stories in the dining hall.


Lizzy N., Age 10
Tribe of Zebulun

Onyx is an out-of-cabin staff member at Camp Gilgal this year. Onyx has been coming to camp for eight years. His favorite part about camp is getting to know the campers and to let them know more about God in a fun way. When he is at home, he loves to cook and play backgammon in coffee shops. He likes to study psychology and languages. 

More about Onyx:

Q: Did you already graduate from college?
A: No.

Q: What do you think about FOB?
A: I love FOB. It saves my life from being exhausted.Onyx sm

Q: Do you have a job?
A: Yes, an internship at Jews for Jesus.

Q: What is your best memory from when you were a camper?
A: Being at Bass Lake at teen camp in a banana boat.

Q: Describe Capture the Degel from your past.
A: It was kind of the same. It was one of the most exciting things in camp.

Q: How were the meals from the past?
A: I ate salad, never anything else.

Q: Who are your closest friends?
A: Mr. Commissioner and Cucamonga.

Q: What are your favorite hobbies?
A: Calligraphy, swimming, and reading.

Q: What is your favorite game?
A: Carpetball.

Counselor Hunt

Haneen R., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

A few nights ago we played Counselor Hunt. The point of the game was to finCounselor Hunt2d and get the leaders down to the dining hall. The hard part is that each leader is a different animal or thing. So, say because Waffles and Acorn were frogs you had to do something to lure them to the dining hall. It was really fun. T-Rex was a t-rex, J-Box was an athlete, Java was a penguin, Sauté was a fainting goat, Snapple was a jelly fish, Willow was a llama, Ewok was a nerd, Sparkler was Doug from UP, Toto was Toto, Sonic was Sonilla Ice, Stix was a mocking bird, Gilligan was a whale, Yamaha was a koala, Sherbert was a cat, Esquire was a dog, and Streetlight was Minerva. Altogether, Counselor Hunt was so much fun and we got all the leaders. I hope we continue playing in the future. I asked my cabin and they really enjoyed playing it too. 

A Whimsical Ride

Elizabeth K., Age 11
Tribe of Zebulun Whimzy sm

For my second article with the Gilgal Gazette, I chose to interview Whimzy, a fun-loving, assistant tribe leader of Judah. This is her first year as staff, although she has been a camper many times. She loves the colors of the rainbow which shows how bright and bubbly she is. Her favorite foods are chocolate, potatoes and fruit, though not together! She loves to swim, but she’s not into sports very much. She has a favorite hobby – reading! She loves to read. Her favorite books to read are fairy tales. When asked if she had any advice for campers, she paused, thought a bit, and then said: “Have fun at camp, still make time to do business with God.”

Super Hero Night

Super Hero Night2

Maddie H., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

My name is Maddie and my tribe dressed up as everyday heroes. Nike and T-Rex, my tribe leaders, told us what we were going to be. Sophia was a teacher, Carrie was an army ranger, Zoe was a lifeguard, Elizabeth was a nurse, Noa was an underwater finder, and I was a veterinarian.

Interview with Sherbert

Daniel P., Age 10
Tribe of Dan 

I asked Sherbert questions and here’s what I got. Her favorite sport is tennis. Between tacos and pizza, she said she likes tacos better. She likes Coke over Mountain sherbert smDew. Her favorite animal is an elephant. I love penguins. I have a stuffed penguin that everyone in my cabin likes. Her favorite car is a Mustang convertible. My favorite car is a Bugatti Veyron. I asked her why she likes Camp Gilgal and Sherbert said because she loves all the campers. Camp Gilgal means a lot to her. She says it’s a family of people growing closer to God. She thinks my hair is awesome. She got her name because she loves sherbet ice cream and it was her grandmother’s nickname. I asked her how she liked Ladies Day and she said it was fun and relaxing. Her favorite part about camp is getting to know all of us campers. Her favorite spot in camp is sitting out on the porch because it’s peaceful and has a beautiful view of God’s creation. Her favorite ice cream is sherbet, of course.

J-Box Interview

Jacob S., Age 12
Tribe of Gad

J-Box is one awesome tribe leader. He is very athletic and loves Y’shua. When I interviewed J-Box I asked him some questJ-Box2 smions. The first question was how long he has been playing basketball. He said he has been playing for five years. The second question is how long he has been coming to camp. J-Box said, “Two years.” The third question is, “Where do you get all your swag?” He said, “From my momma.” I thought that was funny. The fourth one is how much he can bench press. He said, “I don’t usually bench press but I usually get up around 200 pounds.” The fifth question is when he accepted God into his life. He said, “Eight years old.” The next question is whether he has any siblings, and he said, “Yes, one brother, three sisters, one half-sister.” “What are you going to college for?” J-Box is going to college for sports. The eighth question was how many sit-ups he can do. J-Box said, “125 in a row.” The ninth question is what’s his favorite food. He said, “Pizza and hamburgers.” The last question is how much he reads his Bible daily. He said, “Two to four times.” That was an interview with J-Box.


Daniel P., Age 11
Tribe of Levi

Well, camp life is great. You wake up at 8am. If you come you’ll do things like crafts, Hebrew, FOB, free play, swimming and games!!

So in my cabin FOB is great. Oh, by the way FOB stands for “Flat on BuCamp2nks.” At camp the food is great and of course carpetball bum dumb bum!! Yes, my great friend Corey’s best streak is winning 20 in a row. Camp is great.

Oh, games… Wells Fargo and MI (Mission Impossible). So Wells Fargo is a game of running to grab bags of gold. It takes strategy too. So that’s the…..oops!!

I didn’t tell you I am in the tribe of Levi. My tribe mates are Isaac, Sam, Corey, and Michael. The leaders are J-Box and Stix. The leaders of camp are Moose and Streetlight. Then there’s Chuck, not Chuck Norris, but close.

So there’s cuppage which is bomb! Bam bam! Cuppage is banging cups on the table – fun, right! Yeah, I know, and cookie butter!!! Yaaaa! The top secret black market item from Trader Joes is the unusual spread of Awesome!!! Thank you, thank you, I know.

So I hope you enjoyed my article. Just remember you have not tasted awesome until you’ve tasted cookie butter. So to end my story article, 

I just want to say
Stay classy, Camp Gilgal.

Interview with Snapple

Nathan B., Age 9Snapple and Acorn sm
Tribe of Simeon

I interviewed Snapple. She is awesome. I asked her how old she is and she said, “That is an excellent question.” She has been at camp for six years as staff. Her favorite Snapple flavors are Lemon Tea or Diet Peach. Snapple comes back to camp because she LOVES camp. She wishes it was all year. I do, too! I love camp and want it to last all summer. There is a game called carpetball and I love it. Snapple loves it, too. I played her. She beat me. I was sad. We’re still friends. I am so happy Snapple is at camp. She is always happy and funny. She is nice. Snapple always gives me hugs. I love Snapple.

Hebrew with Poppins and Esquire

Emmalee S., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

I chose Hebrew because I am interested in learning another language. Poppins and Esquire lead Hebrew. When you walk into Hebrew class you can sit anywhere you want. Once you sit, there are two cups, one with colored pencils and one with markers. Hebrew with Poppins and Esquire2There are five staff who hand out Hebrew packets, and in them are a bunch of English words that are translated into Hebrew. Then you have to draw a picture and write the Hebrew characters and translation five times. Once that is done you have a leader check it and give you a sticker. Then you write the word in English and Hebrew. you put it on your back and have all five staff sign your sticker once you say your word in English and Hebrew. After all five signatures you go to Poppins for your pick out of the prize box. I got these small frogs that pop when you suction them to the table. Sarai from the tribe of Benjamin likes that people get to draw on your back and the prizes in the prize box. Nathan B. from the tribe of Simeon likes prizes and learning Hebrew. I like Hebrew because Poppins and Esquire are the best teachers. They make learning fun.

Out of the Magical Land of Narnia

Zoe N., Age 9
Tribe of Judah

Mr. Tumnus has been part of camp for two years. He likes playing soccer. He loves the color blue and eating sushi. He grew up and went to school in Jerusalem. Mr. Tumnus likes Mr Tumnus smteaching Hebrew. He thought Narnia was great. Mr. Tumnus’ favorite game was Capture the Degel. He learned Hebrew from the age of three and he has five siblings.

I am in the Alef group. We are learning the Alef Bet, which is the Hebrew alphabet. I only have to learn three more letters until I know the whole thing. Mr. Tumnus sings us the Alphabet Song to help us remember it. He is a good teacher and Hebrew is really fun. We write the letters that he teaches us in a book so that we can use it when we are older. At line up before every meal, Mr. Tumnus gives us the Hebrew word of the day. Mr. Tumnus gives words to us for the meals and food we eat. I hope I get to learn more Hebrew with Mr. Tumnus.

Silent Free Time in the Comfort of Your Own Bed

Latanya H., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

Everyone at Camp Gilgal knows what FOB is but for those of you who don’t know, FOB means Flat on Bunk. The whole tribe will chill on their bed for 45 minutes to an hour. Some campers sleep, write home, eat candy and so much more on their beds. However, tSilent free time in the comfort of your own bed2he campers have to be quiet because the tribe leaders like to sleep.

Sarai, age 12, says, “I like FOB because you can sleep.” On the other hand, Michael, age 11, says “I don’t like FOB because it’s super long.” As you can see, the campers all feel differently about FOB. Haneen, age 12, feels like FOB is a nap during the day. I personally agree with that because I didn’t participate in nap time in kindergarten. So FOB is a great way to make up for that. Furthermore, FOB is basically free time in the comfort of your bed.

The Ballerina Who Became a Tribe Leader

Mia C., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh 

My article is about Sauté, my co-tribe leader. This year is Sauté’s first year as a tribe leader. She has a great personality and many talents. She loves dancing and has been doing it for nine years. Her ballet teacher had her compete with boys, and that pushed her to become a good jumper, and thus the name “Sauté” was born. She can do so many cool things that she learned as a dancer, like the splits. However, Sauté has also played soccer, and she had to choose between thatsaute sm and ballet. She also loves being in the outdoors, traveling, swimming and physical stuff. She even wants to pursue physical therapy as a career. In the past two years, Sauté has been to Germany and the Netherlands. She is very enthusiastic and energetic.

Aside from her hobbies, I need to also address her staff member career. Although Sauté was never a junior camper, her brother, Simba, told her all about camp. They met the same people, and she became friends with a lot of current tribe leaders. Sauté said that everybody that she and her brother met either are or have been camp staff. Sometimes siblings don’t always get along, but Sauté said, “It’s fun leading with him because I can ask him stuff since he’s been doing it longer.” She said that she loves “spending time with awesome campers and staff.” She hopes that she can continue at camp as long as possible.

She loves kids and obviously likes playing with them. If you wanted to know Sauté, she would want to tell you that she loves dancing, being in the outdoors, swimming, traveling and being with kids. And if you wanted to know her favorite food, she loves almost every kind of pasta with good sauce and meat in it.

So, moral of the story: meet Sauté and you will have lots of fun!

Mail Call

Latanya H., Age 12   
Tribe of Reuben 

Mail Call is a time right after dinner when campersMail Call2 and staff receive mail. Junior camp is a two week sleep away camp with no electronics, so the way families communicate is through mail. Anyone can send a letter or package to someone at camp. Anyway, Mail Call is a fun time at camp because who doesn’t want to receive mail? Campers love it when they get mail because there is usually candy and it means someone cares for them.

Dinah (age 12) says, “I like Mail Call because it is exciting and I like to receive mail.” Haneen (age 12) says, “When I receive mail it makes me feel loved.” Awww.

As you can see, campers love Mail Call. 

Mail Call has two rounds. The first one is just letters, but the second is more than that.  We call it The Bonus Round!! The bonus round is when campers receive packages. The best package is the package that contains candy. During both rounds we have a spinner. A camper gets picked to spin and show off their jazz hand skills when a staff member receives mail.

In conclusion, Mail Call is a time we receive mail and have fun.

The Adventures of Nacho

Nathan P., Age 12
Tribe of Gad

Nacho likes jalapenos on his nachos. Nacho has secrets but refuses to tell me. Nacho is 5’9” and weighs 147. He has curly brown hair, has glasses, a wonderful beard, and has a perfectly nacho smoval head. He thinks he has tons of swag and my nickname for him is Swagedy. But I’m being sarcastic with the nickname. He says he loves all my siblings equally. Nacho is confident in himself. He listens to Indie music. He tells me that it’s none of my business if he has a wife or girlfriend. He likes rock underground hip hop and old people music. Nacho doesn’t know his social security number. He goes to college in Texas and lives in his mommy and daddy’s house in the summer. Nacho is majoring in Anthropology and wants to become a better critical thinker in college. Nacho’s happiest times were at camp. Nacho says his favorite food besides nachos is ribs with delicious barbeque sauce flavors. Nacho’s favorite part of San Antonio is the food. Nacho has two parents, an older sister and older brother. Nacho’s favorite beverages are Dr. Pepper, green tea, Sprite, mango juice, and water. That’s the basics of Nacho.

Cabin Inspection

Monique L., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin 

You know what we do right after breakfast? Cabin clean up. You might think that it is a long and monotonous task, but it’s really quite fun. You not only lCabin Inspection2earn to keep your room clean, but also you learn to get along with your tribe mates.

So first you should check under your mattress for “schmutz,” which are things like crumbs, dirt or dust combined. Then you should neatly tuck in your bed and straighten your sheets or sleeping bags. Then make sure your suitcase is properly stored and zipped and no straps are sticking out.

Next sweep, check the vanity, do litter patrol. Morty and Minerva, an elderly couple that live in the shack next door, check your cabin and walkway for infractions. They are very thorough and will find the slightest little thing wrong with your cabin so make sure you are very neat and continually check your cabin. You can leave notes and treats for Morty and Minerva. They enjoy surprises.

Cabin inspection is a lot of fun and you learn good cleaning techniques. I asked Sarai and she said it’s a good thing we have it. Otherwise we would never clean our cabin.

Interview with Vintage

Elliot K., Age 12
Tribe of Gad 

Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Scones with clotted cream and lemon curd. 

Q: What is your favorite restaurant?
A: Chili’s. Vintage2sm

Q: What does Vintage mean?
A: Old-fashioned. 

Q: How long have you been involved with Jews for Jesus?
A: Nine years. 

Q: How long of a drive did it take you to get here?
A: Six and a half hours. 

Q: What are your favorite hobbies at camp and at home?
A: Writing poetry, knitting and illustrating. 

Q: What is your favorite camp in Camp Gilgal?
A: Junior camp. 

Q: How was camp when you were a kid?
A: Encouraging.

Q: Which is your favorite part about camp?
A: Worship and Wells Fargo. 

Q: Are you a lefty?
A: Yes, I am. 

Q: What was your favorite year?
A: My last year at junior camp.


Zoe N., Age 10          
Tribe of Asher

Dear Reader:

What we do during Tabernacle is first we worship. We usually sing three songs. After we sing the songs then we do the Sh’ma. Next, we do memory verses with Waffles and Gilligan. The verses are Joshua 1:7-9 and it says: “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not let this book of the Law depart from your mouth. Meditate on it day and night so that you may be Tabernacle2successful wherever you go. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous; Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1: 7-9. We do it four times.

Finally, after we do the verses Moose comes up with his Bible and teaches us from the book of Joshua.

I love Tabernacle because Moose tells us about what happened when Joshua sent out two spies.

I asked Carrie questions about Tabernacle. Carrie likes Tabernacle a lot. Carrie’s favorite worship song is “The Happy Song.” Carrie’s favorite part of Tabernacle is to worship. Carrie’s favorite lesson so far about Joshua is when Rahab helped the spies.

Moose Interview

Michael K., Age 10
Tribe of Ephraim moose2sm

This year at camp, I interviewed Moose. He has been the director of camp for 21 years. His favorite part of camp is the campers. He likes Capture the Degel a lot, but Waffles kept catching him and he didn’t like going to jail. Moose’s favorite meal is breakfast. He said that horseback riding was fun and his horse was named Bullwinkle. He liked to eat pine needles! Moose liked being a rooster on Animal Night. Moose has actually been a camper before, but not at Camp Gilgal. Moose doesn’t sleep during FOB. He loved men’s campfire. He also liked the campfire with s’mores. He thought Skit Night was wonderful. Moose really enjoyed the 20-foot sundae. He also thought stargazing was amazing. His favorite color is blue because of the LA Dodgers.

My favorite thing about Moose is that he loves me and he is my friend. Once during Mail Call he was so excited he fell over, that was really funny. Moose teaches in Tabernacle, where we worship and learn about God. I saw Moose throw at the egg toss in Columbia on the Fourth of July. He won third place! Moose caught my tribe twice during Mission Impossible. He was really good at that game. During free time, Moose hangs out with campers tying knots.

Shabbat Worship

Elizabeth R., Age 9    
Tribe of Asher 

I got to sing with the Shabbat worship team this week. I asked Nike some questions because Sauté and Nike are leading it. I asked Nike why she chose the song, “Psalm 23,” and she said, “It is a fun song to sing and easy to learn.” I asked her why she likes worship and she said she loves music and praising Y’shua.

The reason why I want to do Shabbat worship is because Nike wanted me to aShabbat Worship2nd because I love the song Psalm 23. I really like this song because I like the tune and I really like the words. The people that were in Shabbat worship were Sophia, Carrie, Sarah, Noa, Yamaha, Nike, Maddie, Zoe, Erica, Shalom, Mekerah, Sauté and Shannon.

Maddie played the fiddle and Yamaha helped Carrie and Sarah play the piano. Nike and Sauté played the guitar, and Stix helped Sophia and Zoe with the drums and everybody else sang. I stood next to Nike and sang with her.

I had so much fun doing Shabbat worship. I hope to do it again next year. I really had a great time this year and am looking forward to learning a new song the next time we do it.


Noa B., Age 10
Tribe of Judah 

GalaxyGalaxy is Benjamin’s ATL (Assistant Tribe Leader). She does things with wolves. In their tribe they have six girls. And I’m Noa (from Judah) and I am going to be interviewing Galaxy. Now Galaxy has gone to three summer camps and five winter weekends. Her favorite part of camp is being involved in the spiritual growth of campers.

When she was in fifth grade she went to a five-day nature science camp. And she was 12 years old when Galaxy first came to Camp Gilgal. Her teammate made her bed. Her favorite Bible verses are Matthew 6:25-34.

When she came to camp as a camper she enjoyed it so much that she wanted to help other campers have the same experience. She likes every shade of blue. Her favorite animal is a horse. And her tribe has never won Tribe of the Year.

I enjoyed interviewing with Galaxy and I am glad she is here.


Taliah S., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

Campfire is a very fun and uplifting part of Camp Gilgal. One of my favorite parts of campfire is camp songs. This is when we sing silly camp songs about God or about camp. I grew up in Camp Gilgal East and we do a lot of camp songs there, so sometimes Streetlight invites me up to Campfire2help her with the camp songs. Another thing that we do during campfire is worship songs. Usually Streetlight, Nike and Stix (two other tribe leaders) would come up with a guitar and a drum. Then Streetlight and Nike would sing some worship songs. After we sing some worship songs usually a female tribe leader and a male tribe leader come up and share their testimony with all of us. They talk about their childhood and give all the campers advice. They also add a verse or two in there as well. The last thing that we do is probably my favorite part of the campfire. It is when all the staff come up to the front and the campers can come up and grab one of them then go out somewhere and talk and pray with them. I interviewed four campers and asked them all two questions:  

  1. What is your favorite part of campfire?
  2. What have you learned from the testimonies given this year?

One of them said to the first question, camp songs, one of them said worship. One of them said testimonies, and last but not least, they said praying. Then to the second question, two of them said there will be hardships in life but God will help you through it. One of them said he loves seeing the works God has done in their lives, and the last one said that she is thankful that her parents have a great relationship.

Boaz and Speedy Sonic

Boaz B., Age 8
Tribe of Simeon

I was able to interview Sonic for my first year of camp. Spesonic smedy Sonic has been at Camp Gilgal since he was nine years old. The next question I asked Speedy Sonic was what things he has done at Camp Gilgal. Speedy Sonic replied he has done everything at Camp Gilgal. He loves the night games. I asked him what things he likes about camp and he said that he likes Capture the Degel and having fun with campers. He has been on staff for seven years and he enjoys doing it very much.

Sonic was able to travel to Jerusalem two years ago. On this trip my dad was able to meet him and get to know him. When he was there he learned a lot about the Bible. I get along with Speedy Sonic very well. Sonic is always kind to me and hangs out with me. He is nice to the campers and I am glad he came this year. I like when we play games in the swimming pool. I always get horsey rides from him.

I had a great time getting to know Sonic. I know Speedy Sonic has had a great time at camp just like I did.

Memorial of Twelve Stones

Memorial of 12 Stones2


Emmalee S., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

In Tabernacle we were learning about Joshua picking one person from each tribe of Israel to carry twelve stones, one per person across the Jordan River. The water stopped so all could cross. Moose taught the lesson and he loves rocks so he wanted us to make a memorial of twelve stones. He took us up in between the men’s and ladies sides to the place where we made it. Then each of our seven tribes helped find our main rock and pulled it with ropes. Then every tribe found a rock for our memorial. Afterward we read out of Joshua to see how they made a memorial. Moose liked that we as campers worked as a team and made something to remember God’s promise.

The Making of Waffles

Latanya H., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

Waffles is a beloved tribe leader at Camp Gilgal. She has been at camp since she was eight years old. You would think that Waffles, as a camper, would have been outgoing when she waffles2 smgot to camp, but she wasn’t. She was really nervous with tears in her eyes. Soon after, she was totally fine and had lots of fun. She made lots of friends like Snapple, Bazooka, Hoops, Acorn, Nike, and lots more.

When she is not at camp she likes to bake, ride horses, and photograph. Her favorite color is minty green. Waffles’ parents named her Waffles because she had hair color like the color of waffles and she loves to bake.

Everyone at Camp Gilgal knows about the tribe of the year. Well, Waffles won it three times in her whole experience at Camp Gilgal. Her favorite part of it was paddle boating in 2011. I, Latanya, was in her tribe that year. I totally agree with her. Paddle boating was so much fun. When I asked her if Camp Gilgal has helped her with her journey with God, she said, “Definitely, yes!” Waffles is a fun, loving, awesome person. Camp Gilgal loves her, especially me!

Making the Degel (Hebrew for Flag)

Samuel C., Age 9
Tribe of DanMaking the Degel (Hebrew for Flag)2

First we pick a color of the degel. Second, we pick the tribe and its symbol. Third, we have to do the best drawing. Fourth, we write our names and draw the symbol and write the tribe name. We use green, purple, red, orange gold and yellow. We use it during tribe line up. Sometimes we forget the degel. Sometimes we use it when we go places like when we go to the creek or to Tabernacle. If we forget the degel after a meal, we have to get it because DPS takes it away. DPS stands for the Degel Protective Services. They protect the flags and protect the area. The person with the degel stands at the front of the line when we line up for meals. During the meals, we put the degel on the wall. The other degels are yellow, blue, green, orange, red and black. We are going to use it when we march in the Fourth of July parade in Columbia. When we are in line for meals and it is raining, we put our degel inside to protect it. Degels are important and we love ours.

The Life of a Lion

Danny G., Age 10
Tribe of Ephraim

Simba is a very awesome tribe leader at camp. Simba has been my tribe leader before, so I want you to get to know him. I asked him some questions about his life and I got some awesome answers. The first question I asked him was how long have you been here? He has been on staff for three years. Thesimba smn I asked him what are some of his favorite sports and he answered Ultimate Frisbee and dodge ball. When I asked him what his favorite thing to do with the campers was he said Mission Impossible because it is a very awesome game to play with campers. If he had another job he would choose to do whatever God told him to do. Some things he likes to do for fun are singing and playing the guitar. I asked if he went to junior camp and he didn’t; he started at teen camp. I asked him what he liked to do at teen camp. He enjoyed paintball, jet skiing, and Capture the Degel. I asked him how he has been and he said, “Pretty good, thanks.” I thought I should ask him something crazy so I asked him what he would do if I pushed him off a cliff. He said he would most likely get hurt. I asked if he went horseback riding. He said he did and he had an excellent time. Then I asked him if he liked Wells Fargo. Of course, he said “Yes, it is a very fun game.” If you didn’t know, Simba is an awesome lion.

Gilgal Store

Noa B., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

Gilgal Store2The Gilgal store is really cool. When you arrive at camp you give staff your spending money so that when you want to buy something you go to Bank Gilgal.

After FOB the Gilgal store is open. You get your money from the bank. There is a folder with your name in it. It says how much money you brought and every time you take money out to spend they subtract the amount you spent.     

There are two parts to the Gilgal store. The first one is food and the second one is toys, jewelry, swimming pool things and journals, oh and stickers.

The food there are mostly sweets like Airheads, gummy bears, gummy worms and more. There are drinks too, like Crush, Pepsi, Squirt, Dr. Pepper, grape, Coca Cola, water, and 7 Up. Also, there’s popcorn, cheese puffs, and fish crackers.

Some campers told me what they thought about the store: awesome, fun, useful and amazing. I definitely agree with useful because I wanted to write a letter to my family but I had no envelope or card. But in the store I found some.


Jaden W., Age 12
Tribe of Gad

Java’s favorite part of camp is Capture the Degel. He is a tribe leader because he felt God called him to be here. Jacob, Elliot, Nathan, Isaac, Jeremiah, and I were in his cabin. He also had Nacho as a tribe leader in our cabin. The name of our tribe was Gad and we were definjava smitely rad! His favorite place in the camp is the dining hall because the food is served there. He seems to like camp and he likes having the opportunity to interact with the campers because he can get to know them and pray for them as well. The thing he likes most about Capture the Degel is when jail break happens after he is imprisoned. I think he had a wonderful experience. Also he loved the 20-foot sundae and ate too much. Maybe he can work it off by swimming from me, Reuven, Elijah, and everybody else in the pool. He decided to be on staff after he went to Ingathering and found about it. He got excited and made it a goal to join the Camp Gilgal staff. This is his second year as a tribe leader. In Tabernacle he especially likes the worship because that is where God speaks to him. His favorite food at camp is a tie between spaghetti and hamburgers. He hopes one day they will have steak at camp. I don’t think that will ever happen. I also asked him who his favorite camper is. He answered saying, “That is an excellent question.” I’m not going to lie, that answer annoys me, but I enjoyed having him as a tribe leader.

Interview with Streetlight

Sophia M., Age 9
Tribe of Benjamin 

Q: What did it feel like when you first met Snapple?
A: It felt like a refreshing sip of ice cold tea.

Q: How old were you when you believed in Jesus?
A: I was six. 

Q: Who got you involved in Jews for Jesus?
A: I was on a Jews for Jesus music team. streetlight sm

Q: What is your favorite story in the Bible?
A: When Jacob wrestles the angel. 

Q: Has God ever done a miracle? What is it?
A: Given me a job where I get to spend time with amazing campers. 

Q: What is your most favorite thing to do at camp?
A: It’s to play in the pool with campers and Ladies Day.

Streetlight loves music and having manicures. Streetlight is awesome because she’s sweet, kind, fun to talk to, and most of all beautiful and awesome in music. I met her last year in 2011 at my first year!



Persaeus B., Age 8
Tribe of Naphtali

Our tribe is Naphtali. Our tribe members are Toto, Acorn, Erica, Ellie, Claire, Sarah, Shalom and me Persaeus. All of us like carpetball, and Acorn is the 2010 champion. Sarah’s nickname is Cookie and everyone on her street calls her that. Everyone likes the pool. All of Naphtali likes the waterslide more than carpetball. Ellie, Claire, and Erica like Wells Fargo because Ellie thinks it’s fun to sneak up and Claire said it’s fun to get the gold. Erica said it’s fun to run everywhere. All of us think we did well in the parade in Columbia and Ellie thinks we did a good job at drums and singing. Everyone loves FOB. Claire is the FOB queen.

Interview with a Piano Man

yamaha2 smElijah Y., Age 9 2/3
Tribe of Ephraim

I am writing an interview on Yamaha. These are the answers. He picked the name Yamaha because he likes pianos and the company Yamaha makes pianos. He loves camp. To the question, “Do you like being a camper more than a tribe leader,” he says, “That’s an excellent question.” I asked how is it being in charge and he answered, “See above answer.” He loves all of camp. His favorite camp food is the pancakes. His favorite thing at camp so far is his tribe. He thinks Skit Night is awesome and everybody’s skits were great. He lives in L.A. That is my interview with Yamaha.

The Crazy Tribe of Benjamin

The crazy tribe of Benjamin2Shannon O., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin

So, I bet you’re all wondering… who is the tribe of Benjamin, what does Benjamin mean, who are you, what do you guys do all day… do you like Waff- well, before the questions inflate, I’d like to say I am glad you “asked,” because that’s just what I’m going to talk about. So listen up! J

Now, I will be taking three exclusive interviews from Monique, Lizzy and Mekerah. But first I will inform you what Benjamin really means. It is “wolf” in Hebrew, which also happens to be one of Yael’s favorite animals. (Yael is one of my cabin mates.)

Interview with Nike

Elizabeth R., Age 8
Tribe of Benjamin 

I nike smmet Nike at Camp Gilgal. She heard about camp from her sisters. She loves sports. Her favorite is soccer. What Nike loves about camp is that it is one big family. Her favorite night game is water balloon volleyball. Nike’s favorite theme night is Feed a Friend Night. She has been going to winter camp for a year. Her name is Nike because her parents knew she would like sports. Nike’s favorite meal is chicken and rice. Nike doesn’t just like camp, she most definitely loves camp. She loves everything about it. Some of the things that she loves most are FOB, cuppage, M.I., campfires and Tabernacle. Nike really likes spending time with her tribe as well as all of the campers. She is so thankful she got to be here this year. She’s very sad that camp is coming to an end, but she knows God did a great work over the last two weeks. She is looking forward to seeing her Camp Gilgal family next summer.

Tribe of Dan

Jonathan P., Age 8
Tribe of DanTribe of Dan2

My name is Jonathan P. I am going to write about the tribe of Dan. Our names are Jonathan, Eithan, Sasha, Sam and Boaz. We are in the Chili Bar cabin. We are in the youngest men’s cabin. We like to play during FOB with Sam’s beach ball. We like free time, too. Boaz and Sasha like to go bug catching. I always sleep during FOB. I usually sleep but it’s hard to when a beach ball’s hitting your face every twenty seconds! We love being at camp. I usually play racquetball with Yamaha. We go swimming, catch lizards, play carpetball and other fun stuff.

During free time we buy stuff at the store. I like to buy food and collect the Camp Gilgal T-shirts. We liked Men’s Day. This is a great first year of Camp Gilgal. I really enjoyed learning Hebrew and getting closer to God. I think that camp is a good experience for everyone to enjoy.

I asked Boaz, “How old are you?” He said, “Nine.” Then I asked him, “What’s your favorite part of camp so far?” He said, “Water sliding.” I asked him what his favorite sport was and he said it was tennis. I then asked him, “How mad can you get?” and he said not much.

He lives in England and later would like to live in Australia. His favorite color is blue. His favorite place is Australia and his favorite food is chicken taco salad.

Interview with Maverick

Maverick smReuven R., Age 12
Tribe of Dan

In my interview with Maverick, I found out some nice stuff. For example, this year is Maverick’s fifth year at camp. Also, not shockingly, his favorite activity at camp is going to Columbia. That day is a lot of people’s favorites. He really likes sushi, but Maverick’s favorite camp food is barbeque. Maverick loves FOB. His name is from the movie, Top Gun. He plays baseball, racquetball, and basketball. He only sings when he has to, but he loves humming tunes anyway. He says, “That’s an excellent question,” a lot. He has two brothers and one sister. He bakes well. He was nine during his first year at Camp Gilgal. Capture the Degel is his favorite game. He is rumored to be amazing and stupendous at it. Maverick’s brother is Professor; they mostly get along. He loves studying science, especially biology. He wears loafers and sports his own unique style. Maverick is a very supportive and good tribe leader. Maverick is a long-serving member of Camp Gilgal staff, and is a key part of the Camp Gilgal family.

Tribe of Asher

Carrie M., Age 9
Tribe of Asher 

Hello, my name is Carrie, and my tribe is Asher. There are five other campers in my tribe. They are Sophia, Zoe, Tribe of Asher2Elizabeth, Noa, and Maddie. We sleep in a little cabin called Fiddle Town. Its neighbor is Hermit Valley. We sleep in twin-sized beds which are pretty comfortable. I sleep on the bunk near the door. Noa sleeps on top of my bunk. T-Rex, our assistant tribe leader, sleeps across from me, and Maddie is on top of T-Rex. Across from T-Rex and Maddie’s bunk is Nike and Sophia. Across from that is Elizabeth and Zoe. 

I’ll tell you a little more about them, starting with me, Carrie. I’m clean and neat and not messy because I hate messiness. Just saying. Sophia is messy but she cleans up her mess afterward. I am glad she does, because usually people don’t. Maddie is neat and sometimes messy. Elizabeth is neat. Me and Nike are the same, neat. We do almost everything together. During FOB we play Pass the Duck and we draw or sleep or read. FOB stands for “Flat on Bunk,” if you are wondering. Pass the Duck is when you pass the duck to anyone you like to without dropping it. If you do you’re out. Whoever is the last one in wins and gets a piece of candy from someone. 

I love FOB and Camp Gilgal.

Camp Gilgal West Teen Camp (July 15-21, 2012)


You Shall Be My Witnesses

(Acts 1:8)

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers
and their families and friends!


big-buckCampers and Staff

Campers: Abbey M., Amanda R., Andrew B., Andrew F., Benjamin R., Brighton G., Brooke A., Conner G., Daniela W., David S., Destiny A., Dorothy P., Eliana S., Elias B., Enrico M., Evan S., Gabriella W., Isaac Y., Jacob B., Jacob S., Joel R., Jon A., Joshua R., Judi W., Julia K., Kaleb F., Katie S., Kezia M., Leia B., Lindsay M., Louisa G., Matt L., Max C., Max H., Nitzan S., Noah P., Roy M., Sarah K., Shaya J., Vika S., Zachary S., Zachary W.boating4

Staff: Acorn, Doc, Esquire, Eyegore, Hoops, Ivory, Onyx, Sauté, Simba, Snapple, Sonic, Waffles

Out-of-cabin: Monarch, Moose, Streetlight

Tribe of Levi

Isaac H., Age 12
Tribe of Levi 

Camp is simply a great place to spend 14 days of your summer. You have all your activities set up for you, you’re surrounded by campers and the food is probably the best I’ve tasted, camp wise. But this place would be nothing if there were no cabin mates to enjoy the greatness with you. At the beginning of camp, everybody is split into tribes of about four to six campers, with two staff. I was put into J-Box and Stix’s tribe with four other campers: Daniel, Michael, Sam and Corey. Our tribe chose the name of Levi, whose symbol is a breast plate and composed a degel of awesomeness. I already knew most of my fellow tribe mates well, but since our first day of being a tribe any ice remaining has been broken. Now we’re officially camp chums.

For this article, I have interviewed my tribe mates on these topics:  

Which year is this for you at camp?
Daniel said second year.
Corey said fourth year.
Sam said fourth year.Tribe of Levi2
Michael said third year.

 How do you think our tribe is doing?
“I don’t think we’re doing well,” said Daniel.
“Very good,” said Corey.
“Good,” said Sam
“Okay,” said Michael. 

What are your favorite camp events?
“Wells Fargo,” said Daniel.
“Capture the Degel and MI,” said Corey.
“Night games,” said Sam.
“Capture the Degel,” Michael.

How do you like the camp experience so far?
“I like it,” said Daniel.
Corey and Michael liked it also.
“I love it!” said Sam.

Our tribe works well most of the time, but we do have our bad moments. Nobody’s perfect. We have our ways of communicating during FOB with paper airplanes. So we still have our good points. Being the oldest cabin the tribe of Levi is a great experience day and night.

The Tribe of Reuben

Haneen R., Age 12The Tribe of Reuben2
Tribe of Reuben

We are the tribe of Reuben. We all get along really well. There are eight of us: Waffles, Willow, Taliah, Dinah, Rebekah, Emmalee, LaTanya and of course me, Haneen. We are the oldest tribe. This year because of our age we are acting as leaders and serving as much as we can. Today is only the fourth day. We have had a lot of fun so far. Yesterday we won the championship game of water balloon volleyball and it was really fun, except for poor Taliah who fell down twice and got soaked. So far we have not nailed it in the cabin inspection, but today we did better than previous days. Taliah’s favorite camp activity is campfires, LaTanya’s favorite is MI, Emmalee’s is also MI, Rebekah’s is, too. So is Dinah’s and mine. Wow, I guess everyone loves MI.

I think this year will be very fun because we love camp and everyone in it. I love my tribe and I am sure everyone else does, too. I can’t wait for the rest of camp and am already looking forward to next year.


Elias B., Age 12 

Tabernacle is very open and is very spiritual to everyone that makes it that way. Tabernacle is a time of worship for God and is such a great chance to be able to love and worship God. From my experience in Tabernacle, I think that it is such a great chance to get to know God and also to sing to Him about our love for Him. friendsDuring Tabernacle we have fun singing and we all can sing openly and freely because no one can judge anyone on how they sing because we are all the same in God’s eyes. In my experience of Tabernacle, I believe that it should be a time of serious worship and time to praise with your family at Camp Gilgal. The one thing that I think is so cool is how Sonic, Streetlight, Simba and Doc are such great musicians and their worship songs are so beautiful that there is no way to not sing along with them. So I think that everyone should respect Tabernacle and would hope that every single day of my life I could have that.

The Tribe of Simeon

David R., Age 11
Tribe of Simeon

I rThe Tribe of Simeon2eally like the tribe of Simeon. I will now describe each person and how they act.

Nathan S.: He is nice and kind. He loves playing fantasy football. Nathan is very smart, and he knows a lot about sports and does what he’s told to do.

Nathan B: Nathan is nice once you get to know him. Nathan is ticklish and is very creative.

Isaiah: Isaiah is my best friend in the tribe. Isaiah cares about others, is very, very smart and knows a lot about everything. Also, he likes to kid around.

Java: Java is great with ideas, understands what we’re talking about and is great at cleaning.

Ewok: Ewok is great with ideas also. Also, Ewok is straight to the point and on task.

Daniel: Daniel is a friend.

I asked Isaiah what he thinks of our tribe and he answered, “We’re a good team.”


Jacob S., Age 12 

Non-campfire is really fun. It’s also really spiritual. The things thanon-campfiret I really like about the non-campfire was that we all were singing and praising and you could feel God’s energy throughout the whole entire camp. Another thing I liked is that the tribe leaders share stuff that happened to them in their spiritual walk with God. I liked Streetlight’s story. The one that I specifically liked is the one that Doc said. Doc said that he did not feel God’s love but he later on in his life he felt God’s love. He told why he did not feel God’s love when he was younger.


Brooke A., Age 15 

Anyone who went to junior camp will remember FOB, a bitter-sweet activity that occurs every day. It is respite for tribe leaders and campers alike. FOB, which stands for “Flat on Bunk,” is a great time to write letters or take a nap. Though, if your tribe leaders permit, FOB can be a big party. The snacks get passed around, campers yell and laugh and play silly games. FOB can be a very memorable time for junior campers. But once you graduate to teen camp, FOB is no longer a regular occurrence. One camper, Judy, said “I miss having FOB.” This Thursday at teen camp we had “FOB Appreciation fob smDay,” which means we get the FOB experience at teen camp. There was much excitement with campers running to the cabins and falling into their bunks. For many it was a flash back to junior camp and the FOB activities were the same. Jon, a teen camper, said “I wrote postcards to family and friends.” Another camper, Shaya, said, “I practiced the memory verse and we had a cabin discussion.” Because camp is such an exciting and fast-paced experience, having a time to rest is great.

FOB is a tradition that the tribe leaders had as campers as well. Hoops, a teen camp leader, said “When I was a camper I definitely didn’t sleep. We played games from bunk to bunk and tried not to wake the tribe leaders.” FOB, though sometimes underrated, is an important time in camp when campers can relax and spend quality time with their tribe.

Interview with Toto

Ellie M., Age 7
Tribe of Naphtali

I interviewed my tribe leader Toto. I got to ask her many questions and really got to know her.  The first question I asked her was what her favorite activity at camp is. She said, “There are so many it’s hard to choose. But my favorite might be carpetball. It’s super fun.”  I also asked her what camp was like when she was a camper. It was really interesting to hear about camp back in the day. She told me that it was pretty similar to camp now but she had more theme nights. She also said that when free time came everyone was in the pool. Wow. That sounds like camp this year! 

Q: What is your favorite food?Interview with Toto2
A: All food of course! I eat more fruits and vegetables than regular people, but I like almost all food.

Q: What’s your favorite movie?
A: I love Disney movies! I think they are so fun. Another favorite is the Wizard of Oz.

Q: How long have you been on staff?
A: This is my first year on staff.

Q: What’s your favorite part about being on staff?
A: I love spending time with campers and talking with them. I also like watching the campers grow in their faith in Y’shua.

After a lot of questions I finished my interview with Toto by asking what her favorite part of the Bible is. She loves the book of Ruth. She said that she likes how God was there for Ruth even when He didn’t seem like it. It was really fun getting to know my tribe leader better.

Days: Pieces of the Camp Gilgal experiences in three vignettes

Jon A., Age 15

1. Orientation
    It’s been a long drive today. Starting off from LA, we have twisted and turned ourselves almost 1/3 of the state.
    As we drive up, we are greeted enthusiastically by all who have come up before us, with window bangings and the joyful cries of reunited friends.
When assigned to cabins, the new arrivals look around pensively, not knowing yet what to expect from their freshly assigned companions.
We eat our first meal, getting to know our fellow tribesmen a little better.la-vans sm
Later in the evening, we hear from some of our leaders’ life stores, specifically of their experiences with camp.

2. Yosemite
After we eat breakfast, we are instructed to pack our own lunches.
                              Speculations abound about what the day will hold.
We pile up into vans. The fuss over who sits with whom is ever present.
We finally drive up into Yosemite itself, and veer left unto Glacier Point.
Half Dome awaits us – tall, majestic and unmoved.
               We squirm our way through a camp photo.
                              We eat our lunch.
Quick detour for souvenirs, and then it’s a hike down Glacier Point to Yosemite Valley.
                A whole 4.6 miles.
Depending on constitution and energy, the hike is either     
                massive fun or a grueling march.
                              Sometimes, a little of both.
At the end, we return home, hungry for a very late supper.

group-photo sm3. Vons

Thinking of grocery shopping, several words may come to mind:
Rarely would anyone call a grocery outing ‘fun’ – that is, unless one is a Camp Gilgal camper.
We are in the pool when it starts.
     Lunch had been wonderful, and most were enjoying a swim.
Thus, when greeted by a sign telling us to grab clothes, money and shoes and to flee to the cars,
it takes us completely by surprise.
As we board up and drive, speculations of where we are going are shouted like cheers at a race.
After the veteran campers recognize the venue, EVERYONE is excited – first time or not.
We overran the store with our fun. 
               The independence of shopping for one’s self is a novelty.
As purchases are made, treats are shared;
                           ice cream, sorbet, sushi, chips and cookie dough.
                                           A feast.
We finally leave, laden with our purchases and on our toes for the next surprise.

Interview with Sonic

Interview with Sonic2


Sam F., Age 11
Tribe of Levi

I did my interview with Sonic. The first question I asked him was how he was when he started camp. He said he was nine. The second question I asked him was who were his tribe leaders his first year at camp? Sonic said they were Jaws and Waldo. The third question I asked him was what his favorite activity is during camp. He said Capture the Degel. The fourth question I asked him was what makes him want to come back to camp every year. He said it has a big effect on his life and he likes seeing us every year.

Cabin Inspection

Nitzan S., Age 14

Every morning at camp, each tribe gathers in their cabin and begins their cabin clean up. Every bed must be organized and every sleeping bag zipped up, straightened out and neat-looking. friends3 smEvery nook and cranny must be swept clean, leaving absolutely no debris on the ground. The bathrooms also have to swept out, in addition to making sure the sinks are clean. Once tribe members leave the cabin, all the lights must be turned off, the heater cannot be running and the water faucets in the sinks can’t be running.

The outsides of the cabins matter as well. All trash needs to be picked up and thrown away and the porches need to be swept off, leaving no debris. The little trash cans inside need to be dumped into the large trash can outside.

At any time in the day while campers are off doing something their cabins are inspected. The cabin is checked for anything “disheveled” or “askew.” The mattresses are checked underneath for trash and the shelves are examined for anything disorganized.

After cabins are inspected, Moose announces cabin inspection results, during which each tribe receives feedback on the way they cleaned their cabin. Small mistakes, such as gum wrappers under the beds and major mistakes such as leaving the water running, count as “infractions,” and each infraction is a 5-point deduction. The cabins must all maintain an 85-point average in order to earn the victory party on Friday.


Willow2Claire C., Age 8
Tribe of Naphtali

Willow is a first year assistant tribe leader here. She is having a lot of fun being on staff. She likes camp a lot.

Willow mostly wanted to come to camp because she wanted a closer relationship with the Lord and she wanted to meet new people. Willow loves all the campers in her tribe very much. Willow has not gone in the pool yet.

Willow was a camper here at junior camp for one year.

She also likes the food here. Her favorite colors are purple, blue and black. She loves all of the staff equally. When Willow first got here she had a really fun time, she saw a lot of old friends and she had a really fun time worshipping.

This article has talked all about Willow’s very fun life at Camp Gilgal and all of her favorite things to do at Camp Gilgal.


Eliana S., Age 13

Benching. It’s something that the camp does together as a whole. The Hebrew prayer thanks the Lord for the food and substance that He provides for us. Banging on the table may be fun – well, it is fun, but benching is so much more. The words in English say, “Blessed are you, God, ruler of the world, who gives food to all with grace, kindness and compassion.” This means that God in heaven gives us food through His great goodness and He provides us with what we friends5 smneed.

Something that a lot of people take for granted is two or three meals a day. God is so good to give us such a privilege when so many people in the world don’t get that luxury.

A good thing to remember each day is to not take that for granted and to always thank God for His great goodness. That’s why we always bench after lunch. “Blessed are You, God, who nourishes all.”

Interview with Ewok

Isaiah L., Age 10
Tribe of Simeon

Today I interviewed Ewok. I asked Ewok how long he has been going to camp. He said that he has been going to camp for seven years. I asked him how long he has been a tribe leader. He said that he has been a tribe leader for three years. I asked him how he found Camp Gilgal. He said that he went to some going away party. At that party there were campers who encouraged him to go to camp. I asked him how he got his camp name. He said that at teen camp a lot of his friends started to call him Ewok. He wasn’t sure at first if he liked the name but he likeInterview with Ewok2d it the more he was called it, and the name Ewok stuck. I asked Ewok what are some of his favorite things to do at camp. He said that he enjoyed buying things from the Gilgal store and he also liked night games such as Mission Impossible, Capture the Degel, and Wells Fargo. I asked him if any friends from when he was a camper are tribe leaders. He said that Garfield, Professor, Acorn, Yamaha, Stix, and Sparkler were campers when he was. I asked him who was a tribe leader when he was a camper. He said that Jet, Nova, Diesel, Gonzo, Cucamonga, and Bandit were. I asked him who was his tribe leader his first year? He said, “Gonzo was my first tribe leader.” I asked him what things weren’t here when he was a camper. He said that the campfire area wasn’t there. Ewok is a great tribe leader.


Shaya J., Age 12 

I think panel is a great way to discuss questions that need to be answered in a manner of way and can be explained really well. In the panel the way you ask questions is by writing on a card, then Moose takes them from us and gives to one of the guys who answers the questions. On the panel some of the questions are really good questions, some are like really powerful. Some are meaningful. The panel is really about asking questions that are hard Friends6 smand sometimes uncomfortable, and this way I think the panel is for us so we can ask these questions. There are about 42 of us who have these questions. The location is in Vespers.

The panel is an opportunity for young people to have their questions answered about tough topics that they may not feel comfortable asking their parents or peers. Sonic said,“Yes, I enjoy the opportunity to share with young men and ladies about my experiences and what I have learned after being in their shoes.” Sonic said that he thinks all of the questions are good and it can fun and challenging to express his thoughts into short concise answers.

Interview with Waffles

Interview with Waffles2Dinah N., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

My name is Dinah N. and I interviewed a tribe leader named Waffles. Waffles is the tribe leader for the tribe of Reuben. I asked her some questions and got some funny answers, like what her favorite animal was. She said anything small and furry.

Waffles started coming to Camp Gilgal when she was eight for winter camp and ten for summer camp. Her parents named her Waffles because of her golden brown hair that was the same color as Waffles. Her birthday is October 11th and her favorite colors are sea foam green and peach. Her hobbies include photography, cooking, baking, and running. She came to accept Jesus when she was three and her brother prayed with her. Later, she made the commitment for herself when she came to Camp Gilgal.

When Waffles comes to camp she looks forward to spending time with the people in her cabin and campfires. Her favorite activity at camp is horseback riding because of the beautiful meadow and it’s relaxing. Lastly, a characteristic of God that has been the most prominent in her life is faithfulness.

Interview with Yamaha

Nathan S., Age 9
Tribe of Simeon 

Honestly, I was going to do J-Box but I lost the battle against Isaiah and Nathan B. Now I had to choose, and I chose Yamaha. 

So here it is, First I went with the simple question of “What’s your name?” He answered, “Yamaha.” Now I was curious about his name. “How did you get your name?” He aninterview with yamaha2swered, “I like playing the piano and Yamaha is a good piano company.” So, it’s based on the company. I was wondering how he got to know the Lord. I asked him, “When did you accept the Lord, and how?” “I accepted the Lord in kindergarten. My teacher prayed with me and I accepted Him.” Now on to camp questions. I started with this, “How many years have you gone to camp?” Yamaha answered, “This is my ninth year.” Now I was wondering, “Were you a camper?” “Yes, and I still am, I go to adventure camp.” Now I was wondering what his favorite thing to do was. I asked, “What is your favorite thing to do at camp?” Yamaha answered, “I like going to Columbia.” Now there was another average question. It was about his age when he came to camp. He answered, “When I was eight.” So I asked him, “What is your favorite part about being a leader?” He answered, “Sharing the Lord with campers.” Now I was seeing what made him want to go to camp. “What made you want to go to camp?” “It’s the best time you can have in the summer.” Before I conclude this interview, “is there anything you would like to say to conclude this article?” He said, “I hope you enjoyed interviewing me.” Conclusion, “Well, that was fun.”

Wild Mountain Cows Seen at Gilgal

Andrew B., Age 15

Monday, July 16th. Witnesses report seeing a herd of seven to ten wild mountain cows wandering behind Larkspur Cabin and Mountain View Center at around 6:20 to 6:40 in the morning. Initial witnesses were a group of early morning runners: Andrew B., Noah P, and tribe leader Sonic. Andrew reports, “They showed up after I ran. I was the first to see them, and showed many others.” Noah simply exclaimed, “Holy cow!”snapple3

Through the morning, many more sightings occurred, especially with tribe leaders heading to morning meeting. Snapple, a tribe leader, reports that she was in “complete and ‘udder’ shock about seeing cows so close to the cabins.” Camp leader Moose, on the other hand, reports feeling very deprived about missing a sighting opportunity due to urgent business. Another camper, Zach S., slept right through the event and reports some feelings of regret. Also regretful was camper Brooke A. Some other campers, however, like David S. and Max C., really just didn’t care.

Along with these sightings, lots of speculation about these bodacious bovines has arisen. How did they get there? Perhaps they came from open range down the road… Or maybe they rode in on “cow-asakis!” But bad jokes aside, how can we fathom their intentions? When one camper attempted to establish contact with the cows, they apparently gave him the “evil eye.” Does this indicate hostility? Are they just anti-social?

Anyway, conspiracies aside, cow sightings ceased at approximately 6:40am. They moved on, leaving scarcely a trace beyond some fresh pie. So what do you think of the cows? Camp Gilgal wants to know!


Haneen R., Age 12poppins2
Tribe of Reuben 

Poppins is the most amazing camp mom. She even helps clean and fold our laundry. She is the Best!!! Everyone loves her and she is super funny! She always makes sure everyone gets their medicine and is feeling well. She is literally everyone’s second mom. That’s why I chose to interview her. Today we had Time Warp Tuesday, and Poppins and Esquire played Morty and Minerva twenty years ago, and they were hilarious. Poppins pretended to be a singer, and it was sooo funny. She loves camp and has been coming since 2007. Her favorite part of camp is the campers. Her favorite game is water balloon volleyball because it has the least injuries. She was a lifeguard when she was sixteen and is now a high school teacher, and also plays a huge part of camp and is soooo needed here. Camp would literally fall apart without Poppins.

Water Polo (Camp Gilgal Version)

water-poloMax H., Age 14

Water polo outside of Camp Gilgal is a much different sport than what we play here. What I’ve observed of it here is that there are three types of players. “Tanks,” heavy, huge. They get swarmed on and push people to the side. They also tend to not throw as much as others. “Regulars” are what the second group is. They do everything but with no special skill. They’re the majority of both teams. And finally, “cherry pickers.” They stand next to the goal and wait for the ball to be thrown to them. They’re usually the smallest people on court. They also make the majority of the goals. The ball is usually a soccer ball and the score usually doesn’t go above 16. The teams are as even as possible and the team is only as many people that want to play.

Interview with Stix

interview with stix2Sam F., Age 11
Tribe of Levi 

I did my interview on Stix. My first question I asked him was, “How old were you when you started camp?” He said, “Nine.” My second question I asked him was, “Do you like FOB?” He said, “When I’m tired I like it.” My third question I asked him was, “Who were your tribe leaders your first year at camp?” He said, “Sonic and Gonzo.” The fourth question I asked him was, “What’s your favorite activity at camp?” He said, “Oylimpics.” My fifth question I asked him was, “What’s the worst injury you got at camp?” He said he got sick. The sixth question I asked him was, “Is it fun to be an assistant tribe leader?” He said yes, because it’s fun to be around us. My seventh question I asked him was, “How did you discover camp?” He said it was through older siblings. The eighth question I asked him was, “What’s your favorite candy?” He said Red Vines. My ninth question I asked him was, “How long do you practice drumsticks daily?” He said two hours or more. The tenth and final question I asked him was, “What would you say to motivate a future tribe leader who looks up to you?” He said, “It’s a great experience doing it and learning your faith and being living examples of Y’shua.”

Stix is a very interesting guy to talk to. Stix is very funny and smart. He really likes music and he and I talk about it a lot. Stix is very good at drumsticks. He even takes very good care of them. When we did Time Warp Tuesday, he took the sticks and held them until we needed them for line up. Anyways, Stix is awesome.


Vika S., Age 13

Wednesday after Tabernacle we all walked to the rope course. But then the men and ladies split up. The guys went to go rock climb while the ladies went to do initiatives. Basically, initiatives were group courses you had to go through with your tribe.initiatives

The first one we went to was a course where you have to travel over three platforms and not fall into the rushing river/dusty floor. You get three lives. If you drop your foot in or drop the boards you use to get across, you have to start over. You get one short board and one longer one. You have to use both boards to make a successful bridge across. The point of this initiative was to work together and take turns.

After we finished the first exercise, we went on to the next one which was a long large log. Snapple was commanding that one. To finish the initiative, everyone first had to sit on the log and get from tallest to shortest without falling off. Then when we finished Snapple asked us to go shortest to tallest so everyone had to go to different sides. Through this initiative we learned how to listen to each other and not to rush.initiatives2

The last initiative was a bubbling lava of lake/the ground. As a group we had to have someone reach out very far to reach a rope and pull it back to the group. Then one at a time everyone had to swing across on the rope to reach the safe platform on the other side. But if anyone touches the floor or falls everyone has to start over. After everyone went to the other side, Streetlight (who was in charge at that activity) told us we had to go back but without saying a word. We successfully crossed and all of the three initiatives were over. We then met up with the other tribes and we prayed and talked about what we learned like listening to others, working together and considering other people’s limits. When that was over we all went to lunch.

Obstinate Galaxy

Mekerah P., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin

For my article for the Gilgal Gazette I interviewed my tribe leader, Galaxy. She was very obstinate and usually wouldn’t answer the questions I wanted her to properly.

Our conversation was like this:

“So Galaxy, what’s your real name?” I asked. She answered, “That is an excellent question, Mekerah.”

I groan and ask Obstinate Galaxyagain, “Ok, Galaxy, what is your name? And no saying, ‘That is an excellent question’ or anything like that!”

Galaxy smiles and says, “Galaxy.” I glare at her and say, “Fine. We’ll talk about this later. So what’s your actual age? No saying ‘Good question’ or anything.”

Galaxy answers, “My age is timeless.” I groan and say I give up.

“What do you think about Wells Fargo?”

Galaxy replies, “Playing Wells Fargo is very fun. You get to chase campers and watch them scream and laugh at the same time while guarding your bag of gold.”

So than I said, “Are we playing Wells Fargo tomorrow?”

Then Galaxy said, “I am glad you have such an inquisitive mind.”

I groan again and say, “You actually have to answer the question.”

Galaxy said, “You will know when it happens.” So I said, “Fine. Why did you become a tribe leader?”

Galaxy said, “I became a tribe leader because after going to camp as a camper and getting to know God better I realized I wanted to invest in future campers both spiritually and by being there to have fun and encourage them.”

Then we ran out of time and had stop.

Bass Lake

Brighton G., Age 15

It was a regular, fun day at camp. The day started off like any other day, except it was raining. We ate inside instead of outside and right after lunch ended Streetlight screams, “Go get ready for Bass Lake!” She said to get shoes, bathing suits, a change bass lake2of clothes, sunscreen and spending money. It was a fun drive to Bass Lake, except I got a little bit car sick.

We got there, and I jumped out of the van! I was so excited! Nobody was there because the day started out gloomy, but it got sunny and it wasn’t crowded at all! I was first in the water, and it felt so good! I got about four shades tanner. It’s so great! I got on the banana, twice! I got so much water in my nose! Leah and I hit our noses on each other’s twice!

Other than those minor injuries, it was a great day! We had an awesome worship session when we got back, and it was super cool. Everyone got really emotional, and I think everyone connected with God. It was awesome. We also had a really good dinner at Bass Lake. I even made friends that I never met at camp before! All in all it was an awesome day, and Bass Lake is the best day of camp. It was an awesome way to end my last year at teen camp.

Interview with J-Box

Nathan B., Age 11
Tribe of Simeon

I asked J-Box what his experience was with basketball and he told me that he had been playing for six years, four years in high school and two in middle school. Then I asked, “What’s your strategy in carpetball?” and he responded, “It’s to get all the balls in.”Interview with J-Box2

Then I asked, “Do you like soccer?” And he said he almost played in it high school. He also enjoyed football. He likes camp.

I asked him how he got so awesome? And he told me he had no idea.

He likes being a tribe leader.

I think J-Box is really cool and nice.

I love having him at camp and playing basketball with him.

I like when he throws me in the pool. 

He is my favorite tribe leader.

Capture the Degel (Flag)

Joel R., Age 15

It all began when Moose told all of us to retrieve our sleeping bags and meet in the lounge. After five minutes of talking about sad pet stories, a screaming Sonic ran in the building and declared “Who is ready to play Capture the Degel?” Everyone was emphatic within two seconds. After a boring ten minutes of the rules being explained, we were finally ready to play a night time version of Capture the Degel. It was the male cfriends9smampers and female staff against the female campers and male staff. 

We decided to have about thirty people on offense, and ten on defense. Ten minutes into the game, I snuck out on my own. I was consistently running into other girls and letting them go.  Then, I heard a “Help us, help us, help us” melody. My destination was immediately saving them. Before I knew it, I was circling a bush with a male staff member and ran for it. I felt the wind of his arm swipe at me and he tripped. I could see the jail. I ran as hard as I could, touched Conner’s leg and yelled, “Jailbreak!” 90% of our offense was now in the flag circle. Another jailbreak occurred and I made it to the circle. We started planning instantly on what to do when snap. Roy tripped and distracted the defense. Matt, Noah and Jacob Stout bolted away. After 30 minutes of waiting in the circle, the whistle blows. Our whole team dashed back and we hear a bunch of cheering. Noah is holding the flag, and we won.

After hugging me tightly for saving the team, I got a bunch of celebratory high fives and hugs. There were lots of war stories, and photos to add to what was already an amazing game of Capture the Degel.

The Wonderful Sparkler

Lizzy N., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin

Sparkler is my tribe leader so I wanted to know more about her. Here are some questions I asked her. “What made you want your name to be Sparkler?” She answered, “I was born on July 4th and I don’t like loud noises, and a sparkler is a loudless firework.”

ThThe wonderful Sparkleren I asked, “How old were you when you first went to camp?” Sparkler answered, “I was seven, and I turned eight during it.”

“What made you want to be a tribe leader?”

She answered, “It seemed really fun and I wanted to influence campers the way my tribe leaders influenced me.”

“What are some of your friends from camp?”

“Acorn, Smalls, Bologna, Professor and Ewok.”

Then I asked, “What were some of your favorite camp activities?”

Sparkler answered, “Wells Fargo, MI, swimming and FOB.”

“What are some of your favorite camp memories?”

“Just doing everything with Acorn and Smalls,” she answered.

“What are some of your favorite dares with Acorn and Smalls?” She answered, “The time at WWW when Acorn dared Smalls to wake up the oldest cabin at two in the morning and tell them it was breakfast and they were late.”

I hope you had as much fun as I did learning more about Sparkler.

Jet Skiing with Sauté

Andrew F., Age 14

bass-lake4 smMax and I got on the jet ski with Sauté and went five miles per hour in the beginning. Once we got out past the buoys we were going around 35. We were riding near Moose and other people. Sauté tried to knock us off a couple of times. I think she did great for her first time. The only problem was I had to go to the bathroom after I got off. I loved when the water splashed in my face. Onyx stayed behind us when we were riding because he was catching all the waves. I wish we would have done it longer than 20 minutes because it felt shorter than 20 minutes. I was really hoping Max would fall off, though the only problem with that is he would have pulled me off with him. Onyx decided to splash water in our faces when he passed us. I could barely hear Sauté though. We were all going to fall off cause the turning was knocking us near the water. The waves were amazing and the water was beautiful looking. Max, Sauté and I had so much fun and it was one of the best days I could ever have. I hadn’t had that much fun in a long time. It was one of my favorite parts of camp.

Java Interview

Boaz B., Age 9interview with java2
Tribe of Dan 

I interviewed the staff member Java. The question I asked him was first, “How did you get your camp name?” He answered, “I drank coffee all the time.” Next I asked, “What is your favorite color?” to which he answered, “My favorite color is red.” Then I asked what his favorite food is and Java replied spicy rare steak. He also likes red soda. His favorite sport is karate, and he has an orange belt.  He has been doing karate for three years. Java is a really cool tribe leader.

5 Mile Hike Down a 3,200 Foot Mountain

Josh R., Age 14

After enjoying lunch “we” campers started going down the trail from Glacier Point to Yosemite Valley. The trail was about five miles.

Along the way we met a hiker who had gone down then back up the trail. Onyx asked him how was it. He replied it as being “beautiful and wonderful.” 

yosemite2 smWhile going down the trail we got to know our fellow campers better. New friendships and bonds were made. As I went down the trail I saw a waterfall that gleamed in the sunlight and landscape that was beautiful. Going down the trail most campers short-cutted, but some slipped then.

Hiking down the trail was tiring in the middle. There was a group of campers and staff that fell behind the faster group. Also towards the middle it was slippery and lots of campers slipped but caught themselves from falling. One camper fell and had a minor injury.

Most of the time though the hike was fun and safe. Through the hike many campers were in awe of God’s beautiful creation, such as the mountains that were large and scenic. The trail sometimes had stairs for easier descending. It had lots of trees and shrubbery at the sides of the trail.

Towards the end of the trail there was a creek that campers and staff used to refresh themselves.

After that everyone seemed more energetic, especially when we were only 100 feet from the ground. We rushed down and after only two minutes we were on the ground.

At the bottom we met an off duty ranger who told us the history of the area. He told us that there used to be millions of primrose evening flowers in existence. That all changed because the Native Americans unintentionally burned them when they burnt the grass. Now there are only hundreds and it’s illegal to destroy them. We thanked him for his story and cheered because we had made it down the 3,200 feet.

The Amazing Acorn

Lizzy N., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin 

I interviewed Acorn and here are some of her answers. “What are some of your best camp memories?” I asked. She answered, “When I was a camper I liked Ladies Day because we always sang, ‘Hit the Road Jack’ and had creative themes. Right now I like being in the same cabins I was a camper in and being able to be an influence to ladies now.”

I also asked what she liked to do during FOB when she was a camper. Acorn answered, “I loved to pass notes and throw the notes across the room trying not to wake up the tribe leaders.” I wanted to know who some of her friends were when she was a camper. SoThe Amazing Acorn2 I did. Acorn answered, “Waffles, Sparkler, Bazooka, Snapple, Hershey, Smalls and Bologna.”

“Why did you pick your name to be Acorn?”  I asked. I knew the staff pick their own camp names. Acorn answered instantly, “I love squirrels,” and then at teen camp Zildjian called her Acorn and then everybody started to call her that and it stuck.

“What are some of your favorite games and theme nights?” I asked.

She answered, “My favorite game is Wells Fargo because it’s staff versus campers and everyone gets to have fun. My favorite theme night is Super Hero Night.”

I asked, “What is your favorite cabin?” Acorn answered, “Hard Rock Mine, second to the oldest cabin because I was in there for all of my favorite years of camp.”

“How many years have you been a camper?” I asked.  Acorn answered, “I was at junior camp for four years.” I learned a lot about Acorn interviewing her. I hope someday I can be as kind as her.

Vons / Starbucks

Noah P., Age 15

All the campers were at the pool just chilling and playing water football. Then suddenly Moose and Streetlight were holding a poster that said to get dry. So we all rushed to our cabins, got dressed and went into vans to Vons with a Starbucks. The campers and tribe leaders bought a lot of stuff.

Ifriends7c sm saw the Starbucks and got in line. The line was sort of long because of all the campers. I got a double chocolate cookie crunch which was really good. Also later I bought some sushi there which was fresh.

Now what some other people bought: Brighton, one of the other campers, bought a tub of rainbow sherbet. Everyone was trying to get some, although when we got back to camp it was all melted. He also bought some cookie dough and just ate it raw with some other campers.

Later on in the store Onyx asked me to try something. Onyx had some mint chocolate chip ice cream and some chips. He told me to try the chip and the ice cream together. It tasted really good. Sort of like eating fries with a milk shake.

We had to leave Vons and go back to camp. It was an awesome surprise and we all enjoyed it.


Haneen R., Age 12
Tribe of Reuben

Sherbert is super fun and exciting. She helps make camp possible. She does most activities but her specialty is Dental Inspection. She comes every night even when it’s late and she tries to insSherbert2pect everyone’s teeth. Her favorite camp activity is Capture the Degel. Her favorite hobby outside of camp is going exploring. She joined Camp Gilgal in 2012. Everyone loves Sherbert because she brings lots of energy and is super fun. This year she is in charge of crafts. She is named Sherbert because her grandma’s name is also Sherbert. Sherbert is very excited this year and had a lot of fun playing Capture the Degel and can’t wait for Wells Fargo. We are all happy to have Sherbert. She helps hold camp together and is super awesome and fun at camp.


Roy M., Age 15 

It was dark, cold and covered with bugs. It was late at night when Moose told us all to bring a sweatshirt and pants and close-toed shoes. So many campers at Camp Gilgal brought flashlights. Even though it was dark outside I could tell a lot of campers had them because everywhere I looked there was always a bright light shining in my eyes. Moose eventually told us all why he brought us outside. It was to appreciate the stars in the sky the Lord was providing for us all. I was with my brfriends 11smother Enrico when Moose told us to lay down in the grass, to which we looked at each other knowing the grass is wet, cold and filled with bugs. After we sat down my brother and I were bored of watching the stars for so long without moving or doing anything else to entertain us. After so long of waiting for something to come save us from boredom I saw a plane and so did my brother so we tried to make a game out of it. We couldn’t.

During some of the prayers I realized I’ve been waiting for something to fill my need of boredom when I should have been enjoying and appreciating what the Lord has given us. At the moment I figured that out, a flaming hot shooting star came out which most of us saw and it became one of those summer camp memories you don’t forget.

Capture the Degel Defense (Blue)

David S., Age 12 

Despite the few who decided to defend the blue base and the even fewer who did not leave to go on offense, our defense was incredible. Even more incredible, however, was the great fun and the awesome experience I had. After choosing a site for the degel and jail among the trees, Zach and I asked everyone to keep flashlights off and voices low. Consequently, it was quite a while before the red team even found our base. However, they weren’t the only ones that could not find the base. 

Soon after the game started, Jon, Zach and I went to scout to spot all enemies in our territory. Not long after we found a group of girls walking in plain sight on the road with all their flashlights on – couldn’t be too hard to catch; however, we guessed that their goal could only be to be led to jail and from there yell and friends12 smbring the others to the flag. Searching for Sonic, Simba and the other tribe leaders was a task of stealth as well as speed. We soon found and tagged Sonic, yet getting to the jail was another matter. On the way to our base, I had not paid careful attention to the path, and even less to the way to where we were now. Without a flashlight, it was even harder. Zach took Sonic in search of the jail. Awhile afterwards the figure of Esquire was seen running around the woods towards Mountain View. While Esquire was slowing down from a wearying chase, I once again took up the chase. It wasn’t unlike a western. He was quite out of breath, so I soon caught him. Then we wandered around in what I thought was the direction of the jail. However as Esquire pointed out we were walking in circles. Eventually, I let him go as it wasn’t very fair to keep him walking around pointlessly. After some time, I found my way back to the base. Esquire, Sonic, perhaps Moose and several other girls ended up in jail. The noise of movement in the brush seemed to be a sign that enemies prowled through the trees. We tried to keep them as far as we could from the degel. Perhaps Simba or such folk crept through the forest. Yet before they could get a jail break, shouts of victory echoed through the woods – we had won!


Lindsay M., Age 13

During free time, you can do many activities. One of the many things you can do is boating. Yboating2 smou have a couple of options for the type of boats. There are kayaks, canoes, and paddle boats. Amanda and I went paddle boating and we were suddenly attacked by the Jacobs! They were too lazy to paddle their kayaks so they held onto our boat and splashed us.

The rules for boating are that you’re not allowed to go behinboating3 smd the island because the staff there won’t be able see you. You are not allowed to splash someone who doesn’t want to be splashed.  It is so much fun! After paddle boating your legs get really sore. Overall, paddle boating is the best thing to do during free time.


Julia K., Age 13

“Welcome to Vons!” That definitely was not what we all expected when we stepped out of the camp cars, carsick but friends2 smexcited. The rush around the store was total chaos. “There’s Nutella?! Where’s the Nutella?!” Eliana was hurrying to grab some conditioner. “The Haagen Dazs ice cream I bought was life changing,” said Streetlight. Everybody loved the trip to Vons… except maybe Brighton who got sick from an overload of cookie dough and sherbet. Of course, I am sure that the owners of Vons liked all the extra customers, though the other shoppers were probably a bit confused. The trip made everyone happy, including myself. It was only a trip to a store, but it could be told with just as crazy war stores as Capture the Degel. Amanda didn’t expect it, but she liked having a chance to hang out with her friends while getting whatever she wanted. Some thoughts from the tribe leaders were that they had a lot of fun and that it was nice to go. Doc and Sonic liked going inside the air conditioned room.

Whether the trip provided air conditioning or a restock on food, it made a very relaxing afternoon.


Katie S., Age 14

On Tuesday morning, we were all instructed after breakfast to pack a lunch, put on closed-toed shoes and bring our water bottles. Why? Because we were going on our annual trip to Yosemite. Clad in matching camp shirts, we piled into the vans and began our journey. We all survived the long, windy road into tyosemite smhe park, marveling at the scenery between practicing Bible verses. We next held Tabernacle in the woods, where Streetlight talked about the book of Acts. A photography session also occurred as we aligned ourselves to the nearby Half Dome. Then we ate our sack lunches as a group, while spotting many squirrels. Some of us bought treats at the store after that. Then, we were led to a viewing area from which we could see one quarter of Yosemite National Park. It was amazing, but that wasn’t the end. A steep five-mile hike led us down to the vans at the bottom of the mountain. We made it down with only one minor injury and several exhausted campers. A park ranger met us and told us about the meadows of the park and their golden flowers. We piled back into the vans and drove back to camp, just in time for a pizza dinner at 9:00pm.

Espresso Cart

Daniella W., Age 14

At Camp Gilgal we got the chance to have an espresso cart on the camp grounds. It was really good because there were a lot of things to choose from, from water to delicious milkshakes.espresso-cart sm

Many of the campers enjoyed trying all the different drinks. This year the drink cups had different Bible verses on them. All the cups blessed the campers. I had Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for but not seen.”

It was great that I could go to the espresso cart with my friends: Dorothy, Brighton, Leia and Gabby. We all got different flavors of milkshakes. I got chocolate chip cookie dough and Gabby and Brighton got Oreo milkshakes. I was really encouraged that I got to spend that time getting to know my friends more. It was a great start for the week.

Water Balloon Volleyball

J. Zachary S., Age 15

The whole camp was gathered together at the volleyball court. Rumors about what was going to happen next were floating around the crowd, each person with three different hypotheses (for most of the campers were Jewish). Multiple excellent questions were sounded, all of which the tribe leaders could not answer – I will leave it to the reader to decide whether this “could” was the past tense of “may” or “can.” Suddenly, a voice among the buzzing crowd became prevalent. All the campers grew silent, as this voice was surely the voice that would confirm one of the hypotheses. Still a few chatty voices lingered until their conversation came to an appropriate pause. Then, Streetlight announced that we would be having a water balloon volleyball tournament. The buzz of voices immediately resumed though many of these voices turned from chatting to cheering. Those who were chatting boasted to others about their accurate hypotheses, or reluctantly admitted that they were wrong, showing an awkward regret that they had predicted incorrectly and for comfort, tried to predict the event after water balloon volleyball. At any rate, all were excited about the upcoming event water-balloon-volleybalL3 smand were looking forward to the details of the game. Thus, all quieted when Moose in his excited, cracking voice told the campers that the cabins would make up the teams and (waving his hands, for here was climax of the excitement) added that we were using the blooming Double Bracket Elimination System.

The legendary Maverick had invented this and, when completed, famously stated, “Through the use of math, I have invented a system.”  🙂 Truly, the Double Bracket Elimination System looked like a table of algorithms. Sonic had copied this table for use during the game. Soon, the game started, and two tribes proudly entered their own side with thoughts of tactics and technique running through their minds, most of which were either far-fetched or would contribute a trifling difference for the game. Nonetheless, some of these invented ideas were adopted (eventually by all the teams, for all were watching, their minds split between analysis of the plays and excitement), the most effective of which I will go over here.

The most important technique was to make sure that the campers and tribe leaders holding the part of the tarp nearest the net hold it high, while those holding it farthest from the tarp keep it low, so that when the water balloon was launched, these people far from the net could have as much vertical space as possible to lift the tarp. If done correctly, the balloon should go far (instead of high), being launched like a rock on a catapult. Since it would not go high but it would go far, this left the enemy team less time to follow the balloon and catch it. Why didn’t the enemy team simply be farther away, as they would have to run anyways? Well, one could simply launch the balloon barely over the net, and, since the distance is shorter, the balloon would fall faster, thus creating lots of attention and fret over the small strip of sand around the net, and not letting any team go too far from it. This catapultic technique was further extended to include the horizontal direction of where the balloon went. The “launchers” (those farther from the net) who werewater-balloon-volleybal sm at the corners of the tarp were key to this technique. For example, a launcher on the right corner lifted the tarp extra fast with increased gusto, if that was even possible for a human to do.  The balloon would then fly left. Another tactic (that may have not been too good) which people – especially the boys – used was that when a balloon was caught, the team would immediately throw it to the other side, hopefully before they recover from the excitement. The problem with this that the team throwing was usually the more excited team (for they had caught the balloon!). The throws were often unorganized and not coordinated. Meanwhile, the other team was often inspired (by their failure to win a point) to be on their vigil, and would thus often catch it. But in some cases, the throwing team succeeded with a cheer of joy, while the enemy team looked at each other in disbelief. Such was the glorious extent of the amazing inventions of the campers and tribe leaders.

For the first game, Onyx and Eyegore’s cabin went against Sauté’s and Hoop’s cabin. Onyx and Eyegore’s team constantly threw the balloons just barely over the net, and though this surprised the other team a few times it did not work out well later. Meanwhile, Hoop’s and Sauté’s team won, because they threw the balloons far using the catapult method. Thus Sauté’s and Hoop’s cabin won, and most of the other cabins immediately learned from the game. After many close and glorious games, the Double Bracket Elimination System eventually filled up and Simba and Doc’s cabin went against Acorn’s and Waffles’ cabin. The games they played (two games as the system demanded) were both close and many times the balloon fell on the ground. In the end Acorn’s and Waffles’ team won.

After this glorious tournament the male staff played against the female staff. The game was a short skirmish and though the female staff received more cheerleading from the female campers, the male staff emerged victorious, happy to be the winners of a close game. All went back to their respective cabins, the buzz of the chatting resuming again.

Big Buck the Tree

big-buck2 smZack W., Age 14

One day we went on a hike. As usual, they didn’t tell us where we were going. We were in a forest. As we were going we saw a little creek. There were also a lot of tree stumps. Some of the people were climbing on them. The tree stumps were huge! As we kept on going we came to a big tree. It was over 2,000 years old. It was called Big Buck. We went because the tree has been alive since Messiah was on earth!

When we were there Moose took a pine cone from the ground. He said that it only can grow when a forest fire releases the seeds, and that fire sometimes is a part of our lives that helps us grow. It was so small compared to the tree. The tree was huge. It was so cool. We had an amazing time looking at a giant thing God has created. Despite finding a host of mosquitos at our destination we were able to marvel at God’s creation and make it safely back to the car.

Rock Wall

Conner G., Age 13

Wednesday was another fun day at Camp Gilgal. After our morning activities, the campers split into two groups: one men and the other ladies. While the ladies left to do… something, me and the other men went to the rock wall. It was lots of fun. Trock-wall3 smhe rock wall had six sections, and I was told that number five was the hardest. There was also a practice wall that you could climb sideways on. I was told to do a wall, so even though I have a small fear of heights I climbed the first one to get it over with. It was fun, though, and maybe I will try it again. My friends, Isaac, Jacob, Ben, David and Rico cheered me on and also climbed different walls. Isaac climbed walls three and five. Elias climbed rock wall smwall two. Jacob climbed one and two. Ben climbed three and half of four. David climbed one and three, and Rico climbed walls three and five. Our tribe leaders, Doc and Simba, were also very helpful. It was Doc who told me that I should try the rock wall in the first place. I don’t think Doc climbed any walls, but Simba tried wall four. He got about half way and stopped. In addition to the fun we had, there were some rules we had to follow and gear we had to wear. To stay safe on the walls we each wore a harness and helmet. I was very glad to have the helmet because on my way to my rock wall another camper slid on his wall and his foot hit my helmet. After I was tied to my wall, there were some commands I had to exchange with the staff member I was working with. I would say, “Belay on?” If the rope was ready the staff member, Daniel, would reply, “Belay on.” Then I would get ready to climb and say, “Climbing.” Daniel would reply, “Climb on.” Our climbing time seemed to end a bit too soon. Times flies when having fun. I recommend anyone who hasn’t tried rock wall climbing or doesn’t want to, to give it a try anyway. They could find it to be fun, like I did.

Amazing God

Dorothy P., Age 14


I know this amazing God
I can’t seem to get Him off my mind
His eyes are always watching
His arms I am always wrapped in
There’s something about the way He sees me
That makes me feel a sudden peace
When He is near I can barely breathe
This to say I truly believe
I can talk to Him about anything
and He will answer everything
His voice is my favorite sound to hear
When He talks, I can’t help but have a listening ear
I know He will never leave me
For He is my perfect peace

Our Cabin’s Tribe Leaders

Ben R., Age 13

Along with a cabin full of great campers there are two great tribe leaders who help make this cabin complete – Doc, a doctor who seems to have the cure to just about anything, and Simba, a younger tribdoc-and-simbae leader who can help lighten up any room. These two help make our cabin complete. Doc is a great guy to be around. He has a great sense of humor and always seems to know the right time to crack a joke. Along with the lighter side of Doc comes a much more serious and wise side. He gives great advice and is a very good mentor. Simba, our other tribe leader, is in many ways quite the same. He’s a guy whose sense of humor and smile can lighten any room, and a guy who can make anyone smile. Much like Doc, he’s a very loyal friend who can take a joke, and can give you advice for just about any problem. In both cases, they’re great guys who love the Lord and will give you prayer whenever you need it. I felt very privileged to be in a cabin with such great people.

Waffles Interview

Leia B,. Age 13

This year at teen camp Waffles was my tribe leader for the first time and I got so much closer to her. Waffles first went to camp when she was ten years old and that year her tribe leaders were Sheriff and Mighty Mouse. Waffles’ favorite camp memory was when she was tribe leader for Asher and they were waffleshorseback riding and worshipping at the same time.

Romans 8:35-39 and Psalm 62: 1-2 are Waffles’ favorite verses. If she could go anywhere on vacation it would be Greece. Fudge is her favorite food. Waffles’ favorite color is mint green. Also, she likes bunnies and she loves cooking, baking and taking photos.

As a camper, Waffles met all her best friends at camp and she learned that God is faithful through all circumstances. Waffles is loved by all and will always have a special place in every camper’s heart.


Evan S., Age 14

Hoops is an interesting person. She gets her name from her love of basketball. Hoops goes to Pepperdine University and is majoring in Biology and plans to be a pediatrician, which shows her love for kids.  

Hoopshoops’ favorite sport is basketball, where she earned her name “Hoops.” Her favorite color is orange because it reminds her of a basketball. I was informed that Hoops also enjoys rugby and lacrosse during her free time. Hoops enjoys the campers, which keepers her coming back. Hoops told me her favorite part of camp is getting to know the female campers. Psalm 23 is her favorite chapter of the Bible because even though she walks through the valley of the shadow of death she fears no evil. This verse gives her courage. Her favorite night game at teen camp is Capture the Degel because it is intense and very competitive, which reminds her of her basketball days. Hoops is a great leader and is loved by all. That is why I decided to write about her and her camp experiences.

Interview on Ivory

Sarah K., Age 14

There are many different tribe leaders at camp but there is none quite like Ivory. Her first year at camp was in 2000 as a tribe leader when some of her children in junior camp went to camp. Ivory is married to Doc and has four children. Their oldest child is 33 years old and her name is Leah. Their second oldest child is 32 years old and his name is David. Their last two children are twins, they are 23. Both of them are tribe leaders for Camp Gilgal and their names are Cosmo and Dynamite.

Ivory has light brown curly hair and beautiful brown eyes. She is a ivory2choir director and an office manager for Doc’s medical practice. Ivory has been playing the piano since she was ten and loves it. Another thing about Ivory is that she has been to India, South Sudan, Romania and Ukraine. In India and South Sudan Ivory ministered the gospel, and in Romania and Ukraine Ivory went to music camps for orphans, gypsy children who are blind and some other kids. Ivory’s favorite part of being a tribe leader is getting to know her tribe and seeing how God is working in their lives.

This year in teen camp I was able to have Ivory as a tribe leader. She is so beautiful and nice and you can just tell how much she loves God. She is easy to talk to and listens to what you have to say. I love Ivory so much and I hope someday I can have her as a tribe leader again.

Acorn Doesn’t Fall Too Far from the Camp Gilgal Tree

Abigail M., Age 12

Everyone knows Acorn for her kind ways, her open heart and her completely selfless actions.

She never leaves a camper behind. This year at teen camp, I’ve gotten to know Acorn as a tribe leader and sister. It was my first time getting Acorn as a tribe leader. Throughout this week she has been a tremendous part of my walk with Y’shua, as well as the other wonderful staff.

 Here’s a little bit about Acorn: 

Her favorite foods are ethnic foods, such as Burmese food, Chinese food and Mexican food. Acorn enjoys mint chocolate chip ice cream. Her favorite shops are Urban Outfitters and Anthropology.

In general, acorn2smAcorn loves animals but her all-time favorites are squirrels and chipmunks. During her free time she likes to play volleyball and take lots of pictures. 

Acorn loves to travel and has been to 28 states. 

I asked Acorn, “What is your favorite memory from camp?” She replied, “This year at teen camp I made in into the degel circle and helped strategized the lady staff and men’s victory.”

She has grown up with Sparkler, Bologna, Hershey, and Waffles throughout her years at camp. Her first tribe leaders were Skittles and Capo.

Finally, I asked Acorn, “How has camp influenced you throughout all these years?” Acorn replied, “I have truly grown in my relationship with God and camp has made me want to come back as a tribe leader and encourage campers in their faith.”

Tribe Articles

Matthew L., Age 14

This is my second year of teen camp and probably my favorite year. I am taking some time right now to talk about my cabin. Our cabin was very large and rowdy. There were ten of us in all including the tribe leaders. I am gonna start with Evan. Evan is fourteen and is very enjoyable to have in the cabin. Evan said his faonyx2vorite part of camp was hanging out with Streetlight. Andrew mostly kept to himself and every so often would toss out a joke. Andrew’s favorite part of camp is the jet skiing at Bass Lake. Josh is a very loud and happy camper. Josh’s favorite part of camp was Yosemite. Max was a very serious camper. Max’s favorite part of camp was the swimming. Another camper was Zach. He was a very logical and fun camper. His favorite part of camp was CTD, aka Capture the Degel. Max C. was a very nice and strong camper. He would always work out inside our cabin. Our tribe leaders were very helpful. Eyegore told us about experiences in his life that were very helpful to me and my fellow campers. Onyx was just a fun and loving tribe leader and sometimes he seemed to act like a camper. All in all, I was excited to be in such a helpful cabin and teen camp was awesome this year!

Interview with Simba

Max C., Age 14

Q: What is your favorite camp activity?
A: Jet skiing because I get a crazy burst of energy.

Q: Whasimba smt do you enjoy to play or do during free time?
A: This year I loved playing volleyball.

Q: What is your favorite camp song?
A: Psalm 23 because it has good lyrics and it touches my heart.

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Red, because it’s cool.

Q: What’s your favorite sport?
A: Dodge ball because it’s fun.


Isaac Y., Age 13

Doc is one of the tribe leaders. He was born in New York City but lives in Salinas, California.

He works as a family doctor and specializes in homeopathy. Doc wanted to go to camp because he loves kids, camps, witnessing and the outdoors. Doc wanted to be a doctor because the Lord told him to, even though he himself did not want to become a doctor. Doc’s funniest thing he has seen as a doctor is a bead stuck up his pastor’s daughter’s nose. The best thing about being a doctor as told by Doc is when the people he helps get better and they do not have to come back. 

Doc’s favorite thing about camp is seeing young people learning to follow the Lord.ivory

Doc’s favorite color is green.

Doc’s favorite thing to do at camp is to play music. He plays guitar, saxophone, chapman stick, flute and super cajon. 

Doc is also married to Ivory, besides all this great information.

Interview with Monarch

Louisa G., Age 13

This year at camp I got to interview Monarch. She is very interesting. This is her first year at Camp Gilgal, but she loves it and would like to come back.  Her favorite part of camp is worship and Tabernacle. She got her name “Monarch” because she loves butterflies.

Monarmonarch2smch’s favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:28, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.”

While not at camp, Monarch likes to read. Pink is her favorite color and her favorite food is spicy Mexican food. Vanilla is her favorite ice cream flavor.

Monarch is married and has two daughters, Daniella and Gabriella. She wants to visit Israel.

Monarch is an MD in family practice. She loves to treat people, especially campers.

Monarch is a great person and I hope you get to meet her.

My Cabin!

Rico M., Age 12

People in my cabin are really funny and fun to hang out withtribe-w-simba-doc. My cabin is really dirty sometimes so cabin inspections aren’t fun because we have to get up early and clean up a big mess. But we always end up getting good scores on our cabin. The people in my cabin are Ben, Isaac, Jacob, Elias, David, Conner, Simba, Doc, and me. It’s pretty fun at night. Sometimes we play card games with Conner’s cards. I always seem to lose and then we do our prayers and then we go to sleep. 

Doc and Ben play their guitars a lot and they’re both really good at it! Overall it’s fun in our cabin.


Kaleb F., Age 15

Onyx is aonyx3smn exceptional person. I have known him for about three years. He is a person who I feel I can go to about anything. What he says to me is greatly valued. He loves to study and learn new things.

His favorite movies include Braveheart, The Lord of the Rings trilogy and lots of Out of the Country titles. He was born in the Michigan area but moved to Orange County. He is currently in college at Biola. He is getting his degree in Psychology. He played football in high school. He played offensive line and defensive line.


Amanda R., Age 13

This year at teen camp I got to interview Sauté! Sauté is my leader. She is so fun, creative and enthusiastic. This is Sauté’s first year being a leader at teen campsaute

Her favorite part of teen camp is the night games. Her favorite color is red-orange. Sauté is French for jump. Sauté is a ballerina. If she wasn’t at camp she would be going to ballet. 😀 She decided to be a leader at teen camp because she wanted to be more involved with Jews for Jesus. Sauté loves dancing and being outdoors. Her favorite verses are Jeremiah 29:11 and James 1:2-3.

Sauté heard about camp through her brother Simba, who heard about it from Bandit. Sauté’s favorite camp foods are the enchiladas and the salads at teen camp. Sauté is an awesome leader and I am looking forward to seeing her next year!


Jacob B., Age 14

When I first heard Eyegore’s story about how he found God’s Son, Jesus the Messiah, I felt like it truly explained what God does for us.

Eyegore grew up in a nonbeliever household where he learned a Jewish culture. He, at the age of eleven, lost his father and from there started a hard seven years of addiction to drugs and rebellion.

When he was at a breakineyegoreg point in his life, he and his friends went to a Christian concert and he heard a man preach the gospel. After he got home he said his first prayer including Jesus in it.  From that moment on he was cured from his addiction. He described it as a miracle.

He got clean and started going to church where he met his wife, Cookie, while working for a day care for the church, because he loved kids and seeing them develop their relationship with God.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed Eyegore as a tribe leader and I really enjoyed getting to know him not only as a leader but a friend I can look to for advice.

About Moose

Destiny A., Age 13

Q: What do you like most about camp?
A: The campers!!!

Q: What do you think about the hike?
A: I think Yosemite is a beautiful place. I am glad the campers got to take the hike. I am glad they had fun and challenged themselves.

Q: What is your favorite food at camp?
A: Tri-tip.moose-pine-cone

Q: How long have you worked at Camp Gilgal?
A: Since it started in 1991.    

Q: Would you say you enjoyed the campers here?
A: Definitely!!! Yeah, that is my favorite part of camp. Without campers there would be no camp.

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: No favorites. I am a big fan of all animals.

Q: What are your favorite activities at camp?
A: Bass Lake and Yosemite.

Q: How many pets do you own?
A: I own two pet cats, Dodger and Rosie. Dodger is a boy and Rosie is a girl. They think they are dogs.

Q: What is your favorite Bible verse?
A: Philippians 2:1-11.

I really enjoyed interviewing Moose.


Kezia M., Age 14

Here are some fun facts about Snapple: Her favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip. She loves pickles and drinking Snapple. Her favorite part of camp is spending time with the campers and Bass Lake. Her least favorite csnapple smamp foods are French toast and beef sandwiches. She has been going to camp for 13 years as a camper and six years as staff. Her favorite Snapple flavors are Lemon Tea, Diet Peach Tea and Trop-A-Rocka Tea, and her favorite color is green. She is so much fun to be around, and she is the coolest tribe leader ever! Her favorite camp memory as a camper was winning tribe of the year with her cabin and spending all their money on Chinese food. Her favorite movie is Stand By Me. Her favorite things to do are going on a roller coaster, coming to camp, traveling, hanging out with friends and baking.

Snapple is such a cool tribe leader. She gives great advice and is always willing to listen to you. She likes to drink tomato juice, wears the coolest rings and is the most amazing tribe leader in the world!

My Cabin

Gabby W., Age 13

Here’s a glimpse of my cabin, which includes Acorn and Waffles as tribe leaders and Vika, Leia, Destiny, Eliana, Abbey and myself (Gabby). We were all chosen to live together for a week. While driving to camp all of us were in the same van. The first day we were warmly introduced by all the tribe lwaffles-acorn-cabineaders. Later we were given a cabin and then got acquainted. At around six we went to dinner and sat as a tribe.

After worship we settled down and started devotions. Then it was time to sleep.

When I woke up everyone was slowly blossoming and creating new friendships. After we woke up and ate we got in the vans and headed to Yosemite. While we were there we went on a four mile hike. On the hike we talked to most of our friends and our cabin mates.

On the third day we put all our friendships to the test during initiatives. There were three sections. In the first one it required us to build a bridge which made us communicate and have a strategy. The second section required us to stand on a tree log and get in order from tallest to shortest. This made us work as a team and talk. The last section required us to reach a rope wing and reach the ElevatedIsland. To me this was the hardest activity. This section made us consider something that might be harder for other people.

Later than night we played Capture the Degel. It was men with ladies tribe leaders against the ladies with men tribe leaders. Leia and I grouped up and found Vika and Eliana. On the fourth day we went to Bass Lake, and you could swim, jet ski and go on a banana pulled by a ski boat. Almost everyone did something with a cabin member.

I hope the next two days go wonderful and that we hopefully talk over the year and see each other next year.


Judi W., Age 13

I asked Streetlight what her favorite color is, what her favorite Bible verse is, what she does outside of camp, how long she’s been a tribe leader, and why she wants to go to Feords and ride a whale.

streetlightShe answered: Navy blue. 1 Peter 5:7: “Cast all your cares upon the Lord because He cares for you.” She likes to get her nails done, she goes to school and she writes music.

She’s been a tribe leader since 2007. She wants to go to Feords because it is beautiful and incredibly mysterious. She wants to ride a whale because they are also beautiful and incredibly mysterious, and also because who doesn’t want to ride a whale anyhow.

Streetlight is very kind and is full of compassion towards all the staff and campers at camp.

She is very helpful to all that ask her. Streetlight is part of my family. She wants to be there for everyone. She is very loveable.

Camp Gilgal East Junior Camp (July 1-14, 2012)


Choose the Way of Life

(Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

“Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may
love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!



Friends16smTribe of Asher: Beau N., Daniel V., Joseph S., Keane R., Nathanael D., Tripp, Shades

Tribe of Judah: Abigail O., Alyssa C., Eden A., Sierra K., Sivan M., Yael S., Chickpea, Bologna

Tribe of Dan: Daniel C., Eithan S., Ephraim L., Gavyn R., Ilan T., Josiah O., Swank, Floyd

Tribe of Issachar: Mariya A., Naomi W., Nena K., Rebekah C., Simona B., Baby Carrots, HersheyFriends12 sm

Tribe of Benjamin: Aaron C., Elliot A., Ethan M., Isaiah H., Simeon G., Kicks, Scooter

Tribe of Reuben: Abby D, Hannah K., Kayla C., Netanya W., Shira S., Nemo, Froggy

Out of cabin: Twister, Blewish, RedSox, Fresco


The Bug Survives

Beau N., Age 11
Tribe of Asher 

Sleeping bag smOne day when I was at the pool I realized that a mental fly wouldn’t leave me alone. I decided to catch the fly.

I was outside the pool chilling so I went to the side of the pool and submerged the bug underwater. I then noticed that the bug was squirming around. I kept the bug underwater for ten minutes. I let the fly come up and it was alive! It was crazy. Its wings were crumpled and wet. Somehow it flew away. What a miracle.

Red Hot

Sivan M., Age 11
Tribe of Judah Friends15sm

One after another, Baby Carrots inadvertently spilled her hot water on her hand. As she innocently got some hot water for a nice cup of tea, the water mysteriously sprayed out oddly, drenching her hand in a scorching, burning stream of water. This was followed by a panicked spill of the rest of her cup. These combined brought her no cup of deliciously warming tea but a blackened hand, burning pain, and a trip to the nurse.

Animals at Camp

Rebekah C., Age 11Friends3 sm
Tribe of Issachar 

At Camp Gilgal there is a variety of animals. First I would like to start with walking to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As you walk to breakfast, lunch, or dinner you’ll pass some turtles or tadpoles. Next at counselor hunt you’ll probably see little frogs or one or two snakes. Some other day you might see a rabbit family or several butterflies flying around Camp Gilgal. Also, you will see a lot of chipmunks around camp. Also you better watch out for bugs. I love wild life at Camp Gilgal and I think you will too. 

Lost Bracelet—Lost and Found

Eithan S., Age 9
Tribe of Dan

Horse smI made a bracelet to give to my mom. I made it out of red, blue, and yellow strings. RedSox helped me make the bracelet. It looked really nice.

We went to campfire and we were going back to the cabin and then my bracelet was gone in the morning. I was walking and then I found my bracelet while walking through the grass. Because it was gone and I found it I was happy.

Tribe Time

Netanya W., Age 8Friends2 sm
Tribe of Reuben 

I really love tribe time. First tribe time, we painted our nails and we painted Blewish’s nails and we painted them green, blue, purple, pink, and lavender. We played Marco Polo, too. Blewish danced like a ballerina with us when his nails dried. I can’t believe Blewish let us paint his nails!! It was fun. I can’t wait for next tribe time!

The Lake

Simona B., Age 10
Tribe of Issachar 

Friends9 smHello fellows. My name is Simona, I am ten, and I am in the tribe of Issachar. Back to my story, although I haven’t started yet. I am about to tell you about the history of turtles! But special ones. Here we go.

Once upon a time there lived…a pond. On the walk to the dining hall for breakfast, lunch, and dinner you would see it. It is very mysterious, but according to my calculations, the turtles came from…Jimmy and Denny the turtles. They had lived in the pond forever, ten years. One day, Denny gave birth to 16 babies at one time! They were very happy with their lives. The youngest turtle (by one minute) made quick friends. The other 15 grew up to be racers. Then, the youngest turtle (his name is Monk) met a girl turtle and had 16 more babies! That’s why when you walk to breakfast, lunch and dinner, you see TURTLES! (Special ones.)

The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

Daniel C., Age 7
Tribe of Dan 

Friends8 smI was at Counselor Hunt and was walking with Gavyn and Ephraim. I stopped to tie my shoe, and the others kept walking. When I finished, I tried to follow the others, but they were gone. I looked and looked, but I couldn’t find them. Soon, I joined up with a group of girls until we found Kicks, who was very hard to get back. We tried and tried. At that point, we were so far from everyone else that when the whistle was blown, we didn’t hear it. We were lost. After some time, we saw Blewish. He had been looking for us because we were lost. The hunters became the hunted.

Respect Nature!

Josiah O., Age 9
Tribe of Dan Wood sm

Number 1: Do NOT kill plants! Do not stomp on anything. It is foolish! Also do not rip trees out of the ground (unless it’s your favorite tree and there’s an earthquake). Do not pluck petals off of roses, etc., etc.

Number 2: Ways to avoid killing animals: When a bunny comes near an archery target, aim at the target instead of the bunny. Hint, if a bee comes up to you, just squish it. If you meet a bear, don’t pick up a sharp stone and stab the bear, just run for your life.

The End.

The Blewish Twister!

Eden A., Age 11
Tribe of Judah 

Staff3 smIncoming! Incoming! This just in: the Blewish Twister is approaching at 200 mph, and is coming in about four and a half hours this way! Things you might need: a jumbo pack of Baby Carrots, Bologna, Shades (just in case), and a couple pieces of Strings.

And just in case, you might also need: Red Sox for a Swank outfit, a Scooter, and an emergency packet of Hershey Kisses, Sneakers, and your Nemo and Froggy stuffed toys. This zooming Twister leaves cities in a kurffufle and tosses towns like salad. Make sure nobody Kicks you, making you Tripp. While listening to Pink Floyd, eating Chickpeas, and Starburst(s), you should look at Aquamarine Fresco(s). Make sure that this amazing Twister doesn’t Zap you on your way out. It’s definitely a destroyer!

Tribe Time

Simone B., Age 10
Tribe of Issachar

Hello! My name is Simone. I am in the tribe of Issachar and I am ten years old. At this awesome camp, there is something called “tribe time.” It is a time that you get to spend with your tribe and your TLs and ATLs pick something fun to do, whether it’s going to the park, doing nails, etc.

Once, for the first tribe time ever in 2009, we went PUDDLE JUMPING! It was rainy that year at camp and there were tons of puddles. We got in clothes we didn’t care about getting dirty and we jumped away. Then we took a shower. It ROCKED!

Another time, in 2012, this year, we made really funny hats. It was a band out of construction paper. We each made pictures that represent us. There were hearts, sandwiches, turtles, etc. I did cheese! It looked so good and it was so fun!

I really look forward to tribe time all the time.

Crazy Animal

Animals smYael S., Age 11
Tribe of Judah 

One evening we were playing Counselor Hunt.

Me and Abby were partners. We started the game. All the campers were looking for tribe leaders. Me and Abby walked until we saw something. We went closer and closer. It was Scooter. We caught him, and this animal is crazy! The only thing he said was, “Floyd, Floyd, Floyd!” He kept going the wrong way to Sunset! It took a group of campers to get him back to Sunset. I was exhausted but I had fun.

Tactics of MI

Ethan M., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin 

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is MI, also known as Mission Bugs smImpossible. It is when you have to find clues that are hidden at night. You have a flashlight, but you only turn it on when you have a clue. Here are some of my tactics: (1) If a flashlight is turning to you, hide behind a tree, or if all else fails, lie flat on the ground. (2) Always stay quiet so you can’t be heard. (3) Dress in black clothing to have camouflage. (4) Stay together as a tribe so you don’t get lost. (5) Read your clues carefully so you don’t get caught. If you use these tactics you might win.

Twin Night!

Twins smMariya A., Age 11
Tribe of Issachar 

Hi! My name is Mariya. One of my favorite things at Camp Gilgal is “theme meals.” My favorite theme meal is actually “Twin Night.” Twin Night is when two or more people look alike. For example, they wear the same clothes. Well, my twins were Nena and one of my tribe leaders, Baby Carrots. We wore last year’s Camp Gilgal shirt and black shorts. My favorite twins were Twister and Strings. They finished each other’s sentences which made me laugh so much.

Counselor Hunt

Isaiah H., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin       Boys sm

Before campfire we played a game called Counselor Hunt. When I got into the woods, all of the tribe leaders were hiding. It was windy and scary. All I heard was the crunching of the leaves. My friend said, “C’mon, let’s go up the hill!” I said, “No way.” I kept walking. It started to drizzle and I heard the raindrops jumping off the leaves. We were really deep in the woods. I got so scared so I ran as fast as I could back and I saw Nemo. I took her and dragged her and she kept yelling, “My father’s that way! My father’s that way!” But I brought her back and we won!

Fashion Disaster

Fashion disaster2Kayla C., Age 9
Tribe of Issachar 

On Fashion Disaster Night everyone looks so weird. You can put on two different shoes or wear leggings and shorts on top. I saw Chickpea wear a trench coat, a rain boot, a flip flop, and she carried a water gun! Nemo was wearing a t-shirt, overalls, a plaid shirt, and a ribbon on her head. I was wearing two different shirts that do not go together and a flip flop with a sneaker and my hair was all crazy. Fashion Disaster is so much fun.

Campfire Time

Abigail D., Age 8
Tribe of Reuben Campfire2 sm

Almost every night, we go to a campfire. When we get to the campfire, we pray, we sing songs, we do some verses, and we listen to someone speaking. When we go back to our cabin and we put on our PJs, we brush our teeth, then we do devotions and then we go to bed. I like campfire. It’s a far walk, it takes place at sunset, my favorite song is At a Time Like This and we have to put on some bug spray. 

Finding Nemo in 2012

Josiah O., Age 9
Tribe of Dan 

It was Counselor Hunt time and Ilan, Ethan and me were buddies. Twister was telling us what to do, and since I was the oldest I had to look after Ilan and Ethan. We were walking down one of the paths and then we bumped into some boys (about four, with Boys2 smtwo girls later), so we joined them. But we really should have taken a different path because we seemed to have reached the road that was close by. So we decided to go the other way but we just went deeper into the woods. Then we went down the other path and turned down a path that went to the right. Eventually it looked familiar and we started to run because we wanted to get back to campfire so that we wouldn’t get lost again. As I was running along with the group I looked behind me for some reason and saw a black lump sitting against a tree so I screamed, “A TRIBE LEADER, A TRIBE LEADER, C’MON!” In about five seconds the older boys caught them and when I saw them I saw that it was Nemo!! Then we started pushing her to campfire and she kept saying, “My daddy’s that way!” But we said, “No, your father is this way, we assure you.” Once Nemo almost went down a random path nearby but we caught her arm before she could get away. Then, we brought her to campfire.

The End.


Naomi W., Age 10
Tribe of Issachar

Field games2 smDo you ever feel like running around? You know, like getting crazy. Well, if you do then come to Camp Gilgal where we have field sports. That’s when you play sports, do activities, or team activities. I do field sports and it is so much fun. Because in field sports, you’re with all your friends and tribe leaders and we do a lot of unique, AWESOME games like Fruit Basket, Newcomer, and soccer. If you don’t know these games then you’re just going to have to try them out and see how much fun they are. I bet you’re going to LOVE it!

The End.

Horse Day

Hannah K., Age 9Horse3sm
Tribe of Reuben 

I love horse day, do you? It is not so far to get there. We had to cross the road. I got Lily, one of the horses. She kept on stopping. We had to do exercises on the horses. It was fun. We played Follow the Leader on the horse. We also did Around the World on it. I love horses!

Wetness Disaster

Daniel V., Age 12
Tribe of Asher 

Friends18sm“Gilgal Gazette! Get yours for free!” Today’s story is about three tribes (mostly two) who were water fighting!

It all started when Scooter (tribe of Benjamin) had water balloons and threw them at a camper, and that’s how it started.

All the tribe leaders rejoined and started to attack while the campers were getting their guns. After a lot of fun and screaming we stole water balloons and started to throw them.

When Floyd (ATL of Dan) wanted to help me I said, “Yeah, sure.” So then we started to fight side by side until we heard “Last ammo, no refills.” Floyd was already out so I took it like the Hunger Games. “Survival!” When we heard that we won we were glad to beat most of the tribe leaders. Tribe time is amazing! I also say thank you to the tribes of Dan, Asher, and Benjamin for having a lot of fun!

A Field Trip!

Shira S., Age 9Baseball game2sm
Tribe of Reuben 

Camp Gilgal took a trip to a baseball game! The home team was the Valley Cats. The other team was the Spikes. The Spikes won. After the game they had different music playing. Everyone was dancing. Especially Shades; Shades was dancing like a hula queen. Next there were fireworks. They were spectacular! They were all different colors. The baseball game was really fun!!

Archery Becomes Weird

Ethan M., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin 

Archery smIt was archery, one of my favorite activities. I was pulling back my arrow, aiming for the target. I let go of my arrow, and instead of hitting my target, I hit the target next to mine. I hit the green, which is third best! (The targets were ten feet away from each other.) I was really surprised, and taking out the arrow was really hard. Another time, I hit the bull’s eye on my target. Archery is fun and I hope I can take it again.


Nathanael D., Age 11
Tribe of Asher 

Claymation2 smClaymation is an activity that involves clay animations and creating things like characters and clay props out of nothing and a big Claymation smimagination. So what you would do is create some characters from clay, some props, a scene and a background. Once you are finished creating, you can start “filming.” To move your character around you would take a picture (the activity leader would), then slightly move your character in the direction or action it will go or do. The reason you move it slightly is because it will make the animation smoother. If you move it too far it will look like one giant motion and it will look terrible. That is pretty much the only disadvantage. I personally think that Claymation is one of the best activities there is! If you choose Claymation, you won’t regret picking it!

The Gilgal Bank

Ilan T., Age 9Friends7 sm
Tribe of Dan 

In the Gilgal bank you have money. When the bank is open the snack shop is always open. So one by one we are in line to get our money so we can buy snacks to eat. I like my bank!

Horseback Riding

Ilan T., Age 9Horse2 sm
Tribe of Dan 

When I went horseback riding it was really cool! My horse was a she and her name was Dela. She was really nice. I did very well. I like the part where we go left and right and stop and go. I also like where we say yee-ha, whoa, and giddy up! We all like it very much. When we were done we walked back to our cabins.

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Baseball game smDaniel C., Age 7
Tribe of Dan 

On Wednesday, the Fourth of July, my tribe leaders had a surprise for me. It was a field trip to a baseball game. We took a bus there. I ate cotton candy and then had a cream soda and then at the end of the day there were fireworks. It was a great day.

The Great Water War

Simeon B., Age 11
Tribe of Benjamin

On July third the tribes of Benjamin and Dan participated in the Great Water War of Gilgal 2012.Water fight sm

It started with a cup of water around the picnic tables, and soon became a civil war within the tribe of Benjamin. One of the kids of Dan threw water along with the tribe of Benjamin and soon Dan was intertwined in the water extravaganza.

The water war was started by a camper named Simeon and his ATL. After many cups of water the camper pulled out a water gun and from it progressed into a full out war all over the boys area. Even the staff fought in the war.

It was truly the best tribe time ever!

Our Belts

Belts smElliot A., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin 

Hi everybody, I am writing about craft time and about making leather belts. Fresco, Nemo, and Kicks teach crafts. To make a leather belt, first you need to soften the leather by putting water on it. Then you stamp your belt with patterns or your name or both. Then you put on your loop and buckle. Next you punch your holes and finally you stain and glaze. They are all done, but we have not worn them because we don’t get them until the end of camp. Mine is fudge brown and the pattern is the following: fish, feather, buffalo, feather, and leaf. Eventually, I stamped my name. I think that Joseph’s belt is the best.

Joseph’s Field Trip

Fireworks2 smJoseph S., Age 11
Tribe of Asher 

On the field trip, we stopped for dinner. We had a sandwich, apples, oranges, Fireworks smand cookies. Then we went into the baseball stadium! Then we found our seats and we watched the baseball game. It was so fun! I bought a Styrofoam hand and then I bought cheese fries and then I saw the fireworks display. They had the best fireworks display. They were the best!


Sivan M., Age 12
Tribe of Judah

We are the tribe of Judah, and our symbol is the lion. Our group is composed of six campers and two awesome staff members. The campers are Sivan, Eden, Sierra, Alyssa, Yael, and Abigail. Our wonderful tribe leader and ATL (assistant tribe leader) are Chickpea and Bologna. Our interests include silent football and singing about a number of odd things including facial hair. We are the oldest girl tribe and we love it!! Shout out from Camp Gilgal 2012! Aww yeah!

Tribe of Dan Bio

Tribe of Dan Dan sm

We are the youngest guys tribe, and our name is the tribe of Dan. The tribe consists of Ilan T., Eithan S., Gavyn R., Daniel C., Josiah O., and Ephraim L. The leaders for our tribe are Floyd and Swank. Our favorite game was Hide in Cabin. To play the tribe leader leaves the cabin till we find a place to hide. Our favorite hiding places were in our suitcases, under bunks, and any place we could find quickly. We had a lot of fun this year and want to come back again.

Tribe of Benjamin Bio

Tribe of Benjamin 

Benjamin smThe tribe of Benjamin is the mid-age cabin. It consists of Elliot, Ethan, Isaiah, Aaron, Simeon, Kicks, and Scooter. Scooter is the tribe leader. He is awesome. Kicks is our ATL. He is…cool. We all mostly just kind of talk and maybe play some games. Our tribe is boss. We have a lot of fun. We are a pretty chill tribe most of the time. Elliot loves Star Wars and he talks a lot and it can drive us crazy at times. Ethan likes to have fun. He can get pretty hyper sometimes. Isaiah, or Izzy as everyone calls him, evens out the cabin. He is super chill. Aaron just chills most of the time. Simeon can be pretty silent at times, but he can be pretty random and fun. We’re a reflectively interesting group of people.

Tribe of Reuben Bio

Tribe of ReubenReuben sm

The tribe of Reuben? The youngest ladies’ tribe at Camp Gilgal is an awesome tribe! It is made up of Kayla, Hannah, Netanya, Shira, and Abby. It’s led by the amazing duo of Froggy and Nemo.

Although most of the members of our tribe are newbies at camp, we know how things work around here, especially cabin clean-up! We’ve gotten 100s on cabin inspection five times—that must be record!

Everyone in our tribe has a great personality. Kayla is very silly. Hannah is always energetic. Netanya is a great storyteller. Shira likes busting out her moves. Abby keeps everyone laughing. Froggy and Nemo couldn’t have asked for a more crazy, talented, fun, amazing tribe!

Tribe of Issachar Bio

Tribe of Issachar

We’re the tribe of Issachar. We have five girls, whose names are Mariya, Issachar2smSimona, Nena, Naomi, and Rebekah. We also have two tribe leaders whose names are Hershey and Baby Carrots. We all like to do things together and we’re all different. Simona likes to calm stuff, has hyper moments, and likes to help. Mariya likes to draw things, do cabin clean-up, and F.O.B. Rebekah is very athletic and not afraid of anything and loves to draw. Naomi is super fast and loves to dance and smile. Baby Carrots loves baby carrots. Hershey loves chocolate. Nena has a good sense of fashion, you can’t stop her from talking, and she loves pink.

Interview with Strings

Shira S., Age 9
Tribe of Reuben

Friends smToday I interviewed Strings. I asked her what her favorite cereal mascot was. She said Cinnamon Toast Crunch squares because they creep her out. I also asked her what book of the Bible is her favorite. Her answer is James. I found out Strings’ name is Strings because she plays the violin. If Strings was a dog she would be a purple poodle because purple is her favorite color and she got a stuffed purple poodle from her grandfather.


Nena K., Age 10
Tribe of Issachar 

Hershey is in the tribe of Issachar and is Issachar’s ATL. I have observed that Hershey loves her chocolate and the color pink. Hershey is awesome because she loves pink, and she loves everyone and treats everyone equally and she is like a handful of sunshine.Hershey sm

Now to the interview part. I asked Hershey why she chose her name. She said it was because she really, really LOVES chocolate. Then I asked what her favorite color is. And she said blue because it reminds her of the ocean. I also asked Hershey what is her least favorite craft. She said anything that takes a long time. Last but not least, I asked Hershey what is her favorite drink, and she said any drink with chocolate. And that was my interview with Hershey.

The Awesome Kicks

Kicks2 sm


Isaiah H., Age 10
Tribe of Benjamin 

Kicks is the best tribe leader ever. If he were to be any super hero he would be Deadpool! I always wonder why he calls himself Kicks. He calls himself Kicks because he collects a lot of shoes! He’s been with Jews for Jesus for ten years. If he were to jump into a pool of Jell-O or pudding he would choose pudding. His favorite food is pizza. He likes it because it’s awesome! Kicks is the best tribe leader ever!

Interview with Scooter

Aaron C., Age 11
Tribe of BenjaminScooter sm

Scooter is the best tribe leader ever. He has been at camp for six years, three as a camper and two as a leader, and one as both. He has known Kicks for ten days. Scooter is seventeen years old with zero pets. His favorite food is Chinese food. His favorite bunk is the middle, left, bottom. His favorite pattern is stripes.

His favorite outfit is a button-down plaid shirt, black tie, watch, skinny jeans, and shoes with toe straps. He would dye his hair glow-in-the-dark purple. He lets us play Silent Ball before bed, if we’re quiet. I interviewed Scooter because he is the most awesome tribe leader!

All About Fresco

Tribe of Judah

Fresco, my mom, is very creative and smart. Her favorite dog breed is the English cream/gold retriever and her closest friend in NYC is Victoria A., the mom of my friend, Eden! Fresco loves to make things with her hands and serve others. The most embarrassing thing that she did was accidently walk into the boys’ bathroom in junior high school! Her favorite color is yellow. She was proposed to more than once, but only said yes to my dad, Hobbes!

The Galaxy of Gilgal

David K., Age 11
Tribe of Simeon

Many people would love to be Star Wars characters. Many of the staff would love to be some of those characters. I asked eight people which characters they want to be.

Fashion disaster smThe first person I asked was Tripp. He first wanted to be Jar Jar Binks, but then switched to Han Solo. He picked Han Solo because he is awesome. The second person I asked was Shades and he picked a Jawa. He picked a Jawa because they’re funny, smart, and amazing. The third person I asked was Swank and he picked Chewbacca. I would understand why he would pick Chewbacca because they are both hairy and I was correct. The fourth person I asked was Scooter. Scooter loves being underwater so he picked to be a Jedi that breathes underwater. It reminds me of Aquaman, but that’s a different topic.

The fifth person I asked was Fresco. She said that she wanted to Princess Leia because she’s beautiful and brave. The sixth person I interviewed was Strings. She wanted to be a decoy version of Padmé because of her ninja skills. The last people I asked were Aquamarine and Twister. Aquamarine picked the just plain Padmé Amidala. She picked Padmé because she’s in the background but does a lot of damage and work. Twister picked Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker was a hero throughout the last episodes. It would be funny if there was a Gilgal Galaxy.

Pumped Up Kicks

Sierra K., Age 12Kicks sm
Tribe of Judah 

This year at camp we have a new staff member from Michigan. His name is Kicks. His favorite colors are green and electric indigo. I’ve never even heard of those colors! I also happen to have learned that he can’t lick his elbow. His favorite lunch meat is cold cut chicken. He also happens to choose Jacob over Edward for a reason he does not know. Kicks has three siblings. He got here on a train. And you probably guessed that the name Kicks has something to do with shoes. It does! He collects shoes as a hobby. His favorite brands are Nike SB and Air Jordans. Now you know a little bit about the leader we call Kicks.   


Reuben3smNetanya W., Age 8
Tribe of Issachar 

I interviewed Froggy and Froggy’s favorite color is purple. And Froggy’s favorite animal is a frog. And Froggy’s favorite sport is basketball. Her favorite book is the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Froggy’s favorite TV show is The Office. Her favorite camp is Camp Gilgal and her favorite color eyes are hazel.

Interview with Swank

Ephraim L., Age 7Swank sm
Tribe of Dan 

Swank’s favorite color is yellow, submarine yellow. His favorite animal is an armadillo. Swank means tank with swag in it. Swank’s best friend is Nike. Swank’s favorite subject is kinesiology (sports science) and English. He’s the best tribe leader.

Tripp’s Interview

Keane R., Age 12Asher3sm
Tribe of Asher 

Tripp is my tribe leader in the tribe of Asher. He is amazing. When I interviewed Tripp, he answered all my questions and his favorite color is blue. He likes to eat cinnamon rolls and he likes the drums. If he were to be any planet he would be Mercury. Tripp’s favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. Tripp is 18 years old, and he likes archery. I think that Tripp is the coolest tribe leader in camp.

Let’s Learn About Chickpea

Kayla C., Age 9
Tribe of Reuben

Do you know Chickpea because I do and she is an exciting girl. Chickpea’s favorite color is purple and her favorite sport is fencing. Some instruments she plays are violin, kazoo, and guitar. Pikachu is her favorite cartoon character, and her favorite food is sushi. Can you believe it, her favorite movie is Star Wars! Her least favorite movie is Dear John. I also asked Chickpea if she was a superhero what would her power be and she said shape shifting, which is changing your body into a bird, tree, or someone else or anything like that.

Who is Floyd?

Gavyn R., Age 9
Tribe of Dan 

Floyd is the ATL in my cabin. Floyd, answer these questions: 

Q: What’s your favorite color?
A: It’s gold.Floyd sm

Q: What’s your favorite type of ice cream?
A: I love vanilla ice cream.

Q: What do you want for your birthday?
A: I want a top hat.

Q: What type of pet do you like most?
A: Dogs.

Q: What is your favorite time of your life?
A: Night time, when I am asleep.

Floyd completed the test!

Shades’ Oddities

Sivan M., Age 11
Tribe of Judah Asher Shades sm

Shades has brightened my day every time I see him. His oddly humorous jokes are as funny as they are weird.

Our combined tribe times revealed more than what is on the funny outside. It shows a mouth-opening humor that has no end. If an unaware camper exclaims something weird, the unexpected response is, “You’re such a Keebler elf!” His random comments make us laugh our time away.

Camp Gilgal East Teen Camp (July 15-22, 2012)


You Shall Be My Witnesses

(Acts 1:8)

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers
and their families and friends!


Pool smTribes:

Tribe of Issachar: Aaron M., Gregory V., Henry S., Malkiel A., Misha K., Scooter, Tauros

Tribe of Judah: Anaelle S., Daniela R., Esther C., Hannah D., Friends girls smLiza C., Masha K., Sabrina M., Tova S., Froggy, Chickpea

Tribe of Dan: Daphne N., Devora W., Elizabeth D., Kaylie L., Ketzia B., Leelle S., Lydia C., Sarah M., Baby Carrots, Strings

Out of cabin: Twister, Blewish, RedSox, Flipper

Our Messy Cabin

Misha K., Age 13Friendssm
Tribe of Issachar 

Whether it be socks or even campers, everything was on the floor. Swim suits, tooth brushes, my little ponies, angry birds, shoes, and even a giant Toras, just lying there sadly on the floor. Scooter and Toros were burping, snoring, and filling the cabin air with the smell of decayed bodies. Hats and gloves, and not to mention all the mosquitos and moths, it was horrible, yet fun at the same time.


Esther C., Age 15
Tribe of Judah 

Friends4smAt camp one of the things that I like the most is the food. The food at camp is really good, and I love coming in and eating all the food I want. My favorite breakfast is waffles because we get whipped cream, chocolate, and fruit. My favorite lunch is make your own sandwich day because they have soft bread, good cheese, and good varieties of toppings. My favorite dinner is smiley fries because they are amazing! We didn’t have smiley fries this year but they are my favorite.

Camp Gilgal

Tova S., Age 14
Tribe of Judah

Camp Gilgal is a Jews for Jesus summer camp that runs for a week. During this, we did many diverse and creative activities. We had the opportunity to go play paintball, we went on a camping trip followed by a white water rafting adventure. This camp is not only about the entertaining activities we participated in, but also about a unique spiritual experience.

It gave us a chance to get close to God because of how different it is from normal life and had no worldly distractions. Our leaders and counselors guided us as best they could. They were always open to discuss and help us with any problems. Every year that I come I find myself growing in my faith and my personal relationship with God. Camp Gilgal has been a superlative experience that I would encourage anyone else to have as well.

Tribe Time

Devora W., Age 13
Tribe of DanTribe Time

Tribe time is when you spend time with your tribe. During tribe time you can do things like playing games, painting your nails, or whatever you and your tribe enjoy doing. Tribe time is fun and it brings you closer with your tribe.

You can hang out outside or hang out in your cabin. For an example, this year during tribe time with my cabin, we went outside in the woods and played Apples to Apples. Another time this year, we all painted our nails. However, it is different for each cabin. It’s up to your leaders what you do for tribe time.

The Decathlon

Lydia C., Age 13
Tribe of Dan 

Decathalon soda smThe tribe leaders told us that the Decathlon was today after lunch. But I didn’t know what the Decathlon was. The Decathlon is a really fun race competition thing.

So, later on we had dinner. I ate a LOT!

Then, right after dinner was the Decathlon, and we had to stuff ourselves with crackers. It was hard being so stuffed as I was. Then, we had to chug down sodas and that was even harder. I managed to finish my can of soda then I had to help my friend Devora finish hers. We lost that round. Oops!

My team’s name was Losers to Winners, and the other team’s name was Jewnicorns. Anyway, we won the Decathlon. Thanks for reading!


Daphne N., Age 13
Tribe of Dan 

Scream-o is my most favorite thing at camp. It is my favorite activity because it is an intense game Screamo smthat you play with a partner against other partners. During Scream-o you and your partner have cards numbered from 2-12 all spread out. Then, as you’re playing against another partner, you roll the die and whatever that number is you turn over that numbered card. The goal of the game is to roll the die to get all of yours and your partner’s cards flipped over. Once you do that, you and your partner stand up and yell, “SCREAM-O!” This game involves lots of yelling and math, but even though I hate math and am really bad at it, the game is really is fun and intense.

P.S. I was the first person to get Scream-o—actually, it was me and Blewish.

Bug Activity

Bug activity smMasha K., Age 14
Tribe of Judah

This year at camp we had an activity about bugs. We had to catch as many bugs as we could. It was boys against girls, and we went into the bathroom and just outside and put the bugs in the cups. We mostly found moths. Then we put all the bugs into one cup thinking they’d eat each other. Instead they just went crazy trying to get out. The people that were there were Tova, Greg, Malkiel, Leelle, and Misha. And the tribe leaders were Baby Carrots and Froggy. I really liked it because the bugs were pretty and they were doing funny stuff in the cup.

The Adirondacks

Liza C., Age 15
Tribe of Judah

The Adirondacks is an amazingly awesome place. While there, you can swim, Friends6smcamp, and white water raft, as we did. You can also climb mountains, fish, ski (in the winter), and do many other activities that passers-by see on road signs.

We first camped out at the Schroon River campsite in Warrensburg, New York. We set up our tent, then unpacked our backpacks out of the vans. A few minutes later, we walked to the pool. I was surprised; it was a saltwater pool. When I just found out, I thought it was an imitation of the ocean. Truly, it was only replacing the chlorine. After a while (we had no clocks), we went back for a dinner of burgers and veggies, s’mores, and a campfire. 

The next day we went white water rafting. I was in a boat with four other girls and two tribe leaders: Scooter and Baby Carrots. We rafted on two rivers, the thinner Indian for four and half miles, and the great, mighty Hudson for countless miles. It was more fun, yet scarier, than I expected; in fact, I got a face full of wave and liked it! All in all, the Adirondacks is an amazing place for a camping trip.

White Water Rafting

Kaylie L. and Leelle S., Ages 12 and 13
Tribe of Dan 

White water rafting was so exciting!  At every twist and turn a new experience had begun. It was exhilarating when a drop came out of nowhere. White water rafting was an awesome experience. White water rafting3sm

Paddling was a challenge: whenever the rapids became harsh more strength was needed. Rapids called Bust Stop, Rattle Mountain, and Jiffy Pop were terrifying and thrilling. On different rapids different people got to sit on the bow of the boat and ride it like a bull through the rapids. Attempting to surf which tips the boat while everyone shifts to the front to get a mouthful of water was difficult. The amount of strength needed was overwhelming. And try as we might, we couldn’t succeed getting to the point. 

The whole experience was a blast! Surfing, paddling, and rocking through the rapids was an experience of a lifetime. 

The Decathlon

Aaron M., Age 14
Tribe of Issachar

At camp we had the Decathlon. At the Decathlon we had ten different games. Decathalon crackers2smThe first event was the alphabet game. What we would do is take the first letter on a sign, and we would find those letters in alphabetical order while we were driving. The next event was the eating saltines and whistle game. Each team had to east a box of saltines and then whistle to Sox or Blewish.

One of my favorite events was the spinning in circles event. It was a test of endurance and balance, and we spun around for close to 20 minutes. The team with the most people standing at the end won. Another event was to build a flower basket out of duct tape. Another event was the catching fireflies event. Each team had to show three fireflies. The team that won showed the same fireflies three times. One of the other events was to write a team haiku. Our teams had to write and present a haiku to the judges.

The Decathlon was a lot of fun and I can’t wait to do it again next year.


Friends goofy smGregory V., Age 13
Tribe of Issachar 

In Camp Gilgal-Jews for Jesus, we go on a camping trip. It is so much fun. We go pack our stuff and go to our camping spot. We could go swimming or go to the game room. And the best thing is when we go make s’mores. When we go to bed we see so many stars and sometimes we see some constellations. So if you’re going to teen camp get ready for the time of your life.


Sabrina M., Age 15
Tribe of Judah 

Decathalon house smAt camp every year we do Decathlon. Decathalon smores smWe drive around and buy food and drinks. Then we have two teams that compete for who eats or drinks faster. We had a pickle competition to see which team can throw pickles farther. We also had to make a flower basket out of duct tape. We made a haiku, too. There was a soda drinking contest, cracker eating, and house building out of marshmallows and grahams. There were ten events in all. It was really fun and teams had a tie. One person from each team had to stand on one leg as a tiebreaker. My favorite part was the pickle one. It was original and funny.


Elizabeth D., Age 13
Tribe of Dan 

Scream-O is an intense game played with cardboard numbers and dice. You and a partner sit diagonal to each other and the other team does too. To begin, both teams will roll the dice to see who goes first; the team with the Screamo2smhighest number starts. It was so fun during the game with everyone racing against each other. So, you have numbers from two to twelve and when you roll the dice, and say you get a nine, you flip over the nine in the cardboard numbers. You keep rolling until you get another nine. So your partner will flip over her/his nine. But the next time you get a nine, the other team gets to start rolling. Scream-O is my most favorite game because it’s very intense and you get to yell a lot. The goal of the game is to get to the first table and stay there. If you’re the first team to flip over all of your cards, you stand up and yell “SCREAM-O!” It’s so fun and super intense.

Camping Trip

Camping smDani R., Age 14
Tribe of Judah

Every year, the Gilgal teen camp packs up and leaves the cabins. We go to a different campsite. This year, the weather was perfect, so we were able to swim, sit outside instead of in the tents, and do other activities. Also, there is a general store where we could buy food, drinks, and supplies. We ate delicious burgers and cooked s’mores. After getting ready for bed, we sat on a tarp and watched the stars. Some of us even saw shooting stars. Later, we went to bed. The tents were nice and cozy, so it felt good to snuggle up in our sleeping bags.

In the morning, we packed up the semi-wet tents and ate a breakfast of fruit, yogurt, and bagels. After, we got in the vans to go white water rafting and had an awesome, and tiring, rest of the day.

Interviewing Chickpea

Sarah M., Age 14
Tribe of Dan

Chickpea has really cool hair. Whether she decides to straighten it or to leave it curly it is always beautiful and luscious. It also has a whole back story to it. Even though she was born with blonde hair, it turned brown so she dyes it blonde. Whenever Chickpea’s hair gets wet and she lets it dry naturally, she can make it look like a lion’s mane, which is pretty awesome.

When I asked Chickpea her favorite color she said purple, or more specifically, royal purple. She wants to become a neurologist or a pediatrician. She decided on the name Chickpea because one day her sister Paisley and Dude took her to a restaurant called Chickpea and she really liked it there (good food). If Chickpea had a superpower she would want to be a shape shifter. Her birthstone is a sapphire. Her favorite song is something by the Beatles and her favorite band is Pink Floyd. When asked which three campers she would choose to be stuck on an island with, she answered Reptar, Jazz (with a guitar), and Cyclops. Her favorite superhero is Xavier and Wolverine. She loves Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and she likes chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Chickpea’s favorite lip balm is Blistex Silk & Shine. Her favorite book of the Bible is James. She is serious, fun, hilarious, and amazing. To sum this up Chickpea is a great tribe leader.

Friends and Community

Ketzia B., Age 13
Tribe of Dan

Camp is a great place to be in fellowship with other believers in Jesus. Decathalon running smAt home, I don’t have a lot of friends who are Messianic Jews, so at camp I feel like I can relate to people! It’s just awesome to have community and fellowship with other believers!

Friends are close to the best thing that you can have at camp. First of all, they have the same beliefs as you, so you can talk about your faith with each other. Also, they are really crazy and fun and joking around is AWESOME! They are always there for you through the happy times and the “emotional” times.

I really love my friends at camp and LOVE the community and fellowship with other believers in Y’shua!


Anaelle S., Age 15
Tribe of Judah 

Camping2Scooter is very funny. He likes to sleep a lot. He wanted to be a tribe leader because he loves God and loves kids and he loves camp. Scooter’s favorite thing in camp was the Movie Night. He liked it because the food was good and so was the movie. 

His favorite food is Chinese food and his favorite country is Israel because the Bible’s story happened there.

Scooter loves to play extreme checkers and his favorite activity is lunch. Scooter is not as fat as he sounds. The end!

Campers at Gilgal

Henry S., Age 13Friendssm2
Tribe of Issachar

Campers: weird, funny, intelligent, with God. They know what to say and know how to express their faith. I couldn’t ask for better friends. They laugh at my silliness and they listen to what I have to say. I made friends, good friends, or maybe even best friends at Gilgal. I’m glad I came to this—can’t wait for next year.

Volume 20: East Coast and West Coast Edition

“Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified;  do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Inside This Issue:


                Junior Camp East









                Teen Camp East








                 Junior Camp West








                Teen Camp West

Camp Gilgal West Junior Camp (June 26-July 9, 2011)

He is Faithful to All Generations

(Psalm 145:13)

“Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made.”
The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!


Tribe of Issachar: Kayla H., Sophia M., Zoe N., Shannon O., Elizabeth R., Zemeira W., Magnatron, Acorn

Tribe of Naphtali: Madison H., Monique L., Sarai M., Elizabeth N., Mekerah P., Emmalee S., Hershey, Squirt, Hoops

Tribe of Asher: Mia C., LaTanya H., Abbey M., Dinah N., Haneen R., Waffles, Smalls

Tribe of Manasseh: Destiny A., Lindsay M., Olivia P., Amanda R., Skye R., Judi W., TuTu, Bologna

Tribe of Simeon: Leia B., Louisa G., Julia K., Sarah K., Kezia M., Vika S., Bazooka, Sparkler

Tribe of Benjamin: Nathan B., Sam F., Danny G., Michael K., Isaiah L., Elijah Y., Simba, Java

Tribe of Judah: Eric E., Isaac H., Isaac J., Josh L., Nathan P., Corey W., Professor, Techno

Tribe of Dan: Elias B., Jeremiah H., Elliot K., Reuven R., Jacob S., Jaden W., Nacho, Fender

Tribe of Zebulun: Matt L., Emeth P., Benjamin R., David S., Evan S., Malachai W., Isaac Y., Diesel, Garfield

Out-of-Cabin Staff: Esquire, Ewok, Freckles, Moose, Poppins, Snapple, Streetlight

Guests: Amp, Bandit, Big Tuna, Cookie, Cricket, Cucamonga, Eyegore, KoKo, Rabbster, Sonic, Swedey

Bazooka Interview

Louisa G., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

I interviewed Bazooka. Bazooka is a tribe leader. She is the tribe leader of Simeon. She is my tribe leader. I have also had her my first year of camp. My name is Louisa and I’m also in the tribe of Simeon. Bazooka is awesome!

The first question that I asked Bazooka was, “Why is your name Bazooka?” She answered, “I like corny jokes.” The second question I asked her was, “How many years have you been attending camp?” Her response was, “I have been going to Camp Gilgal since I was eight. I have been a camper for 11 years, and this is my fifth year on staff.” Third question is, “What is your favorite color?” She said, “Red is my favorite color right now, but it changes often.” Fourth is, “Do you like camp?” Answer is “Definitely!” My fifth question was, “Do you love camp?” and she said, “Of course!” The sixth question was, “What is your favorite food?” She said, “My favorite foods are frozen yogurt, fruit, and Nutella.” Seventh question is, “What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” and she said, “I like Nutella gelato.” I also asked, “Do you like lightning?” and she said, “I don’t know if I like lightning more than Louisa’s reaction to lightning.” I then asked, “What is your favorite theme night?” and she said, “I liked the new theme night which was Once Upon a Time Night.” I finally asked, “What’s your favorite night game?” and Bazooka said, “I love Wells Fargo.”

Sparkler Interview

Kezia M., Age 13
Tribe of Simeon

My name is Kezia and I am in the tribe of Simeon. One of my tribe leaders is Sparkler. She has been going to camp for 10 years. Sparkler chose her name because her birthday is on the Fourth of July. Her favorite ice cream flavor is cookie dough and vanilla; her favorite camp food is omelets. Her favorite part of the Bible is Revelation, and her favorite fruit of the spirit is love. Sparkler is a very nice tribe leader because she is always ready to help. (Often in the evening when I walk into the cabin I see her saving our lives by killing all the bugs.) Her favorite activities are Tabernacle and Wells Fargo. I am very glad I had Sparkler as my tribe leader.

Interview of Snapple

Julia K., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

My name is Julia. I’m from the tribe of Simeon. I’ve been going to Camp Gilgal for five years. One of the tribe leaders I have met during these years is Snapple. She has been a tribe leader five years and part of the Camp Gilgal family for 12 years. She got the name Snapple by one odd day she chipped her tooth. What happened was one day, when she was young, Snapple was drinking Snapple and she chipped her tooth on it! So, since the chipped tooth was caused by a Snapple bottle, she decided to name herself Snapple.

Some random facts about Snapple are that she likes to eat sushi, pasta, and tomatoes. She likes the color green and her favorite camp activity is Wells Fargo, which is also my favorite. For her first year of camp she was in the tribe of Zebulun. Her favorite theme night is Superhero Night, and, of course, she loves Snapple! Some of her favorite flavors are Lemon Tea and Diet Peach Tea. Her favorite tribe name is Issachar, or the sun.

Snapple is an amazing tribe leader. She’s not in-cabin staff anymore but she is great as an out-of-cabin staff member. I know for sure that I will miss her when I come home from camp.

Hershey Interview

Vika S., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

This year I did an interview on Hershey. She picked the name Hershey because she loves chocolate. This is Hershey’s ninth year being a part of the Camp Gilgal family. Her favorite year of camp was her second year as a staff member. Hershey’s favorite part of camp is worship time and her favorite worship song is, “How Great is Our God.” She enjoys the enchiladas most during camp. This year she is in the tribe of Naphtali, but Hershey really likes the tribe name Issachar. Hershey’s favorite night game is Wells Fargo because she likes to chase all the campers down the hill. I asked her if she liked FOB and she said that she thought it was boring when she was a camper but nice when she was a tribe leader. When Hershey was a camper her favorite cabin’s name was Fiddletown. She never had a favorite tribe leader because she loved them all. Hershey’s favorite colors are green and blue. She has been a believer since she was 13 years old at teen camp. Hershey has three other siblings that all attend Camp Gilgal. She loves playing carpetball and going swimming during free time. Hershey has always preferred the ladies’ hill over the men’s side. The parade is her favorite part of Columbia. She has also liked going horseback riding because of how beautiful the view is. Hershey’s favorite Ladies Day theme was when we did pirates. Overall Hershey is a great staff member who loves her campers.


Leia B., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

My name is Leia and this year I’m doing an interview on Professor. Professor got his name because he is really smart. He has been coming to camp since he was eight and this is his second year on staff. When he was a camper his first tribe leaders were Lynk and Ace. Professor’s favorite tribe name is Simeon, but there will always be a special place in his heart for Judah. Professor’s favorite time of camp when he was a camper was the water slide, but now he just likes hanging out with his campers and worshiping with them. Professor’s favorite night game is MI. Enough said. His favorite theme dinner is Dance and Sing for Your Mail Night. Professor’s favorite store in Columbia is either the candy shoppe or the ice cream parlor, he can’t really decide. His favorite food is steak and pepper. Also his favorite colors are any cool colors like purple, blue or green. Professor’s favorite pie is apple, the kind he makes at his house with Maverick. So as you can see, Professor is a super cool, fun, smart, and an amazing tribe leader.


Vika S., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

I’m writing about Tutu. Tutu is in the tribe of Manasseh. Her ATL is Bologna and she has six ladies in her cabin. Her favorite color is purple. Tutu’s favorite part of camp is being around all her campers and spending time with them. She loves the enchiladas at lunch and also the macaroni and chicken. Tutu has been in the Camp Gilgal family for 12 years now and this is her third year on staff. Her favorite activity is for sure MI because she loves to sneak around and crack the codes. Tutu loves teaching all the campers at choir during free time, and even being in the pool with everyone. Her all-time favorite theme night is Sing and Dance for Your Mail Night. Tutu never had a favorite tribe leader because she loved them all. Her favorite year on staff is this year. Her entire tribe thinks she’s amazing and a wonderful tribe leader. Tutu’s favorite season is springtime because that’s when the weather is nice and the flowers are blooming. Tutu is a great tribe leader and anyone would enjoy having her in their tribe.


Sarai M,. Age 10
Tribe of Naphtali

Waffles has been a tribe leader for three years, and has been a camper for nine years. Her favorite color is blue-green. One of her favorite things to do is photography, and one of her favorite foods is smoothies. Her favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11.

She also likes campfires and horseback riding. Waffles is a great person. I first met Waffles my first year of junior camp. Waffles likes to put berries like strawberries on her waffles and lots of syrup, and the same with me. I love Waffles. Waffles is a very fun and cool tribe leader. She is also almost always carrying a camera. I guess she really likes photography. She also is very good at it. (She practices a lot.) She and Acorn have the same type of camera. I think it is very cool that every year I’ve come to camp so far, Waffles has been there.

Interview with Diesel

Ben R., Age 12
Tribe of Zebulun

I interviewed Diesel, my tribe leader, about all the things he does at camp and outside of camp. I also got some information about him. Diesel was born in Sacramento, CA, on December 27. He first came to camp when he was eight and went on staff in 2008. His favorite thing to eat at camp are enchiladas, and he enjoys Sing and Dance for Your Mail Night. Outside of camp, Diesel enjoys boating, going to the ocean, and visiting exotic locations, like Lake Tahoe, and going rock climbing. Diesel’s favorite chapter from the Bible is Romans 12:1-12. Diesel is a great tribe leader to have during camp. He’ll mess with you a lot, but he’s a nice guy and fun to be around. All in all, my experience interviewing him was positive and encouraging.


Evan S., Age 13
Tribe of Zebulun

I interviewed Garfield. He is an ATL at camp in the tribe of Zebulun. His favorite thing to do at camp is Flat On Bunk, or FOB. During FOB Garfield likes to take naps or play pranks on other tribes. He loves playing games like MI or Wells Fargo. He enjoys playing pranks on the tribe of Dan by turning off their lights and making them think it’s M.I.

He also likes to clean the cabin for points every day and making cabin inspectors like us. Like one time, we got 100 points, also known as “Nailing It.” He likes playing video games in his free time. That’s all he does. He is funny and is a great tribe leader.

Every night he likes to do devotions and teach younger people about God, and teaching us more about God so we can become closer to Him.

Interview with Hoops

Skye R., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

My name is Skye, and I am interviewing Hoops. Hoops says she was a camper for eight years and she had a lot of fun! I asked Hoops what she likes about camp, and she answered with “Camp is always the highlight of my summers. I love the anticipation – you never know what will happen next!” I asked what her favorite theme night is, and she said, “As much as I would love to say Crazy Hair Night, it’s a little too crazy for me, so my favorite would have to be Animal Night!” “What was your favorite year as a camper?” I asked. Hoops said, “My first year because I felt so welcomed into this big family!” “What was your favorite camp shirt?” I said. She replied with, “The baby blue one we wore for 2003.” I asked who her first friend was when she came to camp, and she said, “My very first friend at camp was I think Waffles.” Finally I asked if she ever won tribe of the year as a camper. She said, “Yes, I was in the tribe of Asher and instead of going somewhere we were each given an additional five dollars to spend in Columbia.” Hoops is such a great tribe leader, and I love her to death! Hoops has always been super nice to me and has been so inspiring to me. Whenever we do Men’s and Ladies’ campfires I always want to pray with Hoops. I think everybody should get to know Hoops.


Elliot K., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

If you want to have a friend that is funny and smart, Ewok is the right person to be with. I’m going to start out on simple questions and go harder. Ewok’s favorite food is sushi, which I think is disgusting, but people have different opinions. He likes camp food in a way. When I asked Ewok how old he was, he said, “That’s an excellent question.” He said that he wanted to say “That’s an excellent question” for zillions of years. He was a camper for four years, which I thought was cool because this is my fourth year. He plays games with campers during free time. His favorite color is lime-ish green. Ewok’s favorite time of day is afternoon and night. He thinks being staff is hard but worth it. Ewok thinks that camp is rated 10 out of 10. That is great because I think camp is the best, too. He loves Tabernacle and thinks it is the best part of camp. He loves Christian music. Last but not least, his favorite rock star is Simba. This was a great and fun interview of Ewok.

Interviewing Bologna

LaTanya H., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

Interviewing Bologna was fun while I asked her questions such as:

Q: What’s your full name?
A: Bologna Sandwich.

Q: How did you find out about Camp Gilgal?
A: My family has been involved with Camp Gilgal before I was even born.

Q: When’s your birthday?
A: December 31st.

Q: What’s your favorite animal, color and food?
A: Cat, pink, and frozen yogurt.

Q: What’s your favorite Bible verse?
A: Proverbs 3:5-6.

Q: What staff member here have you known the longest?
A: Smalls (since three years old).

Q: What’s your favorite camp activity?
A: FOB (Flat On Bunk).

Q: How long have you been a Messianic Jew?
A: My whole life, since I was old enough to get what it meant.

Q: What was your favorite activity at Columbia?
A: Marching and singing in the Fourth of July parade in Columbia.

Q: What do you like about Camp Gilgal?
A: I like that I can be myself, have fun, and learn more about God at the same time!

Those are the questions I asked Bologna during her interview.


Abbey M., Age 12
Tribe of Asher

Everybody knows and loves Poppins, the Camp Gilgal mom. She knows almost everything about first aid. If anything’s wrong, Poppins is the person to go to. She’s always open to talk and pray with you.

I interviewed Poppins and asked her some questions. I started off with, “What is your real name?” She replied, “My parents named me Poppinitas Fritas because I always had supplies.” I then asked her, “Are you married and if so, who are you married to?” She answered, “I am married and I am married to Esquire” Then I asked her if she liked to cook. She told me that she did and that she liked to cook anything for large groups of people. After that I asked her what her funniest camp memory was. She said it was when she was driving campers back and forth from Columbia, and while doing that, unconsciously eating a whole giant box of saltine crackers. I asked her what her favorite type of cultural food was, and she told me it was Japanese food. Then I asked her what her favorite dish was and she said it was pot roast. And to conclude the interview, I asked Poppins, “How has Camp Gilgal brought your relationship with Yeshua closer?” She replied, “Watching Him faithfully provide campers and staff to Camp Gilgal and change their lives.”

Interview with Esquire

Dinah N., Age 10
Tribe of Asher

Esquire, who is one of the out of cabin staff here at Camp Gilgal, is the leader of men’s side. Not only is he the dental inspector but he is also part of the cabin inspection crew that has done an awesome job at finding infractions. I decided to interview him so I could give a background on how it is on the men’s side. Firstly, I asked him on what his favorite verse from the Bible was, and he said, “My favorite verse is Philippians 4:6-7.” His favorite dish is barbequed steak. I also asked him why he wanted to come to Camp Gilgal, and he said, “I wanted to be at camp because I enjoy serving campers and following God’s call.”

The Tribe of Simeon

Sarah K., Age 13
Tribe of Simeon

The members of our tribe are Bazooka, Sparkler, Leia, Vika, Louisa, Kezia, Julia and me, Sarah. We are the oldest girl tribe and our cabin is Grizzly Flat.

Tribe leader: Bazooka has been going to camp for twelve years. Her favorite parts of camp are spending time with her tribe and when we did zumba on Ladies Day. Her favorite theme night that we’ve done so far is Once Upon a Time Night. Bazooka’s favorite food at camp so far is the chicken dumplings.

Assistant Tribe leader: Sparkler has been coming to camp for ten years. Sparkler’s favorite parts of camp are getting to see close friends and getting closer to God. Her favorite theme night is Utensil Night and her favorite camp food is spaghetti.

Camper: Leia has been going to camp for five years now. She loves everything at camp. Her favorite camp food is macaroni and cheese and she loves Dance or Sing for Your Mail Night.

Camper: Vika has been going to camp for five years. She likes the night games. Her favorite theme night is Crazy Hair Night. Her favorite camp food is pizza.

Camper: Louisa has been going to camp for five years. She really liked when it rained this year. She liked it when we did Stop and Go Night. Her favorite camp food is pizza.

Camper: Kezia has been going to camp for three years now. One of her favorite parts of camp is seeing her friends. Her favorite theme night is Stop and Go Night and her favorite food is pizza.

Camper: Julia has been going to camp for five years. She likes the game Wells Fargo and her favorite theme night is Stop and Go Night. And her favorite camp food is the chocolate chip pancakes.

I’m so glad that I was in the tribe of Simeon this year. It was a lot of fun. 

The Tribe of Naphtali

Lizzie N., Age 9
Tribe of Naphtali

The tribe of Naphtali is having some critter problems. There have been some wasps outside our cabin. We have had four wasps in our cabin, a big frog, two bees, two yellow coats, and one ant, as well as two moths. At FOB, we pass notes and play around. Emmalee always wakes up bright and early while the rest of us sleep. We hardly can get out of bed, and Maddie, Monique, and Mekerah always go in the pool while the rest play carpetball. Squirt left to go to Brazil, and Hoops came to take her place. The theme we did for Cabin Decoration Day is Outer Space. We had stars, Mercury, Black paper covering beds, and aliens. Our tribe leaders are Hershey, Squirt, and Hoops. Emmalee sleeps during FOB  and Sarai reads. Sometimes Hershey sleeps and sometimes Hoops does. For Skit Night, we did a skit about a fast food restaurant where people order stuff like Love, Happiness, Riches, and Success. But then the inspector said no, you can’t sell that. I love my tribe. And that’s the tribe of Naphtali.

Benjamin Tribe

Sam F., Age 9
Tribe of Benjamin

My tribe is very, very noisy. During FOB, it was very noisy. They are all first years except me, I am a second year. They like to go swimming. I do, too. They also like to take showers. Danny (a kid in my tribe) takes a shower every morning and night. Michael likes carpetball and basketball. Nathan likes carpetball and ping pong. Isaiah likes swimming and Frisbee. Elijah likes Wells Fargo and carpetball. And I, Sam, like FOB and carpetball, basketball, swimming, horseback riding, the Gilgal store, ping pong, campfires, Tabernacle, Columbia, big pool swim, Men’s day, Gazette, hang out time, and men’s campfire. The kids in my tribe are Sam, Michael, Danny, Nathan, Isaiah, Elijah, and tribe leaders Java and Simba. I am in the tribe of Benjamin. I am in the cabin called Chili Bar.  My tribe and I really like summer camp. My tribe doesn’t like FOB so much, but I love FOB. It is very, very fun.

Sophia’s Tribe – Issachar

Sophia M., Age 7
Tribe of Issachar

At Camp Gilgal I am seven years old. My tribe leaders are Acorn and Magnatron. My friends are Zemeira, Zoe, and Elizabeth. I like everything except FOB. FOB is when you have to be quiet and stay on your bunk. I was on a top bunk. Acorn is on the bottom bunk. My whole tribe loves swimming, especially Zoe. Our tribe is called Issachar, which means “sun.” We always take turns praying at night before bed. I always shout out, “Me first! Me first!” My whole tribe likes Dental Inspection, which is when you brush your teeth every night and the staff inspects everyone’s teeth. You get points for clean teeth when it is FOB. Our tribe writes letters to each other. We each have a “mailbox” in the cabin and when we write letters to each other, we can put them in the mailbox. Zoe writes all kinds of things to me. When it was my birthday at camp, we all had the best time. My tribe leaders decorated our table in the dining hall and put streamers on my bunk. Lots of my friends in my tribe are very silly, and I am, too. We have fun together in the tribe of Issachar.

Tribe of Zebulun

Matt L., Age 13
Tribe of Zebulun

I am a proud participant in the tribe of Zebulun. Our tribe was filled with seven campers, Diesel and Garfield. The campers’ names are Emeth, Ben, Evan, Isaac, David, Malachi, and me. Emeth was born in Florida, then moved to Oregon, then to California; he is kind and loving and quiet. Our next camper is Ben. He was born in New York, moved to Texas and then California; he is a  very loyal and confident friend. Evan is a camper that is always noticed. He is funny, loud, and likes to play leader. Evan refused to tell where he was born, but I do know he lives in San Clemente, California. Isaac is a quiet, funny camper who likes to keep to himself but sometimes gets kind of rowdy. David was born in California and then moved to Shanghai and moved back to California. He has the mind of a scholar and is very academic. Our ATL (assistant tribe leader) was Garfield. He is a good leader and is very funny. He likes lasagna, I think. Malachai is a very God-focused camper and is devoted to serving God. Diesel was our tribe leader. He likes to have the AC on at night. All in all, I feel blessed to be in a cabin where the subject of God can be brought up at any time.

Tribe of Judah

Josh L., Age 10
Tribe of Judah

The tribe of Judah is very interesting and I’m in it, which is cool because the campers in it are cool and fun to talk to. There are six campers, two tribe leaders. One of the campers is Eric, age 12. He lives in Santa Rosa. This is his first year at camp and his favorite thing to do is ride four wheelers. Another camper is Nathan, age 11. He lives in San Diego. This is his fourth year at camp, and his favorite thing to do is play football. Another camper is Corey, age 9. He lives in Sacramento. This is his second year at camp. His favorite thing to do is to go to camp. Another camper is Isaac H., age 10. He lives in Los Angeles. This is his second year at camp, and his favorite thing to do is draw. The last camper is Isaac J., age 11. He lives in Ramona. This is his second year at camp. His favorite thing to do is carpetball. One tribe leader is Techno, age unknown. He lives in Simi Valley, and he has been a tribe leader for unknown years. His favorite thing to do is swimming. Another tribe leader is Professor, age unknown. He lives in Granada Hills, and he has been a tribe leader for unknown years. His favorite thing to do is read.

The Tribe of Dan

Elias B., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

I’m Elias and I’ll be talking about the people in the tribe of Dan, starting out with Jacob – Jacob always has crazy energy and is very loud! He especially likes to play carpetball. Elliot – Elliot is also very energetic. He eats a lot of sugar, especially at breakfast. He piles brown sugar. He is loud just like Jacob, and he loves to climb trees. Jaden – Jaden laughs a lot and always has a smile. He is good at drawing. His favorite thing about camp is camp! He also likes to swim. Jeremiah – Jeremiah has a lot of energy too, and he has a lot of scary, funny and creepy faces to share with people. His favorite thing to do at camp is swim, and his favorite thing about camp is almost everything! Reuven – Reuven is very hyper, too. He likes to go swimming and play carpetball. His favorite thing about camp is Mission Impossible. Elias – I myself also am very energetic. I like the pool and I love Capture the Degel. We have different interests but they blend together to make one unique and amazing tribe.


Mia C., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

Our tribe is Asher, the tree. This humble character hosts five really funny and nice 11-12 year old campers and two awesome tribe leaders. The campers of 2011’s Camp Gilgal Asher are Abbey, Haneen, Dinah, LaTanya, and myself, Mia. Dinah and LaTanya were both new campers, but they have found their place in the Camp Gilgal family. Our tribe leaders are Waffles and Smalls, who have brought lots of fun to our cabin. Although it has only been a few days at camp, these lovely girls (me included) have proven that camp can be really fun, even if you don’t have many friends.

Since Asher is our tribe name, we have painted a huge tree on our light blue degel. This tree has all of our names on the branches, symbolizing a family that is connected. Hanging from our tree is a large tire swing. (There isn’t really a symbolic meaning to it.) Across the bottom of the degel is a ginormous sun that is setting. We spent a lot of time working on it, and I am proud to have it as our symbol.

Daily life in our cabin of Fiddle Town, there is no such thing as quiet. Everyone is always awake and talking or bothering someone. We all love to have fun when the time calls for it or not. Asher is ready to accept any challenge, yet reason with others to get the best results. We get things done and try to fix our mistakes. Here are some thoughts of some of my tribe mates:

Q: How do you like your cabin?

Haneen says, “I like it… it’s nice.”

Q: What makes this tribe unique?

Waffles says, “You guys work together as a tribe and easily made friends. I am impressed by how fast you clean up and organize our cabin in the morning.”

Smalls says, “Everyone has different personalities but it results in a happy atmosphere.”

Q: How do you like your fellow tribe mates?

LaTanya says, “I like them. They’re cool and funny.”

These are the ideas of one camper to another. I am so glad that I was a part of the tribe of Asher. I know that
we will be more connected as these two weeks go on.

Arriving at Camp (First Day)

Elizabeth R., Age 7, will be 8 July 28th
Tribe of Issachar

When I first arrived at camp, it was hard to say goodbye to my mom. But I started having fun right away. I met new people in my tribe. I found out my tribe leaders were Magnatron and Acorn. We took our suitcases and put them in our cabin. The first night we made our flag and decided we would be the tribe of Issachar. We made a white degel with a sun on it because Issachar means sun. I had a lot of fun painting the degel. On our degel I painted my name as one of the sunrays. We had eight sunrays – one for each of the girls in our tribe. Later that night I started to get homesick, but a lot of girls in my tribe told me it would go by really fast because we were going to have so much fun. That made me feel a lot better. I started making lots of friends. What they told me was true, and I love Camp Gilgal very much. I can’t wait for next year.

My Camp Experience

Zoe N., Age 8
Tribe of Issachar

This is Camp Gilgal’s 20th anniversary. Most of the staff used to be campers. The first year of Camp Gilgal was all boys. My tribe is the tribe of Issachar. My tribe leaders are Acorn and Magnatron. I like to swim in the swimming pool. I have made new friends and their names are Kayla, Shannon, Zemeira, Sophia, and Elizabeth. At Camp Gilgal you get to learn Hebrew and you get to do crafts. This year we are making mosaics. I like my degel because it is yellow, blue, gold, and orange. I am glad I’m in Issachar because it is fun. I am enjoying my first year at Camp Gilgal. Camp has been a really fun place and I can’t wait to come next year.


Vika S., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

When they first announced stargazing, everyone assumed that it was Mission Impossible. Most people didn’t even bring comfortable sleeping items. Both Professor and Esquire led stargazing. We had stargazing on Friday after Shabbat, a little while after it got dark. We all went down and got as comfortable as possible.

We started talking about constellations and about the brightness of stars. Everyone saw a couple of shooting stars. It was a beautiful night. It was a perfect night for stargazing because the moon wasn’t out.

Our conversations varied in different directions. We talked about black holes, worm holes, and airplanes combusting. Then back to the usual such as shooting stars, asteroids, and the planets. We talked how beautiful God created the heavens.

I asked different people what their favorite part of stargazing was and Sarah K. said, “It is very peaceful and I like looking at the stars.” Sarai M. said, “How beautiful the stars are.” Sam F. said, “Seeing shooting stars.” I personally
enjoy stargazing because of the beautiful night sky.

Award Ceremony

Sarah K., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

“The tribe of Simeon!” Streetlight called. My counselors Sparkler and Bazooka walked up to the stage at campfire and began the awards ceremony.

First Kezia was called up. Things continued and I realized I was going last in my tribe.

“Why do I have to go last?” I asked Kezia.

“Why did I have to go first?”

Our camper of the year was Louisa. She says, “I was surprised but I was also happy.”

Next was the tribe of Zebulun. Ben was their camper of the year! This continued and finally, right before the tribe Benjamin we got a bathroom break. Thank Goodness! Sam was their camper of the year and the last tribe went.

“The tribe of Issachar!”

Up came Magnatron and Acorn. The campers came up and received their awards. Shannon was their camper of the year. And with that they ended the awards ceremony.

After that, Streetlight came up to give us further instructions, and strangely the lights went out.


Julia K., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

Streetlight walked up to the stage. It was the end of the awards ceremony at campfire. I was expecting all the goodbyes that usually happen then. But something else happened. The lights went out and we heard the soft sound of…the MI music!

I got to my cabin fumbling for my flashlight. Into jeans and a jacket and, “Rip!” We opened our first clue. “Field,” it said. And off we went!

We found the clues in the middle of the field. Then Moose came right by us and… didn’t see us! We figured it out and off we went!

It was like this all along, dodging spotters and running from one place to another.

Our clue in the volleyball court was our ninth clue. Vika and Sparkler went down to get it while we waited noiselessly by some of the rocks. They brought it up and it said, “Tennis.” Table tennis! Or was it at the dodge ball court? We call the tennis court actually dodge ball so we went to table tennis and… no clue. That meant it was at dodge ball after all! However, before we could get there, the lights turned on and we went back to the dining hall for war stories.

Water Balloon Volleyball

Jaden W., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

Water balloon volleyball was so fun. We got second place in it. The tribe of Zebulun won, and the tribe of Simeon won too. Water balloon volleyball is a fun game to play. You have a tarp and a water balloon. The whole tribe surrounds and grabs onto the tarp and tries to propel a water balloon over the net. If the water balloon is not caught by the opposing tribe’s tarp and breaks on the ground, the other tribe would score a point. The first tribe to score three points wins the match. I laughed especially hard when a water balloon hit my sister in the shoulder. When the tribe of Dan (my tribe) and Zebulun faced off in the men’s championship, it was a very back and forth match. But Zebulun finally came back and won. At the end, the men and ladies tribe leaders played a match and I was running up and down the hill again and again cheering the men on. The men easily defeated the ladies tribe leaders, and afterwards the men ran, jumped and shouted over their victory. Even though we didn’t win, everyone had a really good time.

A Wells Fargo War Story

Emeth P., Age 12
Tribe of Zebulun

Wells Fargo is a game in which you steal a bag of gold, and if you are tagged you start over.

It started when the whistle blew. I ran towards a bag, when I noticed a Wells Fargo agent next to me. I jumped down rocks and then scaled a hill. I was almost to the base when I tripped and fell and got tagged.

I decided to get the hard bag. It was on a cliff. I dodged an agent and jumped in a ditch. I crawled through it as I pushed vines and rocks out of my way.

At last I was at the top and I saw the bag. I ran through the muddy water and got the bag. I got tagged. Then I walked down – a long way down.

Then I ran up again, and again, and again. I was going up and down so much I lost track of time.

It was the sixth time down when I noticed I was in poison oak. I tripped and stumbled down. Suddenly I didn’t
play anymore, but I had such a good time. I will remember that game forever.  The End


Leia B., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

The 20th anniversary of camp had a lot of guests at Camp Gilgal. We all love having guests because they’re so fun and they usually surprise us.

Our first guest this year was Cricket. She surprised us during water balloon volleyball. Cricket helps Moose get everyone to camp. We were so thankful that she got to visit us.

KoKo and Cucamonga came after. They only stayed for about a day and a half but we wish they could have stayed longer.

Our next guest was Swedey. She is Moose’s wife. Everyone from camp really loves Swedey because she’s like the second camp mom (the first is Poppins). She stayed until the Fourth of July and we were all so sad when she left.

Eyegore and Cookie came around the same time Swedey did. They have made a tradition of visiting camp every year. Eyegore and Cookie live on a farm and they let us know every year. This year they brought peacock feathers.

Other guests we had were Big Tuna, Sonic, and Bandit. We were all excited to have them join us for July Fourth and Skit Night.

Our biggest surprise guest was Amp. He surprised on Skit Night. Everyone screamed and even Moose was surprised!

All the guests this year at camp were super fun and we all really enjoyed seeing them.

Water Balloon Volleyball

Dinah N., Age 10
Tribe of Asher

The water balloon volleyball game was an exciting and interesting game. The whole camp gathered around the volleyball court. Some were cheering.

First up was Asher and Manasseh. They had tarps which they put the water balloon in and they had to throw it over the net. If it didn’t make it, then it was one point to the other team. If they did the other team would have to try to catch the water balloon, and if they don’t, then it’s one point to the other team.

So first was Asher and Manasseh. It was an interesting game. The tribe of Asher threw the water balloon, but it didn’t make it. The ladies of Asher lost! Manasseh had three points.

Then it was Naphtali and Simeon. Simeon won the round with their powerful throw.

The boys were up. It was Dan and Judah. Judah won. Then Zebulun and Benjamin were playing. Zebulun won.

After that it was another game. From the girl’s side Simeon won and from the boy’s side was Zebulun. These were the champions of 2011 Camp Gilgal water balloon volleyball.

Now they were going to see, was it going to be Zebulun or Simeon. This was an exciting game. It took about 10-15 minutes for one of them to finally win. It was Zebulun!

After Zebulun won, then the staff played. It was men and ladies. The ladies were close but the men won.

Rain at the Creek

Zemeira W., Age 9
Tribe of Issachar

Streetlight told us to put on closed-toed shoes, bug spray, long pants and a jacket. We hiked to the creek. We had fun. We jumped on rocks, stuck our feet in the water, and we sent leaves down the tiny waterfalls. We brought a picnic dinner and water bottles. I liked it very much. I found snails in the water. I was playing in the water when I saw little drops of rain. The clouds in the sky got dark and then it started pouring! I felt so sad, I almost cried. I thought to myself, “How could it be raining in the summer?” We had to hike all the way back up the hill. We came back into the dining hall and sat down – we were soaked! Then we had to go all the way back to our cabin in the rain. We were all scared because of the thunder and lightning. We all got scared. I was thinking what the boys would be saying! Then, later at night when we were all asleep, we woke up to a loud honking! Everybody woke up suddenly – except one person. Then what we discovered was ROOM SERVICE! The staff brought us Taco Bell in the pouring rain! I loved it, and then I was happy. It hasn’t rained at camp since.

Men’s Day

Matthew L,. Age 13
Tribe of Zebulun

After FOB was over, everyone came to line up ready for lunch. We were all ready to go and eat when Diesel came
out of the dining hall announcing that it was Men’s Day by taking off his shirt. Written on his chest was “Men’s” and on his back was “Day.” All the men cheered (as usual), and all the ladies remained quiet (as usual). All the men
moved into the dining hall as all the ladies prepared for horseback riding. It is traditional to boo any of the ladies that come into the dining hall on Men’s Day (except for Poppins, who is our Camp Gilgal mom and takes care of us for about two weeks!). For lunch we ate Sloppy Joes and potato salad. After lunch we went down the hill to the field where we had IDF (Israeli Defense Force) training. We had a relay race which was really tiring. After that we had javelin throwing contests in which we were to throw a softball as far as we could. We then went back to the pool outside the dining hall and played a game where we greased a watermelon and tried to get it to the other side. It’s kind of like soccer, except you use your hands, you’re in a pool, and the ball is a greased watermelon. We then moved from the pool into the dining hall where we enjoyed root beer floats. After that we went outside and played…. Eat That Food! The game is very gross and enjoyable. What happens is you have a bag with some kind of gross concoction in it. Diesel would then call on two volunteers that would come up and bet on how many bites they can eat the food in the bag. The grossest food was sardines mixed with syrup, pickles, cinnamon, and mustard. At the same time we were blowing up watermelons by mixing dry ice with hot water in a water bottle, and then quickly stuffing it into a hollowed watermelon, and then just watch the show. I really enjoyed Men’s Day this year, far above all other years.

Ladies Campfire

Sarah K., Age 13
Tribe of Simeon

The ladies campfire was so nice and beautiful. This year the staff who spoke at the campfire were Hershey and Snapple.

When Hershey spoke and told about how she felt during and after camp it reminded me of how I feel at camp and at home. And she reminded me that God is always with us and God will take care of us. We don’t have to be afraid about anything because God is with us.

When Snapple talked I wanted to cry. When she told about how hard her life was last year it was just so sad and when some of the staff went down to pray for her it was just beautiful. She reminded us that even though hard things happen, we still have hope in Y’shua.

At the end when the campers picked a tribe leader to come pray for them, you could just feel the love that comes from everybody. It is just so nice to know that we all care for each other and that we will always be there when one of us is sad or hurt.

I’m so glad that I went to camp this year and we have such an awesome family at camp.

Swimming in the Sun

Emmalee S., Age 10
Tribe of Naphtali

One of Camp Gilgal’s fun activities is swimming. Gilgal campers go swimming in our pool, or as we call it, the Gunite Pond. There are so many activities to do in the pool. Some of them are monkey in the middle, gymnastics underwater, cannon balls and many more. The pool temperature is perfect. When you get in it it’s a little cold, but it will warm up. Just the other day we made a whirlpool, which is when all the people in the pool swim one way to make the pool go around in a circle. The whirlpool was so much fun, everybody had a struggle when we switched ways swimming. Our Gilgal pool goes from three feet to five feet deep. I love swimming in the pool. In the pool, people like to bring tubes, pool noodles, and snorkel gear. All the girls in my tribe love to swim. There is always a lifeguard on duty, so that we will be safe at all times. The Gunite Pond is an awesome place to be on a hot summer day!

20 Years to Glory

Benjamin W.
Age 15

From the first year playing freeze tag at a small camp in Tuolumne county, to playing Capture the Degel at teen camp, to four-wheeling with adventure camp while traveling up the California Coast. From no one knowing one another to being a family. From a local beginning to becoming an international event. Camp Gilgal has been happening for 20 years, and it is just the beginning.

Everything started in early summer, 1991, when 13 campers attended the first Camp Gilgal at Silver Spur in Tuolumne, California. A year later they first entered Columbia’s Glorious Fourth of July Parade. Throughout the years, many other things have happened, like the start of new camps: teen camp, adventure camp, and WWW (Wonderful Winter Weekend). They have also included new games like Capture the Degel and Mission Impossible.

But this camp is way more than games and a way to get away from it all. It is a place to connect with other believers, make new friends, and learn more about God and life. Camp Gilgal has impacted many campers positively in the name of Yeshua!

Camp is important. We all know “Once part of the Camp Gilgal family, always part of the Camp Gilgal family!” This is why we are all more than just friends…We are Family! Many of us were dramatically affected by camp; no one ever truly regrets their experience here. Lives are changed here, we learn about God love here, we learn to love others, and how God can affect your own life.

This article, being very vague, is a very basic statement of what has happened the past 20 years of camp. It has helped many young believers in Yeshua.

Skit Night

Merekah P., Age 9
Tribe of Naphtali

One of the best things about Camp Gilgal is Skit Night. The Skit Night this year was hosted by Susie and Stella (Poppins and Snapple). They would talk back and forth, and would call people up from the audience to do stuff (like singing). My tribe’s (Naphtali) skit was a restaurant that sold things like salvation and grace. Zebulun’s skit was a Bible story about a left handed man who killed an evil king. In my opinion it was the best skit of the night. It was really funny. They even had a violin in it! Another skit was a show about different beliefs. Part of the skit was a commercial about Justin Bieber (boo!). Issachar’s skit was about friends who broke promises to each other but still forgave each other in the end. A different skit was about three campers whose degel was stolen. They had to go past lots of temptations. It was hard for them, but they did succeed.


Katie S.
Age 13

Every morning after a fierce time of cabin cleaning, campers grab their Bibles and sit by cabin in the meeting hall for Tabernacle. Often it begins with practicing this year’s memory verses, which were Philippians 2:5-11. This is followed by singing several songs of worship. After the Sh’ma, we read from the Bible. This year we went through the book of Mark. Moose gives a very interactive message about our theme, “Called to Serve.” Together, we learn about Y’shua’s love for us and how we can serve Him.

Once, when we were in Yosemite, Moose had Tabernacle outdoors by the Merced River. It felt great to be out in nature while we talked about God. Moose used the river to illustrate his message.

Whether in the meeting hall or at Yosemite, Tabernacle at Camp Gilgal teen camp is very memorable for everyone.

Ladies Day!

Leia B., Age 12
Tribe of Simeon

Ladies Day is always so much fun! My first year of camp we did a Candyland theme. It was really exciting. All the other years were very fun too, but I think this year was the best so far. This year for Ladies Day we did a pajama theme.

We all lined up for lunch and Skye, Amanda, and I said to each other, “I bet it’s Ladies Day.” Then like five minutes later music went on in the dining hall and Poppins and Snapple came down the hill screaming in their PJs. All the ladies started screaming and walked into the dining hall to eat lunch.

After eating lunch we had FOB. It wasn’t very fun because our tribe leaders made us actually have FOB. Nobody in our cabin actually slept, we just passed notes and ate candy.

Later on, the whistle blew and all the ladies came down to swim for a little while. In the middle of swimming they called us all out to do some zumba. Then we went and put on our PJs.

When we got back down to the dining hall, we were so excited to find out what it looked like inside. We walked in and saw a photo shoot set up. The staff did our nails and put tinsel in our hair, and we had popcorn and other good snacks.

When our hair and nails were done, we all gathered around to tell mad lib bedtime stories. We didn’t want the fun to end, but then we heard the guys pull up in the big white vans. As soon as we heard them we all scattered to our cabins to change out of PJs to make Ladies Day remain a secret.

Memory Verse

Rachel A.
Age 13

It’s amazing how easily we forget everything Jesus has done for us. But this year, God wouldn’t let me get away with it. Being the first person to memorize Philippians 2:5-11, this year’s theme verse, I was soon nominated to be one of two verse judges. That means that after campers and staff members had learned the six verses, they would say them to me for approval, and then I would add their names to a list. As a result, I learned quite a few people’s names, had a notebook constantly by my side, eventually broke a pen, and was reminded over and over how much God loves us.

This week, I have been told all day long that Jesus “humbled Himself to death-even death on a cross.” My job was to help people remember that. And without them even knowing, they’ve helped me to never forget.

Knot Tying

Isaiah L., Age 8
Tribe of Benjamin

Knot tying is when Moose teaches campers how to tie knots, such as the figure eight knot, taut line hitch, square knot, and fishing knots. I liked tying knots because you can do a lot of things with the knots. I think I will use these knots for rock climbing and fishing. Moose’s favorite knot is the taut line hitch. I like that knot because you can tighten and loosen it. I like the fishing knots because I can use them for fishing, and I also liked tying them. If you want to learn how to tie knots, you have to learn all the steps. For the square knot, you first have to take the two ends and tie them into a normal know, then you have to do another normal knot in the opposite direction. Then you pull in the opposite direction. Moose said this knot was very useful, but he said the taut line knot was the most useful knot for him. I’m going to teach others how to tie knots because tying knots is really fun. I hope Moose teaches us how to tie more knots next year. It’s been one of my favorite parts of camp, and I can’t wait to do it again.

Cabin Inspection

Austin R.
Age 13

Cabin Inspection, do we hate it or do we love it? It’s suspenseful yet awful. It’s almost impossible to accomplish a perfect score in Cabin Inspection. No matter how much you may try to clean, you will have an infraction. Whether something was disheveled or askew, it’s an infraction either way. Cabin Inspection is one of the most interesting and suspenseful parts of the day!

Cleaning for Cabin Inspection is a long and laborious experience, because, while cleaning, you need to pay attention to everything that IS or COULD BE an infraction. In cabin inspection, everyone needs to work as a team, because, one or two people can’t clean an entire cabin. Working together in this way is very important. 

In general, Cabin Inspection is a challenge that makes us stay clean. It also helps us to work together as one big team. It’s a fun time and everyone helps out to try to be the best cabin!


Nathan B., Age 8
Tribe of Benjamin

I like playing basketball with my friends. It is fun. I had fun playing Knockout with the campers. I interviewed my friend, Danny, and he likes to play Horse and Pig. We played a regular game of Lightning, or “Bump It,” Around the World, and Granny Throw. Sam likes Knockout. I don’t play basketball that often though. I just sometimes like to play. I am very good at shooting the ball. I like playing with Elliot, Danny, Elias, Sam, Garfield, Nacho, Simba, Nathan, Jaden, and Ben. I like playing Knockout. I enjoy playing basketball during free time before I go swimming. I don’t win a lot because there are a lot of tribe leaders playing, but I still have a lot of fun. I also lose sometimes because I get really tired when it’s hot out. That is why I go swimming after I play.

Creek Hike

Isaac J., Age 11
Tribe of Judah

Splash! Through dense undergrowth that is. The creek is fun, but can be dangerous if you’re not careful. You have to travel down rocks, and over wires. It does not run rapidly, but in fact acts more like a pond. Rocks encompass most of  it, creating an algae pond from lack of current. Most of the rocks are at least partially underwater, making them slippery so you have to be careful. Also a wide variety of wildlife live there, including: leeches, tadpoles, frogs, and water spiders. And also probably over about one hundred thousand germs in it, too. It is pretty disgusting, so make sure to take a shower afterwards! Also put bug spray on for sure. This last time it rained and poured, and we all got soaked. It was muddy, rocky, and we were all cold and wet. It was a long trek, and when we got back to the dining hall we got to go and take warm showers, and then we got Taco Bell delivered to us. It was a long day and night, but also a day of history because we got room service! It was a very memorable occasion.

A Poem about the Coffee Cart

By Psalm R.
Age 14

It’s free time and I’m hungry
But the general store is full
There’s a long line for the coffee
But it’s so worth waiting for
They’ve got pretzels, ice cream, soda
And oh so many tasty things
They can make a chocolate milkshake that will give you wings

The sun is getting hotter
And I’m still waiting in line
It is moving really slowly
But we’ve still got some time
There’s other people swimming
Or doing arts and crafts
And thinking on their folly makes me smile; makes me laugh 

I’m almost to the front now
And I’m feeling really fine
I can almost taste the drinks
That they’re blending up inside
Some have things like Oreos
Or Butterfingers (yum!)
But I got one with chocolate and caramel just for fun

Men’s Campfire

Nathan P., Age 11
Tribe of Judah

The men’s campfire is right in front of the cafeteria, with the green benches. Simba did worship for us. He did the songs “Inside Out” and “How He Loves Us.” After worship, Professor spoke about how we should forgive and not try to be perfect, because we all make mistakes. After Professor spoke, Moose said that we should take an intermission. When the intermission was done Moose said the tribe leaders were there so we could go pray with them. When we were done with that we worshiped some more and just praised God. Then we were dismissed to our cabins. I enjoyed the men’s campfire a lot. Isaac H. thinks that the campfire was fun. Techno thought it was spiritually awesome.

Always and Forever (a poem)

Dotti P.
Age 14

God, you’ve watched over me all of my days
Before I knew which path to take
You were there always and forever there

Lord, you knew me before I knew myself
And you saw me before anybody else
You stand by me when I’m on my own
God, because of you, I am found 

At home I feel alone, but with you, God, I feel complete
When I’m sad, Lord, you come and fill me with
Your love, from my nose down to my feet

Your Glory is what draws me near
Your kindness takes away all my fears
Your love takes me from within
You surround me with your greatest blessing

God, you’ve watched over me all of my days
Before I knew which path to take
You are here always and forever here


Malachai W., Age 13
Tribe of Zebulun

Campfire: Campfire is a time when the entire camp goes behind the dining hall to the campfire. One of my favorite things about it is when we worship in God’s creation, which is lots of fun (except the bugs). But the songs make up for that. After worship, one of the seasoned tribe leaders comes forward and shares their testimony with the rest of the camp. So far, Squirt has shared her testimony and after that, a few days later, we had men’s and ladies’ campfire, which is when the ladies go to the lower campfire and the men go to the upper campfire. First we had worship, then Professor shared his testimony. The testimonies are amazing! And they challenge you to live a life more glorifying to God. At the end of the speech, we have open prayer, in which campers and tribe leaders can pray on whatever they want. Or one on one prayer. I love campfire because it gives me a chance to get closer to God. And that is one of the many reasons I like campfire so much.

Golden Pines (a poem)

Moriah J.
Age 16

The pines grow close together
Dark green needle clusters
And scattered trees.
The glowing golden light
Streams through the trees
Streaks of yellow against
Stripes of dark.
Pine needles litter the forest floor
Carpeting it.
Pine cones are scattered across the ground
Not a single pace of ground
Is without one
A spiky seed-filled structure
For decoration.
The light continues to glow
The most brilliant light I have ever seen
Yet soft at the same time
The shafts of light make me
Feel at peace as this poem
Forms in my head,
And fairies pop into my head
I imagine this is an enchanted forest and I cherish the
Drive back from Yosemite

Room Service

Mia C., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

During a historic night of rain at Camp Gilgal, we were all in our cabins in the middle of devotions when a loud beeping noise came from outside. Several of us thought it was Poppins’ car alarm while others thought someone was stealing a car. The few minutes of confusion ended when Streetlight came running down to our cabin holding a bulging bag, while screaming, “Room service!” At first I thought they were going to clean our room until I saw Taco Bell on the bags they were carrying. Although the tribe of Asher already brushed their teeth, we enjoyed the late snack of burritos and tacos. My tribe and I laughed and ate for another 20 minutes before actually going to bed. I was glad that this happened because 1: I was still hungry, and 2: because I would always remember how I was a part of Camp Gilgal’s “thunderstorm moment.” Thank you, Streetlight, and all the other out-of-cabin staff that bought and served each cabin Taco Bell! And from now on, I will remember the difference between “room service” and “housekeeping.”

An Ode to the Memory of FOB

Hannah Y.
Age 15

The fading memory of rest
With sore legs, bruises and sanity being scattered to the wind
The words: flat on bunk, is but a phrase uttered, yet never reached
In the time dusted past of junior camp ‘twas a few moments each day
Of pure unadulterated rest
Only interrupted by the whispers of campers, rustle of papers, and crunches of candy
The fading memory of rest
Teen Camp rushed into our lives, in its full fiery blaze
Burning itself into our lives
We are older, yet maturity is to be questioned
Each day of teen camp is chaos contained, threatening to burst
Packed and hectic, coated in surprise and mystery
A collection of injuries awaits us
A few hours of sleep beckoning us
But the tantalizing F.O.B is no longer
A cobwebbed remembrance
Oh, FOB!
Dearest FOB!
Alas! Alas!
The fading memory of rest
Once I was a foolish child of red cheeks and fancies
A buffoon without appreciation
Wrapped up in excitement
Drunk off the energy of camp
I detested FOB, cursed its existence
Dear FOB, gentle being
FOB cared for my welfare
Gifted my little frame with rest
Fight it I did
But I learned to yearn for its embrace
Appreciate its gentle ways
Love the rustle of notes passed and stifled giggles
Oh, FOB!
Why has teen camp forsaken you?
Thrown you to the wolves
Shunned your sweet approach
Teen camp weaned us off rest
Taught us the way of the zombie
But still in the depths of our soul
The ravines of our thoughts
We honor your existence
Miss your silly acronym
Alas, FOB!
Come back to us!
Come back
The fading memory of rest

Malachai’s Bar Mitzvah

David S., Age 12
Tribe of Zebulun

This year, Malachai had his bar mitzvah at camp. This was a part of Camp Gilgal history. It was the first and only (until now) bar mitzvah held at junior camp. Malachai’s birthday was on July 1, at camp, and since he was turning 13, he had his bar mitzvah here (July 2, 2011). His family came a few days before it. Rabbster, Mrs. Walker, Tirzah, Kezzi, and Talia (Zemeira and Jaden were already here). His parsha was Balak. He read Numbers 22:2-6 in the Hebrew. For his drash, he went through the story of Balaam and Balak. He talked about how God will not let Israel be cursed. Then, since it was Shabbat, Rabbster talked about some verses and the lessons we can learn from them. I am really glad to be Malachai’s friend. Moose called up the “manly tribe of Zebulun” and Chai’s family and we prayed for him. I learned a lot from his bar mitzvah, and I hope that he will grow closer to God as he reaches manhood.

Capture the Degel: A Midsummer’s Camp

Tirzah W.
Age 15 ½

Deep in an enchanted forest, where near the end of the seventh month, a camp took place, thither gathered a great assortment of Jewish youth with amazing gifts given to them by Adonai. When they all came together they were in such unison that none could defeat them! Yet there times they annoyed one another; a great adventure was a battle of chance, and with the rules established the opposing sides: The Men vs. The Ladies. I, being a fairy princess and weaver of Laurel crowns, who laughs almost to a fault, was very eager for the sound of the peacocks tail feathers being pulled, and so the battle began. With my trusted friends, Hadassah and Brooke, we marched along the  fortress to defend our colors from the Men, whilst our stealthy spy plotted the retrieval of the Men’s colors. As we defended our lines, a strange, beardless dwarf rushed from the surrounding tree line. He carried a torch in his left hand and he ran for the fortress gate. He very likely would have made it, had not the quick Vulcan, Ethel-Moriah
overtaken him and tagged him. He was escorted to the damp dungeons. Over and over people on both sides were taken captive, and as Hadassah’s torch began to expire we heard a crash in the brush. They leaped for the intruders to find Poppy, two hobbits, and an elf prince coming to steal the blue flag. Poppy was nabbed by Hadassah; and the elf prince by me, who brought them to the dungeons. I tried to be a kind escort, and tried hard to cause the  prisoners to laugh. Poppy let no one know that she was deathly ill, and as the guards watched the concern, Poppy coughed harshly. Returning to my post, I sang a song from “Singing in the Rain.” Many from both teams were injured from stumbling over rocks in the dark, a few had walked into trees of brambles, but all of the injuries were healed by the fairy camp mother, Poppins. 

In the Ladies prison, Poppy swooned to death, and many mourned her. Only a few moments later, the peacock sounded; the games end a truce. Poppins appeared with a flash of glitter, looked at the lifeless body of Poppy, and announced “Tuberculosis” as the cause of death. The little boys and known girl, Madge-Tamar, wailed. Being moved by their sorrow, the fairy camp mother used her healing powers and a prayer to Adonai, and that spark of life restored Poppy in time for the Mt. Doom hike. There, with talkative Ethel-Moriah and Edith-Hannah (a tree nymph with fae-blood), I befriended the half elf/half hobbit, grandson of Peregrin Took named Faomire-Daniel. As the entire camp crossed a rope bridge that overshadowed a ravine of gushing lava they prepared for combat, and Ethel and I strongly sang Psalm 23. It encouraged their spirits. 

The next day, the camp was invited to a ball, they all danced deep into the dark hours of the night. A few of the men discovered that they were without a disguise and so they used Matt’s helmet as one. I told my friend, Hadassah and Brooke, what fun it looked like and we joined in on the rousing game. When the campers retired to their cabins, they slept as if they were under enchantment. There were many moments of excitement, but overall camp has been a huge part of my life, and although Capture the Degel and a hike, or even a dance party, are not seen as enchanted to some, to me they most certainly are.

Ping Pong

Isaac Y, Age 12
Tribe of Zebulun

Ping pong – the legendary game in which you hit a ball. You must bounce the ball on the other player’s side. It must bounce two times or bounce one time then off the table to get a point. If your opponent fails to return the ball one point is awarded. You can play to 11 or 21 points.

The game is hard. David is amazing at it. The game is really fun. If you don’t bounce it on their side the other player gets the point. You have to win by two points. You have to serve five times, then the next person serves. I enjoy the game a lot as many others do. As with most games, the more practice the better you are. It is really fun to play at free time. I like playing with staff and campers. It’s a great way to bond with your fellow campers.


Camp Gilgal East Teen Camp (July 10-17, 2011)

Called to Serve

(Mark 10:45)

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

The Gilgal Gazette is published by Camp Gilgal campers for Camp Gilgal campers and their families and friends!



Tribe of Issachar: Avishai S., David M., Jacob Z., Levi H., Micah M., Cyclops

Tribe of Judah: Daphne N., Hannah D., Johannah C., Ketzia B.,  Leelle S., Liza C., Rebecca T., Sarah M., Heinz, Chickpea

Tribe of Dan: Ana G., Anaelle S., Dana C., Daniela R., Esther C., Maria K., Tatiana P., Sketch, Reptar

Tribe of Manasseh: Chloe N., Nastasya P., Rachel S., Rena B., Simone P., Violetta M., Cynthia R., Eureka

Out-of-Cabin Staff: Blewish, Tauros, Strings, Twister

Utensil Night

Olivia P., Age 11
Tribe of Manasseh

One night of Camp Gilgal, all the campers came to dinner and Streetlight announced that night’s theme was…. UTENSIL NIGHT! Everybody started screaming and I had no idea why! Then I remembered what my friends Abbey and Lindsay told me about Utensil Night.

That’s when I got really excited. My utensil was a ladle. It was kind of weird because most of the girls in my tribe got ladles, so I think Esquire fixed the bucket of utensils.

Anyways, the ladle was super hard to eat with. One of the ways I got the spaghetti in my ladle is when Bologna used her tongs to pick up and put the spaghetti in my ladle. Another way is just when I used my fingers to kind of push the spaghetti into my ladle.

Here are all the utensils my tribe got: Amanda got tongs, Skye got tongs, Bologna got tongs, Tutu got a spatula, Destiny got a ladle, Judi got a ladle, Lindsay got a ladle, and I got a ladle. Since it was so hard for some of us to eat with our ladles, I think some of us might have lost our appetite. The rest of the night we all tried our hardest to get that food in our mouths. Everyone had a great time struggling to eat and that is what happened on Utensil Night.

Once Upon a Time Night

Skye R., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

My name is Skye R. and I am writing about Once Upon a Time Night. Once Upon a Time Night is when all the tribes dress up as characters from fairy tales. You also have to either do a little skit or just go through your line and say your names at dinner. Here are some interviews. Here is Amanda R. I asked Amanda what her tribe dressed up as, and she told me it was Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Then I asked what her favorite costume was. She said she liked Issachar’s. Finally I asked what Amanda’s favorite part about Once Upon a Time Night was. She said she liked getting all the costumes ready.

Now here’s an interview from Smalls. “What was your favorite part about your tribe’s characters?” I asked. She said she liked that they were blind with walking sticks! Then I asked Smalls what her favorite fairytale was, and she said Snow White and the seven dwarves. Last I asked her what her tribe dressed up as. Smalls said they were the five blind mice, the farmer, and his wife.

So as you can tell, Once Upon a Time Night was really fun! My favorite part was getting to see all the costumes.


Johannah C., Age 13
Tribe of Judah

Chickpea has been at Camp Gilgal for six years and her favorite year at camp was 2005. She knew about Camp Gilgal through some family friends, but her parents also worked for Jews for Jesus for a while. Her favorite teen camp activity is the Decathalon. Her name is Chickpea because she says it suits her. She feels it’s a “superhero identity” for her. She had family at camp with her this year (one cousin at junior camp and five at teen camp!) and she really enjoyed it. She said it was “interesting,” especially since some of them were in her cabin! She loves teen camp the most, and she loved this year at camp because she learned a lot from campers as well as staff.

Her favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11 (“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”), and her favorite book of the Bible is James. If she were
on a deserted island and it flipped over and became a restaurant she said it would be some Thai place that had a healthier kind of pad thai waiting for her. I asked her what was with Strudel, and she said that Strudel wasn’t really her
word, but “Strudel is Strudel.”

Stop and Go Night

Amanda R., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

During Stop and Go Night Streetlight blows the whistle at random times, and that happens everyone in the dining hall has to freeze. When Streetlight blows it again we can resume our dinner. If you get caught moving you lose a utensil! Some people lost all their utensils so they had to eat with their hands.

I asked Skye if she lost any silverware, and she said no. Lindsay said she lost her knife and LaTanya lost her fork.

Sometimes people had to freeze in mid-swallow or when they were drinking. A couple people cheated by taking more than one fork or spoon!

Overall, everyone had tons of fun!!

My Least Favorite Tribe Leader, Strings

Simone P., Age 15
Tribe of Manasseh

(This article was written under very angry circumstances)

I don’t like Strings. She is very mean. You might be wondering what Strings has done that makes her so mean. I can answer that. Strings is making me write this article. Writing is not fun. I do not like to write and Strings is making me write, therefore I don’t like Strings. I am going to hurry up and finish this article so I can go back to my cabin and FOB. YAY! By the way: on particular normal days with normal circumstances and when I am not being deprived from my sleep or forced to write, Strings is awesome!


Simone: My Least Favorite Campers

Out-of-Cabin Staff

[DISCLAIMER: This article was written under emotional duress as a rebuttal to Simone. It is personal.]

Simone is my least favorite camper. The first time we met, she was a cute seven year-old at WWW and she was in my cabin the next year at camp. But that has all changed. Now, she’s been to camp so many times, she thinks she knows everything! She likes to roll her eyes at me and tell me weird things. She might even be an ATL next year! WOW! She’s old!            

Just kidding! Simone is awesome and I love hanging out with her. We’ll see about next year…


Judi W., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

On the Fourth of July we went to Columbia. There were so many things to do. And there were so many stores. And we did the egg toss and we did candle dipping and we got ice cream and shaved ice and soda. It was so yummy. And there were people playing music and I did the watermelon eating contest. It was good and hard. And at the end of the day we ran out of water, and it was not fun at all. But then we got more water, and everyone drank a lot of it because we were so thirsty. We ate lunch there and it was a great lunch. And the Gilgal Bank was brought there with us. And we all had a great time. And we all got a camp picture taken. A couple people stood on a steel roof and I was one of them. It was fun. And a boy next to me had a jar of gems and he put them down, and the water inside the jar was boiling. It was so cool. And while we were there we marched in the Fourth of July parade. We sang songs and wore the same shirts. The shirts are so cool.

Interview with Sketch

Anaelle S., Age 14
Tribe of Dan

I got to interview one of my tribe leaders, Sketch, this year. Sketch came to camp this year because God worked it out for her to only be at teen camp, so she was able to get time off from work to do so. She told me she loves teen camp so she was really glad she could come. Sketch loves to be a tribe leader because it is always fun to be able to share her life with the campers. She said that her campers are cool and hilarious and she loves having the opportunity to help them in their walk with God. She also told me she loves the food!

I also asked Sketch if she liked her cabin this year. Her answer was clear. “The girls were very funny, entertaining, and smart. I had a cabin full of super models who all dressed so well. They taught me how to be cool.” Sketch only drinks
coffee, so I decided to ask her why. She said she drinks coffee because she wants to stunt her growth! She also likes to be awake…all the time!  

I closed the interview by asking Sketch about her favorite activity. She liked all the activities she led: “Supermodeling was deep and profoundly emotional. Superhero/Villan was epic: we battled, used catch-phrases, defeated tentsville
and ate soup.” She also really enjoyed the Bible topics and said she was stumped by us several times, but it was good because she thought about things she had never thought about before. I really liked getting to be in Sketch’s cabin!

A Crazy Night

Elliot K., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

Crazy Hair Night was a great night. Crazy Hair Night is where we make our hair crazy. You can do whatever you want to make your hair crazy! That night was one of my favorite nights. My tribe wore tinfoil on our heads. I tried to make a helmet of a Roman soldier, but it sadly failed. One tribe dyed their hair red. Another tribe put uniforms on and put pony tails on. A tribe put their hair super crazy. I tried to make my hat, the whole entire time that we had to make our hair crazy. I thought that my hat would work really well, but as you know it failed and instead it looked like the iron giant in combat gear. Some people wore really weird and crazy wigs. I thought some people were so clever that they nailed it on being crazy and weird. I thought Crazy Hair Night was a crazy night.

Feed Your Friend Night

Mia C., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

I was so excited when I heard that it was Feed Your Friend Night, because I had a lot of fun with it last year. However, this night was unexpected. It started when the tribe of Asher was picking partners. I was going to ask Waffles to be my partner, but Haneen asked her before me. I asked around, but to my disappointment, everyone already had a partner. Feeling sad and downhearted, I began to feed myself. As soon as I started, Smalls asked if I had a partner, and when I said, “No,” she looked around and saw Ewok recording everyone. Immediately, she asked him if he wouldn’t mind being my partner. “Oh, no!” I thought. How embarrassing! I asked Smalls what she was doing, and she said, “He was the closest person I saw.” From the first moment Ewok came to feed me, I knew this was not a good idea. He sat down and stabbed my fork into my lasagna and made me eat something that was way too big to fit into my mouth. He fed me one bit and then left to continue recording. He came back and forth with the same routine, forcing a huge piece of food into my mouth and then recording some more. Ewok would count the amount of veggies or memorize how much bread was left, and he made me promise not to touch it while he was gone. The mean part was that I had to go through choking hazards, and he cheated and fed himself however he pleased. I was surprised when he came back and fed me dessert. Hopefully, Waffles doesn’t put any of the pictures she took of us anywhere public.

This experience was challenging and fun at the same time. I totally call dibs on someone in my tribe next year!

Why Is The Tent On My Face?

David M., Age 15
Tribe of Issachar

On the night of the campout, the boys of camp (there are five of us and three male guy staff) were thinking of how to prank the girls. And we came up with the idea of unhooking the sticks that hold the tent up. So then the tent would collapse on the girls inside. So the plan was set and we waited till we knew all the girls were asleep. And once they fell asleep, we sneaked up quietly to the first tent and started unhooking the sticks off the tents and then we watched it collapse. All the guys ran away and started laughing hysterically. We then moved on to the rest of the tents and watched them all collapse. Then the girls began to scream because they had no idea what was going on. Some were upset, some were impressed about the prank. But the guys and I were really proud. Guys 3, Girls 0. My point – GUYS CABIN RULES!

Fourth of July Parade

Reuven R., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

In the Fourth of July parade, we sang two songs. One of them was “Prince of Peace” and the other one was “Psalm 23.” They are awesome songs. We were the 30th group in the parade and our feet got really tired. We practiced on the grass near the parade. As we walked in the parade people kept on clapping for us. When we approached the judges we turned toward them and sang “Prince of Peace” and everybody clapped. Then we continued marching and singing in the parade, and everybody continued to clap for us, and then they started cheering and yelling at us because of our great march and singing. It was awesome. We all raised our flags really high and we wore our Camp Gilgal t-shirts and colorful red, white and blue bandanas. We were allowed to wear them anywhere we wanted. We finished walking through Columbia and we got a big huge cheer. After the parade we sat down on benches and ate some lunch. We got the first place award for best singing group. The award is on the Camp Gilgal fridge in the dining hall.

Counselor Hunt

Cyndi R., Age 15
Tribe of Manasseh 

Everyone knows that Counselor Hunt is played at junior camp, but this year it was played at teen camp. It was a very interesting experience, and it hurt my arms very much. This is because Eureka was convinced she was Gollum and obviously, the ring had to be in the opposite direction of the fire pit (where we needed to bring tribe leaders to end the game.) Chickpea was a “hippy-potomus” that was protesting the war; which war, I do not know. Cyclops was a sloth up in a tree that threw twigs and finally threw his watch. We had to carry all three.

The more annoying counselors/animals were…Twister: a mocking-bird; Strings: a copycat; and Reptar: a fainting goat that collapsed at loud noises. Other less annoying ones were Heinz as a bunny that was afraid of open spaces, Tauros as a penguin (don’t ask me), and Sketch who was posing as her 17-year-old cat, Goldstar. I must admit, it was a very nice flashback to junior camp, when Detour had a staring contest with a spider.


Lindsay M., Age 12
Tribe of Manasseh

My name is Lindsay M. and I’m writing about the campfire. The campfire is when the whole camp comes down to the campfire spot and we sing worship songs, campfire songs. Staff will share testimonies. During this particular campfire we sang, “Always Forever,” “Father Abraham,” “I am an M” (you spell out “I am an m-e-s-s-i-a-n-i-c jew!), and many other songs. For the testimonies, Squirt shared about how God is faithful all the time, even when we’re in doubt and in sorrow. Then, after Squirt’s testimony, we prayed. Last we had s’mores. The marshmallows were HUGE! Moose roasted his marshmallow perfectly. First, Snapple and Streetlight called tribes down to get their skewers and giant marshmallows, then we went to the fire pit and roasted them. After that, we got chocolate and graham crackers. And that was the end of the first campfire at camp.


Leele S., Age 12
Tribe of Judah

Teen camp Scream-O was awesome. It was my first time playing, and I got scared by Heinz and Ana because they were so competitive. They rolled the dice so slowly, but yelled if you weren’t moving fast.

The game is stressful but fun. The point of the game is to get rid of all your numbers. You have a partner, and you play against the other team. You roll the dice, and whatever number comes up, you flip that number card over. If you roll the same number twice, then your partner (if he or she hasn’t rolled it yet,) flips over their number card. If your partner already has it flipped, you pass the dice to the other team. The moment both team members have all their cards flipped over, you both shout “Scream-O!” If your group hasn’t finished the game, you add up the total number of points left and whoever’s is lower gets to move up a table toward the number one spot.

The game is very chaotic, fast, and if you are slow then you are ALWAYS yelled at. When I played Scream-O I enjoyed it very much. I got very into the game and screamed, but NEVER as loud as Ana and Heinz – they almost killed people! But don’t get offended – it’s only a game!

Free Time

Isaac H., Age 10
Tribe of Judah

It’s near the end of FOB (Flat On Bunk) time. Then you hear a TWEEEEET!! Immediately, moods change: It’s free time!

Free time is the part of camp that lets you do about anything you want to. Feelin’ competitive? March right up to carpetball. You can also play basketball and ping-pong. If the summer heat is too hard on you, take a ride on the wet slide and jump in the pool. (Watch out for the five-foot deep end, Oy Vey!) And when you feel like not doing anything, you can draw. There’s even a tree you can climb up that’s become a camp hotspot.

To me, free time is the best part of camp. I usually try to have the most fun I can have. The tree is where I spend my free time. I stayed there last year, too.


The Campout

Esther C., Age 15
Tribe of Dan

On Wednesday, we went camping. The car ride was really long, but really fun. When we got to the campsite, it was pouring rain outside so we had a dance party in our van. After the rain stopped, we put up all the tents and played mafia before dinner. Later, after dinner, we all had s’mores, and then a campfire, and then we went to bed. In the middle of the night, Dana and I woke up with our tent in our faces and since it had rained about three times that day, the tent was wet. We heard all the boys outside laughing so we went out in the cold, wet field and found out the boys took down all the girls’ tents as a prank. So we put up our tent and yelled at the boys for a couple minutes because they were standing around telling us to be quiet. I went to my tent after that and tried to go back to sleep. All in all, the campout was a lot of fun, even with the prank.

Big Pool Swim

Isaac H., Age 10
Tribe of Judah

This is the time when all you need is your towel, sunscreen, and swimsuit.

It’s so wet! So cool! So…big! What happens is you leave the Camp Gilgal grounds and go down the hill? You arrive at another campsite. But there’s also a huge pool. And what do you do when you see a pool? Leap, leap, leap!

Then you start to swim. It’s a long distance to the other end, so I like to swim there. Ah, so original, isn’t it? Some people like to play pool basketball, because there’s a basketball net. You can also just do free swim. If you have goggles you can go underwater and watch everybody else swimming.

My favorite thing to do is ‘play shark.’ It doesn’t always work, but what you do is look for someone with their back to you. That’s your ‘victim.’ Then you slowly swim up to them. Finally, when you get close to them, go underwater, then jump up suddenly and yell: “LUNCHTIME!!!” The pool is a wonderful place.

The fish think you taste good!


Sarah M., Age 13
Tribe of Judah

Paintball was awesome! The only downside was getting painful welts on Shabbat. But it was really, really fun being able to go paintballing. The first game we played was some people’s first time playing, but it was still incredibly intense. The second game was very much like the first one. Then we played Capture the Degel. We had to strategize and provide cover for the person trying to capture the actual degel.

Paintball is all about stealth, daring, aim and power. At the end of the activity, there was not one person who had not either shot someone or been shot.


Corey W., Age 9
Tribe of Judah

The campfire was great. We sang songs of praise and we sang happily. People told about their backgrounds during the campfire. Even though it was a little chilly we still had a great time talking to and learning about God. I almost fell asleep but luckily I didn’t. They had surprise s’mores for us, the marshmallows were huge and the chocolate was delicious. I like my s’mores light brown – I had two. That was at the end though. Before that, Squirt shared her testimony, then at the men’s campfire we had so much fun. Professor gave us two of his favorite Bible verses: Romans 8:37-38 and Galatians 5:12. All in all, both campfires were a great time to fellowship. The men’s campfire especially was a great way for the men’s side of camp to bond.

Bows & Arrows: Archery

Avi S., Age 16
Tribe of Issachar

Archery is fun but there are a few problems. There is a net at the back of the range to keep arrows from going into the woods, but it is thin so arrows pass right through it. There are a lot of arrows lost in the woods behind the range, and when we lose arrows for awhile and then find them again, they are usually either broken, bent or misshapen. The other problem is that the bows aren’t strong enough for me.

There are also good things though. You don’t rip your skin when you shoot – it’s because the bows aren’t too intense, the targets are good, and I once got to shoot three arrows in one shot from the bow. When I shot all three at once, I got them all on the target.

Dodge Ball

Jacob S., Age 11
Tribe of Dan

Dodge ball was a fun activity. The best players were Diesel, Nacho, Garfield, Simba, and Esquire. Everyone had a good time! Garfield accidentally hit Danny G. in the ear, but he was fine. When I was playing dodge ball, I got probably 5,000,000 people out. When all of the players of dodge ball got a break, everyone ran to the water fountain to get a drink of the nice cold water. When we went back to playing dodge ball, I cried during the whole game because I stubbed my new toe nail into the wall at the dodge ball courts. The person at the dodge ball courts that got out was Elliot. I felt sorry for him. When we were done playing dodge ball we walked up a hill. When I walked up the hill I had Nathan on my back. That was a fun dodge ball game.

Camp Activites :D

Daphne N., Age 12
Tribe of Judah

During camp, we do a lot of camp activities. These activities are always fun, exciting and sometimes very unique and weird. These activities always take place right after breakfast and there are always at least three of them. The choice is always yours on which activity you want to pick, but one of those three activities must be a Bible activity, and that’s also a really good choice.

Some of these awesome activities include Newcomb, How to Be a Supermodel, Kickball, and How to Be Manly (which was for girls only.) Everyone really enjoyed every activity there was, and we all had a great time participating in all of them. Doing these activities gave us campers a big opportunity to bond with other campers and tribe leaders, while having fun at the same time. I really enjoyed the choice of activities this year and I really hope to continue them next year.


Dinah N., Age 10
Tribe of Asher

Carpetball is probably the most fun game in camp. Every day there is a long line of campers waiting to play. It’s so addicting that it is guaranteed that you won’t be able to stop. Sometimes it can get aggressive.

“It’s the funnest game in the world,” said one of the campers.

The game is simple. There is a long table with a hole on each side. One player has to be on both sides. Each player has five balls. There is one gray ball which you have to try to hit the opponent’s balls into the hole.

“It’s really fun,” said an eight year old camper. “You should try it.”

Carpetball takes place outside the dining hall near the pool area. You can play carpetball anytime you have a break or when it’s free time. When you get in a tie with the other player, you have to get three balls and do it again, and if you have another tie again, then you get one ball for each ball.


Rebecca T., Age 13
Tribe of Judah

This year at teen camp we all did a Gilgal tradition. It was called the 2011 Decathalon* and our team was called Summer Techno Jewstep. We traveled by van to each activity. One of the activities was a donut-eating contest. I ate two and a half! Another event was the one-foot contest. We each had to stand on one foot without falling or putting the second foot on the ground. After 10 minutes, whoever had the most people left on just one foot won. We lost D: One of the other activities was root beer chugging. That was the most painful/disgusting activity because we had to drink sugar-free weight watchers root beer until all 12 cans were empty. After that we had to stack them all up. We lost but there were still other events left to complete. Another activity was making a rap for our team with our team name in it. We lost that one as well. The last two events were making a sombrero out of duct tape in the van, and then catching fireflies. WE TOTALLY WON WITH OUR SOMBRERO. And then we won catching fireflies as well! Even though we lost the decathalon, we all had an awesome time!

*The decathalon actually became a septathalon.

Horseback Riding

Haneen R., Age 10
Tribe of Asher

On Men’s Day, the ladies go horseback riding. When we got there we ate lunch. Then the tribe of Issachar went horseback riding, then the tribe of Naphtali, then Manasseh, then my tribe, Asher. We had lots of fun. Streetlight came with us. We sang worship songs. We were right by a cliff, and it was scary. Then a deer ran right in front of my tribe mate’s horse. We were so scared. When we got back we went to a pretty little creek and next to it was snow. I almost fell in the creek. Then we did zumba on the snow. I love horseback riding. It was sooooo much fun. I can’t wait until next year.

White Water Rafting

Jacob Z., Age 15
Tribe of Issachar

A few days ago, Levi, the rest of camp and I went white water rafting. It was fun! We had to go for 15 miles, so when we got to the end it felt very nice. A lot of people on my raft went to sleep before the end. The water was cold; I found out by getting pulled in. We were going over level 4 rapids and it was scary when we had to duck down – I thought for sure I would fall out. Our tour guide was really cool too. His name was Marty and he had a way with his words, especially when there were a lot of bugs. It was one of my favorite parts of camp, but after the trip, my butt and feet were sore. The whole trip was fun!


White Water Rafting

Ketzia B., Age 13
Tribe of Judah

Hey! My name is Ketzia and I am going to tell you about white water rafting. Every year at teen camp, we go on the same field trip and it’s a white water rafting trip. The night before that, we camp out at a campsite about two hours away from Camp Gilgal. The next day, we drive to the rafting place.  

I have to admit that at first I was really scared! I was shaking. When I got on the raft though, it was so much fun! Riding the rapids was so much fun and it was crazy! Paddling was also fun but so exhausting! In the calm water, we “fell out” and went for a swim! It was a totally awesome trip. It was awesome because our raft was great and worked together well. The rapids were so fun and crazy to ride! Swimming in the water was really fun, but the water was really gross. We did this thing called surfing in the raft and we all got so wet! I was so tired that I fell fast asleep when we came back.


Levi H., Age 15
Tribe of Issachar

This was my first year at Camp Gilgal East; usually I go to Midwest. At Midwest, we didn’t do too much pranking, but here, my cabin spent a lot of time planning pranks, preparing for pranks, or doing pranks. The first prank we did was on the night of the big campout. We were planning on dragging the tents around with the girls in them while they slept, but it ended up being impossible due to weight. Instead, I had the idea to take out the girls’ tent stakes and collapse the wet tents on them as they slept.


Camp Food

Monique L., Age 9
Tribe of Naphtali

The Camp Gilgal food is delicious! They have theme nights, and something called cuppage at lunch. Cuppage is where you bang your cup on the table in a loud and fast but orderly way. They have delicious spaghetti. They have dessert every day. They also have a salad bar. In the morning they have fruit juice and in the afternoon, fruit punch, and at dinner, there is water. Water is supplied throughout the day. The dining hall is warm. They have special pancakes on Shabbat with strawberries. There are always vegetarian meals, such as PB sandwiches, tofu, salad and veggie burgers for people who want them. You can ask someone to sit with your table. Ewok, Snapple, Moose and Streetlight serve food. We also compliment people, make jokes, or sing to be first to eat. You can always have seconds or thirds if you are still hungry. Meals are so fun that you never want them to end.

High Tea

Dana C., Age 14
Tribe of Dan

On Shabbat, one of the available activities was High Tea. In this activity, we got dressed up in fancy clothing. We sat around a table with a dressy tablecloth and drank sweet tea with our pinkies up! We also had some cookies, biscotti and chips to nibble on. Every woman there looked dashing and glamorous. We all had a lot of fun fooling and joking around, while talking in funny accents and telling jokes. Fellow campers stopped by our activity to share some food and give their opinions on our activity.

Later in the hour, we were taking pictures and acting silly. Camp Gilgal is a time for all of the campers and staff to grow close to God and learn and grow closer to Him while having so much fun and participating in silly activities. Next time
you go to Gilgal, partake in High Tea and have a blast at all the activities!

The Camp Gilgal Store

Madison H., Age 9
Tribe of Naphtali

The Camp Gilgal store is so fun. There are drinks, candy, toys, and more! There are sodas, AirHeads, candy burgers, teddy bears, toy dogs, wolves, fish, deer, and rocks. There is a bank that you can get your money out of. Streetlight, Moose, and Snapple run the store. Poppins runs the dry goods part of the store for some toys like kites, bows, and ribbons. I bought a bear, some candy, a water gun, and a soda. They sell Twix, Milky Way, the Three Musketeers, M&Ms, big water floaties, water balloons, water guns, bubble blowers, water noodles, water blasters, and girls’ and boys’ toy bags. The Camp Gilgal store was open on Skit Night and they made popcorn. The popcorn was delicious. They have fuzzy wuzzies and popsicles. The store has fudge, rice crispies, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and more food, so please come to Camp Gilgal.

Party Van!

Nastasya P., Age 15
Tribe of Manasseh

So it’s my first and last year of camp because I’m 15 years old. On the way to the campout, I picked the blue 15-passenger van because it’s a cool color and Tauros and Chickpea were in that van. Reptar’s van was the wanna-be party van. They only danced whenever they saw us.

Anyways, in the “Real” party van, we listened to Dubstep and we jammed out to other cool music. And we took like fifty million random pictures. And on the way there we played the waving game.


The REAL Party Van

Masha K., Age 14
Tribe of Dan

You probably read the article by Nastasya. Well, it’s a lie. Strings’ and Reptar’s van was the REAL party van. All the other vans just slept and listened to junk. We listened to awesome music off of Reptar’s iPod the whole way. The music was blasting and we were dancing to cool music. OUR van was the REAL party van. It was really fun.

Don’t believe Nastasya!

Mail Call

Michael K., Age 9
Tribe of Benjamin

At the beginning of mail call everyone is excited. Mail call is when people get mail that was sent to them. Snapple and Diesel were running around like crazy. I thought it was really funny. A lot of people got packages and letters. They brought Julia up to the front to spin around when tribe leaders get mail. After that, finally I got mail. I got a letter from my parents and they said that they missed me very much. Also, I got a package that had stuff for Columbia. There were also all sorts of candy. So far I’ve got about four or five cards and one package. When Moose was called on, which happened many times, he sprinted and looked hilarious as he kept almost running into people. A lot of the other campers got mail, too. Some of them got multiple cards and boxes, and some only got one. Sometimes Snapple and Diesel get a little mixed up, because one of the times they called Sarah’s and my name by accident. But altogether, they do a really great job doing mail call. And I’ve enjoyed mail call and hopefully I get more mail next year.


Tatiana P., Age 13
Tribe of Dan

This was my first year at teen camp and it was so fun! One of my favorite activities was the Decathalon. A Decathalon is when you have different activities you drive off-camp to do and you have to try to win as many activities as you can to beat the other team. My team was STB (Shakin’ Turkey Bacon.) The first competition was to find all the letters of the alphabet on the road. Then after that we had a race where we all had to eat at least one doughnut and we lost because of me. Then we had more activities to do, like making a rap with our name in it. Our rap won! We were the best and the other teams stunk! GO SHAKIN’ TURKEY BACON!

Arts and Crafts

Danny G., Age 9
Tribe of Benjamin

I like arts and crafts because you can make lots out of art; like you can make ice cream out of paper. I have been working on a cow. I am making it out of white and black paper. It’s turning out good so far. I also have been working on a mosaic. To make this piece of art I have been cutting pieces of paper to form a peace sign. Then I picked the tiles I needed. After that I stained the frame. And then I glued the tiles down. I waited for the glue to dry overnight. The next day we spread grout over the tiles and then scraped it off. Once I finished scraping all the extra grout off, I sponged it so I can see the tiles. Then I put it on the done table for the tribe leaders to polish them. And then I climbed a tree.

Tribe Degels

Kayla H., Age 8
Tribe of Issachar

Our degel was cool, pretty, and lovely to look at. Our tribe’s name is Issachar. Issachar means sun. On the degel the girls in my tribe wrote their names on it. We also put the ocean on it. The paint for the sun was bright yellow, orange, and gold. The ocean was painted blue.

Our degel was white so it looked nice. We had a lot of colors to choose from, but we thought white would look good. It is very beautiful. Every tribe in camp has to pick a tribe name. Each tribe name is one of the tribes of Israel. Issachar was our favorite because we love the sunshine. I help paint the sunrise and the ocean. Our flag is really wonderful to look at. We took it back to our cabin and we take it everywhere with us. It really represents our tribe well.

How to Be a Hypochondriac

Cynthia R., Age 13
Tribe of Manasseh

This year at Teen Camp, Austin, Joy and I went to an activity called “How to Be a Hypochondriac with Red Sox.” We thought of symptoms and went through a book that Red Sox got from Speedy. It’s called “The Complete Manual of Things That Might Kill You.” If you have a cough then you might have asbestosis. If your eyes are red then you might have leptospirosis. And if you have discolored feet, then you might have carotenemia. We also made up some diseases. For example, the rapid aging of the nose is tachypaleorhinitis and the slow greening of the ears is bradyavrichlontis. During our stay at Camp Gilgal, Twister contracted tachycubitolysis, which is the rapid destruction of the elbow. Get well soon, Twister!


Abbey M., Age 12
Tribe of Asher

Worship is a time to sing and praise the Lord. Streetlight always leads worship. She has an amazing voice. Some of the songs we sing are: “Always Forever,” “Psalm 23,” “Prince of Peace,” “The Stand,” “Cannons,” “Inside Out,” “The Happy Song,” “Marvelous Light,” and many more wonderful songs with beautiful meanings. Streetlight plays the acoustic guitar, Simba plays the bass guitar, Professor plays the piano, and I play the frame drum. It’s so beautiful to see everybody participating during that happy time we have with God. I asked some people questions about worship, including Smalls and Hershey to conclude the article.

First, I asked Smalls what her favorite song that we sing during worship was. She replied, “They would have to be Psalm 23 and Always Forever.”

Then I asked Hershey why worship was so special to her. She answered, “Worship is special because I love music, and it’s amazing listening to everyone praise God.”

Tribe Time

Micah M., Age 15
Tribe of Issachar 

Tribe time was fun this year because we had a tribe of five campers. We went “flower picking” on multiple occasions and I picked some flowers. The first time we went I picked a total of 18 flowers. It was very fun. When we got back to camp, we told all the girls that we’d gone flower picking, but they didn’t believe us. The reason why we went out on such an awesome tribe time trip is because we had an epic tribe leader, Cyclops. He is cool and awesome – as are all of the tribe leaders.

By the way: flower picking is actually LAZER TAG.


David S., Age 12
Tribe of Zebulun

Shalom! Hebrew at Camp Gilgal is fun and a good way to learn Hebrew. Our teacher, Freckles, divided the Hebrew class into two sections: Alef and Bet. Hebrew is suitable for people who don’t know any to people who are learning new words and sentences. Alef is for learning the alef-bet and vowels. Bet is for the more experienced. Bet reads about Sherei, the llama. Once during Hebrew, one of Freckles’ friends brought some llamas. He told us about them and we got to pet and feed them. One day, we also watched Shalom Sesame, which is the Hebrew/Israeli version of Sesame Street. It was a movie on Hanukah to help kids learn Hebrew and have fun. It was kind of funny, too. I am really glad that we have Hebrew at camp. This is where I learned my alef-bet and a lot of words.

Hebrew is so fun! Freckles’ Hebrew is helpful. I like to learn it.

A Personal Testimony

Chloe N., Age 15
Tribe of Manasseh 

Every year, Camp Gilgal is always the highlight of my summer. I look forward to all the activities, seeing all my friends, and especially reconnecting with God. The reason I say “reconnecting” with God is because throughout this last year, I basically ignored God. I rarely opened my Bible, never prayed, and all I cared about was my social life and friends. I went to a congregation as much as possible, but I never really paid attention and forgot everything I learned. However, this summer, when I came to camp, everything the tribe leaders taught hit me, and I really understood. I learned a lot about Jesus, and to follow God’s path because He does have something planned no matter how shaky your future looks. Also, I learned that we should put aside all worldly values and try to live to please God. I’m positive that this lesson will guide me through life and down God’s path.

Meal Traditions

Olivia P., Age 11
Tribe of Manasseh

Camp Gilgal’s meal traditions are super fun and interesting at the same time. For example, before every meal all the tribes say something together to declare who goes in first. Also, everyone asks out of cabin staff members to sit with them for the whole meal.

During lunch time, all the tribes sit down and do cuppage. Cuppage is where everyone takes their cups face down and bang it on a table to a beat. The beat gets faster and faster until it’s just a bunch of cups being banged against the table.

Before every meal, we always say the kiddush, the hamotzi, and we pray. Also, after every dinner, Snapple and Diesel yell…. MAIL CALL!!! We have a spinner that does a special spin for the staff when they have mail. The campers do a certain clap for other campers when they get mail.

After all the normal mail is done being called we have BONUS ROUND! Bonus round is like packages and packets. Those are Camp Gilgal’s meal traditions. 

My Last Year in Teen Camp

Violetta M., Age 15
Tribe of Manasseh

My last year of teen camp was awesome. We’ve done so many things…we went to so many places: the campout, the septathalon, paintball, white water rafting, and hiking. It was so much fun and I had the best last year of teen camp ever! I will most definitely miss everyone. Knowing everyone here makes it feel like a second home. We have people from everywhere: New York, Florida, New Jersey, Michigan, and Canada. It’s really cool to see people from half way across the country come to this amazing camp. And hopefully people will still be coming =D

I’ll miss everyone!

Tribe Devotionals

Josh L., Age 10
Tribe of Judah

Every night after dinner everyone goes back to their cabin and gets ready for showering and brushing their teeth. Everyone gets back to the cabin and we all get ready for lights out. Everybody gets in bed for tribe devotionals. Some are interesting and some are boring.

Some are long and some are short. Some are fun and some are not. Sometimes people fall asleep. Sometimes they happen late and have to be short. If they start early we can have long ones and sometimes they can be fun.

Sometimes we have games at night and can’t do devotionals. After the devotionals we pray.

Everyone prays to learn more about God and for everyone to have good health.

The devotionals help me learn more about God. Some of the devotionals talked about how God is faithful and provides for us when we need. It also tells me how to pray. The devotionals make me feel better and closer to God.

The Strudel Commandments

Rena B., Age 15
Tribe of Manasseh

There are many rules to Strudel. The first is if Thou has nothing Strudel to say, don’t say Strudel at all. The second is Thou shall not eat from The Strudel of Knowledge. The third is Thou shall only say “Strudel” five times a day. The fourth is Thou is allowed to say “Strudel” more than five times a day if Thou are explaining the Strudel Commandments. The fifth commandment is Thou is only allowed to explain The Strudel Commandments if Thou are Tauros or Cyclops. The sixth is Thou shall keep the Strudel Passover holy. The seventh rule is if you say “Strudel” more than five times a day, Thou shall feel the wrath of The Strudel Creator. The eighth is that the origin of Strudel is a mystery. The ninth is that Strudel doesn’t need a ninth commandment.

The final commandment is Strudel is Strudel.


LaTanya H., Age 11
Tribe of Asher

Everyone loves FOB except for most of the campers. But one day the campers of Asher had a lot of fun during FOB. (We messed around a lot.) Waffles was trying to sleep, but she couldn’t because of us. While Haneen was asleep, Abbey started smacking her stuffed rabbit. Haneen wouldn’t wake up so we decided to have fun with that. We took a picture of her and some parts of our cabin. Then all of a sudden Waffles got up and said, “You guys HAVE to be quiet so I can SLEEP!” So we were quiet… for about a minute. (Just in case you were wondering, Smalls was asleep the WHOLE time.) I (LaTanya) got down from my bunk bed to get my water bottle because I was coughing. So I opened it and started drinking… then when I wasn’t paying attention I spilled the water all over me! (It was COLD.) Those were some things that happened during Asher’s FOB (not really flat on bunk).


Hannah D., Age 13
Tribe of Judah

Tabernacle is awesome! It’s a time every day just before dinner when we can be with God. I really enjoy the worship. I love the messages that Twister has been giving too. We’ve been going through the book of Mark.

I never realized how truly human Jesus was. This book was written by one of Y’shua’s close friends. Y’shua made a HUGE sacrifice for us. He healed so many people and I truly learned the concept of “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Tabernacle is an amazing part of camp. Whoopie!


Haneen R., Age 10
Tribe of Asher

Tabernacle is something we do every morning. First in Tabernacle is worship, beautifully done by Streetlight playing guitar and singing, and Simba playing guitar and singing. Also, my tribe mate, Abbey, plays the drums. Professor plays the piano as well. We usually sing one of these songs: “The Happy Song,” “Psalm 23,” “Always Forever,” “Prince of Peace,” and “Every Move I Make.” After worship we say the Shema. Then Moose comes up and gives us a very interesting, funny but serious Bible lesson. Yesterday we talked about creation. Today we learned about Adam and Eve from Genesis. This year’s theme is God’s faithfulness from generation to generation. After Moose gives a Bible lesson we are excused to then have Hebrew and craft.

Camp Gilgal: Teen

Liza C., Age 14
Tribe of Judah

Teen camp is a place where you can have a lot of fun but still be in a godly environment and grow in your relationship with Him. A normally scheduled day at teen camp would go like this: lineup, breakfast, three activities in the morning. Then lunch, swimming, tribe time, chill time, dinner, some mystery activity, then campfire, devotions and lights out. Tribe time is when you get to spend time with only your cabin and in chill time you can hang out with other cabins. During the campfire, we sing and a staff person gives a sort of message. This happens every night.

Our irregular days, however, were so much different. One day, we went out on a campout after lunch. The next day, we went white water rafting for most of the day. When we were camping, the boys pranked us by taking the poles out of our tents. My tent, however, did not get touched. After the rafting trip, we went back to camp, watched a movie, and went to sleep. The next day was Friday, the night of our Shabbat service.

All in all, teen camp was, as Tauros would say, “Totally Strudel!”

The Newbie on Campus

Dani R., Age 13
Tribe of Dan

Going to camp for the first time can be nerve-wracking for some, but overwhelmingly exciting for others. For me, it was a mixture of both. Since camp is super far from where I live, being away from my parents for the first time was something I wasn’t sure how to feel about. But then again, I thought and still think it’s awesome to be able to meet a whole new group of believers that are also Jewish!

At camp we do awesome activities that make Camp Gilgal super unique. I would never have thought you could learn to be manly and learn about Messianic prophecy all in two hours! At teen camp, we get a lot of freedom, and it makes me feel trusted. The people you meet here are amazing and I love spending time with them. On top of that, we can always count on an uber good meal. One of the best parts of camp though, is being able to get closer to God through it all.

What I Found

Mekerah P., Age 9
Tribe of Naphtali

I looked around. Was someone saying my name? It was coming from the woods. I listened very carefully, but it was only the wind in the trees. Then I saw something. Was that a cow? It wasn’t moving, so maybe it was dead. I went to get my tribe leader, and she said I could go look at it if she was with me. When I got there it looked like a sink without a faucet. I was about to head back to my cabin when something else caught my eye. It looked like a roof. I was about to go explore it when the lunch whistle blew. After lunch and FOB (Flat On Bunk), I finally got to explore it. Turns out it was a storage shed filled with hay and logs, but it still was a good adventure!



Masha K., Age 14
Tribe of Dan

This year at teen camp we had FOB. FOB stands for Flat On Bunk. It’s usually in the middle of the day when all the campers and staff have nap time. Sometimes campers aren’t tired during FOB so they can write letters or do something else as long as they stay in bed and stay quiet. We don’t usually have FOB during teen camp because it’s more of a junior camp thing, but this year everyone was really tired so we did it once on Saturday. FOB usually lasts for an hour at junior camp, and happens after lunch and swimming. At teen camp, it was about an hour after lunch and Gilgal Gazette time. The junior campers don’t appreciate FOB but once it’s gone, they’ll want it back. During junior camp I thought FOB was boring and a waste of time. Now I still think it’s boring, but I understand that some campers really need it.

Storm Poem

Julia K, Age 12
Tribe of Simeon 

Thunder and lightning,
It can be very frightening.
The rain pouring down,
Till it hits the ground.
Though we try to keep dry,
Rain makes it look like we cry
From the ground steam does rise.
And a Taco Bell surprise,
Making us well fed
Then we cozy up in our bed.


Ana G., Age 14
Tribe of Dan

Shabbat is an awesome time of the week because it is a time for us to refocus ourselves and focus fully on God. We also have the boys serve the girls water during dinner and clean the tables. It’s a time we can all relax and take it easy. The girls also get to take shower and wear skirts and do our hair in pretty ways. After dinner, we have a worship service when we do liturgy, which is another way we can grow closer to God. After the liturgy, Twister shared a Shabbat message with us. This year, it was from the book of Mark. Before the end of Shabbat, we walked up to Sunset (our campfire ring) and Twister told us to contemplate what Jesus had to do to die for us. Once we were at the top of Sunset, we prayed and the staff said the Aaronic Benediction so that we could go in peace.

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